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Commons:Правительственные работы

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Government works and the translation is 55% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Government works and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Правительственные работы - это работы, сделанные для национального или регионального правительства, или работы, авторские права на которые принадлежат национальному или региональному правительству.

Законы разнятся от страны к стране. Некоторые виды правительственных работ могут быть свободны от авторских прав, а другие - могут быть защищены. Обычно законы, постановления и решения судов свободны, но это не всегда так. Обычно брошуры, официальные портреты и прочие произведения защищаются авторскими правам, но и это не всегда так. К маркам, валюте, флагам или прочему могут применяться особые правила. Разные законы могут применяться к национальным и региональным правительствам и различным административным единицам.


  • В Соединённых Штатах работы, созданные Федеральным Правительством США, находятся в общественном достоянии. Однако, работы штатов и местных правительств часто являются объектом авторских прав (смотрите COM:US/ru#Works by the US Government).
  • In the United Kingdom most government works are protected by Crown copyright and Parliamentary copyright, but some are free under the Ordnance Survey OpenData licence or the Open Government Licence (see COM:UK).
  • In France laws, decrees, court decisions and other similar government texts (but not the translations or commentaries thereof) are in the public domain. Other government works are generally protected by copyright (see COM:France).
  • In Germany works that contain a "normative or individual legal stipulation" are free, as are official works published in the official interest for general information purposes, but non-literary works such as stamps or currency may be protected (see COM:Germany#Official works).

Refer to the Commons:Copyright rules by territory/country pages (listed at the foot of this page) for the rules that apply to government works in the given country or territory.

Sample rules

Following are sample extracts from pages that describe copyright rules by territory, illustrating different rules for government works. Many other territories have rules specific to government works.

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COM:GVT Australia


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COM:GVT Brazil


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COM:GVT Costa Rica


Нет доступной информации

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COM:GVT Iceland


  • Acts, regulations, administrative provisions, court rulings and similar official documents, as well as official translation of such documents, are not copyrighted.[73/1972-2018 Art.9]
  • In addition, unless prohibited by court order, it is permissible to print, make an audio recording, or otherwise copy and present proceedings of public meetings of official representatives and documents publicly submitted during such meetings which concern such representatives, and "debates on questions concerning the public good which take place at gatherings to which the public has access or are broadcast".[73/1972-2018 Art.22]

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Works created by or on behalf of either the government, the former national Fascist Party, an academy, or private legal entities of a non-profit-making character of Italy, have 20 years of duration of the rights [633/1941 art. 11, 29]

Therefore, the theory that a 70-year rule applies to works of the Italian government is unproven and has been disputed. See Commons:Deletion requests/Category:PD Italy.

According to the discussion at Commons:Village pump/Copyright/Archive/2023/10#Italy FOP again and artwork copyrights supposedly held by city councils of Italy, buildings and monuments commissioned and paid for by the Italian state (including regions, cities etc.) are also official works (government works), and the copyright in these cases is held by the state or its respective subdivision. This interpretation is backed up by legal guides and verdicts by italian courts.[1]

According to article 52, paragraph 2 of the Digital Administration Code, data and documents published by Italian public administrations without any explicit license are considered "open by default" (with exception of personal data). In this case, data and documents without explicit license can be used for free, also for commercial purpose, like CC-BY license or with attribution.


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COM:GVT Kiribati


Under the 2018 Act, "work" does not include any work that is an official text, or a translation, of a legislative, administrative, or legal nature.[2018 Art.3] These are not protected.

Under the former Copyright Act 1956 of England,

  • For literary, dramatic or musical works made by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty or a Government department, copyright (a) where the work is unpublished, subsists so long as the work remains unpublished, and (b) where the work is published, subsists for 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published.[1956 Sec.39(3)]
  • Copyright in an artistic work to which Her Majesty is entitled subsists for 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.[1956 Sec.39(4)]

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Copyright protection extends to work which is eligible for copyright and which is made by or under the direction or control of the Government of Malta. [415/2000-2011 Art. 6(1)]

  • Databases and literary, musical or artistic works are protected for 70 years from publication.[415/2000-2011 Art. 6(2)]
  • Audiovisual works are protected for 70 years after the death of the last survivor of the principal director, the author of the screenplay, the author of the dialogue and the composer of music specifically created for use in the audiovisual work.[415/2000-2011 Art. 6(3)]
  • When an unpublished work whose copyright has expired is published, the work is protected for 25 years from publication.[415/2000-2011 Art. 6(4)]
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COM:GVT Mexico


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Under the Copyright Act 2019,

  • Copyright in a typographical arrangement of a published edition subsists for 25 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.[2019 Sec.15(3)(a)]
  • Copyright in any other work subsists for 100 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.[2019 Sec.15(3)(b)]

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COM:GVT New Zealand

Новая Зеландия

Under the New Zealand Copyright Act of 1994 as of 30 December 2018,

  • Where a work is made by a person employed or engaged by the Crown ... the Crown is the first owner of any copyright in the work.[1994-2018 Sec.26(1)]
  • Crown copyright shall expire ... at the end of the period of 100 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work is made.[1994-2018 Sec.26(3b)]
  • Some government publications are not subject to copyright, including bills, acts, regulations, court judgments, royal commission and select committee reports, etc.[1994-2018 Sec.27]

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COM:GVT Philippines


Works made by the government, or by government employees, are not protected by copyright:

No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. No prior approval or conditions shall be required for the use for any purpose of statutes, rules and regulations, and speeches, lectures, sermons, addresses, and dissertations, pronounced, read or rendered in courts of justice, before administrative agencies, in deliberative assemblies and in meetings of public character.[8293/2015 Section 176.1]

The clause for prior approval is determined to be a non-copyright restriction and can be safely ignored for the purposes of Wikimedia Commons by policy. Therefore works of the Philippine Government is considered to be under the Public Domain. See discussion for {{PD-PhilippineGov}}.

The government may acquire copyright in a work, which will continue to last for the normal duration:

Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Government is not precluded from receiving and holding copyrights transferred to it by assignment, bequest or otherwise; nor shall publication or republication by the government in a public document of any work in which copyright is subsisting be taken to cause any abridgment or annulment of the copyright or to authorize any use or appropriation of such work without the consent of the copyright owner.[8293/2015 Section 176.3]

For further information, refer to:

Philippine News Agency content -  Unsure

The website of the Philippine News Agency contains terms of use stating that content on the website can only "be downloaded or printed for your own personal and non-commercial use only of not more than five (5) articles/photos per day." It adds that commercial use requires "written consent of NIB-PNA." The News and Information Bureau of the Philippine government repeats this copyright claim: "All contents of this site are protected by Philippines copyright laws under Republic Act No. 8293, known as the Intellectual Property (IP) Code of the Philippines, and may not be reproduced, distributed, altered, published or broadcast for commercial use without prior permission from PNA and its mother unit, the News and Information Bureau (NIB). However, the public may freely use PNA news contents with proper attribution for personal use only particularly in disseminating latest articles for public consumption in social media such as Facebook and Twitter." See also: Category:Philippine News Agency-related deletion requests.

Provincial government websites

Official websites of some Philippine provinces bear copyright-related terms of use, such as those of Agusan del Sur and of Iloilo, notwithstanding what is dictated in the law that no copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government.

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COM:GVT Singapore


Under the Copyright Act (Chapter 63) as amended up to 2018,

  • A literary, dramatic or musical work made by or under the direction or control of the Government is in the public domain if 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published by or under the direction or control of the Government.[63/2006-2018 Section 197(3)(b)]
  • An artistic work made by or under the direction or control of the Government is in the public domain in the following situations:
    • If it is a photograph —
      • made before 10 April 1987, 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.[63/2006-2018 Section 197(4), 231]
      • made on or after 10 April 1987, 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published.[63/2006-2018 Section 197(4A)]
    • If it is an engraving, 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published.[63/2006-2018 Section 197(4A)]
    • If it is an artistic work other than an engraving or a photograph, if 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.[63/2006-2018 Section 197(4)]
  • A cinematograph film made by or under the direction or control of the Government is in the public domain in the following situations:[63/2006-2018 Section 197(5)]
    • If it was made before 10 April 1987, it is an original dramatic work that is in the public domain, and photographs forming part of the film are also in the public domain (see the preceding paragraphs).[63/2006-2018 Section 233]
    • If it was made on or after 10 April 1987, 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published.[63/2006-2018 Section 88,93]
  • A sound recording made by or under the direction or control of the Government is in the public domain in the following situations:[63/2006-2018 Section 197(5)]
    • If it was made before 10 April 1987, 70 years have passed since the expiration of the calendar year in which the recording was made.[63/2006-2018 Section 219(4), 232]
    • If it was made on or after 10 April 1987, 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the recording was first published.[63/2006-2018 Section 92]
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COM:GVT Tuvalu


Under the Copyright Act 1956 of England,

  • For literary, dramatic or musical works made by or under the direction or control of Her Majesty or a Government department, copyright (a) where the work is unpublished, subsists so long as the work remains unpublished, and (b) where the work is published, subsists for 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published.[1956 Sec.39(3)]
  • Copyright in an artistic work to which Her Majesty is entitled subsists for 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.[1956 Sec.39(4)]

См. также


Some citation text may not have been transcluded
  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Passeri
  2. National Guidelines of Agency for Digital Italy
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