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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:License laundering and the translation is 69% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:License laundering and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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Laundering is the process of using a mechanism to remove an undesired trait. Clothes laundering may take the form of a washing machine (mechanical mechanism) to remove dirt (undesired trait). Money laundering may take the form of purchasing a gift card with a stolen credit card (transaction mechanism) to remove traceability (undesired trait). So too is license laundering: taking an image with a non-free copyright status (a disallowed, thus undesirable trait) and uploading it, without permission from the copyright holder, to a website that claims to release it under a free license.

License laundering is particularly common with photo sharing websites that allow their users to specify a free license for their images, such as Flickr or Picasa Web Albums. For this reason, the term Flickr washing to refer to license laundering via Flickr is also frequently used.

License laundering is problematic because it falsely presents as genuine a license for which the true copyright holder has not given their permission. Laundered licenses are thus difficult to detect as copyright violations, and indeed deceive good faith users who accept the illegitimate licenses at face value.



ライセンス・ロンダリングを見つける方法は幾つかあります。最も簡単な方法の1つは画像検索です。表題や説明文のキーワード、 TinEyeGoogle 画像検索のような画像検索サービスを使って、元となった公式のウェブサイトが見つかるかどうかを調べましょう。出所が紙をスキャンしたものであっても、通常、出所を偽装したファイルはウェブ上のどこかで入手できます。



For works that are published on a third-party platform such as YouTube or Flickr from an account claiming to belong to an organisation or well known person, check if the account is "Verified" by the third-party platform. The absence of a "Verified" status is not by itself problematic, but rather provides some weighting to arguments about whether license laundering may be occurring.

For works that are published on a third-party platform such as YouTube or Flickr from an account claiming to be officially affiliated with an organisation or well known person, check if the official webpage for the organisation or person has a link to the third-party platform account. Otherwise, check if the official social media accounts or blogs of the organisation or person are sharing content from the third-party platform account. Such links either prove or disprove a connection between the organisation or person and the third-party platform account.

