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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Sound Logo Vote and the translation is 57% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Sound Logo Vote and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Notice Well played Wikimedia. 2065 votes cast for the Sound of all Human Knowledge. Learn more. Thanks to your participation, we have a sound logo:

歡迎來到維基媒體嘅聲撈稿設計比賽嘅投票站,你喺爾度可以聽齊 10 件入圍作品,了解點樣投票,然後投票!⸺咁就一齊來幫我哋揀 「全人類嘅知識」 用乜嘢聲來代表啦!


投票喺世界協調時 2022年12月6號, 00:00 開始, 2022年12月19號, 23:59 完


我哋問全世界畀一個聲撈稿畀維基媒體嘅所有計劃⸺然後個世界真係答咗我哋!感謝各位參賽者,我哋收到來自 135 個國家嘅超過 3000 份參賽作品,所以心情非常興奮!我哋收到嘅參賽作品首先由一班維基媒體嘅義工篩選,然後由 MassiveMusic 嘅一羣專業音響人同專業音樂人評審,經過幾輪評選之後,由維基媒體社羣成員同專業音響人組成嘅評審委員會揀咗 10 件入圍作品,就係下面列出嘅 10 件。




  • 冇喺多過一個維基被人封
  • 唔係機械人
  • 喺世界協調時 2022年12月5號, 23:59 之前開戶,又或者之後開戶但係喺任何一個維基做過至少 10 次編輯



首先,未投票之前要聽齊入圍嘅 10 件作品,然後撳熒幕底下嘅 「我要投票!」,然後按你嘅判斷排好入圍聲撈稿嘅名次。

Here are the steps to do so:


  • 作品嘅創作概念乎唔乎合維基運動嘅理念?即係,作品表唔表現到 「信得過」、「靠得住」、「開放」 同 「知識係人人都可以有」?
  • 似唔似係原創,獨一無二嘅作品?
  • 覺唔覺得佢會易入腦、易上口?

按你嘅判斷排好名次之後,撳 「Submit your vote」。



「全人類嘅知識」 設計比賽入圍作品

編號 參賽作品 創作自述 聽落似乜
AC54 我嘅創作靈感就係 「全人類嘅知識」 爾句,所以我想帶出嘅係例如普世性、合作同探索之類嘅主題,而表達嘅方法就係用唔用嘅東西方樂器,kaa3 lang1 咁由低音去高音彈五音音階嘅五個音,表示維基媒體嘅親切同人人都用得到。 A mixture of different instrumentation, all playing individual parts of a whimsical melody. Each note is panned left or right, and the notes are played in close sequence. Many parts forming a whole.
BY23 My sound logo represents the joy and fulfillment that people around the globe ultimately experience as a result of the growing accessibility of human knowledge. My inspiration for the music came from the soundtrack of Spanish national TV show "Saber y Ganar" and Nintendo's Brain Training series. A quick, effervescent arpeggio played on a soft, warm synth sound. This is layered with some textural foley sounds, and tails off with the sound of a human crowd, and a child laughing.

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom." – G.W. Carver (1864–1943), scientist and inventor

That’s the ultimate objective of the Wikimedia movement: to open the door to all. We all need to take initiative. We need to knock. For as long as there are questions, we will need answers!

A door knock sound, matched with a simple rising piano arpeggio, ending with a simple bell ring. It feels open and curious.
FM76 The backbone of my sound logo is the first 20 pitches of the harmonic series presented as a rapidly ascending arpeggio. This sonic phenomenon does not conform to equal temperament, so I carefully tuned every microtone. Free, open and truly universal: this is the sound of all human knowledge. A deep clang starts the sound, followed by a quickly rising, almost magical string/piano glide up to a peak point. There is also a clock ticking sound introduced over the latter half.
GX13 My sound logo means a journey and a meeting point in the field of knowledge. To ask ourselves where we come from and where we are, to value the importance of having the tools to access information and culture in a transparent, truthful, instantaneous way, through a sound as common as computer keys. A bright piano arpeggio, played in a wistful, dreamlike way. Merged with the sound of hands typing on a keyboard and finalised with a short, strong string pluck.
JW08 My sound logo aims to show the power of different elements (voices) becoming one thanks to a unifying factor (the chord) and then bringing life to something new. At first, they enter one by one, but then you hear only one unified sound: the sound of a living thing, made up of many little efforts. A panning, digitised choral ensemble, layering up to make a large, complex, full major chord. There is also a guitar strum played underneath, which is followed by the same guitar sound, reversed, rising up to the end.

"Humans are the core of technology, and technology is the core of today's knowledge".

This sound logo contains the sounds of a computer and humans, interacting with each other. At the end, a computer mouse click closes the question that moved us to learn more about a topic.

A collection of fast, percussive, syllabic voices singing 'ti’, ’qui’, ’ta’ and ‘ca' back and forth to imitate keystrokes on a computer keyboard. The sound pans between the left and right speakers. The chant ends with a mouse click sound.
PK62 I was inspired by the principle of accessibility of knowledge. Knowledge of Wikimedia is used by voice assistants to answer queries, which are also sent by people with disabilities, including visually impaired people. It’s important for them to know that the information comes from reliable sources. A natural drum beat, very stripped back and simplistic. There is then a rising four note melody, played on a digital sounding kalimba, that feels dreamy, warm and inviting.
UN03 This sound logo represents the spark you get when you finally understand something after hours of research, these "lightbulb" moments. My main inspiration was from my own experiences in school. I wanted to take the listeners on a journey of research and discovery, all within 4 seconds. High pitch piano twinkles, and an undulating, lower string pattern providing a backbone. Layers of hands typing, paper turning, and a mouse clicking syncopate with the instruments. Ending on a final high, revealing note.
VQ97 The sound of a page turning instantly communicates information being consumed, and the sound of knowledge continues to grow. A shutting book signals it is all contained within. A brief pause creates space to announce "Wikimedia" in a memorable five-syllable melody welcoming all to come learn. A page turning, merged with a complex synth pad, building and growing using resonant harmonic overtones. Finishing with a simple five-note melody, played on an organic sounding synthesiser, layered with a keyboard click.

投票喺世界協調時 2022年12月6號, 00:00 開始, 2022年12月19號, 23:59 完