Commons:Divulgació de les contribucions pagades

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Paid contribution disclosure policy and the translation is 33% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Paid contribution disclosure policy and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Shortcut: COM:PAID

La comunitat de Wikimedia Commons no requereix cap divulgació de les contribucions pagades pels seus col·laboradors.


The terms of use for Wikimedia require disclosure for paid contributions, but allow project communities to adopt an alternative policy. Wikimedia Commons has done this following the discussion leading to the adoption of this policy.

This means disclosure for paid editing on Commons is not required, but editing without disclosure of payment remains disallowed on any project that hasn't adopted an alternative policy. As of February 2019, only Commons, Wikispecies, Mediawiki and Wikibooks in Russian have adopted an alternative more relaxed policy. The alternative policies on Wikipedia in French, Russian and Italian require disclosure of payment.

See also this related essay: Guidance for paid editors