User:Spinster/Europeana Art History Challenge/By date, only with images

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Liberty Leading the People (1830)
Eugène Delacroix
Department of Paintings of the Louvre

Lindisfarne Gospels (0715

No/unknown value
Eadfrith of Lindisfarne
Cotton library
British Library

Cave of Altacosa (-130th millenium)
No/unknown value

Las Meninas (1656)
Diego Velázquez
Museo del Prado

The Fighting Temeraire (1834)
J. M. W. Turner
National Gallery

Sistine Madonna (150s)
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

The Wounded Angel (1903)
Hugo Simberg
Finnish National Gallery

Saint Jerome Writing (160s)
Heritage Malta

The Embarkation for Cythera (1717)
Jean-Antoine Watteau
Department of Paintings of the Louvre

Gabrielle d'Estrées et une de ses sœurs (1594)
No/unknown value
Department of Paintings of the Louvre

Lamentation of Christ (1483)
Andrea Mantegna
Pinacoteca di Brera

Codex Mariendalensis (1320)
National Library of Luxembourg

A Militiaman Holding a Berkemeyer, Known as the ‘Merry Drinker’ (160s)
Frans Hals

Christ Carrying the Cross (150s

Hieronymus Bosch
Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)

Cellini Salt Cellar (1543)
Benvenuto Cellini
Kunsthistorisches Museum

The Kiss (1907)
Gustav Klimt

Ghent Altarpiece (1432)
Jan van Eyck
Hubert van Eyck
St Bavo Cathedral

Tahitian Women on the Beach (1890)
Paul Gauguin
Musée d'Orsay

The Last of England (180s)
Ford Madox Brown
Birmingham Museums Trust

The Flight into Egypt (1658)
Nicolas Poussin
Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon

The Third of May 1808 (1814)
Francisco Goya
Museo del Prado

The Kiss (1859)
Francesco Hayez
Pinacoteca di Brera

Sidereus Nuncius (1610-03-13)

Reliquary of St. Maurus (13th century)
No/unknown value
National Heritage Institute

A Journalist Lecturing on the Orrery (1766)
Joseph Wright of Derby
Derby Museum and Art Gallery

The Marriage of the Virgin (1504)
Pinacoteca di Brera

Supper at Emmaus (1606)
Pinacoteca di Brera

The Ancient of Days (1794)
William Blake
British Museum
Glasgow University Library
Library of Congress
Houghton Library
Fitzwilliam Museum

The Hay Wain (1821)
John Constable
National Gallery

The Wayfarer (1500)
Hieronymus Bosch
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Jacques Goudstikker collection

Třeboň Altarpiece (1380)
Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece
National Gallery Prague

Madonna with Canon Joris van der Paele (1436

Jan van Eyck
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie

Cancioneiro da Ajuda (13th century
14th century)

Biblioteca da Ajuda

Self-Portrait with Fur-Trimmed Robe (1500)
Albrecht Dürer
Bavarian State Painting Collections

Battle of Grunwald (1878)
Jan Matejko
National Museum in Warsaw

The Elevation of the Cross (160s)
Peter Paul Rubens

The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (1608)
St. John's Co-Cathedral

Berthe Morisot with a Bouquet of Violets (1872)
Édouard Manet
Musée d'Orsay

Bible of Borso d'Este (1455)
Taddeo Crivelli
Franco dei Russi
Guglielmo Giraldi
Girolamo da Cremona
Biblioteca Estense Universitaria

Portrait of Louis XIV (170s)
Hyacinthe Rigaud
Department of Paintings of the Louvre

Saint Vincent Panels (1450)
Nuno Gonçalves
National Museum of Ancient Art

The artist's garden at Giverny (1900)
Claude Monet
Musée d'Orsay

The Red Tree (1909)
Piet Mondrian
Kunstmuseum Den Haag

St. Mark Preaching in Alexandria (150s)
Gentile Bellini
Giovanni Bellini
Pinacoteca di Brera

Jason with the Golden Fleece (1803)
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Thorvaldsen Museum

The Concert of the Angels (1608)
El Greco
National Gallery of Athens

Walk on the mountain (1909)
Joaquín Sorolla
Sorolla Museum

The Entombment of Christ (1570)
El Greco
National Gallery of Athens

View and Plan of Toledo (160s)
El Greco
El Greco Museum

A nude woman doing her hair before a mirror (1841-09)
Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg
Hirschsprung Collection

Łaski's Statute (1505)
National Museum in Kraków

Battle of Orsha (1525

No/unknown value
National Museum in Warsaw

Polish Hamlet. Portrait of Aleksander Wielopolski (1903)
Jacek Malczewski
National Museum in Warsaw

Still Life with Sweets (1676)
Josefa de Óbidos
Biblioteca Municipal Braamcamp Freire

An amateur concert (1882)
Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro
Chiado Museum

The Dying Dandy (1918)
Nils von Dardel
Moderna Museet

The Mother of God of Trakai (15th millenium)
No/unknown value

Kreeta Haapasalo Playing the Kantele in a Peasant Cottage (1868)
Robert Wilhelm Ekman
Finnish National Gallery

Out into the World (1889)
Maria Wiik
Finnish National Gallery

Road in Häme (1860)
Werner Holmberg
Finnish National Gallery

España ­artística y monumental (1842)
Genaro Pérez Villaamil

The Reception of Lord Byron at Missolonghi (1861)
Theodoros Vryzakis
National Gallery of Athens

Girl in a White Kimono (1894)
George Hendrik Breitner

The Tower of Babel (1563)
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
Kunsthistorisches Museum

Rudolf II of Habsurg as Vertumnus (1590)
Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Apocalipsis of Lorvao (1189
12th century)

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo

Jean Wauquelin presenting his 'Chroniques de Hainaut' to Philip the Good (1447)
Rogier van der Weyden
Royal Library of Belgium

The Threatened Swan (1650)
Jan Asselijn
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands

View of Haarlem from the Northwest, with the Bleaching Fields in the Foreground (16th century)
Jacob van Ruisdael

The Art Gallery of Jan Gildemeester Jansz (170s)
Adriaan de Lelie
Amsterdam Museum

Self-Portrait (1933)
Vilho Lampi
Finnish National Gallery

Álbum Salón (1897)

Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach (1893)
Peder Severin Krøyer
Skagens Museum

The Kitchen Maid (1651)

The Luxembourg Gardens, Paris (1887)
Albert Edelfelt
Finnish National Gallery

View from the Artist's Window (1825)
Martinus Rørbye
Statens Museum for Kunst

The Town (1903)
August Strindberg

Inger on the Beach (1889)
Edvard Munch
Art Museums of Bergen

Madonna (1894)
Edvard Munch
National Gallery of Norway
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

The Scream (1893)
Edvard Munch
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Pornocrates (1878)
Félicien Rops
musée provincial Félicien Rops
French Community of Belgium

Rhythms (1934)
Robert Delaunay
National Museum of Modern Art

Tuvstarr is still sitting there wistfully looking into the water (1913)
John Bauer
Malmö Art Museum

Pietà (1633)
Jusepe de Ribera
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Karin by the shore (1908)
Carl Larsson
Malmö Art Museum

A Young Artist (Ditlev Blunck) Examining a Sketch in a Mirror (1826)
Wilhelm Bendz
Statens Museum for Kunst

Amalienborg Square, Copenhagen (1896)
Vilhelm Hammershøi
Statens Museum for Kunst

The Destruction of Sodom And Gomorrah (1852)
John Martin
Laing Art Gallery

The Artist's Mother Ane Hedvig Brøndum in the Red Room (1909)
Anna Ancher
Statens Museum for Kunst

The Sculptor Jens Adolf Jerichau, the Artist's Husband (1846)
Elisabeth Baumann
Statens Museum for Kunst

At the French Windows. The Artist's Wife (1897)
Laurits Andersen Ring
Statens Museum for Kunst

Faun and Nymph (1940)
Edvard Weie
Statens Museum for Kunst

Liber viaticus of Johannes Noviforensis (130s)
Meister des Liber viaticus des Johannes von Neumarkt
National Museum Library

The Bells (1914)
Ilmari Aalto
Finnish National Gallery

The Grey Dance (1928)
Väinö Kunnas
Finnish National Gallery

Hearing the Homework (1923)
Yrjö Ollila
Finnish National Gallery

Seated Lady (1913)
Valle Rosenberg
Finnish National Gallery

The fountain of youth (1546)
Lucas Cranach the Elder

Schönberg family (1907)
Richard Gerstl

The Ironer (1912)
Rik Wouters
Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

Worn Out (1889)
H. A. Brendekilde
Kunstmuseum Brandts

Male Back With a Flag (1504)

Wing of a European Roller (1500)
Albrecht Dürer

The Greeks and the Trojans Fighting over the Body of Patroclus (1836)
Antoine Wiertz
Musée des beaux-arts de Liège

Saint Cecilia of Rome (1824)
François-Joseph Navez
Beaux-Arts Mons

Erma River by the Town of Tran (1910)
Nikola Petrov
National Art Gallery of Bulgaria

An Italian Woman with Children by a Stream (1862)
Johann Köler
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Coastal landscape (Fishermen going home) (1841)
Eugen Dücker
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Landscape with a red cloud (1913)
Konrad Mägi
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Camel (in Rhythmic Landscape with Trees) (1920)
Paul Klee
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Death of Dragut (1867)
Giuseppe Calì

Book of Hours of Leonor de la Vega (1468)
Willem Vrelant
Biblioteca Nacional de España

De aetatibus mundi imagines (1545)
Francisco de Holanda
Biblioteca Nacional de España

Young Gypsy Woman (1870)
Carl Huns
Latvian National Museum of Art

Night Travellers at a Cross (1880)
László Mednyánszky
Slovak National Gallery

To Boyfriend (1900)
Jozef Hanula
Slovak National Gallery

Christening in Tanum Church (1892)
Harriet Backer
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Portrait Group with the Artist’s Father, Brother and Sister (1558)
Sofonisba Anguissola
Nivaagaard Museum

Ten Women of Stralsund (1571)
Melchior Lorck
Statens Museum for Kunst

Old Pine Trees (1865)
Lars Hertervig
Museum Stavanger

Last Supper (1535)
Grão Vasco
Grão Vasco National Museum

The Appearance of the Angel to St. Roch (1584)
Gaspar Dias
Igreja de São Roque

The Crucifixion (14th century)
Andreas Pavias
National Gallery of Athens

Hell (1932)
Eduard Wiiralt
Art Museum of Estonia

Farmhouse with a Stove (1935)
Karl Pärsimägi
Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Death playing chess (1480)
Albertus Pictor
Täby Church

Boys drawing (1864)
Sofie Ribbing
Gothenburg Museum of Art

Venny Soldan-Brofeldt, Artist (1886)
Hanna Hirsch-Pauli
Gothenburg Museum of Art

Passionate lovers (1770)
Johan Tobias Sergel

Portrait of a violinist (1773)
Anne Vallayer-Coster

The Ha'Penny Bridge, Dublin (1818)
Samuel Frederick Brocas
National Library of Ireland

Four Element Composition (1930)
Mainie Harriet Jellett
Irish Museum of Modern Art

Double Portrait (1754)
Alexander Roslin
Gothenburg Museum of Art

The Mystical Wedding between the Bishop and the Abbess of Pistoia (1894)
Kristian Zahrtmann
Bornholm Art Museum

Nightmare (1800)
Nicolai Abildgaard
Sorø Art Museum

Midsummer Night near Vejle Fjord (1904)
Harald Slott-Møller
Vejle Museum of Art

A burial mound from ancient times by Raklev on Refsnæs (1839)
Johan Lundbye
Thorvaldsen Museum

A Baptism (1888)
Michael Peter Ancher
Ribe Kunstmuseum

Self-portrait with soft hat (1900)
Julius Paulsen

Evening Play in Svanninge Hills (1900)
Fritz Syberg
Faaborg Museum

Tupi woman (1641)
Albert Eckhout
National Museum of Denmark

The Maiden of the Grave. Triptych (1919)
Kristjan Raud
Art Museum of Estonia

Lithuanian girl with Palm Sunday Fronds (1844)
Kanuty Rusiecki
Lithuanian Art Museum

The White Apple Tree (1932)
Antanas Samuolis
Lithuanian Art Museum

Sonata of the Stars (1908)
Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis
M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum

The Danse Macabre (1475

No/unknown value
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

The Visitation (1506)
Master MS
Hungarian National Gallery

Japanese Woman (1871)
Bertalan Székely
Hungarian National Gallery

The Balloon (1878)
Pál Szinyei Merse
Hungarian National Gallery

Pilgrimage to the Cedars of Lebanon (1907)
Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka
Hungarian National Gallery

Winter at the Sognefjord (1827-02)
Johan Christian Dahl
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Madonna with Machine Gun (1932)
Kārlis Padegs
Latvian National Museum of Art

Princess with a Monkey (1913)
Janis Rozentāls
Latvian National Museum of Art

The Gauja Valley (1891)
Jūlijs Feders
Latvian National Museum of Art

Bathing Boys (1900)
Johann Walter-Kurau
Latvian National Museum of Art

Winter (1910)
Vilhelms Purvītis
Latvian National Museum of Art

Refugees (1917)
Jēkabs Kazaks
Latvian National Museum of Art

Immaculate Conception (1652)
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla

Mural paintings at the Chapel of Saint Casimir (1692)
Michelangelo Palloni

Persian Envoys before the King of Ethiopia (1785)
Franciszek Smuglewicz
Lithuanian Art Museum

Scythian Messengers Meet the Persian King Darius I (1785)
Franciszek Smuglewicz
Lithuanian Art Museum

Os galgos (1911)
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso
Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian

Soup of the poors in Arroios (1813)
Domingos Sequeira
National Library of Portugal
National Museum of Ancient Art

The Madonna Enthroned between St. Catherine and St. Elizabeth from Hungary (1497)
Master Martin
Slovak National Gallery

Cat among roosters (1710)
Jakob Bogdani
Slovak National Gallery

Portrait of a Man (Selfportrait) (170s)
Jan Kupecký
Franz Anton Palko
Slovak National Gallery

Mourning portrait of K. Horvath-Stansith, maiden name Kiss (160s)
No/unknown value
Slovak National Gallery

Landscape with Flowers (1930)
Zoltán Palugyay
Slovak National Gallery

Market in Banska Bystrica (1889)
Döme Skuteczky
Slovak National Gallery
Central Slovakian Gallery

Head of a clown (1937)
Joseph Kutter
National Museum of Archeology, History and Art

Choix des plus belles fleurs et de quelques branches des plus beaux fruits (1827)
Pierre-Joseph Redouté

View of the city of Luxemburg from the Fetschenhof (1870)
Nicolas Liez
National Museum of Archeology, History and Art

The Isolation (1892

Fernand Khnopff

Evangeliary of Averbode (1150)
No/unknown value
University of Liège

Armour (1926)
Ragnhild Keyser
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Stetind in Fog (1864)
Peder Balke
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Picture clock with Alster panorama (180s)
No/unknown value
Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte

Concentric Group (1925)
Oskar Schlemmer
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Hortus semper virens (1829)
Johann Simon von Kerner

Blue horse (1912)
Franz Marc
Saarland Museum

Selfportrait at 6th wedding anniversary (1906-05-25)
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum

Madonna and Child (1875)
Vasilis Michaelides
State Gallery of Contemporary Art

Madame Récamier (1825)
Antoine-Jean Gros
Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters

Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac (1715)
Federiko Benković
Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters

Altar Wings of Roudníky (1486)
No/unknown value
Hussite Museum in Tabor

The Dirge in Psara (1888)
Nikiforos Lytras
National Gallery of Athens

Behold the Bridegroom Arriving (180s)
Nikolaos Gyzis
National Gallery of Athens

The Straw Hat (1925)
Nikolaos Lytras
National Gallery of Athens

The Weir (1913)
Dominique Lang
National Museum of Archeology, History and Art

God the father - Arise (1904)
Stanisław Wyspiański

Portrait of the artist's father (1848)
Giuseppe Tominz
National Gallery of Slovenia

The Card Players II (16th century)
National Gallery of Slovenia

Iusticia (1559)
Pieter Brueghel the Elder

Luxuria (1557)
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
Prints Department of the Royal Library of Belgium

Wooded Landscape with a Herdsman Seated (1748)
Thomas Gainsborough
Gainsborough's House

The Simpleton (1777)
Franz Xaver Messerschmidt

Judith and Holofernes (1626)
Valentin de Boulogne

Saint George on Horseback (1658)
Mattia Preti
St. John's Co-Cathedral

View of Mt Triglav from Bohinj (1861)
Anton Karinger
National Gallery of Slovenia

Ideal landscape with a young man killing a snake (1810)
Franz Caucig
National Gallery of Slovenia

Early Evening Landscape (1850)
Sándor Brodszky
Slovak National Gallery

Catalogue of the Archbishops of Gniezno (1531)
Jan Długosz
Stanisław Samostrzelnik
National Library of Poland

Staging Point (1941)
No/unknown value
Jewish Historical Institute

Risen Christ (1620)
Guido Reni

St John the Baptist Wearing the Red Tabard of the Order of St John (1671)
Mattia Preti

Umar Defeats a Dragon (1577)
MAK - Museum of Applied Arts

Dobreyshovo Gospels (13th century

SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library

Miscellany (1796)
Priest Puncho
SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library

Alexandria Codex of Sofia (140s)
No/unknown value
SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library

Portrait of Mrs. Stefka Georgieva Otmarova (1915)
Aneta Hodina
Sofia University

Daskal Philip Psalter (1692)
Sofia University

Lucifer (1890)
Franz Stuck
National Art Gallery of Bulgaria

Saint Jude Thaddaeus (130s)
Theodoric of Prague
National Heritage Institute

Great View of Prague (1649)
Wenceslaus Hollar
Collection of the National Museum

Saint Sebastian (1912)
Bohumil Kubišta
National Gallery Prague

Portrait of the Gem-Cutter Dionysius Miseroni and His Family (1653)
Karel Škréta
National Gallery Prague

Sleepwalker (1925)
Jindřich Štyrský
Moravian Gallery in Brno

Ride of the Kings (1897)
Joža Uprka
Moravian Gallery in Brno

An Overshot Mill in Wales (Aberdulais) (1847)
James Ward
National Library of Wales

Portrait of Dr Richard Price (1784)
Benjamin West
National Library of Wales

Dolbadarn Castle (1800)
J. M. W. Turner
National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection

Miss Catherine Jones of Colomendy, near Mold (1740)
Richard Wilson
National Library of Wales

Portrait of Sir John Williams (1900)
Christopher Williams
National Library of Wales

Vase of flowers (1910)
Gwen John
National Library of Wales

Willows at Chiajna (1905)
Ștefan Luchian
Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca

Girls Spinning at the Gate (1885)
Nicolae Grigorescu
National Museum of Art of Romania

Portrait of Lady Roxanda (1526)
National Museum of Art of Romania

Last Judgment (1535)
Toma din Suceava

Bellringer of Caernarvon in costume of trade (1870)
John Cambrian Rowland
National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection

Shane Williams (2012)
David Griffiths
National Library of Wales

Fishing (1767)
François Boucher
Palace of Versailles

Portrait of Goffredo Mameli (1849)
Roberto Bompiani
Museo Centrale del Risorgimento

Sodom and Gomorrah Burning (1842-05-24)
Picu Pătruţ
Romanian Peasant Museum

Cartilla Escolar Antifascista ({{{p571}}})
Walter Reuter

Charity of St Thomas of Villanova (160s)
Melchiorre Cafà

Front Elevation for a Monument to the Unknown Soldier (1917)
Antonio Sciortino

Giant Bible of Echternach (10th century)
No/unknown value
National Library of Luxembourg

Apollo - the Copernican Solar System (1905)
Stanisław Wyspiański
Medical Society House

Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child (Van Steffeswert) (1500)
Jan van Steffeswert
Bonnefanten Museum

Flower-holder (160s)
De Grieksche A

Valcavado Beatus (0970)
Biblioteca de Santa Cruz

The Spider (1884)
Nikolaos Gyzis
National Gallery of Athens

Winter Night in the Mountains (1914)
Harald Sohlberg
National Gallery of Norway
National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

End of auto-generated list.