Category:The Fountain of Youth by Lucas Cranach (I)

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Lucas Cranach the Elder: The fountain of youth  wikidata:Q20828882 reasonator:Q20828882
Lucas Cranach the Elder  (1472–1553)  wikidata:Q191748
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Alternative names
Lucas Cranach
Description -German painter, drawer, printmaker and court painter
Date of birth/death 4 October 1472 Edit this at Wikidata 16 October 1553 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Kronach Edit this at Wikidata Weimar Edit this at Wikidata
Work location
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q191748
 Edit this at Wikidata
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Der Jungbrunnen Edit this at Wikidata

The fountain of youth
title QS:P1476,de:"Der Jungbrunnen Edit this at Wikidata"
label QS:Lde,"Der Jungbrunnen Edit this at Wikidata"
label QS:Les,"La fuente de eterna juventud"
label QS:Lfr,"Fontaine de jouvence"
label QS:Leu,"Betiereko gaztetasunaren iturria"
label QS:Last,"La fonte de la mocedá"
label QS:Lru,"Источник вечной молодости"
label QS:Llv,"Mūžīgās jaunības avots"
label QS:Lbg,"Фонтанът на младостта"
label QS:Lda,"Ungdommen springvand"
label QS:Lja,"若返りの泉"
label QS:Lca,"La font d'eterna Joventut"
label QS:Lel,"Η Πηγή της Νεότητας"
label QS:Lsk,"Prameň mladosti"
label QS:Lnn,"Ungdomskjelda"
label QS:Lnb,"Ungdomskilden"
label QS:Lnl,"De Fontein der Jeugd"
label QS:Lit,"La Fonte della giovinezza"
label QS:Lcs,"Pramen mládí"
label QS:Luk,"Фонтан молодості (Кранах Старший)"
label QS:Len,"The fountain of youth"
label QS:Lsv,"Ungdomens springbrunn"
Object type painting Edit this at Wikidata
Genre mythological painting Edit this at Wikidata
Date 1546 Edit this at Wikidata
Medium paint on lime panel Edit this at Wikidata
Dimensions height: 120.6 cm (47.4 in) Edit this at Wikidata; width: 186.1 cm (73.2 in) Edit this at Wikidata
dimensions QS:P2048,+120.6U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+186.1U174728
institution QS:P195,Q165631
Current location
Accession number
Object location
52° 30′ 29.9″ N, 13° 22′ 04.1″ E Edit this at Wikidata Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo
Object history Zugang: 1830, vorher Königliche Schlösser Berlin
Exhibition history
Inscriptions Signature and date bottom center
Notes Friedländer, Rosenberg (1978) Nr.: FR407

Aufstellung des Deutschen Museums im Pergamonmuseum, Raum 12, Cranach-Kabinett 1930 - 1937
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Cranach Digital Archive
Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur, object 02554127
Web Gallery of Art
Hartlaub, Gustav Friedrich: Lukas Cranach d. Ä., Der Jungbrunnen, 1549, Berlin 1943 (online)
Koepplin, Dieter; Falk, Tilman; Lukas Cranach: Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik; Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Basel 15. Juni bis 8. September 1974 (online S. 26)
Authority file
Other versions
<nowiki>La fuente de eterna juventud; Fontaine de jouvence; Betiereko gaztetasunaren iturria; La fonte de la mocedá; Источник вечной молодости; Der Jungbrunnen; Mūžīgās jaunības avots; Фонтанът на младостта; Ungdommen springvand; 若返りの泉; Prameň mladosti; Ungdomskjelda; Ungdomskilden; De Fontein der Jeugd; Ungdomens springbrunn; Pramen mládí; Фонтан молодості (Кранах Старший); The fountain of youth; La Fonte della giovinezza; Η Πηγή της Νεότητας; La font d'eterna Joventut; dipinto di Cranach il vecchio; peinture par Lucas Cranach l'Ancien; Cranach Zaharraren margolana; pintura de Cranach el Viejo; quadre de Cranach el Viejo; Gemälde von Lucas Cranach dem Älteren; pintura de Cranach, O Velho; Lūkasa Krānaha Vecākā glezna; картина от Лукас Кранах Стари; maleri af Cranach den ældre; obraz od Lucasa Cranacha staršieho; måleri av Lucas Cranach den eldre; maleri av Lucas Cranach den eldre; schilderij van Lucas Cranach de Oude; obraz od Lucase Cranacha staršího; taolenn gant Lucas Cranach an Henañ; cuadro de Cranach el Viejo; картина Кранаха Старшого; painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder; pentraĵo Cranach; πίνακας του Κράναχ του Πρεσβύτερου; målning av Cranach den äldre; Fonte della giovinezza|ja; Der Jungbrunnen; Jongbronnen; La font de la Joventut; Fontána mládí; Der Jungbrunnen; The Fountain of Youth; Der Jungbrunnen; Der Jungbrunnen; Η πηγή της νεότητας; The Fountain of Youth and Der Jungbrunnen</nowiki>
The fountain of youth 
painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder
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Instance of
Main subject
DepictsFountain of Youth and dance
Made from material
  • paint
  • lime panel (painting support)
Inventory number
  • 1546
  • 186.1 cm
  • 120.6 cm
Different from
official website
Map52° 30′ 29.9″ N, 13° 22′ 04.1″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q20828882
VIAF cluster ID: 207945460
GND ID: 4567782-7
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