Pronunciation of the name of Gullfoss
[edit]Location of Gullfoss
[edit]The waterfall is situated at the southern end of Kjölur highland road, and not far from one of the biggest ice caps of Iceland, Langjökull.
Localisation of Gullfoss
Kjölur highland road
Panoramics of Gullfoss
[edit]The waterfall has two steps, about 10 m and about 20m high each, over which the waters tumble down into the over 70 m deep canyon of Hvítárgljúfur.
The waterfall seen from the view point next to the coffeeshop
The walls of the canyon consist mainly of lava.
Upstream impressions of the river Hvítá
Rapids in the river Hvítá upstream of the waterfall
The upper part of Gullfoss
[edit]An erosional step of 11 m.
Impressions of both parts of the waterfall
[edit]The two steps form an angle of about 90°. Faults and contrasting lithologies determine the form of the falls. There is a sequence of two different lava formations alternating with sediments around and under Gullfoss and Hvítárgljúfur.
The lower part of Gullfoss
[edit]A 21 m step.
This could be a small jökulhlaup: Compare the volume of water and the water colours, they show an increase in sediment load.
Hvítárgljúfur, the canyon
[edit]It has a length of 2,5 km and a depth of about 70 m. At the same time, the canyon is in line with a tectonic fault beneath the valley.
Seen from direction of Brattahlíd
Many different lava flows built the walls of this canyon.
The walls of Hvítárgljúfur
Gullfoss in the winter time
Hvítárgljúfur in the winter time
Highland of Iceland, seen from Gullfoss
[edit]Most part of the waters of Hvítá is glacial meltwater from Langjökull and Hofsjökull. The highland and the glaciers can be seen from the waterfall.
Gullfoss in April, in Iceland still winter time; view of the waterfall and the highland in direction of the mountain Bláfell and the mountain range of Kerlingarfjöll and Hofsjökull
The same view in July
The mountain Bláfell, former home of a troll
Zoomed view of ice cap w:Langjökull and its volcanic mountains from the parking lot in front of Gullfoss coffeshop