Commons:Help desk/Archive/2016/02

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Import einer Datei (ru -> commons)

Im Artikel ru:(120347) Салация haben die russischen Kollegen ein Bild von Salacia und Actaea, welches ich gern im Artikel de:(120347) Salacia verwenden würde. Das Bild liegt auf ru, nicht commons, und der Dateiname ist russisch: "Салация и Актея.jpg". Ist es möglich, die Datei auf commons zu importieren und ggf. englisch zu benennen? Da ich die russische Sprache nicht beherrsche, weiß ich leider auch nicht, was die Dateibeschreibungsseite mir mitteilen will bezüglich Lizenz, Herkunft et c. Gruß, Gunslinger.1970 (talk) 14:15, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Nein, geht nicht. Die Datei wird unter der Fair use-Prämisse verwendet. Das ist u.a. in der ru-WP und in der en-WP möglich, nicht aber bei Commons oder de-WP. Andererseits ist das Bild aber auch so schlecht, dass es m.E. einen Artikel nicht aufwertet. --Magnus (talk) 14:27, 1 February 2016 (UTC)
OK, wieder etwas gelernt, muß wohl bei der NASA suchen, danke. Gunslinger.1970 (talk) 14:33, 1 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Gunslinger.1970 (talk) 14:33, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Changing name of uploaded picture and changing info about picture

I've tried to find how on me own but can't find my way through maze of material. My proposed change is simple and straightforward. Photo called Bucharest worker should be renamed BUDAPEST POET. Why? Because person that statue portrays is a poet. His name is Attila Jozsef. He died in 1937 at the age of 32.

Would someone please make this change? Apparently I'm not authorized to do anything as awesome as that! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Lookandlike (talk • contribs)

  • I don't see a file with a name anything like that, and you haven't linked it. You can either use {{Rename}} on the file page to request a rename (which is the normal way you request this) or just link it from here so someone can follow up.
  • The reason very few people other than admins are allowed to move files is that Commons has a very strong presumption in favor of keeping files at their original names, for purposes of reference stability. We pretty much only rename if the original name is meaningless or actively misleading. Even among the people with file-moving privileges, we more than occasionally have to remind someone not to move files just to improve an already decent but not great name. If we opened it up wider, it would almost definitely become a chaos. By making it a tag-and-review process, we get it done pretty efficiently without that chaos.
  • Info, of course, you can change yourself. - Jmabel ! talk 00:14, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Help deleting incorrect uploads

Could someone help by deleting the duplicate uploads to File:Rhydyfelin, Rhondda Cynon Taff.jpg please? I thought I had accidently uploaded the original version, rather than the improved replacement. However, I think I simply had not refreshed the page in my browser, so the first replacement was actually fine. Cheers! Sionk (talk) 21:45, 31 January 2016 (UTC)

  • There is no meaningful sense in which intermediate versions can be deleted. Once they are on our server, they stay there permanently. We can hide a version so only admins can see it, but we pretty much never bother with that unless there are issues of copyright, libel, etc., since it's just as much server space (actually, slightly more, for the "deletion" event), a bit of admin time to do it, and really nothing much gained. - Jmabel ! talk 00:16, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Help for fixing template recursion error

I did try to internationalize {{PD-Iraq}}. But I made an error. I also tried to eliminate this error, but I couldn't. Please tell me what I should do how eliminate this error, thank you.— Preceding unsigned comment added by Kkairri (talk • contribs) 14:54, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

Hi User:Kkairri! The loop was caused by invoking an autotranslated template from within a specific language version of another autotranslated template. I fixed it by specifying English in the English version. The other alternative would be to move the template call out to the layout template. LX (talk, contribs) 23:24, 5 February 2016 (UTC)
Thank you very much!--Kkairri (talk) 15:41, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 15:43, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

Hallo, habe die im Betreff genannte Datei im Transparenzportal der Stadt Hamburg aufgrund des Hamburgischen Transparentgesetzes erstellt. Nach telefonischer Rücksprache mit dem Geo-Portal ist diese Datei als jpg oder pdf aufgrund der unten rechts angegebenen Herkunftsangabe lizensiert. Internetadressen siehe Beschreibung. Kann leider die genaue Bezeichnung der Lizenz nicht den Commons-Richtlinien zuordnen. Kann mir dabei jemand helfen oder dieses u.U. für mich erledigen? Vielen Dank im Voraus. --Eduard47 (talk) 13:38, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

Der entscheidende Satz in der Verordnung scheint mir dieser zu sein (§10 Nr. 3): Die Nutzung, Weiterverwendung und Verbreitung der Informationen ist frei, sofern höherrangiges Recht oder spezialgesetzliche Regelungen nichts anderes bestimmen. Ob das frei genug für Commons ist, ist nicht ganz klar. Insbesondere sehe ich da nicht die explizite Erlaubnis für abgeleitete Werke. Es sieht mir danach aus, als ginge es nur darum, dass die Behörden jedem die Informationen bereitstellen, nicht dass jeder damit machen kann was er will. --rimshottalk 21:25, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

The license

May I upload this image [1]? --Maksimilian karlovich (talk) 08:46, 1 February 2016 (UTC)

I would guess you could (it's 140 years old), but I suggest you bring this question to Commons:Village pump/Copyright for a more definitive answer. - Jmabel ! talk 17:16, 1 February 2016 (UTC)
Ok, thanks. --Maksimilian karlovich (talk) 10:26, 2 February 2016 (UTC)



MY E-mail :

or — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 08:36, 2 February 2016‎ (UTC)

@ Hopefully you'll check back here (people are unlikely to email you). A quick image search doesn't show any matches for a better version in any obvious places, and 'we' don't really know anything other than what is on the file page. You should probably ask the owner of (which is where the copy we have came from). Revent (talk) 09:55, 2 February 2016 (UTC)


If I want to upload a picture from Flickr which is not copyrighted, then how can I find out whether the same image was previously uploaded with a different name by another user? Is there any bot which will check my upload and match the image? --Marvel Knights (talk) 14:18, 2 February 2016 (UTC)

A good first check would be to see if the ID of the file on Flickr appears anywhere on Commons. If we look at File:Strawberrytimes.jpg, the first (and really the only relevant) part of the source link is The ID of the file is 4742552971. If you search for that, you should find previous mentions of that ID. There is some automatic duplicate checking as part of the upload process, but it's not perfect and won't detect scaled-down duplicates. (In this case, you uploaded a low-resolution version. That was fixed by the FlickreviewR bot that also reviewed the license.) LX (talk, contribs) 14:57, 2 February 2016 (UTC)
  • Are you sure you mean "not copyrighted"? Free-licensed mages with a license such as CC-By-SA are copyrighted, they just have a generous license. On any image that is not very simple or very old, a claim on Flickr that it is "not copyrighted" is probably false. - Jmabel ! talk 16:53, 2 February 2016 (UTC)
    Files released into the public domain using the {{CC-zero}} waiver are (except in some jurisdictions, and not in any practical sense) not protected by copyright. LX (talk, contribs) 17:47, 2 February 2016 (UTC)

Uploads blocked for no apparent reason

I've had several uploads blocked for no apparent reason. One is a sculpture outside Pompidou in Paris. Another is sunset over the Palisades/Hudson River. Explanation?

lookandlike — Preceding unsigned comment added by Lookandlike (talk • contribs) 14:54, 2 February 2016‎ (UTC)

There are no deleted files in your log, and no current deletion nominations for your existing uploads, so I assume by "blocked", you mean that something happens during the upload process that prevents you from uploading them. Exactly what is hard to say, since you haven't quoted any error messages. Is that because there is no error message? If you are using the Upload Wizard (the default interface for uploading files to Commons) and there is simply no way to move forward, that is a common problem and one of the many different ways in which the Upload Wizard is broken. You may wish to try Commons:Upload, which tends to be much more reliable.
This is probaly unrelated to your question, but since you mention statues in Paris, you should be aware that France has no freedom of panorama (and what that means), so please make sure you check the copyright status of the depicted statue before uploading. LX (talk, contribs) 15:10, 2 February 2016 (UTC)

Dear Wikipedia,

I would like to upload the following 2 pictures of the great Haitian writer Jacques Stephen Alexis to the Wikipedia page about him at [[2]]. However, no copyright information can be found for the pictures anywhere on the Web. I think they are of the public domain. Can I use them?

Thank you very much for your help.

--WebGarv — Preceding unsigned comment added by WebGarv (talk • contribs) 04:51, 3 February 2016‎ (UTC)

  • Why would they be public domain? (That's not a rhetorical question: do you have a specific legal argument to say that they have fallen out of copyright?). Both appear to state copyright by Gérald Bloncourt. Bloncourt, though quite old, is still alive, so I can't think of any reason these are likely to fall into the public domain within our lifetime. - Jmabel ! talk 05:30, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

Hallo. Eine Frage dazu: "Werke, deren Urheber seit über 70 Jahren verstorben ist, sind in Deutschland gemeinfrei und dürfen frei veröffentlicht werden, auch Fotos/Scans/Reproduktionen davon. Ist der Urheber nicht bekannt, gilt: Nur wenn sicher davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass der Urheber vor mehr als 70 Jahren verstorben ist (so etwa bei einem Kunstwerk aus dem Mittelalter)" Kann man Bilder alter Kunstwerke aus Auktionen die auf Pinterest veröffentlicht sind auf Wikimedia hochladen? Wenn nicht: was brauche ich dafür für eine Genehmigung? Ist das freie Werk jetzt das "Kunstwerk selbst" oder das "Foto dieses Kunstwerkes"? vielen Dank — Preceding unsigned comment added by Tyros76 (talk • contribs)

Tyros76, die offizielle Politik der Commons ist, dass eine zuverlässige Wiedergabe von einer gemein Arbeit nicht selbst urheber, so dass Ihr Pinterest Bilder sollten für den Upload akzeptabel sein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Commons:Wann man die PD-Art-Kennzeichnung verwendet. -mattbuck (Talk) 18:43, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

Thank you

removal of image

I accidently used the wrong image for one of the pages could you please remove it? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Sameer Buddoo (talk • contribs) 17:47, 11 February 2016‎ (UTC)

This section was archived on a request by: File:Devoleena Bhattacharjee.jpg was deleted by Yann. LX (talk, contribs) 18:44, 11 February 2016 (UTC)


新見正興率いる 萬延元年日米條約批准交換使節新見豊前守一行 と印刷された写真がカリフォルニア州の親類宅に飾って在ります。 既に渡米してから四代目五代目となるので現地でも詳しく分かりません。 写っている人間の中に 荒川家と繋がる人間が居るのか? 何故飾ってあるのか?是非知りたいのです、お願い致します。

Masahiro Arakawa

荒川眞弘 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Masahiro Arakawa (talk • contribs) 07:21, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

  • Someone who reads Japanese should check this, but a quick run through Google translate suggests that this question has nothing to do with using Wikimedia Commons. - Jmabel ! talk 21:09, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
  • @Masahiro Arakawaさん,Wikimedia Commonsは写真等のメディアに関する質問サイトではなく,ここ Commons:Help desk も荒川さんから頂いたようなご質問にお答えする場ではございません.ja:Yahoo!知恵袋などをご利用ください.ところで上記書き込みを拝見いたしますと,(ja:新見正興没年から推測するに)写真の著作権は切れているようですから,お持ちのような歴史的写真であればWikimedia Commonsにアップロードしていただくことができるかもしれません.ご関心がおありでしたら「Commons:ファースト・ステップ」をご覧ください.ご検討いただければ幸いです. --KurodaSho (talk) 14:55, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

Зверополис.jpg file is an image of fair use.

1. This image provides a visual representation of the visual style of the film, which is impossible to obtain from a text description, and without which the article about the film can not be considered complete.

2. This image does not limit the copyright owners the ability to benefit from the sale of the image in its original printed form. Image Resolution repeatedly reduced in comparison with the original, so the printing of the image can not be compared with the original quality.

3. Image has been specifically designed for widespread copyright for the purpose of advertising the film. Using the image meets the criteria adopted in Wikipedia fair use. The image is also used on many other sites.

--Dakumah (talk) 21:14, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

  • Although Wikipedias in several languages allow non-free images on a fair-use basis, those must be uploaded to the individual Wikipedia, along with a template (varies from one Wikipedia to another) explaining the justification for non-free use in the particular case.
  • Commons does not ever allow non-free images on this basis. - Jmabel ! talk

Deleting images.

All works of Andriy Yermolenko posted from this account were deleted without any explanation. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ігор Пєтков (talk • contribs) 13:02, 12 February 2016‎ (UTC)

 Info: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Отаман Вейдер (Зоряна Країна).jpg --Achim (talk) 13:22, 12 February 2016 (UTC)
Looks like it was explained rather extensively then. LX (talk, contribs) 14:00, 12 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 14:00, 12 February 2016 (UTC)


The version of File:Laurenceolivier.jpg that we currently have on Commons is lopsided with a crooked black border around it and an upside-down reproduction number at the bottom. There have been several attempts over the years to correct this with new uploads, but each has been reverted due to an understanding that the photographer (Carl Van Vechten) didn't want his images cropped. While this is understandable, the border and reproduction number are clearly not really "part" of the photograph. In fact, I would argue that keeping them there actually misrepresents Van Vechten's original vision more than they would do otherwise. Am I wrong about this? Surely they can be removed whilst still upholding Van Vechten's wishes? In any case, both of the URLs given in the Source field (i.e. LoC description page and Link to photo file) now link to cropped versions of the photo. And if the Library of Congress thinks it's fine, surely that should be good enough for us? Thanks, A Thousand Doors (talk) 16:33, 2 February 2016 (UTC)

According to the Library of Congress (see here) the donor restrictions in the gift of the works to the Library of Congress expired in 1986, and the LoC believes that the works are in the public domain (this is also in the notice we have here). That being said, there is absolutely no reason we can't treat them like any other PD work, and modify it however we wish. However, as Jmabel noted, there is clearly a desire to keep this 'particular' version in the form originally imaged by the LoC (borders, slant, and all), so any modified version should just be uploaded separately (and they should be linked to each other in the 'other versions' field). People can then argue about what copy to use on their home wikis. Revent (talk) 19:56, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
For the sake of hopefully avoiding any arguing (and also for the sake of a better-quality version) I downloaded the tiff from the LoC, converted it at 100%, and 'made it happen'. The two versions are at the filename linked above, and at File:Laurence Olivier (borders removed).jpg. Enjoy. Revent (talk) 20:18, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

PD to CC

(I'm not experienced in license changing).

I released this image into the public domain and would like to republish it under CC-BY-SA-4.0. MB298 (talk) 06:25, 3 February 2016 (UTC)

That is not legally possible. Releasing content into the public domain means that you irrevocably waive all copyright to it. The work is no longer protected by copyright, and you are no longer its copyright holder. The Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license is a copyright license. It can only apply to works that are protected by copyright. The license depends on copyright for its requirements to be enforceable. Since anyone can legally do whatever they want with a work in the public domain, no one (not even its former copyright holder) can impose any such requirements. LX (talk, contribs) 07:04, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
MB298, as LX says, one cannot simply take an image you have released freely and apply a more restrictive licence to it. What we can do is multi-licence, so I have added the CC-BY-SA-4.0 to the page, alongside your original PD release. -mattbuck (Talk) 18:47, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
Not really. Multi-licensing only works provided that the work is still copyrighted. A work that is not protected by copyright cannot be the subject of a copyright license. LX (talk, contribs) 19:38, 3 February 2016 (UTC)
@LX: Since a 'release to the public domain' is not legally applicable worldwide (hence the 'disclaimer' in the release) it's somewhat meaningful to also license it, though it seems a bit redundant since it would be effectively impossible to enforce the license restrictions. Revent (talk) 20:46, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

I have found this picture from the website of Lukay which is linked to his Instagram page. Its also available in his official Facebook page.

Could you please tell me what's the problem with this file and what should I do in order the file isn't deleted by Wikimedia?

--MariaHar.yan92 (talk) 07:07, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

What you should do is to read Commons:Project scope/Summary and Commons:Copyright rules by subject matter#Internet images to understand what you can and cannot upload to Commons before you attempt to add any more files. LX (talk, contribs) 07:10, 5 February 2016 (UTC)
This is a shorter answer. It's copyrighted. Revent (talk) 21:45, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
Copyrighted isn't a problem. Copyrighted and non-free is. LX (talk, contribs) 21:49, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

Hi, I downloaded this image from official IntelliJ press site URL : I am really not sure what would be the license for using these images would be. I need help in tagging it license. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

--Sbobba3 (talk) 05:29, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

I think you can mark it as {{PD-textlogo}}. Ruslik (talk) 17:54, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
Probably, or {{PD-ineligible}}, but there are four different countries that they claim as "home," so it's hard to know whose copyright laws would apply. I think in the U.S. that is simple enough to qualify as Ruslik and I have stated, but I can't speak of the thresholds in Russia, Czech Republic, or Germany. You might want to take this question to Commons:Village pump/Copyright if no one can weigh in more definitively here. - Jmabel ! talk 17:58, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
The logo (it was part of a 2015 rebranding) would probably be considered to be simultaneously published in all four countries, or alternatively published from their webserver (which is located at an Amazon server farm in Virgina), so it's probably fair to assume that it can be considered a US-source work for our purposes. Revent (talk) 22:02, 7 February 2016 (UTC)

So how do I get rid of this message that appeared when I uploaded my file? I found it using Google image search and specified "Labeled for noncommercial reuse."

"The uploader did not provide sufficient information (a valid and suitable tag) on this media's copyright status. Unless the copyright status is provided, the file could be deleted seven days after the upload (13 February 2016). Please note that Commons does not accept files claimed under fair use. It is suggested to read the intro of Commons' licensing policy, about essential information and (in many cases) about Internet images. If you need help ask at the Commons:Help desk."

--Rossen4 (talk) 00:13, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

It needs PD and PD-Art tags, like on a similar painting: File:Attributed to Giovanni Romanelli - Education of the virgin - Google Art Project.jpg. --ghouston (talk) 03:14, 14 February 2016 (UTC)
I.e., {{PD-Art|PD-old-100-1923|deathyear=1662}}. --ghouston (talk) 03:15, 14 February 2016 (UTC)
Which I've now done. Now to provide some relevant categories... - Jmabel ! talk 08:10, 14 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Jmabel ! talk 08:10, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Copyright infringements are critical and should be solved fast.

I see that the file on File:Steinway & Sons upright piano, model 1098, manufactured at Steinway's factory in New York City.jpg in size 1,767 x 1,695 (2.87 MB) has been uploaded with permission by a company. However, in the file history there are two versions from 2014 that are of much higher sizes "3,998 x 4,828 (4.5 MB)" and "3,998 x 3,652 (4.47 MB)". My guess is that these two large versions from 2014 are too high and are not in accordance with the permission from the company. Is it possible to delete these two old versions from 2014 in the file history: File:Steinway & Sons upright piano, model 1098, manufactured at Steinway's factory in New York City.jpg#File history? SimpleSimpleSimple (talk) 04:30, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

@SimpleSimpleSimple: It's possible, but unless someone from Steinway (or, at least, who can read the actual OTRS ticket) asks for it, it's rather unlikely. For one thing, it appears to me that the 'higher resolution versions' were just 'magnified' versions of the same image (not actually higher quality) created in a misguided attempt to a fix the technical problem... if anything they would be derivative works that are allowed under the license. In the majority of cases, though, a license applies to the 'creative work itself', and not any particular resolution. Even Creative Commons agrees that "Under U.S. copyright law, for example, mechanical reproduction of a work into a different format is unlikely to create a separate, new work."[3] The license usually applies to the creative work itself, not a particular resolution, unless there is something itself copyrightable about the difference. Revent (talk) 21:28, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
@Revent: To me it looks clearly that the two versions from 2014 are not magnified versions but higher resolution versions. E.g.: The two versions from 2014 does not have the so-called staircases. We are allowed to create derivative works of what is uploaded here on Commons, but we are not allowed to simple find the same image in a higher resolution somewhere and then re-upload it here. That is illegal. Who can remove the two images from the history - and who can get access to the OTRS ticket? SimpleSimpleSimple (talk) 00:46, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
@SimpleSimpleSimple: If you want someone to verify the OTRS ticket, poke the people at COM:ON. But, like I said, in general a copyright (and a license) applies to a 'creative work' itself, not to a specific 'version' of that work... the difference between resolutions is merely mechanical, not creative, so there is no 'new' copyright in different resolutions. Unless Steinway was unusually specific in their grant of license, it probably covers the photo at any resolution. In the presence of a OTRS ticket, we truly can't assume that a third-party assertion of a copyright violation is valid without having someone authorized to read the ticket itself check (they contain personal information, so access is limited). However, if a author 'generically' licenses a work, without being specific about the resolution, then we normally take it to mean that higher resolution is covered by the same license grant (it depends on the country whose specific laws apply, but we are talking about the US here). Past legal cases strongly imply that, and there is no legal precedent I am aware of that indicates otherwise. Revent (talk) 01:10, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
OTRS - Ticket is valid and good. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:09, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
@Hedwig in Washington: Thanks. @SimpleSimpleSimple: Hopefully, that answers your question.. people who can see the actual (confidential) grant of license confirm that it covers the higher resolution versions. Revent (talk) 11:34, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

Can anyone figure out why the two categories there aren't showing up? I have no problem with the hidden categories, but there are two ones that aren't showing up, and it appears as though it will not allow for any others as well, if they were to be added in the future. Thanks! Kevin Rutherford (talk) 05:39, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

Fixed. There was a <nowiki> tag that hadn't been closed. LX (talk, contribs) 08:27, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

File deletion process details

When a deletion request gets executed, does the file get deleted "softly" (just hidden from public view) or "hardly" (removed from the servers)? And what happens to direct links (e. g., "")? Or does it depend on the amount of time passed and deletion reasons? --Djadjko (talk) 03:42, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Even for an admin, deep links of that form give a 404 error. The URLs by which an admin can see a deleted file are of a completely different format (they are through Special:Undelete). To the original question, though, even oversighted files (which are hidden from admins) are never actually 'deleted' from the servers themselves (at least not on WMF wikis)... technically they are 'archived', and can be undeleted. It's 'possible' to actually delete archived files (from the filesystem itself) by running a maintenance script on the server, but only someone with shell access can do so. Revent (talk) 21:02, 7 February 2016 (UTC)
Does that mean that WM Commons keeps a lot of garbage in archives? Or does anyone runs the maintenance scripts from time to time to delete some garbage (e. g., more than 10 year old files)?
A sort of curiosity, tech optimization, privacy & legal matters combined in this question :) --Djadjko (talk) 02:27, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
Yes (tho disk space is, on the scale of things, cheap), and, AFAIK, no. (though, glancing at old deleted crud, for the sake of precedent, can be educational) The joy of being an admin, you can look at ancient selfies. Revent (talk) 11:22, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
Seriously, though the retention of 'deleted' content is useful, in that it allows an admin to essentially use not just kept, but deleted, material as a 'casebook' as to what consensus has found to be allowable content. Revent (talk)
Thus, there should be a warning for uploaders that none of their work shall be forgotten :)
Looks good for copyright expirations and legal changes (e. g., regarding Commons:Freedom of panorama), keeping the original uploaders free from excessive re-uploads.
And what about file duplicates? Have any deduplication techniques been employed in the archives? (A new Commons question came to my mind.) --Djadjko (talk) 03:42, 10 February 2016 (UTC)
@Djadjko: We have quite a few 'undelete in year' categories, to which closed deletion requests get added... there is always a mass undeletion on Jan 1. (see Category:Undelete in 2017) As far as duplicates, there is Special:FileDuplicateSearch that lets you search for them based on the hash values, but it only looks at 'existing' files (on top versions). There is also Commons:User scripts/File Analyzer by Rillke, that uses an account on Labs to search the database... it is able to match deleted and overwritten images. Actual 'deleted duplicates' still exist separately, however.

Broke preview

File:Trial Before Hammurabi.png

After color correction, an error occurred during preview. How to fix it? --gomankov (talk) 22:50, 8 February 2016 (UTC)

This is probably bug phab:T106516. Regards, Yann (talk) 09:37, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
Yann, thank you. But I don't know much English. Please help fix this error. --gomankov (talk) 13:30, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
There is nothing that Yann or any other volunteer on this project can do to fix the error. Only the Wikimedia Foundation that is responsible for maintaining the servers running Wikimedia Commons can do something about this. Unfortunately the Wikimedia Foundation, which is good for about 80 million USD, doesn't want to bear the maintenance cost of upgrading a broken piece of software on its servers. LX (talk, contribs) 15:49, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation! --gomankov (talk) 17:17, 9 February 2016 (UTC)

i want to upload the logo of Dubai aerospace enterprise. what document should i submit to avoid deleting after 7 days. --Xltechglobal (talk) 08:30, 9 February 2016 (UTC)

This one may qualify as {{PD-textlogo}}. Otherwise a permission for a free license from the company is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 09:33, 9 February 2016 (UTC)

files simply disappeared without a trace

I have been working on the files in this category (removing watermarks): I removed the watermarks of some 200 of them and then suddenly all of them were gone. And the history doesn't show anything. Can anyone shed a light on these missing files? Wereldburger758 (talk) 13:42, 9 February 2016 (UTC)

@Wereldburger758: Not sure if I understand you correctly. The history of a Category (here Category:Jetphotos.net_photos_(credit_bar)) does not contain information about which images/files were added/removed to/from that category. You add a file to a category by adding [[Category:Jetphotos.net_photos_(credit_bar)]] to the file description page and remove a file from a category by removing that bit of code. Hence, addition and removal of categories are logged in the history of the file (not the category). For instance, you have removed File:Frola 91809 1279011816 (5790011380).jpg from Category:Jetphotos.net_photos_(credit_bar) with this edit, and naturally, the file doesn't show up in the category anymore. If you didn't do that manually, maybe it was done automatically when you used croptool? The file is not completely gone, though – it's still in Category:24-3979 (aircraft) and several others. If you need to find the files you processed, have a look at Special:AllMyUploads. --El Grafo (talk) 14:20, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
@El Grafo: I'm pretty sure the issue is that 'someone' used a batch-editing tool to remove all of the images from the category (that he was intending to work on) and quite possibly didn't actually edit the images... they might have just moved them somewhere else. And yes, since there is not really any way to know what 'used to' be in a category, it's hard to track down without having some file that 'was' in there to look at. I tried skimming through some of the files that mention that website on their page and have credit bars, looking for any evidence of a batch edit, but I'm not seeing any... kind of hard to check, since it's 27,000+ files. Revent (talk) 14:28, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
@Wereldburger758: I skimmed over a few thousand of the thumbnails of images that mention that website, and tossed a bunch where I saw the credit bar in there. The histories of some of those might explain it, though I suspect most where never in there in the first place. Revent (talk) 15:36, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
Yes, it was probably a batch edit, @Revent: , but what I don't understand is that I cannot track these files somehow. Something for an administrator perhaps? Wereldburger758 (talk) 16:28, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
@Wereldburger758: I, actually, was a bit incorrect. Per this VP notice, the new "CatWatch Feature" was added to the Commons installation of MediaWiki (and then removed, and then re-added) in the last couple of weeks. If working, it should indicate the removal of the images.... I'll check it in a moment. Revent (talk) 23:14, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
And yes, it indeed does. From looking at it, it appears that @Riley Huntley: was feeling quite 'industrious' the other day.... the couple of hundred images removed actually appear to have been cropped as needed, he just did a 'lot' of them. See here. Revent (talk) 23:24, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
I was a bit bored that day.. *hides* Riley Huntley (talk) 06:32, 10 February 2016 (UTC)
Lol. I put you on my watchlist, Riley. If I need help of some kind, I will contact you ;). Thank you for your answers.Wereldburger758 (talk) 08:35, 10 February 2016 (UTC)

Speedy script

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do we have a script that speedy tags and notifies user? Anna Frodesiak (talk) 03:51, 10 February 2016 (UTC)

@Anna Frodesiak: Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets > Maintenance tools > AjaxQuickDelete. I recommend Quick Delete below as well. :) Riley Huntley (talk) 06:34, 10 February 2016 (UTC)
Ahhhh, you're an angel Riley. Thank you. :) Anna Frodesiak (talk) 14:36, 10 February 2016 (UTC)

Personal drawings of fifa world cup uniforms

i want to know if i can upload drawings of my own of the fifa world cup uniforms worn by the teams — Preceding unsigned comment added by Erick marino (talk • contribs)

  • I doubt this would be in scope, but a link to an image elsewhere on the web that shows what your work looks like would probably make it easier to determine. - Jmabel ! talk 03:56, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Requested 3d art?

Do you have requests for 3d art? I would like to contribute 3d art made by me. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Lars A (talk • contribs)

  • Very little 3D art except by notable sculptors would be in scope, but a link to an image elsewhere on the web that shows what your work looks like would probably make it easier to determine. - Jmabel ! talk 03:57, 13 February 2016 (UTC)


The Upload Wizard is insistant that I enter a "category" for my image. I tried to do that but had problems. Problem one is that there is no list of categories. There seems to be a heirarchical tree of categories, but I do not know the categories, and so get hopelessly lost climbing down the tree. It is not intuitively obviously which branches to choose to get to the category I should use. How am I supposed to find a suitable category? Problem two is, when I pasted {{PD-USGov-NASA}} into the Upload Wizard's "Category" entry box, I got an error. I also got an error with PD-USGov-NASA. What am I supposed to place in the box? Nwbeeson (talk) 15:19, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

You can find a list of categories at Special:AllPages, but you're probably not going to find it very useful, because there are thousands of categories. The purpose of categories and how to navigate the category tree is described at Commons:Categories.
{{PD-USGov-NASA}} is not a category, but a copyright tag, so if you enter that in a place where a category is expected, you should indeed get an error. For a file like File:MergingBlackHoles V2.jpg, a good starting point looking for an appropriate category would be Category:Black holes, and perhaps the more specific subcategory Category:Binary black holes would be even more appropriate. (For this file, you should also provide verifiable source information, such as a URL, so that others can verify that it really does come from NASA Ames Research Center.) LX (talk, contribs) 15:50, 14 February 2016 (UTC)

Changing a wrong file name

Can someone change my file of "File:Skycycle 1905.jpg" to "File:Skycycle 1895.jpg" -> as that would be a better and more accurate description? Thanks!--Doug Coldwell (talk) 12:31, 21 February 2016 (UTC)

This section was archived on a request by: Jmabel ! talk 19:22, 21 February 2016 (UTC)

Posting an Illustration

When posting a photo that is not my own work, how do I know if the photo is allowed to be shared freely? I have a photo I want to upload from a website to wikipedia and it has share options, does this mean I can share this photo? — Preceding unsigned comment added by TiffaniHunter (talk • contribs) 21:33, 15 February 2016‎ (UTC)

You can find all the details at COM:Licensing. In general, you can only do so if the author has explicitly said that the image is under a free license, such as a Creative Commons license, or the image is very old (like 100 years or more, though this can get complicated). BMacZero (talk) 00:26, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Yann Tainguy

The image here is actually of Benoît Chomel de Jarnieu which can be verified by looking at his biography here. I'm not sure what all needs to happen here at Commons, so I'm posting here to let someone more familiar with Commons sort it out. Thank you, Dismas (talk) 00:13, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Please have a look at the categories Benoit Chomel de Jarnieu and Yann Tainguy to see if the categorization is ok now. -- Asclepias (talk) 02:42, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Greetings, I,ve up loaded this image but I'm now sure on the copyright status. Meta data has it as "Copyright - United Technologies Corporation" but the US Marines web page has it cleared for public domain - Help please - FOX 52 (talk) 05:51, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Hi FOX 52! Well done on spotting the copyright notice in the metadata, and you've done the right thing by drawing attention to it. I think you're absolutely right to question the copyright status, and I've brought it up for discussion at Commons:Deletion requests/File:CH-53K hover.JPG. LX (talk, contribs) 19:45, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Photo Acceptance Guidance

I apologize if this is a repeat question. I had drafted a question but was not logged in. Thank you to all Wikipedia staffers who have sent guidance on my efforts to upload a picture of the quilt artist, Molly Upton, for the Molly Upton Wikipedia page. My question is best next steps. I visited the artist's mother and received permission (Commons template) to take a picture of a family photo in her home with my iphone. This is the artist's mother's favorite photo of her daughter. I thought it was taken by her mother but Commons staffers believe it was taken by a professional photographer. I have pursued both Commons and Non-free methods for uploading this photo. My question is which way to proceed now. If it is non-free, what are the problems with the criteria I provided? How can I improve that application? If I pursue Commons, and determine that the photo was taken indeed taken by the artist's mother, what documentation is needed from her (other than existing permission form)? She does not have a website or e-mail. Thank you for your patience!Tapestry1 (talk) 12:07, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

You should probably ask her mother who took the photo. If the mother indeed took it then she can release the image under an appropriate license as stipulated on Commons:OTRS. If she does not have an e-mail, she can sign the printed form and you then should scan it and send to the OTRS team. Ruslik (talk) 20:00, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
Hi Tapestry1! Looking at the list of edits you've made here, you do not seem to have asked any questions here on Wikimedia Commons previously. I see from your edits at English Wikipedia that you've requested and received some assistance at en:Wikipedia:Media copyright questions#Non-Free Criteria (permanent link). If I understand correctly, your question is about File:Molly Upton.jpg, which you wish to use in the English Wikipedia article en:Molly Upton.
Looking at the file description, I see that you have submitted something to our permission archive via e-mail, but that the volunteer that processed the correspondence wasn't satisfied that the information you submitted was sufficient. Since that information is non-public, I can't comment on the volunteer's concerns, but you should have received an e-mail with an explanation, and if you need clarifications, you should reply to that e-mail with your questions.
If you cannot obtain an appropriate licensing permission, you may be able to upload the photo locally to the English Wikipedia project as non-free fair use content. (We cannot host non-free content here on Wikimedia Commons.) The relevant policy and guidelines can be found at en:Wikipedia:Non-free content, and if you have any questions about this option, the correct venue is en:Wikipedia:Media copyright questions back at the English Wikipedia project. LX (talk, contribs) 20:15, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Schematic drawing of the PCR cycle

I translated into Russian image: "Schematic drawing of the PCR cycle" by Enzoklop - Own work CC BY-SA 3.0 File:Polymerase chain reaction.svg Created: 5 April 2014 Original file ‎(SVG file, nominally 842 × 439 pixels, file size: 118 KB) rendered as PNG in other widths: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Licensing share alike – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

User:OgreBot/Uploads by new users/2014 April 05 12:00

Please help me to legitimize my modification of this picture 16:29, 16 February 2016 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dmitry Dzhagarov (talk • contribs)

Can you clarify what your question is? Ruslik (talk) 19:56, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
Hi Dmitry! If I understand correctly, you've created an image based on File:Polymerase chain reaction.svg that you want to upload. The Upload Wizard (the default interface for uploading files to Commons) is unfortunately not very well suited for this type of upload. Instead, I recommend using the basic upload form. It's a bit less shiny, but it gives more control. First, press the "Browse..." button and select the file to upload. Edit the "Destination filename" if needed – "File:Polymerase chain reaction (ru).svg" might be an appropriate name (assuming your version is still in SVG format). In the big "Summary" field, put something like:
|Description={{en|Schematic drawing of the PCR cycle (in Russian)}}
|Source={{Derived from|Polymerase chain reaction.svg}}
|Author=[[User:Enzoklop|]] ({{Original image}})<br />
[[User:Dmitry Dzhagarov|]] (Russian translation)

[[Category:Polymerase chain reaction]]
and press "Upload file" at the bottom. Done! LX (talk, contribs) 20:49, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
@Dmitry Dzhagarov: @LX: The adjunct to this, that seems to get overlooked a lot, is the 'complementary' template, {{Derivative versions}}, which should be added to the 'other versions' field of the information template of the source image... it's not 'required', like attribution of a source image is, but incredibly helpful. Revent (talk) 22:03, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
(further comment) You can also use the {{Author}} template, to get a 'prettier' translation... i.e.
|Author= {{author|original|[[User:Enzoklop|]]}} {{author|derivative|[[User:Dmitry Dzhagarov|]]}}
That just ensures all the text other than the usernames themselves is translated... totally optional, just 'prettier'. Revent (talk) 22:12, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

Thank you very much for the informationDmitry Dzhagarov (talk) 15:04, 17 February 2016 (UTC)

How can I upload a Wikimedia file to a Wikipedia page?

Yesterday I created a Wikimedia content and want to appear on Wikipedia. What steps or procedures have to do to make this happen?

Thanks and regards, Soé Heyser =) — Preceding unsigned comment added by SoeHeyser (talk • contribs)

Creating Company Page

Dear Wikipedia

Is it it possible to create company page on Wikipedia since I want people to know about my company by the medium of wikipedia — Preceding unsigned comment added by Holidaysgenius (talk • contribs)

You are now in Commons, please visit [4] as wikipedia--Motopark (talk) 06:05, 18 February 2016 (UTC)

2 philatelic images

i have two photos I would like to add, one is a full sheet of stamps of Iwo Jima, and the other is a first day cover envelope — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ozarkbully (talk • contribs)

  • If these are the 1945 3-cent Iwo Jima stamps, no problem. If they are something else, there may be copyright issues, though, so it would help if you were more specific. - Jmabel ! talk 02:26, 15 February 2016 (UTC)
  1. Stamp: again, PD-USGov
  2. Cover design: printed FDC designs easily qualified under the copyright definition of "publication" at the time (perhaps handmade ones did too, but I don't know), and any work published in the USA before 1978 without a copyright notice entered the public domain immediately because the creator didn't assert copyright. This one doesn't have a copyright notice, so it's in the public domain as well.
  • So yes, it's perfectly fine to host here. Any philatelic material produced by the US Post Office Department is fine because it's a federal government creation, but materials produced by the United States Postal Service are eligible for copyright, and the USPS has copyrighted its creations since soon after it was created. Nyttend (talk) 02:20, 19 February 2016 (UTC)


Please advise how I can find out what rail fares were in 1959. I'd like to know the day return fare from Tunbridge Wells to London and if there were lower fares/concessions for 15-year-olds — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

@ You are asking in the wrong place, Wikimedia Commons is about images. Ask at the English Wikipedia Reference Desk. Good luck. Revent (talk) 15:04, 18 February 2016 (UTC)

deleted account?

Hello A used to have account on commons some time ago. Now it has disappeared! When I logged in using my login and password it looks like a new account have been created (no upload history and no user's old page). Also my name under uploaded pictures is "red" as "not existing page". What is going on? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Grzegorz Polak (talk • contribs) 16:44, 18 February 2016 (UTC)

These days, user accounts on Wikimedia projects are unified, so that you can log in with the same username and password on all of them. In the past, accounts on different projects were completely separate, so the same username could be used by different people on different projects. For a while, there was the possibility to manually unify the accounts that you controlled on different projects. Eventually, to make sure that all user accounts could be automatically unified, some accounts had to be renamed. Since you never linked your account here on Commons to your main account, it was renamed to User:Grzegorz Polak~commonswiki. See meta:Help:Unified login for more information. LX (talk, contribs) 17:21, 18 February 2016 (UTC)
Now I have merged wrong account. How to unmerge or merge a proper accout?

Problem generating thumbnail

I uploaded a new version of File:BorgoNuovoPortaleConvertendi1930.JPG but the 434px thumbnail does not update. I tried almost everything (automatic/manual purging, cleaning cache and so on).--Carnby (talk) 11:29, 11 February 2016 (UTC)

@Carnby: Pulling it up manually (at this very long url) works... not sure why you're having a issue. [[File:BorgoNuovoPortaleConvertendi1930.JPG|434px]] also seems to work when I test it. Possibly something about how you were trying to get to it. Revent (talk) 13:27, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
@Revent: It's the old version with the watermark on the left part (at least on my browser) Compare this and this.--Carnby (talk) 14:34, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
@Carnby: I actually see the 'new' version on both thumbnails.. I suspect a caching issue, if not on your browser, then somewhere inbetween... either a caching webserver at your ISP, or at the WMF itself. There was a similar thing not long ago, based on the the WMF has several datacenters in various locations, and different people were seeing different versions of an image. If you are still seeing this, let me know and I will see if I can find a dev to nuke the cached thumbs... without knowing 'which' you are actually hitting, it's hard to guess exactly what's up. Revent (talk) 21:40, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
The issue was resolved some days ago. I don't know what really happened. Thanks anyway.--Carnby (talk) 21:54, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Riley Huntley (talk) 08:31, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Help requesting an update to a map

The map, File:LGW Destinations.svg is currently incomplete, as India, Costa Rica, Nigeria and the Czech Republic are all served directly by Gatwick. The links here can prove that: to Lagos, Nigeria (click Direct on the left), to Goa, India, to Prague, Czech Republic, to San José, Costa Rica. I am asking here because I do not know how to update these files and it is used on the Wikivoyage guide for Gatwick Airport. Thank you! Seagull123 (talk) 19:03, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

The map has been updated by MarrickLip. Seagull123 (talk) 11:57, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Riley Huntley (talk) 08:31, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Dividing an image in two

Is there someone here that can divide the following image in two: File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg (1850).jpg? For each drawing one image on Commons. I have put the correct template with copyright and description in both templates. I didn't notice there were two images until the moment I had uploaded them. Thanks in advance! Ymnes (talk) 18:30, 19 February 2016 (UTC)

@Ymnes: See File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg (1850) (cropped2).jpg and File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg (1850) (cropped).jpg. Could you please correct the titles and file discriptions since I don't know which discription belongs which painting. Natuur12 (talk) 20:40, 19 February 2016 (UTC)
I have corrected the templates.
  1. The name of File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg (1850).jpg is better of with a rename to "File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg & Dansen in de herberg (1850)
  2. The name of File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg (1850) (cropped).jpg is correct; considered may be "File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg (1850)"
  3. The name of File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Buiten de herberg (1850) (cropped2).jpg is not correct. The name should be "File:Jan Hendrik van Grootvelt - Dansen in de herberg (1850)
Thank you for your help! Ymnes (talk) 21:42, 19 February 2016 (UTC)
@Ymnes: they are renamed though I had to add a 1 to the file name of the second file. Natuur12 (talk) 22:23, 19 February 2016 (UTC)
That's allright, thank you for your help! Ymnes (talk) 06:34, 20 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Riley Huntley (talk) 08:34, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Please help me with these questions:

1. License (was found under

2. Is it ok to have both russian and english description with russiфn on first place? If not please change it.

3. Is it possible to upload some file (image) from en wiki directly? Without downloading it on own pc etc.

Thanks! --AnnaMariaKoshka (talk) 17:21, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

  • The answers are:
    1. The file is in the public domain.
    2. Yes, it is ok.
    3. The file is not on enwiki. It is on the Commons. I do not understand what you mean by "upload directly"? Please, clarify.
Ruslik (talk) 19:23, 24 February 2016 (UTC)
I have dowloaded it to commons this way: 1. open it in en wiki and dowloaded. 2. uploaded to commmons.
My question - is it possible to transfer the files directly for example from en wiki to commons without dowloading it to own pc? --AnnaMariaKoshka (talk) 19:37, 24 February 2016 (UTC)
Thanks I have become this tip on ru wiki. --AnnaMariaKoshka (talk) 20:33, 24 February 2016 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Riley Huntley (talk) 08:34, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Submitting photos to Photo Challenge

Hi, After following the steps listed in the Participation section in Photo Challenge, my uploaded photo does not show up in the gallery. Only the filename appears at the top of the list. Do I need to add a link to the uploaded image? By the way, another question: I create my account in the Opera browser, but now I cannot log in in Firefox, is it normal? I am new to Wikimedia Commons, please advice. William Caffee — Preceding unsigned comment added by William Caffe (talk • contribs) 08:41, 13 February 2016‎ (UTC)

Looking at this edit, you tried to add a file called Yuen Long, Hong Kong 2014-03-23.jpg, but the actual name is Yuen Long, Hong Kong 2014-02-23.JPG.
Your account is not connected to a specific browser. You should be able to log in using the same credentials with any common web browser. LX (talk, contribs) 10:18, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Hi LX, Thanks for your advice. I have indeed made a mistake. The correct name for the image file should be Yuen Long, Hong Kong 2014-03-23.JPG. How should this be amended? Also, I am indeed unable to log in using Firefox after numerous attempts. The response is always: "Login error There is no user by the name "William_Caffee". Usernames are case sensitive. Check your spelling, or create a new account", though I have no problem using Opera. William Caffe (talk) 12:27, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Just make the same edit as you did, but with "JPG" instead of "jpg" at the end. As for your login problems, your user name is William Caffe, not William Caffee. LX (talk, contribs) 13:02, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

Ogh! That's embarrassing. — Preceding unsigned comment added by User:William Caffe (talk • contribs) 12:03, 15 February 2016 (UTC)

You can also request that your username be changed if you like. You might also like to read the section on real name for username. Delphi234 (talk) 16:53, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Maya Numerals

I came here to find information about the syntax of writing the names of Maya numerals between 21 and 99 but didn't even find information Nor did I see anything about the head glyph representatipn of the numerals between 1 and 20. They are particularly interesting in picture and name. Example:

3 is named 'ox' (osh) a head profile that features a shiny disk/mirror on the forehead like a doctor ec. 10 is named Lahun. A profile of a skull 13 'OxLahun' features the profile like the 3 above but contains a mandible (jawbone) of the skull

The 12-19 'teens' all follow a similar pattern: The hrads 3 =9 but with a boney jawbone from the 19 skull. Their names follow the same pattern: the 3-9 digit name with an 'Lahun' affexed.

NOW for an error in the pictures This picture and the 18 that follow are wrong. As drawn their names need to be multiplied by 20 to be correct as drawn. As drawn, they are 2 digit numerals.

A picture like this: 1 1 over a 0 Zero means 1 in the 20's column plus zero in the 1's column.

I'd love to participate but don't know how to. I have written a Maya calendar program for the Smithsonian and a 3 for a museum in Merida Yucatan where I have retired.

Feel free to contact me by email — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 07:55, 20 February 2016‎ (UTC)

Request for OTRS

I just got a notice on my talk page that I have to submit a permission for one of the files I have uploaded: File:Ann-Sophie Qvarnström, Visby, Sverige. Helfigur..jpg I was under the impression that if I uploaded a file in a much higher resolution and also slightly different than the one on my website, I would not need to provide such permissions. This is the first time I have had one of my many uploads challenged in this way. Is the OTRS really necessary when it is not the same picture as the one online? Help please. Regards, En-cas-de-soleil (talk) 13:17, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

  • I don't see any way there to determine that it came from your own web site, or what site would be your own web site. If your site is clear about offering the license in question, and if you link that site, that should resolve the problem. Also, you might try to sort this out with User:Lenka64, who tagged it in the first place. @Lenka64: . - Jmabel ! talk 17:08, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Thank you Jmabel for the advice. I can not place such a tag on the website itself since if there is one on one photo, people tend to take for granted that all the other photos are free to use as well, which they are not. I've had a lot of trouble with such copyright theft before. I did ping Lenka64 as soon as I got the tag, but no response so far. I can of course write the OTRS and I hope that will be the end of this. Regards, En-cas-de-soleil (talk) 20:35, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Jmabel: An email with permission is sent just to get this out of the way. Is that all I have to do?. En-cas-de-soleil (talk) 21:12, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

Hateful content

I am asking one question only: How can you think that a reasonable and sane person would care to fund your organization (even if they wanted to till now) if stuff such as I've just accidentally run across in the category, "Boxes" is left on your site? Just go there for yourselves. A woman, bound and gaged in a shipping crate, held against her will, ready for shipping. Human trafficking is REAL you know? One other time, I found a really hateful close-up shot of somebody who'd been bound and gaged and with a plug stuffed up his anus. GET WITH IT please. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 00:13, 21 February 2016‎ (UTC)

Hello! You've come to the Wikimedia Commons help desk. Do you actually need help with anything, or did you just want to complain about Commons not being censored? LX (talk, contribs) 09:57, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
Would you mind giving a link to the actual image? I don't mean that the image is inappropriate (unless it's child pornography or something else illegal) but it looks like it's miscategorised. "Boxes" is too broad a category to show a woman stocked inside a shipping crate. JIP (talk) 20:04, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
Never mind, I found it by myself and removed the category "Boxes". I'm not going to nominate it for deletion as it seems it's fully legal. And I couldn't even delete it myself because I'm not an admin on Commons. JIP (talk) 20:07, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
File:BDSM in crate.jpg It seems in scope for "Boxes", there's a box after all. However it probably violates Commons:Photographs of identifiable people, so I added a consent query. --ghouston (talk) 06:32, 22 February 2016 (UTC)

File:Biáng-order.gif is incomplete, while File:Biáng-order complete.gif is complete. Is there a standard template that can be used to put a notice on the former telling people to use the latter? Suzukaze-c (talk) 07:02, 21 February 2016 (UTC)

{{Superceded}}. MKFI (talk) 09:20, 21 February 2016 (UTC)


Is there a Commons category for mermaid performers, i.e. real-life women or girls performing in mermaid tails as entertainment events? I'm specifically not interested in drawings of purely make-believe mermaids. This is because I have photographs of such an entertainment event and have permission from the performers to publish them. JIP (talk) 20:02, 21 February 2016 (UTC)

Category:Mermaid costumes LX (talk, contribs) 22:01, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
I noticed that by far the most of the pictures in that category depict women cosplaying as mermaids, not women performing as mermaids. There are very few pictures of women swimming in pools or bodies of water in mermaid tails. The photographs I have all depict women in mermaid tails swimming in a pool at the Helsinki Boat Exhibition 2016. And I have 45 pictures to upload. So I was thinking of creating a separate category, such as "DoubleBubble Mermaids at the Helsinki Boat Exhibition" (DoubleBubble Mermaids is the artist name of the duo) but that seems too specific. What would be a better subcategory name? JIP (talk) 16:06, 22 February 2016 (UTC)
How about something like Category:Mermaid shows? LX (talk, contribs) 16:39, 22 February 2016 (UTC)
45 pictures is enough to justify a separate subcategory for them, especially if anyway they would likely constitute the huge majority of the images in a less specific category, thus making it hard to find the other pictures that may eventually be added to that less specific category. A separate subcategory for the 45 files also makes it more simple to categorize that subcategory in other relevant categories, such as a category relative to Helsinki, etc., instead of inserting each of the 45 files individually in those categories. On the other hand, you may want to evaluate if it's useful to upload all the 45 files, but that's another matter. -- Asclepias (talk) 20:24, 22 February 2016 (UTC)
Category:Mermaid shows sounds like a good idea. JIP (talk) 20:38, 22 February 2016 (UTC)
Ok, if that's what you prefer, do it. Someone else may still find it useful to create the separate subcategory. -- Asclepias (talk) 21:35, 22 February 2016 (UTC)
I have now created the category and uploaded the photographs to it. I have to point out that the Upload Wizard UI isn't really as useful as it could be when uploading so many pictures to the same categories. There should be an option to copy-paste multiple categories at the same time from one picture entry form to another. JIP (talk) 19:43, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
Upload Wizard is a mess for anything like advanced users. I recommend just Special:Upload, handle the wikitext directly, and do a lot of copy-paste. - Jmabel ! talk 02:47, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

Direction of North in satellite images.

Hello. I recently did some editing on the article w:Bombay Reef and maintenance work on the associated image File:BombayReef.jpg. As you can see, this is a satellite image of an atoll in the South China Sea, but I noticed the orientation of the image is such that North is about 45º from vertical. This is potentially confusing as I think most viewers will expect a north-up orientation. For example, the w:Bombay Reef article refers to the lighthouse being "located on the south-west end of the reef" - this location is in the upper left end of the island, as it appears in the photo's current orientation, not the lower left. The correct orientation is apparent on Bing Maps. Can anyone advise me whether this should be corrected, please? The image is large enough that it could easily be rotated - all that would be lost in the crop would be some empty sea, but I didn't know if this would be appropriate. If one were to proceed, I think the rotated image should be uploaded as a new file, such as File:Bombay Reef (North up).jpg, and existing pages edited to link to the new version, but I wasn't really sure if this was an appropriate change to make. Thanks in advance for any advice. --Strolls (talk) 02:32, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

Inserting images

Hi I uploaded images to insert into my page but can't find the images anywhere. I tried to upload them a second time but got the message that the pics have already been uploaded - how do I access them? Thanks — Preceding unsigned comment added by Red8Smartie (talk • contribs) 13:30, 24 February 2016‎ (UTC)

Hi, The contributions of your account are there: Special:Contributions/Red8Smartie and the logs (which would include deleted files, if any) for your account are there : Special:Log/Red8Smartie. -- Asclepias (talk) 15:34, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

How To Edit Text On An Already Existing Photo?

Is there any way to edit the text given with photos?

(Sorry if this has already been covered: if so, please direct me to the exact location. Thanx.) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jewlrzeye (talk • contribs)

Good Pictures Icon not working

The "Good Pictures" icon on the "Category" pages does not appear to be working. My computer goes into a "Connecting" loop and waits. The same happens on my wife's laptop. Any suggestions? Martinvl (talk) 10:41, 16 February 2016 (UTC)

I don't normally use this feature, so I can't comment on whether this is a recent issue. I can only confirm that I see the same problem. Clicking the little down arrow on the right of the button, we find out that it's part of something called "FastCCI" (cryptic and untrue!) and at the bottom of that help page is a link to, and I'm guessing the "502 Bad Gateway" thing might be a problem. Looking at the corresponding talk page, it looks like Dschwen might be a good person to poke. LX (talk, contribs) 20:27, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
I have not had any respnse from Dschwen. The feature is still not working. Martinvl (talk) 22:15, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
Ugh, sorry Martinvl, this is due to an internal change in labs that cut me off from accessing the commons database. :-[ Working on it now. --Dschwen (talk) 20:51, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
@Dschwen: Thanks - Martinvl (talk) 21:18, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
I have restored database access and am currently rebuilding the FastCCI dataset. Should be back up and running in a few minutes. --Dschwen (talk) 21:22, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
Ok, Martinvl, we're back in business. Let me know if you have further issues. --Dschwen (talk) 21:37, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
@Dschwen: Everything appears to be OK - Thanks. Martinvl (talk) 21:59, 25 February 2016 (UTC)

Showing people how to do things online


Do you happen to have an online video which takes people through how to create and edit a page with Wikipedia as it is not a straight forward process and has far too many pages of text to read. A 45 min video would be great... — Preceding unsigned comment added by Red8Smartie (talk • contribs) 13:32, 24 February 2016‎ (UTC)

You could have a look at the Category:Instructional videos on using Wikipedia. I didn't look at the contents specifically. Perhaps you can find something there about what you are looking for. -- Asclepias (talk) 15:26, 24 February 2016 (UTC)
I know that User:Pine is working on a project almost exactly like what is being requested here, but it will probably not be completed until late this year. - Jmabel ! talk 15:53, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
@Jmabel: thanks for the mention! @Red8Smartie: I am indeed working on a project like that. For the moment you might take a look at Wikipedia:Training resources. --Pine 20:08, 25 February 2016 (UTC)

picture taken of our group

Hi.. i have a promo photograph that was taken of my band by a friend. he documents events and does artist promo shots under the business name ZakMac Photography. If we citate the photograph so that he gets credit, will we be able to use the shot? it is our general promo shot that we use for blog articles and such. We can easily aquire his permission, or pass on his email address to you?

where do we go from here?

Mutantsdnb (talk) 22:31, 25 February 2016 (UTC)Kerry Cook (Mutantsdnb)

Picture with definitly wrong license

Kimen Kulturhus.jpg, a picture uploaded by a user with no other edits, has uploaded an image which is probably own work, but has attached a license saying the picture is older than 50 years old, and is therefore in the public domain, which is impossible. The building in the picture was finished last year. Anybody here who can help, or know what standard procedure is? I noticed the picture on no:wp, and figured I should probably tell someone here.--Telaneo (User talk page) 21:40, 25 February 2016 (UTC)

Category needed

File:HVAC tower on a building near South Ship Canal Trail 01.jpg

Can anyone do better than Category:Ventilation? I have no idea what a structure like this is called, and can't find any similar images. - Jmabel ! talk 01:25, 27 February 2016 (UTC)

@Jmabel: The cone section is called a 'cyclone', see cyclonic separation. The image would go in Category:Cyclones (separator). Revent (talk) 17:22, 27 February 2016 (UTC)
Thanks! - Jmabel ! talk 18:32, 27 February 2016 (UTC)

Upload a shield

Hi, I've got problems with the shield of San Román de Cameros, the image is in Wikimedia Commons and when I write appears the shield between words [File: and |90x180px]] why happens this??

Excuse my english and thank you for the help.

That's the usual way to put an image on a page. If you only want to link to the image, add a colon (":"), like this: [[:File:Escudo_San_Román.jpg]], which makes File:Escudo_San_Román.jpg. --rimshottalk 17:04, 27 February 2016 (UTC)
Caption goes here
You're not saying what exactly you are trying to do (y si es más fácil explicarle in español, por favor, hazlo). The most common way to put an image at a fixed size on a page is as a thumbnail on the right edge, as demonstrated here; you should only indicate the width, not the height: [[File:Escudo_San_Román.jpg|thumb|90px|Caption goes here]].. If you intend something else, you'll need to clarify. - Jmabel ! talk 17:23, 27 February 2016 (UTC)

how to search for audio files only

How can I search only for audio files? In the wikimedia commons home page I select sound from the selection images/sound/videos but as soon as I select a subcategory it returns everything under that category including pictures. Please help. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

@ If you create an account, you will be able to set your preferences, including turning on 'gadgets' (small javascript programs). The "GalleryFilterExtension" gadget (which is not activated by default, you will have to turn it on) gives you a dropdown dialog to filter galleries and categories by file extension. Revent (talk) 05:07, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

uploading inherited artworks of my father allowed?

As heir I have inherited the copyright to the artworks, but of course I have not created it. He has not given an explicit instruction that I may release this image.

I only want to release a single image and I am aware of the possible public use. I do not intend to release further images.

Am I misunderstanding, or is this prohibited by the rules here in wikimedia commons? — Preceding unsigned comment added by SvenBildmakarna (talk • contribs)

As the owner of the copyright on the work, you can do what you want with it. Wikimedia hosts content that must be freely reusable by the public, including commercial use and derivatives. So, it depends what you want to do and if you are ok with releasing the work under a free license. Upon uploading to Wikimedia, on the description page of the file, you would mention the name of your father as the author of the work and it would be useful that you mention that you are the heir of his copyright. Possibly, some other user might ask you to send a confidential e-mail through OTRS to confirm your identity. It also depends on the type of work and how the image of the work relates to the work. For example, a photograph of a sculpture requires a release by the copyright owner of the photographic work and a permission by the copyright owner of the sculptural work. -- Asclepias (talk) 17:17, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
There are licenses in Category:License tags for transferred copyright that can be used to indicate explicitly that a work was licensed by the heirs to it's copyright, but they are not 'options' in the upload process... you can, however, use the 'standard form' (not the Wizard) and put them directly in the licensing field. Revent (talk) 05:01, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

Hi, I took this photo on my phone and enhanced it with some free iphone apps. I am not sure what license to add to it. This is an image of the railway station in my native town Gudiyattam. Please add this. This is my first image upload. Not sure how to do. Please help.

--Visitvinoth (talk) 19:48, 25 February 2016 (UTC)

Creative Commons themselves have a tool to help with choosing licenses[5] that might be helpful, though we don't accept all of their licenses (and accept others that are not theirs). CC-BY-SA is the 'popular' choice, however... it's the one Commons itself (us, not Creative Commons) uses. Revent (talk) 04:54, 29 February 2016 (UTC)


On Flickr, a user releases his or her images under CC BY 2.0 but says "no commercial use allowed" in the descriptions. Could images uploaded by this user still be used on Commons? Sample: Ueutyi (talk) 05:46, 28 February 2016 (UTC)

No, it's contradictory and it shows that there's no will to offer a free license from the part of the user of the flickr account or from the owner of the copyright specified in the metadata. -- Asclepias (talk) 06:16, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
I sent the Flickr account a mail, indicating to them that they likely did not choose the correct license, and linking the license texts for them to read. Revent (talk) 04:46, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

deleted photo

Hi, I saw a picture I put was deleted from Wikimedia page Chaudhary Group. The picture was a scanned image of the Forbes magazine cover page. I was not sure if it would be a copyright issue as it was a public magazine in the public domain, and I was attributing it as properly as the Forbes cover page. Please help me understand. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Arun Poudel (talk • contribs)

  • I believe you misunderstand the term "public domain." I recommend you read the Wikipedia article Public domain. It doesn't mean simply that something has been published, it means that there is no outstanding copyright on it. - Jmabel ! talk 09:41, 28 February 2016 (UTC)