Category:SVG maps of Romania
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Media in category "SVG maps of Romania"
The following 148 files are in this category, out of 148 total.
2016 Romanian legislative election - Results.svg 1,589 × 1,832; 2.03 MB
2016 Romanian legislative election - Vote Strength.svg 1,589 × 1,832; 930 KB
2019 Romanian presidential election - Vote Strength.svg 1,589 × 1,832; 923 KB
2020 Romanian legislative election - Vote Strength (Chamber).svg 1,490 × 859; 509 KB
2020 Romanian legislative election - Vote Strength (Senate).svg 1,490 × 859; 497 KB
Alegeri prezidentiale 2014 turul 1 de.svg 2,003 × 1,414; 1.91 MB
Alegeri prezidentiale 2014 turul 1.svg 2,003 × 1,414; 1.3 MB
Alegeri prezidentiale 2014 turul 2 DE.svg 2,003 × 1,414; 1.79 MB
Alegeri prezidentiale 2014 turul 2.svg 2,003 × 1,414; 1.08 MB
Alegerile locale 2020 - prezența la vot per UAT.svg 1,052 × 744; 2.06 MB
Alegerile parlamentare 2020 - Camera Deputaților - câștigători per UAT.svg 1,052 × 744; 1.87 MB
Alegerile parlamentare 2020 - prezența la vot per UAT.svg 1,052 × 744; 2 MB
Alegerile parlamentare 2020 - Senat - câștigători per UAT.svg 1,052 × 744; 1.87 MB
Banat.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Blank map of Romania.svg 2,003 × 1,431; 1.1 MB
Bucovina division hu.svg 820 × 1,065; 155 KB
Bucovina division.svg 820 × 1,065; 395 KB
Bucovina Romania.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Car Accidents Romania.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1,004 KB
Crisana.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Csango populations in Romania.svg 1,250 × 1,643; 381 KB
Dobrogea.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Dobruja in Europe map.svg 600 × 520; 586 KB
ETHNIC MAP OF BESSARABIA IN 1930.svg 2,327 × 2,359; 1 MB
Ethnic map of Hotin County 1930.svg 1,986 × 1,272; 322 KB
EU location ROM.svg 1,600 × 1,200; 2.47 MB
Greater Romania 1930.svg 1,052 × 790; 731 KB
Greater Romania Historical Provinces.svg 1,052 × 790; 586 KB
Greater Wallachia.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
H1N1 Romania Map.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.02 MB
Harta filiale OAR.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.99 MB
Harta Marginimea Sibiului.svg 838 × 711; 567 KB
Homicides Romania.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 985 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Aradská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 314 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Bihárska).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 314 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Brašovská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 1.21 MB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Bystricko-nasodská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 1.21 MB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Dolnobelehradská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 314 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Fogarašská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 315 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Huňadská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 1.21 MB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Háromsecká).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 1.21 MB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Klužská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 314 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Krasovsko-severinská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 2.36 MB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Malokykulská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 1.21 MB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Marmarošská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 1.21 MB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Marušsko-turdská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 315 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Čanadská).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 314 KB
Kingdom of Hungary counties (sk-Čická).svg 1,772 × 1,166; 1.21 MB
Le royaume de Roumanie après la Paix de Bucarest 1918-fr.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 286 KB
Lesser Wallachia.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Locator map of Romania.svg 680 × 520; 657 KB
Macroregiuni.svg 1,300 × 1,000; 586 KB
Map of airports in Romania.svg 1,611 × 1,152; 379 KB
Map of cities in Suceava County and Southern Bukovina.svg 900 × 790; 418 KB
Map of Romania with Oltenia highlighted.svg 1,048 × 687; 346 KB
Maramures Reg Ro.svg 1,300 × 1,000; 290 KB
Maramures Reg.svg 1,300 × 1,000; 294 KB
Maramures Romania.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Moldavia and Bucovina.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Moldavia Romania.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
NV dr ro.svg 1,300 × 1,000; 290 KB
Oltenia.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Orase campioane ale romaniei la fotbal.svg 744 × 1,052; 39 KB
PerdidasTerritorialesRumanas1940 de.svg 1,057 × 742; 154 KB
PoblaciónJudíaRumana1930.svg 1,315 × 999; 149 KB
Podział administracyjny Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego w Rumunii.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.31 MB
Podział administracyjny Rumuńskiego Kościoła Greckokatolickiego.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.33 MB
PérdidasTerritorialesRumanas1940-hu.svg 1,036 × 742; 180 KB
PérdidasTerritorialesRumanas1940-ro.svg 1,036 × 742; 179 KB
Regiunea Vest.svg 1,400 × 1,000; 1.2 MB
Regiuni de dezvoltare.svg 1,250 × 900; 445 KB
Romania (orthographic projection).svg 553 × 553; 305 KB
Romania - PPMT proposed regions.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 814 KB
Romania 1930 counties.500px.svg 3,023 × 2,207; 4.27 MB
Romania 1930 ethnic map de.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 839 KB
Romania 1930 literacy EN.svg 3,023 × 2,207; 3.63 MB
Romania 1930 literacy FR.svg 3,023 × 2,207; 3.63 MB
Romania 1930 literacy RO.svg 3,023 × 2,207; 3.63 MB
Romania 1930, Administrative Map.svg 721 × 561; 1.08 MB
Romania 1939 - tinuturi.svg 1,052 × 790; 127 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Arges.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Crisuri.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Dunarii.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Jiu.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Marii.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Mures.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Nistru.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Prut.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Suceava.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1939 Tinutul Timis.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 580 KB
Romania 1940 1941 be.svg 1,036 × 742; 246 KB
Romania 1940 1941 ro.svg 1,036 × 742; 238 KB
Romania 1940 1941-hu.svg 1,036 × 742; 238 KB
Romania 1942 de.svg 1,060 × 780; 172 KB
Romania 1942 no.svg 1,060 × 780; 261 KB
Romania 1945 Counties.svg 1,052 × 790; 448 KB
Romania 1956-1990.svg 450 × 456; 475 KB
Romania 2011 literacy RO.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.04 MB
Romania chamber of deputies 2008 results even colours.svg 3,900 × 2,700; 3.19 MB
Romania Communes Map.svg 2,360 × 1,673; 2.08 MB
Romania counties.svg 1,300 × 1,000; 608 KB
Romania feroviara.svg 3,826 × 2,734; 1.48 MB
Romania historic regions-hu.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.37 MB
Romania historic regions.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.47 MB
Romania interwar counties.svg 1,298 × 1,100; 132 KB
Romania Köppen.svg 765 × 855; 749 KB
Romania location map.svg 1,611 × 1,152; 194 KB
Romania MASSR 1920 mk.svg 1,036 × 742; 263 KB
Romania MASSR 1920 no.svg 1,036 × 742; 263 KB
Romania MASSR 1920 ro.svg 1,036 × 742; 236 KB
Romania MASSR 1920-hu.svg 1,036 × 742; 236 KB
Romania Municipalities Map.svg 2,360 × 1,673; 2.17 MB
Romania NUTS 2 regions.svg 1,611 × 1,152; 237 KB
Romania Towns Map.svg 2,360 × 1,673; 2.07 MB
Romania wwII-de cropped.jpg 707 × 557; 148 KB
Romania wwII-de.svg 471 × 371; 25 KB
Romania wwII-hu.svg 471 × 371; 27 KB
Romania wwII-ro.svg 471 × 371; 25 KB
Romania wwII.svg 471 × 371; 26 KB
Romanian Greek-Catholic (Uniate) Church map.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.89 MB
Romanian Orthodox Church EN.svg 2,175 × 1,680; 3.4 MB
Romanian Orthodox Church11.svg 2,175 × 1,680; 4.27 MB
Romanian Perfect Simple.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 984 KB
Romanian presidential election 2014 - first round de.svg 728 × 511; 1.21 MB
Romanian presidential election 2014 - first round.svg 2,080 × 1,430; 1.63 MB
Romanian Roman-Catholic Church map.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.6 MB
RomanianPassportVisaFree.SVG 1,231 × 625; 1.43 MB
Romi Romanyfoni Romania.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.07 MB
România NUTS-1 regions.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.14 MB
Sibiu 2008 alegeri locale.svg 880 × 780; 1.06 MB
Sibiu County 1937.svg 2,604 × 2,214; 3.28 MB
Slobozias map.svg 900 × 610; 534 KB
Suicides Romania.svg 2,000 × 1,430; 1.03 MB
Szekely Land issue.svg 1,431 × 1,396; 205 KB
Tinuturi Romania septembrie 1940.svg 1,744 × 1,270; 1.02 MB
Transylvania and associated areas.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Transylvania and sub-regions within Romania.png 2,560 × 1,804; 399 KB
Transylvania and sub-regions within the Kingdom of Romania - Greater Romania (1929).png 2,560 × 1,829; 555 KB
Transylvania within Romania.png 2,560 × 1,804; 297 KB
Transylvania within the Kingdom of Romania - Greater Romania (interwar period).png 2,560 × 1,829; 408 KB
Transylvania within the Romanian People's Republic - Socialist Republic of Romania.png 2,560 × 1,804; 255 KB
Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Transylvania.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
Turul Romaniei 2013.svg 1,611 × 1,152; 405 KB
Ungarn in Rumänien.svg 1,052 × 744; 158 KB
Walachia.svg 1,958 × 1,380; 1.38 MB
WWII Southern Central Europe 1944-1945-es.svg 2,001 × 1,415; 1.2 MB