Category:Old geological maps of Norway
Media in category "Old geological maps of Norway"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
158 of 'Geological sketches at home and abroad ... With illustrations' (11279868143).jpg 1,250 × 1,566; 469 KB
63 of 'Ertsforekomster i Søndhordland og paa Karmøen' (11094974973).jpg 5,447 × 2,585; 2.95 MB
EB1911 Norway - geological map of Norway and Sweden.jpg 842 × 1,313; 330 KB
Oversigtskart over den glaciale Formation i den sydlige Del af Christiania Stift.jpeg 6,104 × 7,232; 8.09 MB