Category talk:SVG with multiple translations with contributions from Aeroid

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Thanks @Liglioto: for adding Bulgarian to File:Administrative divisions of Germany.svg! If you are bored, I would also really appreciate a Bulgarian translation of File:Composition of the German Bundesrat as a pie chart.svg or File:German parliamentary elections diagram.svg. You could also just put the translations of the headlines here and I will do teh SVG work. Thanks again! --Aeroid (talk) 07:46, 28 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Liglioto: , thanks again! I used your input also on File:Composition of the German Bundesrat as a pie chart small.svg.
js formats the date differently (adding a "г." to it) than what you inserted. Would that also be fine?
* 25 април 2022 г. --Aeroid (talk) 21:30, 28 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Aeroid! ;)
Sorry for my late reply. I have red your request and began translating both diagrams. The first one is already done as you could see. Concerning your question about the date format: adding a "г." to it is perfect; "г." stands for "year", although one can understand that 2022 is a year even without explicit writing it. It is similar to the German "Uhr". For instance: Wir treffen uns um 18:00 Uhr. It is clear, 18:00 is the time, even without "Uhr". But it is a good style of written communication.
Btw I was wondering, whether the political parties' names should be translated in the diagram or not. What do you think about? Because the abbreviations like "CDU" do not work in other languages... Liglioto (talk) 14:35, 29 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Aeroid, concerning this file: German parliamentary elections diagram.svg:
I think, the names of both parties and politicians should be translated/transliterated (e.g., into Cyrillic letters). But I am a real beginner in programming, so I need your help. Bellow I will find my translations and I could insert them in the file. ;)
Bundestagswahlergebnisse und anschließend gebildete Regierungen <-> Резултати от изборите за Бундестаг и сформираните впоследствие правителства
1949 <-> 1949 г.
1953 <-> 1953 г.
............ so on "г." after each year.
Bündnis <-> Съюз
90/Die <-> 90 <----- The article "the" is part of the noun "Greens"; articles are adhered at the nouns' end in Bulgarian.
Grünen <-> Зелените
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen <-> Съюз 90/Зелените
DP <-> ГП <----- Тhe party was small and does not exist any longer. Thus, the abbreviation is not known in Bulgaria and there is even no Wikipedia article in Bulgarian about it; Therefore, I would write out the whole name to give chance to the potential reader to understand who is meant.
Deutsche Partei <-> Германска партия
FVP <-> СНП <-------- Small party, not known in BG, no Wiki article in BG, abbreviation not meaningful, thus better full name.
Freiheitliche Volkspartei <-> Свободна народна партия
bzw. <-> респективно
GB/BHE <-> ОБ/СПРО <-------- Small party, not known in BG, no Wiki article in BG, abbreviation not meaningful, thus better full name.
Gesamtdeutscher Block/Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten <-> Общогермански блок/Съюз на прогонените от родината и онеправданите
Konrad Adenauer <-> Конрад Аденауер
Ludwig Erhard <-> Лудвиг Ерхард
Kurt Georg Kiesinger <-> Курт Георг Кизингер
Willy Brandt <-> Вили Бранд
Helmut Schmidt <-> Хелмут Шмит
Helmut Kohl <-> Хелмут Кол
Gerhard Schröder <-> Герхард Шрьодер
Angela Merkel <-> Ангела Меркел
Olaf Scholz <-> Олаф Шолц
Die Linke <-> Левицата
PDS <-> ПДС <-------- Small party, not known in BG, no Wiki article in BG, abbreviation not meaningful, thus better full name.
Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus <-> Партия на демократичния социализъм
AfD <-> АзГ
Sonstige <-> други
SSW <-> АГЮШ <-------- Small party, not known in BG, no Wiki article in BG, abbreviation not meaningful, thus better full name.
Südschleswigscher Wählerverband <-> Асоциация на гласоподавателите в Южен Шлезвиг
Best, Liglioto (talk) 15:47, 29 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Awesome stuff, thanks a lot. Happy to weave this in when I find some time in next evenings! Aeroid (talk) 16:54, 29 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Aeroid Hi, how is the progress? ;) Could you add the translations maybe? Thanks. Liglioto (talk) 11:35, 11 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Please check.
Years are still missing, that should be easy. I assume the terms/durations (2005–2021) should also be written with a trailing r. right? So "2005 r.–2021 r."
Expanding the smaller party names fully will take too much space. I did it for PDS, but that already added a second line, which I'm not a big fan of. I hope we can keep the other like they are now.
@Liglioto: Can you please reconfirm that SPD and FDP are transliterated very similary with just one extra letter ГСДП / СДП. I checked on bgwiki, and seems correct, but I was still wondering ... Aeroid (talk) 19:53, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]