User talk:Circeus/BSicon renaming/Simple junctions

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  •   (ABZgr+r)  (WYEr+fg)
  •   (WYEr+12)
  •   (ABZgl+l)  (WYEl+fg)
  •   (WYEl+34)
  •   (WYE1+rf)
  •   (ABZqlr)  (WYEg+lr)
  •   (ABZq+lr)  (WYEf+lr)

etc. … Useddenim (talk) 03:56, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I actually started considering it, and will probably do so now, especially since your naming convention alows me to have a neat parallel between   (ABZgr+r)  (GLDr+fg) (Gleisdreieck, but if there's a better German term/abbreviation, feel free to shoot it my way) vs.   (ABZgf)  (ABZr+fg). Neat! Circeus (talk) 04:24, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  (WYE1+rf)   (exWYE1+rf) I realize that these variations don't conform exactly to the e/x prefixes, but the do fit together neatly and make sense based on the symmetry of the icon.
  (eWYE1+rf)   (WYE1+xrf)   (WYE1+rxf)
  (xWYE1+rf)   (eWYE1+xrf)   (eWYE1+rxf)
Also, I don't see any need to use a German abbreviation (especially one that google won't translate) when there is a three-letter English word that describes the feature perfectly. (Not to mention that the letter Y in the middle of the name makes it completely intuitive!) Useddenim (talk) 12:46, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I tried to stick to tradition, and I figured we could distinguish non-rail icons (i.e. road-/footpath-/canal-only) by giving then English-only names *shrugs*. One thing though: in these icons the "middle" line is the main line for the purpose of e-/x-, so:
  •   (WYE1+rf)
  •   (WYE1+xrf)
  •   (WYE1+rxf)
  •   (eWYE1+rf)  (xWYE1+rf)
  •   (eWYE1+xrf)  (xWYE1+xrf)
  •   (eWYE1+rxf)  (xWYE1+rxf)
  •   (xWYE1+rf)  (eWYE1+rf)

Circeus (talk) 13:18, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, it makes sense that the "main" line is the one that crosses the axis of symmetry (even though the "main" direction is along the axis). Useddenim (talk) 13:46, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Well, we want to stay consistent, basically this is a caveat in the definition of "main line" that my base guidelines has: if an icon is a diagonal rotation of a straight icon that lacks a clear main line, the main line is the one that is equivalent to that of the original icon.
  (xWYE1+xrf) &   (xWYE1+rxf): repetition of the x (or e) prefix is poor naming; there should be a better way to indicate what the icon shows. Useddenim (talk) 20:27, 2 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Why not wye?


  (meuABZrd) should be renamed as some sort of   (meuWYErd), or why not? --Tuvalkin (talk) 17:30, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Because of prefix orders. Even the traditional catalogue is supposed to have the order uexmv(ht)-, but there are still icons hanging around with incorrect ordering. The idea is to do away with suffixes like "d" which are badly documented and lead to inconsistencies. The suggested names are   (uxmWYEl+fg) and   (xWYEl+gmf). I admit Circeus (talk) 19:30, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Agreed about suffix "d". I merely replaced "ABZ" with "WYE" in the filename. Both suggested names are good. Keep it up! --Tuvalkin (talk) 21:07, 12 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

2-way branchings


Further thoughts on consistent naming:

  •   (ABZlf)  (ABZg+lf)
  •   (ABZrf)  (ABZg+rf)
  •   (ABZlg)  (ABZf+rg)
  •   (ABZrg)  (ABZf+lg)
  •   (ÜWgol)  (ABZg+2f)
  •   (ÜWgor)  (ABZg+3f)
  •   (ÜWgo+r)  (ABZf+4g)
  •   (ÜWgo+l)  (ABZf+1g)
  •   (ABZ3rg)  (ABZl+rf)
  •   (ABZ3lf)  (ABZl+rg)
  •   (ABZ3lg)  (ABZr+lf)
  •   (ABZ3rf)  (ABZr+lg)
  •   (ÜABZ3rg)  (ABZl+3r)
  •   (ÜABZ3lf)  (ABZl+4r)
  •   (ÜABZ3lg)  (ABZr+2l)
  •   (ÜABZ3rf)  (ABZr+1l)

  •   (ABZ+lr)  (ABZf+lr)
  •   (ABZlr)  (ABZg+lr)
  •   (ABZfg)  (ABZl+fg)
  •   (ABZgf)  (ABZr+fg)
  •   (ÜABZ+lr)  (ABZf+14)
  •   (ÜWolr)  (ABZg+23)
  •   (ÜABZfg)  (ABZl+34)
  •   (ÜABZgf)  (ABZr+12)
  •   (5003)  (ABZ4+2l)
  •   (5007)  (ABZ4+2f)
  •   (ÜWl+r)  (ABZ2+4g)
  •   (5004)  (ABZ2+4r)
  •   (5006)  (ABZ1+3r)
  •   (5002)  (ABZ1+3f)
  •   (ÜWr+l)  (ABZ3+1g)
  •   (5005)  (ABZ3+1l)

All are of the form ABZstem+branches. Although the f direction is the default, I prefer to include it for consistency/symmetry in naming, and it is less confusing than leaving a blank or using an underscore (_). This scheme aligns the naming with the STR family, and also eliminates the q suffix. Useddenim (talk) 21:39, 6 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

3-way branchings


I just realized that this naming could also be applied to these junctions (as well as the ÜW variants, which as yet don't exist):

  •   (ABZdf)  (ABZg+lrf)
  •   (ABZdg)  (ABZf+lrg)
  •   (ABZdl)  (ABZl+fgr)
  •   (ABZdr)  (ABZr+fgl)
  •    (ABZg+23f)
  •    (ABZf+14g)
  •    (ABZl+34r)
  •    (ABZr+12l)
  •    (ABZ1+3rf)
  •    (ABZ2+4rg)
  •    (ABZ3+1lg)
  •    (ABZ4+2lf)

Useddenim (talk) 21:50, 6 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]