User talk:Bryan/archive/2007/06

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Hmm, tabelletje mist op toolserver?

Mist er een tabelletje op de toolserver? Hierna moest ik het proces herstarten... Siebrand 10:57, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

  File "", line 442, in __bootstrap
  File "", line 306, in run
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 99, in run
  File "", line 357, in do
    self.check_usage(args[0], args[1:])
  File "", line 335, in check_usage
    for domain, page in usage:
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 145, in get_usage
    for link in self.get_usage_db(database, image):
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 157, in get_usage_db
    (image.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), ))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 163, in execute
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35, in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'be_x_oldwiki_p.imagelinks' doesn't exist")
[13:53] <_syphilis_> siebrand: i removed it from the wiki list for now
Er was iets mis in de replicatie. Ik heb weer herstart, ik laat nog even weten of de fout weg is gebleven... Succes met studeren. Groet, Siebrand 12:03, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

Toch een bug?

Ik ben toch weer versie 11 gaan gebruiken... Siebrand 13:03, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

siebrand@hemlock:~/pywikipedia$ python
WARNING: Configuration variable CommonsDelinker not known. Misspelled?
Checked for running processes. 3 processes currently running, including the current process.
[2007-06-03 13:00:52] Running CommonsDelinker
[2007-06-03 13:01:22] All workers started
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 580, in ?
  File "", line 539, in start
  File "", line 496, in read_log
    for logevent in result['query']['logevents']:
KeyError: 'query'
Deze fout blijft terugkomen... Siebrand 14:08, 3 June 2007 (UTC)

Bovenstaande lijkt bijzonder goed gefixed. Nu de volgende... Siebrand 09:29, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

[2007-06-04 08:03:17] <CheckUsage(Thread-1, started)> Evanescence-concert.jpg used on 0 wikis
[2007-06-04 08:03:17] <Delinker(Thread-9, started)> Usage of Evanescence-concert.jpg: {}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 586, in ?
  File "", line 545, in start
  File "", line 496, in read_log
    lestart = ts_from, leend = ts_end, ledir = 'newer')
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 105, in query_api
    {'Host': host, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data)
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 88, in __request
    raise RuntimeError, (res.status, res)
RuntimeError: (503, <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x1982bd8>)

Overbelaste servers. Ga ik error handling op zetten. -- Bryan (talk to me) 08:07, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Waarom zie ik dit? double entries Siebrand 17:02, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

mysql> select timestamp, status, wiki, page_title from delinker where img = "DSC01909_Pirellone_di_Milano_illuminato_buon_2007-_Foto_di_G._Dall'Orto_-_28-12-2006.jpg";
| timestamp      | status  | wiki             | page_title                 |
| 20070604164327 | skipped | | Bar/2006_12_30             |
| 20070604164327 | skipped | | Bar/Discussioni/BUON_ANNO! |
| 20070604164327 | skipped | | Bar/2006_12_30             |
| 20070604164327 | skipped | | Bar/Discussioni/BUON_ANNO! |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Timings probleem. Hij vraagt deletions op van bijvoorbeeld 16:30:29 tot 16:30:59. De volgende run zal die van 16:30:59 tot 16:31:29 lopen. Als er dus een verwijdering optreedt precies om 19:30:59, zal die deze twee keer delinken. -- Bryan (talk to me) 08:07, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Deze snap ik ook niet helemaal. Er zijn dus 40k entries zonder juiste timestamp? Siebrand 17:02, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

mysql> select count(timestamp) from delinker where timestamp like "a%";
| count(timestamp) |
|            46066 |
1 row in set (0.17 sec)

Dat is van de replacer. Ik heb het even bekeken, en de replacer zit echt vol met bugs. De delinker spuugt alleen correcte timestamps uit: select count(*) from delinker where newimg is null and timestamp like 'a%'; -- Bryan (talk to me) 08:07, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Nieuwe config setting

In de trunk zit een nieuwe config setting: CommonsDelinker['delink_namespaces'] = (0, 10, 14, 100). Ik ga de trunk vanavond of morgen met de live versie mergen, maar dan meot deze config setting wel aanwezig zijn. -- Bryan (talk to me) 08:07, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Dus niet meer overal delinken maar alleen in opgegeven naamruimtes. Willen we CommonsDelinker niet overal laten delinken? Siebrand 14:15, 6 June 2007 (UTC)
P.s. ik heb nu SVN versie 39 draaien. CTRL+C in de oude versie leidt niet tot een exit binnen 5 minuten. Ik moet het proces extern killen. Siebrand 14:23, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

Commons:Deletion requests/Image:Flamingwater.jpg

Commons:Deletion requests/Image:Flamingwater.jpg was closed, but the user has now specifically requested deletion of the file in question, for reasons other than mentioned in the discussion. Do I add the "new info" at the bottom of the page, even though the discussion was archived? Thanks, Deadstar 13:39, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Nieuwe melding: list index out of range

   73                   pop = lolly.split(']]')[0]
   74                   if not '[[' in pop:
lolly = u'|96px|right]]\n\n\n<center><big>Ready-to-use S...bottomright: 8px; height: 60px;" colspan="2" |\n'
newTxt = u'__NOTOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__\n<center>\n{{Basic...tegory:Filmmaking]]\n[[Category:Matte Painting]]'
newTxt.split = <built-in method split of unicode object>
posi = u'[[Image:Exquisite-gphoto.png'
IndexError: list index out of range
    __doc__ = 'Sequence index out of range.'
    __getitem__ = <bound method IndexError.__getitem__ of <exceptions.IndexError instance>>
    __init__ = <bound method IndexError.__init__ of <exceptions.IndexError instance>>
    __module__ = 'exceptions'
    __str__ = <bound method IndexError.__str__ of <exceptions.IndexError instance>>
    args = ('list index out of range',)

The above is a description of an error in a Python program.  Here is
the original traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 201, in do
  File "", line 187, in delink_image
    result = retirar_imagen(image, site, title, summary)
  File "", line 72, in retirar_imagen
    lolly = newTxt.split(posi)[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

(meer had ik helaas niet over deze melding via screen)

Ik heb deze code inmiddels helemaal herschreven, en werkend in de trunk. Ik ga hem vanavond syncen naar de live branch in de svn. -- Bryan (talk to me) 14:04, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Onvolledig verwijderd

Zie hier en hier. Op deze onvolledige verwijdering werd ik door een oplettende Duitstalige collega gewezen. Siebrand 15:24, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Press coverage

Hi! I think, that we need something like Wikipedia:Press coverage. It will be good for action like POTY (feedback). Do you know publications about POTY? I want to write an article to Polish press about Commons and other Wikimedia projects.

best regards Przykuta 15:38, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

thx :) Heh, Commons:Press releases ;) Przykuta 20:41, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

You wanted to write a mail. Did you get an answer yet?
--D-Kuru 18:32, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

delinker: 503's

De 503's zijn erg vervelend. Siebrand 15:06, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

RuntimeError: (503, <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x21cbea8>)
[2007-06-06 14:39:14] Warning! Unable to read deletion logs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 499, in read_log
    lestart = ts_from_s, leend = ts_end_s, ledir = 'newer')
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 105, in query_api
    {'Host': host, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data)
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 88, in __request
    raise RuntimeError, (res.status, res)
RuntimeError: (503, <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x21cbb48>)
[2007-06-06 14:40:14] Warning! Unable to read deletion logs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 499, in read_log
    lestart = ts_from_s, leend = ts_end_s, ledir = 'newer')
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 105, in query_api
    {'Host': host, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data)
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 88, in __request
    raise RuntimeError, (res.status, res)
RuntimeError: (503, <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x21cbb90>)
[2007-06-06 14:41:15] Warning! Unable to read deletion logs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 499, in read_log
    lestart = ts_from_s, leend = ts_end_s, ledir = 'newer')
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 105, in query_api
    {'Host': host, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data)
  File "/home/siebrand/pywikipedia/", line 88, in __request
    raise RuntimeError, (res.status, res)
RuntimeError: (503, <httplib.HTTPResponse instance at 0x21cbe18>)
Niks aan te doen, ik kan hooguit de volledige tracebacks uitzetten... Dit is een server probleem. De bot draait gewoon door hierna. 18:13, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

I have made cosmetic changes to the page, what do you think? I wanted to make the copyright warning more noticeable. -- Cat chi? 15:14, 8 June 2007 (UTC)

I noticed, it's on my watchlist. if I thought it was worse than before I would have changed it already. :P --pfctdayelise (说什么?) 23:06, 8 June 2007 (UTC)
Do you think the text should be expanded and/or perhaps be spread to other languages (I do not know how to search for it)? -- Cat chi? 00:13, 9 June 2007 (UTC)
Try Special:Prefixindex/MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning/. (Undefined languages fall through to English.) I don't think the text should be expanded because people don't read it anyway. You could chase up some translators if you really want, but I don't think it's that important. --pfctdayelise (说什么?) 01:36, 9 June 2007 (UTC)

Commons:Village_pump#Editing_in_Safari. I was about to revert to the previous version, but I saw you were busy with it. I'll leave it up to you. -- Bryan (talk to me) 13:39, 9 June 2007 (UTC)

Is it fixed now? -- Cat chi? 13:45, 9 June 2007 (UTC)
I don't know, I only saw the message on the VP and reported it to you. I don't have Safari, unfortunately. -- Bryan (talk to me) 16:07, 9 June 2007 (UTC)
Perhaps fortunately, your browser was working all this time. -- Cat chi? 16:15, 9 June 2007 (UTC)

Hoi Bryan, zat dit type edit nog in je hoofd om te fixen? Siebrand 19:07, 9 June 2007 (UTC) v63 draait

FYI: ik draai inmiddels v63 van Bedankt. Groet, Siebrand 19:23, 9 June 2007 (UTC)

Ok. Deze is relatief weinig getest, dus als er ernstige problemen zijn, zul je hem met svn update -r 41 terug moeten zetten... -- Bryan (talk to me) 19:26, 9 June 2007 (UTC)
Overigens zit er al een gedeelte van de replacer code in. Deze werkt echter nog niet stabiel. Stel dus die configuratie variabele niet in! -- Bryan (talk to me) 19:28, 9 June 2007 (UTC)
Nee, dat was ik ook niet van plan. Hij heeft de nacht goed doorstaan... Siebrand 07:57, 10 June 2007 (UTC)

Idee? Lokale pagina op wiki met 'excluded delinker' naamruimtes?

Zie hier. Siebrand 19:03, 10 June 2007 (UTC)

self note 11:17, 11 June 2007 (UTC)

Thank you

Just fly and go the right way
Just fly and go the right way
In this Image you can see me!
In this Image you can see me!

Thanks for your Vote (oppose) at my stopped RFA. Even if it is stopped, it was a nice experience for me and I learned from it. Perhaps I´ll try it again in a few month, and I would be happy if you would give your vote (best a support;)) again. Thank you again, __ ABF __ 12:15, 11 June 2007 (UTC)

Your FlickR Upload bot

... is not loading up the Image Image:Beach-flickr-.JPG.jpg. Can you please have a loock? Thanks, __ ABF __ 12:57, 11 June 2007 (UTC)


Thanks for the help - you're a star. SOPHIA 14:01, 12 June 2007 (UTC)


Bryan, naar aanleiding van je opmerking op de pagina voor de admin botaanvraag: als je de entry on-wiki verwijdert, queue je dan ook naar schijf voor het geval de bot wordt gestopt voordat die klaar is? Siebrand 21:48, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

Jep, hij schrijft eerst alle entries naar MySQL voordat hij de pagina bewerkt. -- Bryan (talk to me) 08:57, 13 June 2007 (UTC)
Great minds think alike ;) Siebrand 09:03, 13 June 2007 (UTC)

Please check... Hoge prio. Siebrand 16:00, 13 June 2007 (UTC)


De output of dit moment van Ik heb herstart... Siebrand 06:10, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Ponte2segunda.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Portotubarao.JPG
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Horto.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Iate.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Praying mantis nymphs.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:IMG 0017.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Spud live set.JPG
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Jambyn Sakya.png
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:Iglesiatarancon.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:28:36] Deleted image: Image:William Miller, un paso adelante.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:29:07] Deleted image: Image:Tony Acosta.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:29:07] Deleted image: Image:Victor Mosqueira.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:29:07] Deleted image: Image:Yotuel Romero.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:29:07] Deleted image: Image:Un paso adelante.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:35:41] Deleted image: Image:Me-262B.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:35:41] Deleted image: Image:Me262-A1aU4 1.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:36:11] Deleted image: Image:Bohr Niels.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:36:11] Deleted image: Image:SMS Seydlitz.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:36:11] Deleted image: Image:Barnstar-printedition.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:36:41] Deleted image: Image:János Kádár.jpeg
[2007-06-14 01:36:41] Deleted image: Image:DCTemple.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:36:41] Deleted image: Image:Illyria.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:36:41] Deleted image: Image:LMA Logo.JPG
[2007-06-14 01:36:41] Deleted image: Image:Vratislav I.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:37:12] Deleted image: Image:Baardmaler.JPG
[2007-06-14 01:37:12] Deleted image: Image:Herve PIERRE.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:37:42] Deleted image: Image:Gerrard- Angry.jpg
[2007-06-14 01:37:42] Deleted image: Image:ChiangChing-kuo And FainaChiang.JPG
[2007-06-14 01:37:42] Deleted image: Image:Fulco Ruffo di calabria.jpg
[2007-06-14 02:01:27] Deleted image: Image:Shiomaneki070224.jpg
[2007-06-14 05:55:54] Deleted image: Image:Pic11235.jpg
[2007-06-14 05:57:55] Deleted image: Image:Dyn008 small150 448 288 jpeg 2596048 109eb655ef17c6c90ab0a81aa69e365a.jpg


Hi Bryan,
Le Korrigan, a French-speaking administrator deblocked me.
As explained I never threat Siebrand of anything.
We will conclude that : Rama "misunderstood" what I wrote.
I would like you to delete what you have written on my talk page and explain you "recognise" it was a mistake. It is not a "threat" or an "order". It is a request because what has been written concerning me is serious. I expect you can understand this is more serious that what would be the collapose of wikipedia due to the import of an image with a copyright violation.
Thank you, Ceedjee 07:53, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

Hi Brian,
I explain this on my talk page. Look at the diff : I was deleting a message I had written
and the guy who will be shot (fusillé) is me.
I was deleting what I had written on my talk page because it could only lead to an escalation and the problem ending with problems (for me).
Note the reasons why "good" contributors feel disgusted of the atmosphere on commons that you (administrators of commons) should think about. But this is another matter.
Ceedjee 09:27, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for contacting the photographer of the photo. It is a fine photo used in many Wikipedia projects. I hope that he agrees to an Wikimedia Commons acceptable license. I went ahead and uploaded a higher resolution version of the photo (1600x1200 vs 800x600) that was available on — VulcanOfWalden 04:37, 16 June 2007 (UTC)

Oops... memory usage

Ik kreeg een vriendelijk bericht van slayerd en toen bleek dood te zijn... ;P Siebrand 05:52, 19 June 2007 (UTC)

This message was automatically generated by slayerd on hemlock.


One or more of your processes on the host hemlock were exceeding the configured memory limit, which is 2000 megabytes.
I have killed enough of your processes to bring your usage back to the threshold limit, which is 1000 megabytes.

These are the processes I killed:

    python (pid 18719), using 1974 megabyte(s)

Your total memory usage is now 25 megabyte(s).

Excessive memory usage is usually a symptom of a broken program.  Please investigate the cause of the problem and fix it before you restart these processes.

      slayerd (the process slayer)

Uh... dat hoort niet... ik ga het even onderzoeken, wat het lijkt me een bug. -- Bryan (talk to me) 10:11, 19 June 2007 (UTC)

Congratulations! If has administrator and bot statuses. --EugeneZelenko 14:17, 18 June 2007 (UTC)

Hi Bryan!
Your bot User:CommonsDelinkerHelper unfortunately removes jobs on CommonsDelinker that re not done yet. (See the CommonsDelinker history and my comments. --ALE! ¿…? 07:54, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
It may be that the job is removed because it has been queued (edit summary is "Removing images being processed"). Bryan will give a more definitive answer, I guess ;) Siebrand 08:46, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
Siebrand is correct. Images are removed from the queue and then passed through to CommonsDelinker. They should then be replaced within 5 minutes. CheckUsage will then probably return that the images are still in use, but that is due to replication lag. -- Bryan (talk to me) 10:10, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
Hmm, but for example the image:Lamelle icona.png is still used on the IT Wikipedia, see: it:Immagine:Lamelle icona.png --ALE! ¿…? 10:26, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
That's a bug in the part that is responsible for the replacement itself. It is embedded in the very complicated template it:Template:Micomorfobox. It's a bug, and I'll look into it tonight. -- Bryan (talk to me) 10:35, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
Correction: It's a bug in checkusage. There are problems if the image is used in more than 500 pages. Will fix. -- Bryan (talk to me) 10:40, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
This one is currently unfixable. It is embedded in a very complicated way in it:Template:Micomorfobox. It took me by hand about 10 minutes to find out how it worked. No way a bot can do that :(:( -- Bryan (talk to me) 19:54, 19 June 2007 (UTC)

My Flickr images

If you want, you can feel free to deny the truth that I took those images. Da Man2 19:13, 20 June 2007 (UTC)

Contact with Pt speaker

Hi, do you have his email? I don't have an account there, so it'd be easy to contact him directly. Dantadd 20:28, 20 June 2007 (UTC)

Just to get it right: we need his express authorization to keep these three pictures? Dantadd 20:59, 20 June 2007 (UTC)
Ok, I gonna send him an email. I'll be travelling from tomorrow until friday June 29, then it could take a while to exchange messages with him. Dantadd 21:35, 20 June 2007 (UTC)

Delinker output correct?

Klopt dit? Siebrand 00:13, 22 June 2007 (UTC)

[2007-06-22 00:12:22] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Fetching new summary for wikinews:sr
[2007-06-22 00:12:23] <Delinker(Thread-7, started)> Usage of Meeting_in_Victoria_Palace.JPG: {'': [(0, u'Tratatul_de_aderare_la_UE:_u\u015for_de_semnat,_greu_de_aplicat', u'Tratatul_de_aderare_la_UE:_u\u015for_de_semnat,_greu_de_aplicat')]}
[2007-06-22 00:12:24] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Using default summary for
[2007-06-22 00:12:24] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Fetching new summary for wikinews:ro
[2007-06-22 00:12:24] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Using default summary for
[2007-06-22 00:12:54] <Delinker(Thread-12, started)> Usage of DSC_1425-p01-co-ronchamp-01.jpg: {'': [(10, u'\u0418\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438_\u0434\u043e\u0433\u0430\u0452\u0430\u0458\u0438_\u0437\u0430_6._\u043e\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0440', u'\u0428\u0430\u0431\u043b\u043e\u043d:\u0418\u0437\u0430\u0431\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438_\u0434\u043e\u0433\u0430\u0452\u0430\u0458\u0438_\u0437\u0430_6._\u043e\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0440')]}
[2007-06-22 00:12:54] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Fetching new summary for wikinews:sr
[2007-06-22 00:12:54] <Delinker(Thread-7, started)> Usage of Meeting_in_Victoria_Palace.JPG: {'': [(0, u'Tratatul_de_aderare_la_UE:_u\u015for_de_semnat,_greu_de_aplicat', u'Tratatul_de_aderare_la_UE:_u\u015for_de_semnat,_greu_de_aplicat')]}
[2007-06-22 00:12:55] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Using default summary for
[2007-06-22 00:12:55] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Fetching new summary for wikinews:ro
[2007-06-22 00:12:55] <__main__.SummaryCache object at 0x2ab95bedf990> Using default summary for

Yep, klopt. Er is nu 1 proces wijde summary cache. -- Bryan (talk to me) 11:07, 22 June 2007 (UTC)


Waht picture did I uplad now to get blocked. All thet I upleaded are currently disccused and are going good, and noboy complained about the new ones (Himmler 1941, which is a crop), so please xplain why I was blocked. -- 14:48, 24 June 2007 (UTC)

The SFRY images (licence copsie from a nother commons pic), other pictrues are clearing and I said about some pics, which you preved to be copyvio to delete them, and the someones you thought to be are now cleared. So I do not see why you blocked me for a month if everythin is clearing up. If you do no belive that i took the NK pic, delte it, what can I tell you. Plase just explain and give proof that I uploaded something on porpouse what I knew was wrong, and claimed it is not. The maps, you said i said to delte them, now I say delete MKrleza & VNazor, and Himmler, if you do not belive in my claims, but give me an explanatio which is true. -- 15:03, 24 June 2007 (UTC)


The template "Template:PD-self/lang" is protected and I can't edit it. Please categorize it correctly with the parameter as follows.

<noinclude>[[Category:Internationalization templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>

Thanks for your help. --SantaClaus 19:21, 25 June 2007 (UTC)

Will do once Special:Statistics job queue is lower. -- Bryan (talk to me) 08:45, 26 June 2007 (UTC)

Re: OTRS ticket #2007062510009082

Ok. There isn't a need to contact me though. And you should have closed the ticket after you took care of the images. I've closed it. Hopefully you can clear out some of the other language ones that have been sitting around for months. MECUtalk 18:17, 26 June 2007 (UTC)


Appreciated - let me know if you spot anything worth looking at, cheers --Herby talk thyme 12:39, 27 June 2007 (UTC)

Web interface

hist Toolserver status
The Toolserver shut down on July 1, 2014.
More information...

I am unable to access the web interface for the Flickr upload bot on the toolserver. Royalbroil T : C 14:14, 25 June 2007 (UTC)

Hello. First, I would like to say how very useful the Flickr upload bot is: thank you for building it.
I, too, am having problems with it. Once I got a HTTP Server Error 500. Two more times, I got an error message telling me to contact Bryan. Just thought you want to know. I hope it is easy to fix. Thanks again! Hike395 15:59, 25 June 2007 (UTC)
I'll answer here, because it might be bothering more people... Unfortunately, there are problems with the MySQL database server, that the web interface relies on. The toolserver admins have restarted it this afternoon, but it went down again a little while later.
The problems with the database server appear to be more persistent the last few days. Hopefully the database server will be up sooner, but in case it isn't, there will be a second database server arriving on 29 June, which will ease the load on the current server.
Unfortunately, nothing I can do about it. -- Bryan (talk to me) 17:27, 25 June 2007 (UTC)
I couldn't get on any of the Wikipedia's for many hours, but it's back now. I too GREATLY appreciate the very useful tool. THANK YOU! Royalbroil T : C 02:26, 26 June 2007 (UTC)

It's down again. There is now an hourly updated infobox on Flickr upload bot's user page and my talk page.

I tried to upload an image from flickr but "an unknown error has occured". What can I do to get the photo on commons? --JuergenL 11:24, 28 June 2007 (UTC)
You appear to be unlucky enough to have the database go down while you were editting. Once it is up again, you can follow the upload link again once the database is up. I will do that for you when the database is up again. -- Bryan (talk to me) 12:02, 28 June 2007 (UTC)

I see you reverted my tagging of the trademarked O/U symbol, OU_kosher.svg (it is trademarked, see as a copyright violation. Did I misunderstand the Commons policy? I think that a trademarked symbol is a copyright violation even if it is re-drawn by someone who releases the rights. --Israeld 06:25, 28 June 2007 (UTC)

Flickr Upload Tool

Hi Bryan, I would like to thank you for your really useful tool, the Flickr uploader. However I've experienced a problem - among many successful uploads it is the first - with uploading this image. The error was saved by the bot several times, in one case it was registered as 6bce30fb. Regards, --Grifomaniacs 14:51, 28 June 2007 (UTC)

Now it is all OK. In fact the image is able to be seen in Commons. Ignore the message, keep only the congratulations. ;)--Grifomaniacs 14:57, 28 June 2007 (UTC)
See some threads above, it is a server problem, and unlikely to be fixed before the weekend. -- Bryan (talk to me) 15:06, 28 June 2007 (UTC)

Contact with Pt speaker

Hi, I've just returned home and checked my emails and unfortunately the Portuguese photographer has not replied since June 21. Dantadd 08:54, 29 June 2007 (UTC)

That CU

Hi Bryan - firstly all the very best with the exams. Hope they go well. If/when you get time do look at the results of the CU, the most complex I've dealt with certainly so if you feel anything else is warranted in the way of checks/info let me know (I've left similar on Prevert's page). Cheers --Herby talk thyme 10:57, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

Bryan: I did not crop out the watermark, I edited it out. Please undelete it as it is used under an appropriate licence - if a watermark is edited out, the licence if it is cc will not change, thanx, -- 13:38, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

MiszaBot counter

Hi Bryan - I also hope the exams go well. Regarding your edit to Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/User problems a little while ago, why start at "counter = 3", rather than "counter = 1"? Thanks!   — Jeff G. (talk|contribs) 14:56, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

See the navigation template: the current archive page is #3. Cheers. Siebrand 15:06, 30 June 2007 (UTC)