User:The South Harz Journey

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This Wikimedia Commons gallery provides picture material from our book "Die Südharzreise" ("The South Harz Journey"). It was published in March, 2010, by the German editorial SuKuLTuR, Berlin. The book was written by Frank Fischer, contains an epilogue by David Woodard, entitled "Autobahn 38, Ruta XI, Route 66," and a series of 31 b/w pictures by Andreas Vogel, entitled "Reprise, 2. August 2009." The entire book was released under the CC license BY-SA-NC 3.0. For use in Wikimedia Commons, the cover art and all pictures in their color versions uploaded to the Commons were re-licensed under BY-SA 3.0 (cf. author's official site).

The original journey as well as the photo shooting tour took around 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. This explains the numerous night views.

Update April 12, 2010
There is now a project page on Flickr featuring all pictures present here in their b/w versions. Due to the provided geotags you can directly access an Open Street Map with all the pictures in their respective locations.

Cover Art and Itinerary


The 31 Original Pictures from the Book


The picture series of the original book goes by the title "Reprise, 2. August 2009" and is located on pages 73–88. For use in Wikimedia Commons and elsewhere, we provide the color versions of the 31 pictures. They all feature geotags.