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Hello! I am Jaac, also known an ShinJunBak. No I am not Korean, but have a large interest in both the language and culture.

안녕하세요! 내 이름은 잭이야. 아니면 신준박이라고. 불러도돼요. 한국사람은 아닙니다,하지만 전통을 무지 좋아해요

I do apologize to all the native Korean speakers who had to read my butchered attempt at the language.

I am a political and map making fanatic, and have just relevantly gotten into Wikipedia. I have made a couple of maps so far, but their all fairly mediocre, so I won't be posting any here for now, until I make some good ones.

Thanks, Jun Bak.

감사합니다, 준박.

Maps I've made


Other unrelated pictures
