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Hart aber fair - 2019-03-18-6629.jpg (talk | new)

Kristina Schröder
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Terms of license complied with.Querdenken „mit einer schöneren Oberfläche“? (in de). / Gunnar Hamann (2021-12-07). Retrieved on 2021-12-14.

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Terms of license complied with.Gut gemacht, Frau Schröder! (in de). / Gunnar Hamann (2022-05-08). Retrieved on 2022-05-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Gott - ein starkes Bild? (in de). Retrieved on 2023-12-25.

Hart aber fair - 2019-03-18-6628.jpg (talk | new)

Kristina Schröder
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Terms of license complied with.Bereits mehr als 65.000 wenden sich gegen „Gender-Unfug“ (in de). / Verein für Sprachpflege e. V. (2019-04-05). Retrieved on 2019-04-12.

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Terms of license complied with.Kristina Schröder (2022-11-16). Wie kann die CDU wieder konservativer werden? (in de). / Achgut Media GmbH. Retrieved on 2023-01-02.

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Terms of license complied with.Kristina Schröder (2022-12-03). Es gibt nichts Besseres als Parteien (in de). / Achgut Media GmbH. Retrieved on 2023-01-02.

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Terms of license complied with.Kristina Schröder (2022-12-04). Was ist mit der Liebe zwischen Frau und Mann?  (in de). / Achgut Media GmbH. Retrieved on 2023-01-02.

Spatenstich zum Neubau der Leverkusener Rheinbrücke-5804.jpg (talk | new)

Enak Ferlemann
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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-01-28). Bahnbeauftragter will noch höhere Bahnpreise (in de). Retrieved on 2019-02-10.

OB-Wahl Köln 2015, Wahlabend im Rathaus-1018.jpg (talk | new)

Mark Benecke
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Terms of license complied with.Forensiker werden (in de). / OAK - Online Akademie GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2018-12-24.

Maischberger - 2018-05-16-1001.jpg (talk | new)

Jürgen Hardt
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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-12-04). Hardt: Russland muss Zweifel an Einhaltung des INF-Vertrags ausräumen (in de). Retrieved on 2018-12-24.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-03-22). Hardt: Guaidós Stabschef muss umgehend freigelassen werden (in de). Retrieved on 2019-04-13.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-09-16). Union für Wiederaufnahme von Rüstungsexporten nach Saudi-Arabien (in de). Retrieved on 2019-09-30.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2020-04-09). Hardt: Waffenruhe in Jemen ist wichtiger Schritt Saudi-Arabiens (in de). Retrieved on 2020-05-01.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2020-07-14). Hardt gegen Aussetzung des Auslieferungsabkommens mit Hongkong (in de). Retrieved on 2020-07-31.

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Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2021-05-27). Hardt: Neue wichtige Aufgabe für Bundesminister a.D. Christian Schmidt (in de). Retrieved on 2021-06-04.

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Terms of license complied with.Anja Schmitt (2021-07-22). Hardt: Türkei muss Provokationen in Zypern beenden (in de). Retrieved on 2021-07-25.

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Terms of license complied with.Mary Smith (2024-04-15). Union und Linke für schärferes Vorgehen gegen Aktivitäten des Iran (in de). Retrieved on 2024-04-24.

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Terms of license complied with.Mary Smith (2024-05-22). Union warnt Bundesregierung vor Anerkennung von Palästinenserstaat (in de). Retrieved on 2024-06-02.

ColognePride 2018-Samstag-Hauptbühne-1600-Politblock-Ska Keller-7632.jpg (talk | new)

Ska Keller
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Terms of license complied with.clauskuhn (2019-05-08). Spitzenkandidatin der Grünen zum Europatag in Saarbrücken (in de). / saarnews UG (haftungsbeschränkt) i. Gr.. Retrieved on 2019-05-08.

ColognePride 2018-Samstag-Hauptbühne-1600-Politblock-Ska Keller-7625.jpg (talk | new)

Ska Keller
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-11-26). Keller lehnt Weber als möglichen EU-Kommissionschef ab (in de). Retrieved on 2018-12-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-01-07). Ska Keller: Kohleausstieg langfristig planen (in de). Retrieved on 2019-01-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-04-29). Keller: Notfalls Teillösung für Flüchtlingsverteilung in Europa (in de). Retrieved on 2019-04-29.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-03-16). Nobelpreis für Greta Thunberg? Grünen-Europapolitikerin Ska Keller findet Vorschlag gut (in de). Retrieved on 2019-05-12.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-07-23). Grüne im EU-Parlament offen für Zusammenarbeit mit von der Leyen (in de). Retrieved on 2019-07-24.

NRW-Umweltministerin Ursula Heinen-Esser - tierische Helfer am Airport Köln-Bonn-10129.jpg (talk | new)

Ursula Heinen-Esser
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Terms of license complied with.Umweltkriminalität nachweislich vernachlässigt (in de). / NATURSTROM AG (2021-06-08). Retrieved on 2021-06-09.

NRW-Umweltministerin Ursula Heinen-Esser - tierische Helfer am Airport Köln-Bonn-09959.jpg (talk | new)

Ursula Heinen-Esser
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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-10-25). Umweltministerium nimmt Ölpellet-Einsatz bei Uniper unter die Lupe (in de). Retrieved on 2018-10-27.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-11-09). NRW-Umweltministerin rät Besitzern von älteren Dieseln, "die Ruhe zu bewahren" (in de). Retrieved on 2018-11-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-12-05). Heinen-Esser will Plastikumhüllung von Postwurfsendungen verbieten (in de). Retrieved on 2018-12-07.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-01-11). NRW glaubt nicht mehr an Hardware-Nachrüstungen (in de). Retrieved on 2019-01-13.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-03-02). NRW-Umweltministerin Heinen-Esser gegen flächendeckende Dieselfahrverbote (in de). Retrieved on 2019-03-04.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2020-01-04). NRW-Umweltministerin sieht moralische Mitverantwortung des Handels an Krefeld-Brand (in de). Retrieved on 2020-01-06.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2020-09-28). Umweltministerin Heinen-Esser: NRW wird kein Endlager-Hotspot (in de). Retrieved on 2021-02-07.

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Terms of license complied with.Anja Schmitt (2021-07-13). NRW-Umweltministerin befürchtet häufigere Wetterextreme (in de). Retrieved on 2021-07-19.

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Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2021-07-19). NRW will Hochwasserschutz an kleinen Flüssen verbessern (in de). Retrieved on 2021-07-21.

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Terms of license complied with.Daniel Matissek (2022-04-10). NRW-Skandalministerin: Rücktritt wegen „Mallorca-Gate“ nach Flutkatastrophe (in de). / Medien24 GmbH. Retrieved on 2022-04-26.

Diskussionsveranstaltung „Deutschlands Rolle in den Vereinten Nationen - eine Bilanz“ im Kölner Rathaus-5472.jpg (talk | new)

Peter Wittig
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Terms of license complied with.Peter Wittig (in de). / Munzinger-Archiv GmbH (2018-08-21). Retrieved on 2018-08-27.

Maischberger - 2018-02-28-9531.jpg (talk | new)

Beatrix von Storch
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Terms of license not complied with.David Berger (2018-04-26). Beatrix von Storch: Der Hass gegen Israel wird vom System Merkel mitfinanziert (in de). Retrieved on 2018-04-30.
Name ok, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.David Berger (2018-06-05). Beatrix von Storch: „Der BAMF-Skandal beginnt im Kanzleramt“ (in de). Retrieved on 2018-06-05.

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Terms of license complied with.AfD sucht den Schulterschluss von Kapital und Rechtsaußen (in de). / Hörhammer und Weigerstorfer GbR (2018-09-11). Retrieved on 2018-10-01.

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Terms of license complied with.David Berger (2018-10-06). Beatrix von Storch: „Ich freue mich auf die Gründung der ‚Juden in der AfD'“ (in de). / David Dr. Berger. Retrieved on 2018-10-06.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2020-12-03). Beatrix von Storch: Armenier in Deutschland schützen und Erdogans Graue Wölfe verbieten (in de). Retrieved on 2020-12-03.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2020-08-05). AfD-Vize-Fraktionschefin Beatrix von Storch schließt Kalbitz als Brandenburger Fraktionschef aus (in de). Retrieved on 2020-12-26.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2021-01-25). Beatrix von Storch: Seehofer muss die Antifa endlich verbieten (in de). Retrieved on 2021-01-26.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2021-08-09). Beatrix von Storch: "Linken-Senatorin Breitenbach relativiert islamischen ,Ehrenmord'" (in de). Retrieved on 2021-09-06.

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Terms of license complied with.Dennis Klein (2023-01-12). Storch-Portal: Aktionsplan gegen Queer­feindlichkeit ist "Gedankenkontrolle" (in de). Retrieved on 2023-02-07.

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Terms of license complied with.Völlig irre! Lauterbach zeigt Beatrix von Storch wegen Beleidigung an (in de). / Zivile Allianz e.V. (2022-09-16). Retrieved on 2023-04-01.

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Terms of license complied with.Napalm auf AfD-Anhänger: Südtiroler Gemeinderat hetzt im Netz (in de). / Du bist Tirol – Genossenschaft (2023-10-04). Retrieved on 2023-10-25.

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Terms of license complied with.Alternative News (2024-04-17). 🚨 Das Milliardennetzwerk hinter der KLIMABEWEGUNG! Beatrix von Storch deckt auf | AfD Neuigkeiten! (in de). Retrieved on 2024-04-30.
Teaser image,

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Terms of license complied with.Aktien mit Kopf (2024-05-14). Beatrix von Storch SCHOCKT Göring-Eckardt mit Wahrheit! (in de). Retrieved on 2024-05-19.
Teaser image,

OB-Wahl Köln 2015, Wahlabend im Rathaus-0998.jpg (talk | new)

Martin Börschel
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Terms of license complied with.Oskar als Machiavelli nrws (in de). (2018-04-12). Retrieved on 2018-04-30.

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Terms of license complied with.Strittige Personalie in Köln (in de). (2018-05-07). Retrieved on 2018-05-09.

OB-Wahl Köln 2015, Wahlabend im Rathaus-0994.jpg (talk | new)

Martin Börschel
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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-04-25). Wahl von SPD-Politiker Börschel zum Stadtwerke-Chef vorerst gestoppt (in de). Retrieved on 2018-04-30.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2019-03-14). Kölner SPD-Politiker Martin Börschel bedauert Vorgehen in der Stadtwerke-Affäre (in de). Retrieved on 2019-05-12.

Hart aber fair-2017-03-27-1321.jpg (talk | new)

Jean Asselborn
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Terms of license complied with.Bundesrätin Sommaruga traf Luxemburgs Aussenminister (in de). (2017-09-13). Retrieved on 2017-09-13.

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Terms of license complied with.V. Berger (2019-07-08). Luxemburgs Außenminister fordert Zusammenarbeit von EU mit NGOs & warnt vor weiterer Flüchtlingswelle im Kriegsfall USA-Iran (in de). / COMPACT-Magazin GmbH. Retrieved on 2019-07-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Thomas Rietzschel (2020-09-14). Asselborn und die Brandstifter (in de). / Achgut Media GmbH. Retrieved on 2021-01-13.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.UE dan Luksemburg Tolak Kunjungan Terakhir Pompeo (in id). (2021-01-13). Retrieved on 2021-01-13.
Name ok, no license, "", Raymond 20:17, 13 January 2021 (UTC),

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Terms of license complied with.Universität Innsbruck (2021-10-20). Perspektiven für Europa! Im Gespräch mit dem luxemburgischen Außenminister Jean Asselborn (in de). Retrieved on 2021-09-22.

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Auszeichnung an die Stadtbibliothek Köln zur „Bibliothek des Jahres 2015“-1216.jpg (talk | new)

Hans-Joachim Grote
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Terms of license complied with.Schleswig-Holstein: Innenminister Grote tritt zurück (in de). / Internationale Nachrichtenagentur Rossiya Segodnya (2020-04-28). Retrieved on 2020-05-22.

Hans-Joachim Grote.jpg (talk | new)

Hans-Joachim Grote
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Terms of license complied with.ehe für alle stoppen (in de). / Zivile Koalition e.V.. Retrieved on 2017-07-05.

Empfang der Botschafter von Kolumbien und Peru im Rathaus von Köln-7686.jpg (talk | new)

Juan Mayr
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Terms of license complied with.Anny Wooldridge (2017-05-31). 7 Photographers from Bogotá to Check Out (in en). Retrieved on 2017-06-05.

Ausstellungseröffnung -Westfalen hilft Köln-, Stadtmuseum Münster-0023.jpg (talk | new)

Markus Lewe
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Terms of license complied with.Städtetag erwartet rasche Korrektur des neuen Infektionsschutzgesetzes (in de). / cozmo media group n.e.V. (2022-03-19). Retrieved on 2022-04-01.

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Terms of license complied with.Kommunen sehen Versorgungssicherheit nicht gesichert (in de). / Freilich Medien GmbH (2022-09-22). Retrieved on 2022-10-16.

Ausstellungseröffnung -Westfalen hilft Köln-, Stadtmuseum Münster-0007.jpg (talk | new)

Markus Lewe
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Terms of license complied with.Lewe soll Präsident des Deutschen Städtetags werden (in de). / Quadriga Media Berlin GmbH (2017-05-24). Retrieved on 2017-05-30.

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Terms of license complied with.Karin Billanitsch (2017-12-28). Was der Deutsche Städtetag von der Politik für 2018 fordert (in de). / Berliner vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Retrieved on 2018-01-08.

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Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-02-07). Städtetagspräsident lobt Groko-Pläne für Wohnungsbau und Schulen (in de). Retrieved on 2018-02-14.

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Terms of license complied with.Mary Smith (2023-11-04). Lewe will Verdoppelung der Flüchtlingsfinanzierung des Bundes (in de). Retrieved on 2023-12-06.

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Terms of license complied with.Mary Smith (2024-03-22). Städtetag: Cannabis-Gesetz sollte in Vermittlungsausschuss (in de). Retrieved on 2024-04-07.

2019 ColognePride - CSD-Parade-8511.jpg (talk | new)

Volker Beck
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Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2022-04-23). Vize-Regierungschef in NRW: Staat nicht auf der Höhe der Zeit für Krisen (in de). / Stiftung Neue Perspektive Medien. Retrieved on 2022-05-13.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2022-05-10). NRW-Integrationsminister fordert Erleichterungen für Zuwanderung (in de). / Stiftung Neue Perspektive Medien. Retrieved on 2022-05-31.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2022-08-25). Joachim Stamp will Vorsitz der NRW-FDP aufgeben (in de). / Stiftung Neue Perspektive Medien. Retrieved on 2022-10-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2023-09-20). Stamp wirft Grünen Blockade im Asylstreit vor (in de). / Stiftung Neue Perspektive Medien. Retrieved on 2023-10-12.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2023-11-02). Stamp will Verwaltungsreform zur Erleichterung von Abschiebungen (in de). / Stiftung Neue Perspektive Medien. Retrieved on 2023-12-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2023-12-18). Stamp kritisiert Spahns Abschiebe-Pläne als "kindlich naiv" (in de). / Stiftung Neue Perspektive Medien. Retrieved on 2023-12-18.

Stop Watching Us-Demo Köln Oktober2013-7305.jpg (talk | new)

Volker Beck
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Terms of license complied with.Volker Beck oder Lebensqualität Sag mir, wo die Schwulen sind... (in de). / Lichtschlag Medien und Werbung KG (2017-05-28). Retrieved on 2017-05-29.

Verleihung des Bundesverdienstkreuzes an Klaus Ulonska-7251.jpg (talk | new)

Ralf Jäger
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Terms of license complied with.Die Belastung – Ralf Jäger (in de). / Redaktion Demokratisch-Links – Ingo Engbert (2017-05-10). Retrieved on 2017-05-13.

Empfang für Sheik Qasimi, Sharjah, im Kölner Rathaus-0198.jpg (talk | new)

Sultan bin Mohamed al-Qasimi
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Terms of license complied with.Marcela Ganea (2017-04-26). Secrets Of Leadership: The Emirate Of Sharjah – OpEd (in en). Retrieved on 2017-05-02.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license complied with.Sharjah trade delegation in The Netherlands (in en). (2018-05-20). Retrieved on 2018-05-23.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.FRANCISCO CARRIÓN (2019-10-09). El jeque más intelectual de Emiratos Árabes Unidos se reúne en Zarzuela con Felipe VI (in es). Retrieved on 2019-10-29.
Name ok, no license,

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Terms of license not complied with.Arabski szejk z medalem UJ (in pl). (2019-10-15). Retrieved on 2019-11-04.
Name ok, no license,

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Terms of license not complied with.El jeque emiratí que reclama devolver la Mezquita de Córdoba a los musulmanes (in pl). (2020-07-23). Retrieved on 2020-08-11.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.The Industry Titans Who Live at 15 Central Park West (in en). (2020-09-24). Retrieved on 2021-02-01.
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Terms of license not complied with.Gulf Emirate Ruler Faces Foreclosure on 15 CPW Apartment (in en). (2020-09-30). Retrieved on 2021-02-09.
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Verleihung Konrad-Adenauer-Preis der Stadt Köln 2015 an Vitali Klitschko-7686.jpg (talk | new)

Burkhard Jung
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Terms of license complied with.Dirk Müller (2017-03-05). Common Purpose und Stadt Leipzig auf gemeinsamer Veranstaltung (in de). / Prevus UG (haftungsbeschränkt). Retrieved on 2017-03-09.
Name ok, no licens

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Terms of license complied with.Henning Uhle (2018-04-27). Burkhard Jung: Oberbürgermeister geht zur Sparkasse? (in de). / Henning Uhle. Retrieved on 2018-04-27.

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Terms of license complied with.Neuer Städtetagspräsident : „Ich werde nicht aufhören, einen Nazi auch ‚Nazi’ zu nennen“ (in de). / dokumentationsarchiv, Hans Meier (2018-06-07). Retrieved on 2018-07-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Alexander Boos (2019-12-18). Doch Hoffnung für SPD?: „Wer 150 Jahre übersteht, verschwindet nicht so schnell“ (in ro). / Internationale Nachrichtenagentur Rossiya Segodnya. Retrieved on 2020-01-04.

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Terms of license complied with.Stadt Leipzig ignoriert Gerichtsurteil zur Schadensersatzverpflichtung (in de). / Business Network Marketing- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (2021-09-17). Retrieved on 2021-09-26.

Abschiedsbesuch des amerikanischen Botschafters Philip D. Murphy im Kölner Rathaus-0676.jpg (talk | new)

Philip D. Murphy
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Terms of license complied with.Alexis Gravely. New Jersey's First Lady is no stranger to Grounds (in de). Retrieved on 2017-12-17.

Abschiedsbesuch des amerikanischen Botschafters Philip D. Murphy im Kölner Rathaus-0753.jpg (talk | new)

Philip D. Murphy
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Terms of license complied with.Köln: »The Places We Have Been« (in en). / Amerika Haus e.V. NRW (2013-07-16). Retrieved on 2013-11-05.
Name and license in title tag,

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Terms of license complied with.Agnescadeau (in nl). (2017-02-01). Retrieved on 2017-02-26.

Werkstattreihe gemeinsam für ein starkes Deutschland, Köln-3566.jpg (talk | new)

Thomas de Maizière
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Terms of license complied with.wissenschaft_(george_orwell).png (in de). / Mathe-AC Lernwerkstatt Mathematik GbR. Retrieved on 2021-09-17.

Werkstattreihe gemeinsam für ein starkes Deutschland, Köln-3570.jpg (talk | new)

Thomas de Maizière
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Terms of license complied with.Vera Lengsfeld (2016-11-04). Kinderehe? Mit 1.000 Euro sind Sie dabei! (in de). / Achgut UG (haftungsbeschränkt). Retrieved on 2018-08-07.

Werkstattreihe gemeinsam für ein starkes Deutschland, Köln-3501.jpg (talk | new)

Thomas de Maizière
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Terms of license complied with.Carsten Dobschat (2017-02-21). Keine Überraschung: Thomas de Maizière will mehr Vorratsdatenspeicherung (in de). / New Media Publishing & Consulting Ltd.. Retrieved on 2017-02-24.

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Terms of license complied with.David Berger (2016-11-02). Innenministerium: Sexueller Missbrauch durch Muslime wie Falschparken? (in de). Retrieved on 2018-08-01.

Werkstattreihe gemeinsam für ein starkes Deutschland, Köln-3498.jpg (talk | new)

Thomas de Maizière
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Terms of license complied with.Jürgen Fritz (2017-05-04). De Maizière und Chef-Kriminologe versichern: Es gibt kaum noch Kriminalität in Deutschland (in de). Retrieved on 2017-05-08.
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Werner Hoyer - Grundsteinlegung DITIB-Zentralmoschee Köln (1590).jpg (talk | new)

Werner Hoyer
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Werner Hoyer, ministro adjunto de Alemania para Europa (in es). Retrieved on 2011-01-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Médiatörvény: a német kormány aggályairól két hónapja tudni lehetett (in hu). Nyelv és Tudomány (2011-04-19). Retrieved on 2011-04-21.

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Terms of license not complied with.Depois de Merkel, hoje foi a vez de o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Alemanha aplaudir o leilão de obrigações de Portugal. (in pt). / ALHO politicamente incorreto (2011-01-14). Retrieved on 2014-01-20.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Xəbərlər (in az). (2010-06-05). Retrieved on 2014-03-21.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Hojer: Rešenje za Kosovo (in bs). (2009-11-27). Retrieved on 2014-04-24.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.EC Newsletter - German Ministers address Liberal International before Executive Committee (in en). Retrieved on 2014-07-26.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Alemania se esfuerza en desmentir su falta de apoyo al resto de la UE (in es). (2011-01-24). Retrieved on 2017-02-24.
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11. Nationaler Aktionstag für die Erhaltung schriftlichen Kulturguts-9521.jpg (talk | new)

Bernd Neuendorf
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Mary Smith (2023-01-02). DFB-Präsident versetzt Bundestags-Sportpolitiker (in de). Retrieved on 2022-01-22.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Mary Smith (2024-05-03). Fußball-EM: DFB-Präsident Neuendorf freut sich über "unfassbare Zahlen" (in de). Retrieved on 2024-05-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Mary Smith (2024-05-10). DFB-Präsident Neuendorf würdigt Karriere von Fabian Klos (in de). Retrieved on 2024-05-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2024-07-12). DDFB-Präsident zieht vor dem Finale positive EM-Bilanz (in de). Retrieved on 2024-07-30.

11. Nationaler Aktionstag für die Erhaltung schriftlichen Kulturguts-9514.jpg (talk | new)

Bernd Neuendorf
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Vanessa Low gewinnt Paralympics-Gold – mit Weltrekord! (in de). / Menschen, Medien und Inklusion e.V. (2016-09-11). Retrieved on 2017-02-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Das wünscht sich der Amateursport vom DFB (in de). / Menschen, Medien und Inklusion e.V. (2022-03-19). Retrieved on 2022-04-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Rune Gjerulff (2022-12-02). DFB to hold crisis meeting with Flick and Bierhoff next week, reveals Neuendorf (in en). Retrieved on 2023-01-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Rune Gjerulff (2023-11-20). DFB president targets final place for Germany at Euros (in en). Retrieved on 2023-12-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Fußball-Kunst-Schau In Motion | Art & Football im Deutschen Fußballmuseum feierlich eröffnet (in de). / KABINETT Verlag Elke Dagmar Schneider (2024-06-01). Retrieved on 2024-06-09.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.DFB-Präsident Neuendorf: „Wir müssen ein bisschen demütig sein“ (in de). / RW Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2024-06-14). Retrieved on 2024-07-01.

WDR Integrationsgipfel 2016 - 1745 - Eröffnung Abendveranstaltung und Verleihung Bundesverdienstkreuz-5175.jpg (talk | new)

Hannelore Kraft
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Terms of license complied with.Strengere Strafen bei Gewalt gegen Lehrer (in de). / Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e.V. (2016-12-14). Retrieved on 2016-12-15.

Besuch Botschafter Volksrepublik China im Rathaus Köln-6477.jpg (talk | new)

Shi Mingde
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thorsten Schmitt (2016-04-27). Chinas Botschafter in Deutschland: China strebt "grüne Entwicklung" an (in de). Retrieved on 2016-06-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2017-01-27). Chinesischer Botschafter ruft Berlin zu Handelserleichterungen auf (in de). Retrieved on 2017-01-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Chinas Botschafter: „Zunehmende protektionistische Tendenzen“ in Deutschland (in de). / All-Inclusive Media Inc. (2016-11-01). Retrieved on 2017-10-10.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Does anyone still use Gwoyeu Romatzyh to romanise Chinese? (in en). (2019-07-15). Retrieved on 2019-07-26.

Frank Horch - Verkehrsministerkonferenz Köln-3300.jpg (talk | new)

Frank Horch
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Terms of license complied with.Frank Horch (in es). (2016-05-11). Retrieved on 2016-05-11.

Preisverleihung der Toleranzringe der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste im Rathaus Köln-9033.jpg (talk | new)

Harry Woolf
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Terms of license complied with.Дарья Семенова (2016-03-18). Английские юристы боятся примера российских (in ru). Retrieved on 2016-04-24.
Name ok, no license, "wikipedia/commons",

Besuch der Botschafterin Palästinas im Rathaus Köln-1837.jpg (talk | new)

Khouloud Daibes abu Dayyeh
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Mercedes Nabert (2016-02-24). Palästina-Botschafterin Daibes in Witten (in de). / Stefan Laurin. Retrieved on 2016-04-09.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.`Palästinenser´ gegen Diskriminierung, Antisemitismus, Rassismus? »Ganz klar« (in de). / Yizre´el (Izi) Aharon - das Nachrichten- und Onlinemagazin (2018-05-24). Retrieved on 2018-05-25.
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Preisverleihung der Toleranzringe der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste im Rathaus Köln-0061.jpg (talk | new)

Harry Woolf
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Terms of license complied with.Galw am lai o garchar am oes i lofruddion (in cy). (2015-12-24). Retrieved on 2016-01-04.
Name ok, license, " CCA4.0",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Natasha Holcroft-Emmess, Sam Grant (2017-02-05). What Is the Joint Committee On Human Rights And What Does It Do? (in en). Retrieved on 2017-02-05.

Verleihung des Europäischen Handwerkspreises an Karl Kardinal Lehmann-2046.jpg (talk | new)

Hans Peter Wollseifer
This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Presseschau vom 02.02.2015 - Wollseifer fordert Bleiberecht für Flüchtlinge (in de). / Helios Media GmbH (2015-02-02). Retrieved on 2015-02-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2017-11-29). Handwerkspräsident will Einwanderungsgesetz gegen Fachkräftemangel (in de). Retrieved on 2017-11-30.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2017-12-16). Beim Vereinspräsidenten des Zentralverbands des Deutschen Handwerks e.V. wächst Kritik an Lindner (in de). Retrieved on 2017-12-17.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thorsten Schmitt (2018-01-02). Handwerkspräsident schimpft über VW-Chef: Umgang mit Dieselthema ist kundenfeindlich (in de). Retrieved on 2018-01-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thorsten Schmitt (2018-01-19). Handwerkspräsident: Jamaika wäre besser gewesen als GroKo (in de). Retrieved on 2018-01-21.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Andre Ott (2018-02-01). Handwerks-Präsident warnt vor Abschaffung der sachgrundlosen Befristung (in de). Retrieved on 2018-02-02.

Birlikte - Empfang der Stadt Köln-0316.jpg (talk | new)

Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu
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Birlikte - Empfang der Stadt Köln-0308.jpg (talk | new)

Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.nickpol (2014-07-08). Türkischer Botschafter: Krissten-Regierung sollte Ramadan-Fest geben (in de). Retrieved on 2014-07-09.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Türkischer Botschafter zu IS-Terroristen (in de). / c/o Markus Arlt (2015-11-20). Retrieved on 2015-11-22.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thorsten Schmitt (2016-01-22). Türkischer Botschafter: "Wir werden im Stich gelassen" (in de). Retrieved on 2016-03-08.

OB-Wahl Köln 2015, Wahlabend im Rathaus-0969.jpg (talk | new)

Jochen Ott
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sanjo Babić (2024-04-29). NRW-SPD kritisiert Thyssenkrupp-Spitze (in de). Retrieved on 2024-05-18.

100 Jahre GAG - Festakt im Historischen Rathaus Köln-5835.jpg (talk | new)

Jochen Ott
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Peter Kleinert (2014-05-07). Freie Wähler Köln gegen rechtswidrige Mieterhöhungen in GAG-Wohnungen: "Für preiswerten Wohnraum sorgen!" (in de). Retrieved on 2014-05-07.
Name ok, no license, "Quelle: wikipedia"

Antrittsbesuch des Botschafters von Israel im Rathaus von Köln-7770.jpg (talk | new)

Yakov Hadas-Handelsman
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Freundschaft Deutschland-Israel (2014-07-22). Botschafter entsetzt über antisemitische Parolen (in de). Retrieved on 2014-07-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Evelyn Hecht-Galinski (2014-07-30). Antisemitismus-Kampagne als Ablenkungsmanöver! (in de). / NRhZ-Online – Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Retrieved on 2014-07-30.
Name ok, no license, "Quelle: wikipedia"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Evelyn Hecht-Galinski (2014-07-30). Antisemitismus-​Kampagne als Ablenkungs­man­över! (in de). / Wein­furth. Retrieved on 2014-08-29.
Name ok, no license, "Quelle: wikipedia",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Verwirrung um AFP-Gespräch (in de). / blu e. V. (2014-12-26). Retrieved on 2015-01-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Wuppertal heißt Botschafter Israels willkommen (in de). / Dietmar Bell, Andreas Bialas, Josef Neumann (2015-06-16). Retrieved on 2015-06-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Wuppertal heißt Botschafter Israels willkommen (in de). / Dietmar Bell (2015-06-16). Retrieved on 2015-06-18.

Antrittsbesuch des Botschafters von Israel im Rathaus von Köln-7794.jpg (talk | new)

Yakov Hadas-Handelsman
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Vortragsveranstaltung zum Thema Die aktuelle Situation in Israel (in de). / Gesellschaft für Wehr- und Sicherheitspolitik e.V. (2013-05-29). Retrieved on 2013-06-28.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Israels Botschafter: “Die Siedlungen sind nicht das Hauptproblem” (in de). / Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft e.V. (2013-08-15). Retrieved on 2013-08-15.

Besuch Bundespräsident Gauck im Kölner Rathaus-4024.jpg (talk | new)

Guntram Schneider
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Peter Mühlbauer (2014-01-15). Müssen Patienten Englisch können? (in de). Retrieved on 2014-01-15.

Besuch Bundespräsident Gauck im Kölner Rathaus-4019.jpg (talk | new)

Guntram Schneider
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Terms of license complied with.(ho) (2013-05-07). SPD kritisiert Deutsche Islamkonferenz (in de). / JUNGE FREIHEIT Verlag GmbH & Co.. Retrieved on 2013-05-07.

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Terms of license complied with.SPD kritisiert Deutsche Islamkonferenz (in de). (2013-05-07). Retrieved on 2013-07-02.

Winfried Hermann - Verkehrsministerkonferenz Köln-3309.jpg (talk | new)

Winfried Hermann
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Ralf Heinrich (2013-02-19). Die unendliche Geschichte (in de). / Ralf Heinrich. Retrieved on 2013-02-19.

Ralph Sterck - ColognePride 2009 (2595).jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Elections communales à Cologne ce dimanche: le maire sera pro gay! (in fr). (2009-08-29). Retrieved on 2013-02-18.
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Peter Kurth - ColognePride 2009 (2607).jpg (talk | new)

Peter Kurth
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Peter Kurth Autogrammadresse (in de). / Web Internet Service Ltd.. Retrieved on 2013-02-20.
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  • 2013-02-18: E-Mail sent
  • 2013-02-20: Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Elections communales à Cologne ce dimanche: le maire sera pro gay! (in fr). (2009-08-29). Retrieved on 2013-02-18.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Peter Kurth und Frank Schäff­ler im Berliner Hayek-Club (in de). / Institut für Strategische Studien Berlin (ISSB) (2013-10-07). Retrieved on 2013-10-08.
* 2015-07-07: Similar URL

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.David Berger (2018-04-09). CDU-Politiker Peter Kurth: Orban zeigt, dass man Grenzen sichern kann, wenn man das will (in de). / David Dr. Berger. Retrieved on 2018-04-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Peter Kurth (in de). / Munzinger-Archiv GmbH. Retrieved on 2022-01-31.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Peter Kurth (in de). (2024-01-17). Retrieved on 2024-02-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Aufregung um Ex-CDU-Politiker mit Kontakten zu Rechtsextremen (in de). / Kleine Zeitung GmbH & Co KG (2024-01-19). Retrieved on 2024-02-08.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Maryam Mardani (2024-01-25). حمایت مالی سناتور پیشین حزب CDU از گروه‌های راست افراطی (in fa). Retrieved on 2024-02-20.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia", Raymond (talk) 18:46, 20 February 2024 (UTC),

Pressekonferenz zur Kundgebung 20 Jahre „Arsch huh, Zäng ussenander“-0654.jpg (talk | new)

Monika Piel
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thorsten Schmitt (2012-12-19). Kein Rundfunkbeitrag für Bewohner in Pflegeheimen (in de). / ASPM medien GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2012-12-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thorsten Schmitt (2013-01-26). Monika Piel hört vorzeitig als WDR-Intendantin auf (in de). / ASPM medien GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2013-01-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Peter Mühlbauer (2013-01-28). Chance auf Wandel (in de). / telepolis / Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co KG. Retrieved on 2013-01-28.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Thorsten Schmitt (2014-11-20). Zeitung: Monika Piel verlässt Bavaria-Aufsichtsrat (in de). / D E U R U. Retrieved on 2014-11-21.

Business and Investors Forum China 2012-0120.jpg (talk | new)

Commons:Business and Investors Forum China 2012
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Terms of license complied with.Mike Periu (2012-11-19). Protect Financial Files from Inadvertent Data Leaks (in en). Retrieved on 2012-11-24.
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Gedenkfeier Charles de Gaulles Besuch in Köln vor 50 Jahren-9225.jpg (talk | new)

Maurice Gourdault-Montagne
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Lebenslauf von Botschafter Gourdault-Montagne (in de). / Französische Botschaft in Deutschland (2012-11-05). Retrieved on 2012-11-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.„Der französische Blick auf die Zukunft Europas“ (in de). / Schwarzkopf-Stiftung "Junges Europa". (2013-05-15). Retrieved on 2013-03-26.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Protestaktion an die französische Botschaft in Berlin (in de). / Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V. (CABS). Retrieved on 2013-09-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Infos en bref du Courrier de Floride / Mars 2017 (in fr). (2017-02-28). Retrieved on 2017-03-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sarah Bos (2020-01-24). L’ancien secrétaire général du Quai d’Orsay présidera le Salon mondial du nucléaire (in fr). Retrieved on 2020-02-15.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.France : Avisa Partners, candidat au rachat de 35°Nord (in fr). (2021-11-04). Retrieved on 2021-11-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", Raymond 19:35, 13 November 2021 (UTC),

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Terms of license not complied with.Maurice Gourdault-Montagne / Diplomático Francés. “El pensamiento occidental dejará de ser dominante” (in es). (2023-04-10). Retrieved on 2023-04-10.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Hernán Garcés (2023-04-02). “El pensamiento occidental dejará de ser dominante” (in es). Retrieved on 2023-05-25.
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Terms of license not complied with.Pierre Schmidt (2023-05-10). Loches : Maurice Gourdault-Montagne au JAM (in fr). Retrieved on 2023-07-20.
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Empfang des OB von Indianapolis im Kölner Rathaus-4407.jpg (talk | new)

en:Greg Ballard
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Indianapolis Mayor Thinks A Bunch of Really Tall Skyscrapers Would Be Pretty Neat (in en). / Indy Tribune (2012-09-10). Retrieved on 2012-09-10.

Amerika Haus Köln - Town Hall Meeting Peter Ammon-8885.jpg (talk | new)

Peter Ammon
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Deutscher Botschafter in London hat in Clausthal studiert (in de). / Technische Universität Clausthal (2015-06-25). Retrieved on 2015-07-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.An interdisciplinary soundboard for British-German relations. (in de). (2016-03-23). Retrieved on 2016-05-02.

Amerika Haus Köln - Town Hall Meeting Peter Ammon-8898.jpg (talk | new)

Peter Ammon
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Town Hall Meeting Köln: »USA vor der Wahl (in de). / Amerika Haus e. V. Nordrhein-Westfalen (2012-08-31). Retrieved on 2012-09-03.
Name and license in the lightnox; exemplary for in total 7 images

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Evelyn Hecht Galinski (2014-04-30). Von Kopf bis Fuß auf Krieg eingestellt (in de). / Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Retrieved on 2014-04-30.
Name ok, no license, "Quelle: wikipedia"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Evelyn Hecht Galinski (2014-04-30). Von Kopf bis Fuß auf Krieg eingestellt (in de). / Peter Wein­furth. Retrieved on 2014-05-01.
Name ok, no license, "Quelle: wikipedia"

Präsident des Europäischen Parlamentes im Kölner Rathaus-8739.jpg (talk | new)

Norbert Burger (Köln)
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Köln trauert um Oberbürgermeister a.D. Norbert Burger (in de). (2012-05-16). Retrieved on 2012-05-16.

Harry Voigtsberger - Verkehrsministerkonferenz Köln-3302.jpg (talk | new)

Harry Voigtsberger
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Landesverkehrsminister in Erwitte (in de). (2012-04-13). Retrieved on 2012-04-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.HARRY KURT VOIGTSBERGER IST NEUER PRÄSIDENT DER NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN-STIFTUNG (in de). / Nordrhein-Westfalen-Stiftung (2012-09-04). Retrieved on 2012-09-10.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Karl Garaventa (2012-09-04). Neues NRW-Kabinett ohne Voigtsberger (in de). / mapolis AG. Retrieved on 2012-09-10.
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  • 2012-09-10: E-mail sent
  • 2012-09-10: Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Vorstand der NRW-Stiftung ohne Westfalen (in de). / Westfalium Verlag GmbH & Co KG (2012-09-10). Retrieved on 2012-09-10.

Sven Morlok - Verkehrsministerkonferenz Köln-3306.jpg (talk | new)

Sven Morlok
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Ein fauler Geruch (in de). Tjaden (2012-01-21). Retrieved on 2012-01-21.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Entwurf des Sächsischen Landesentwicklungsplans 2012 ist nun online (in de). VEE Sachsen e.V. (2012-01-24). Retrieved on 2012-01-27.

Sebastian Turner - Kirchentag Cologne 2007.jpg (talk | new)

Sebastian Turner
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sebastian Turner (in de). taz. Retrieved on 2011-02-28.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Mr. Nobody – der OB-Kandidat der CDU. (in de). (2012-01-21). Retrieved on 2012-02-17.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Der Kandidat für den Oberbürgermeisterposten von Stuttgart, Sebastian Turner, ist der Sohn eines Ostpreußen (in de). UG (2012-05-28). Retrieved on 2012-06-03.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Noch is nix gschwätzt (in de). / Hans H. Greuter (2012-10-07). Retrieved on 2012-10-08.
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  • 2012-10-08: E-mail sent
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Turner: Merkel sollte mehr auf Probleme der Städter eingehen (in de). / Ahme Licht Verlag GbR (2012-10-23). Retrieved on 2012-10-23.

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Terms of license complied with.Sebastian Turner hat Geburtstag (in de). / Potrimpus UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2020-07-04). Retrieved on 2020-07-07.
Teaser image on main page,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Anti-Baerbock-Kampagne (in de). (2021-06-21). Retrieved on 2021-07-28.

Werner Hoyer - Grundsteinlegung DITIB-Zentralmoschee Köln (1590).jpg (talk | new)

Werner Hoyer
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Werner Hoyer, ministro adjunto de Alemania para Europa (in es). Retrieved on 2011-01-24.

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Terms of license complied with.Médiatörvény: a német kormány aggályairól két hónapja tudni lehetett (in hu). Nyelv és Tudomány (2011-04-19). Retrieved on 2011-04-21.

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Terms of license not complied with.Depois de Merkel, hoje foi a vez de o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Alemanha aplaudir o leilão de obrigações de Portugal. (in pt). / ALHO politicamente incorreto (2011-01-14). Retrieved on 2014-01-20.
No name, no license,

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Terms of license not complied with.Xəbərlər (in az). (2010-06-05). Retrieved on 2014-03-21.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Hojer: Rešenje za Kosovo (in bs). (2009-11-27). Retrieved on 2014-04-24.
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Terms of license not complied with.EC Newsletter - German Ministers address Liberal International before Executive Committee (in en). Retrieved on 2014-07-26.
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Terms of license not complied with.Alemania se esfuerza en desmentir su falta de apoyo al resto de la UE (in es). (2011-01-24). Retrieved on 2017-02-24.
Name ok, no license,

Horst Köhler und Hans-Gert Pöttering - Kirchentag Köln 2007 (7231).jpg (talk | new)

Horst Köhler
Website URL seen licence ok?
Evangelischer Kirchentag 2007 in Köln
2009-08-26 name ok, license CC-by-SA-3.0 perfect
Evangelischer Kirchentag 2007 in Köln
2009-07-15 name ok, license ok
Wahlergebnis: CDU/CSU siegt bei Europawahl – BRD Diktatur gestärkt
2009-07-15 name ok, backlink to Commons
Frühstücksdirektor – Stupidedia
Speicherort Bild:
2009-05-25 perfect