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myTitel = "Czerny, Tägliche Übungen Op.337"

  \change Staff="down"
cdv = { \cd \voiceOne }

cu = {
  \change Staff="up"
cuv = { \cu \oneVoice }

sed = { s16-1 s-3 s-1 s-3 }
see = { s-1 s-3 }
sez = { s-1 s-2 }
sdze = { s-3 s-2 s-1 }
eivi = { s-1 s s s-4 }
viei = { s-4 s s s-1 }

eineOktaveHoch = {
  f16 fis g gis a b h c cis d dis e

eineOktaverunter = {
  f e es d des c h b a as g ges

raufrunter= {
  \eineOktaveHoch \eineOktaveHoch \eineOktaveHoch
  \eineOktaverunter \eineOktaverunter \eineOktaverunter

Fu = { \override Fingering.direction = #UP }
Fd = { \override Fingering.direction = #DOWN }
Fn = { \revert Fingering.direction }

TeilIIrauf = { f g gis a a b h c c d e f }
TeilIIrunter = { f, g gis a c, d e f a, b h c }

TeilIIIrauf = { f,, a c e f a c e f a c e }
TeilIIIrunter = { f c a f c a f c a c b g }

Dyn= {

Struktur =
  \override = ##f
  \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
  \repeat unfold 3 { s2. * 3 \break }
  s \pageBreak
  \repeat unfold 3 { s2. * 3 \break }