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de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
la-1 Hic usor simplici lingua Latina conferre potest.
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The 2019 Cure Award

Licensing Issues

English: Unfortunately, Wikimedia Commons does not have a licensing model for non-commercial use only. Images can therefore only be uploaded here if they are also released for commercial use by the author. CC-BY-NC-SA is therefore unfortunately excluded. In this respect, Wikimedia is clearly different from other non-commercial projects, such as Linux. The documented license problems are apparently due to the fact that I was originally unaware of this. Therefore, to avoid further complaints, I cannot upload any more images from other external websites. This ban also applies to any images made by myself, as I personally only want to support CC-BY-NC-SA, not CC-BY-SA. The editing of documents and images already uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (legend, completion and correction of metadata, image cropping and digital enhancements) are excluded from this until further notice, i. e. as long as there are no such complaints. Thank you for your understanding!
Deutsch: Leider kennt Wikimedia Commons kein Lizenzierungsmodell für ausschließlich nicht-kommerzelle Nutzung. Bilder können daher hier nur hochgeladen werden, wenn sie vom Urheber auch für kommerzielle Nutzung freigegeben sind. CC-BY-NC-SA ist daher leider ausgeschlossen. In diesem Punkt unterscheidet sich Wikimedia also deutlich von anderen nicht-kommerziellen Projekten, wie etwa Linux. Die dokumentierten Lizenzprobleme sind offenbar darauf zurückzuführen, dass ich mir ursprünglich dessen nicht bewusst war. Um weitere Beanstandungen zu vermeiden, kann ich daher keine weiteren Bilder von fremden Webseiten mehr hochladen. Dies gilt auch für eigene Bilder, da ich persönlich nur CC-BY-NC-SA unterstützen möchte. Die Bearbeitung bereits in Wikimedia Commons hochgeladener Dokumente und Bilder (Legende, Vervollständigung und Berichtigung von Metadaten, Bildausschnitte und digitale Enhancements) sind davon bis auf Weiteres, d. h. solange es dabei keine derartige Beanstandungen gibt, ausgenommen. Vielen Dank für das Verständnis!

--Ernsts (talk) 06:30, 13 January 2022 (UTC)



Message from Philippe Le Mercier <Philippe.Lemercier@sib.swiss> as of 2021-02-01 concerning the ViralZone images:

"As for the images, the license has changed: they are now under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.
It is stated on the home page of ViralZone.
This means you no longer have to ask permission to use them in any media, provided you credit the source.
Here is an official statement in case you need it:

I hereby grant you permission to use ViralZone graphics in Wikimedia commons.
Please cite the source: ViralZone, SIB Swiss Institute of bioinformatics

If you need any other official documents from SIB, you can ask legal@sib.swiss or me.

I draw a rabies virion during my thesis and the image went viral, many people around the world used it in their talks/posters/theses. I realized there was a need for free, accurate and beautiful images, I am glad the SIB supported the project and ViralZone was born.

Good luck with Wikipedia commons, it's a huge project.

Sincerely yours,


--Ernsts (talk) 12:26, 3 February 2021 (UTC)