Commons:Wiki Science Competition/File management

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The worflow of an international event with non-standardized upload is quite intense.

These are the key guidelines for the file management of a WSC edition. They were adapted starting from 2017 by User:alexmar983, with integration and assistance from User:Kruusamägi and User:Reosarevok

See also Commons:Wiki Science Competition/Evaluation for further information.

Pages per year


Specific cases per year are listed under:

Standard category architecture for each country


The category system is standardized for all edition, consider the following ones as an example of code:

  • Category:Wiki Science Competition 2017 in X should therefore include Category:Wiki Science Competition 2017 in X
  • There is also Category:Uploaded via Campaign:wsc-xx with ISO CODE which is not specific for a single year. Category:Uploaded_via_Campaign:wsc-it is under Category:Images from Wiki Science Competition in Italy but in any case the category related to the upload interface contains a factual information, so if the files are moved to another category (because of obvious mistake, or merging), they should remain: example.

Subcategories of the competition


If a committee prefer to do so, it is possible to create specific categories such as category:images of people in science from Wiki Science Competition 2019 France‎ or category:General category images from Wiki Science Competition 2017 in the United States‎. In this case it is important to keep the general category because:

  1. . some files could be part of two categories (it's never a clean partition, for example an image with a hand can be "people" but also "general" or "wildlife" depending on what is indicating or holding, a macrophotography image can be "nature" or "microscopic", a group picture can be "people" or "general" and so on);
  2. . we want the total number of files to be clear without confusion induced by parent categories and subcategories;
  3. . it's how it is usually done for regional categories of competition such as Wiki Loves Monuments;
  4. . in case some national competition create an additional category, that one has to be in any case a double categorization o it will interfere with inter-national comparison.

The international jury can adopt a slightly different categorization then the national juries, but due to the bigger fragmentation it's not possble to agree, so in the case of national finalists, a multiple categorization is allowed. The principle is always to maximize the chance of every file to resonate with the best possible scenario.

Unsuitable files

  • The "Obviously" tag is in agreement with other competitions. Similar style of category naming has been also used in past. Example, including the abbreviation of the main competition title.
  • Even if the tolerance will be different and the exclusion from the main category more strict in certain areas, this will give a useful statistical value of overall "not appropriate" upload for future editions.
  • This does not mean disqualified. It is more acceptable to disqualify files at the final step when real prize are involved. We stress here again how any technological or scientific file (or at least related to the academia) is worth few minutes of the times of the jurors.
  • Specific templates should be created at any edition to avoid double categorization. The operation takes few days. Example: 2019 and 2017.
  • Other categories are removed if the file is considered unsuitable.
  • Once listed, some of those files might be also proposed for deletion, but this takes time and usually when the organizers do so, such deletion were already suggested.
  • At the end of the competition a gallery of the best ineligible yet very nice file can be proposed.

Uploaded via Campaign

  • Even for unsuitable files "Category:Uploaded via Campaign:wsc-xx" is kept for statistical purpose.
  • The "upload via campaign" is a factual information that should not be removed. Such categories are created as soon as a file is in there. So don't remove it to "simplify", data are data.
  • In all categories in Category:Uploaded via Campaign:wsc by country a clear text is inserted to take into account the discrepancies due to files uploaded after or before the deadline. In any case, the categories are not year-specific.

Please always add something like:

  • {{Countries of Europe|prefix=:Category:Images from European Science Photo Competition 2015 in}}
  • {{Countries of Europe|prefix=:Category:Images from Wiki Science Competition 2017 in}}

at least when the upload is at the end and it's clear that the category is going to remain.



It is possible to rename files if needed, but only if the name really is unsuitable. [

simple typos can be corrected but lack of information in the title is a minus for the uploaders, especially if the description is poor. So be moderate.

During voting phase name should not be changed. To avoid the possibility that this happen, obvious and minor typos should be corrected as much as possible during the upload phase and preparation.

At the end of the competition, massime rename can be done to improve file reuse.

Deletion of files


A list of deleted files per year can be arranged if they can be used for feedbacks.

Deletion of ineligible files


If possible, organizer should delete files only at the end. Once they are in the right subcategories, they are not nuisance.

Category:Obviously ineligible submissions for WSC by country can be shown regularly at the village pump for a clean-up

Deletion of possible copyviols


This has top priority.

If you need to use some tool please consider TinEye. In Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets, under ==Maintenance tools==, there's an option for the TinEye tab.

Creations of new categories


The lack of content-related (not technical) categories should not be considered a penalty during the evaluation.

While a description is something you manage yourself with your expertise and show the quality of what you are sharing, a commons category is basically a technical aspect. Some users assume on good faith is like a social tag for example, and they make it also generic on purpose. it is true that we required on the guidelines to be specific, but we can't expect all the people to understand the complexity of the categorization system. plus, we did not tell how to create specific categories when they are missing. As a result, non-expert wikimedian jurors have no way to understand if the lack of categorization comes from a structural gap or a superficial attitude. Compared to expert users, newbies already have the handicap of understanding registration and upload, so it is wise to be tolerant, because we want to welcome new competent uploaders. In addition to that, since we want image to be reused, it would be a waste not to categorize better while we are evaluating it (that's why we expert wikimedian jurors are welcome).

The improvement of the categorization might require to create also new categories.

They are basically of three types: country-level, personalities (to be created if wikidata item are possible and robust with many IDs) and new scientific categories (to be created for example if a specific article exist on some wikipedia).

All new commons categories can be put on wikidata as d:Property:P373.

here the list of categories created per edition:

Deadlines and the Rest of the world


The most important target for WSC is that quality content is uploaded. It is therefore good sense to to give to all files a chance to be processed, when possible. Jurors can always for example suggest appropriate corrections, reuse and categorization.

Based on this "principle", all files uploaded after the deadline for a specific country can be inserted in the "rest of the world"/"international" category within its general deadline. Such category was intended since the beginning to cover all timezones, and was open even after the deadline of some major countries, so it is by default more flexible. Plus, the differences of deadlines are an inevitable minor source of complication, and we don't want to penalize in a rigid way the users because of this. Also, since the international category does not award any prize, such tolerance does not penalize anyone who adopted a more precise behavior.

The files with poor qualitity and description will be put in category:Obviously ineligible submissions for WSC in the rest of the world in accordance to what we do with other countries.

The set of images uploaded within the deadline should not be split. Since the upload might be slow per se, and it's complicated sometimes, it's suggested to be tolerant. Such set of images can be included within their national category and become national finalists, but it's suggested to keep in mind this aspect when national prizes are awarded.

Arranging specific category



  • if the tool Montage is used, videos are not uploaded. You can locate such files using this synthax and consider them at the final steps for the "non photogaphic" category.
  • New users cannot upload videos if they are not autoconfirmed. If necessary, you can speed up some of the flag assignments asking to a sysop or in Commons:Requests_for_rights. Please point out in the competition landing pages that people who want to upload a file video should register four days in advance or contact the organizers.

Set of files

  • It should be strongly suggested in the competition description(website that image sets are uploaded at the very same time with the interface (multiple upload) and/or with clear consecutive titles.
  • It should be better to address this quite miscellaneous category of files before the jury work stars.
  • Rearranging files in a set before the start of the evaluation, possibly after informing the user, is a possible strategy. Users usually do not reply or are fine with it. This is no so different than improving a wrong categorization, in the end.
  • If the jury and organizers are in a hurry however a "set" winner can also be ratified at the end based on the single images that were mostly liked. Just try to always inform the uploader(s).
  • Similarly, files uploaded as a set can be put to an another category or valued unsuitable (for example if one of such file is good but not the rest, or if the relationship is too loose).
  • In order to be a set, files have to be consistent and in a sufficient number (more than two). If a file is suggested in two categories, one key question is if its presence drastically change the perception of a set. If removing it does not change a lot, than it can simply stay and be a duplicate winner.
  • In any case, a page such as Image sets from Wiki Science Competition 2017 in Ireland or Image sets from Wiki Science Competition 2017 in Italy should be created and categorized accordingly. It is suggested to insert the username together with the relative gallery and to give every gallery a concise and specific title. For example in case of species, regrouping above the ordo-superfamily level is probably too vague.
  • Reconstructed sets of more than 3 files can also be considered as possible galleries for an exhibition or for a last-minute repêchage by the international jury.

Highlighted content


It is suggested that all files selected in the meantime for good labels are revised and properly categorized.