Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-08-22

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Date: 22 Aug 2013

Present: Monica, Cristian, Karthik, Lodewijk, Romaine

(this is a new etherpad :o )

Notes of last meeting: ???







Karthik signed the agreement with Sandra (via photograph). (AP) Karthik Sends also to the list



Both candidates they had in mind are not available for the right dates. One only from 25 Aug onward, which is too late. Cristian says that it is of little use to hire now still. Lodewijk wonders what could still be done. Cristian says it is very dangerous, because you would waste money on it because they need time to understand what everything works like. Karthik says that it only makes sense to hire someone part time that knows exactly how things work. Cristian says there is no such candidate. If we don't use this money, it will have to be refunded to the WMF. Monica wonders if we could repurpose part of this money to minigrants. If we have a real need we can ask for repurposing. Cristian proposed to not hire anyone. Monica wonders if it would be possible to hire someone for a very specific subset of tasks. Cristian: the open bugs we have right now should be fixed before Sept. The other thing would be the mobile app. But even the mobile app wouldn't be finished in time to be useful if we hire someone very quickly. We decide not to hire anyone at this point.

Monica says that we should then focus on volunteer coordination. How? Cristian is working on categorizing bugs, and finding the right people for them. Lodewijk could help Cristian to get in touch with people, introduce. (AP) Cristian will share the categories via email later tonight.

Central notice


Romaine says that Central Notice is very much on track. A few languages still missing, mostly a few asian variants. Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013/CentralNotice#Main_banner Also, we are still missing a bunch of url's, if you know the url of the landing page for a country, please add: Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013/CentralNotice#URL



All campaigns are ready, except for the template that depends on the monuments database (the monument identifier) - that still has to be added in some. If you know about lists that are not yet in the database, shout up!

Monuments database


it is rush hour right now, many countries to be mapped (thanks Maarten!!!).



We discuss some of the complicated countries or countries where we miss some information. (AP) Lodewijk email the Chinese teams Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013/Participating_countries



Lodewijk discusses the current proposal list. Exchanged some thoughts, continued work.



Karthik sent an email around asking people for input. He didn't get a lot of helpful replies. Karthik suggests to continue with vouchers. The problem was last year primarily that there was no credit card available to buy the vouchers. Karthik's proposal:

Rank Prizes (probably in the form of vouchers) Remarks
1st Prize Wikimania (London) max~ 2.000,00 Euros (estimation)
2nd Prize 500 Euros
3rd Prize 400 Euros
4th Prize 300 Euros
5th Prize 200 Euros
6th Prize 100 Euros
7th Prize 100 Euros
8th Prize 50 Euros
9th Prize 50 Euros
10th Prize 50 Euros
11th Prize 50 Euros
12th Prize 50 Euros
13th Prize 50 Euros
14th Prize 50 Euros
15th Prize 50 Euros
TOTAL 4.000,00 Euros (3.000,00 Euros last year)

We discuss how to make the trip for Wikimania more attractive. It will include: full access to Wikimania & side events, travel costs (incl visa etc), (shared) accommodation, WMNL per diem policy (25 euro currently). If the winner is from Europe, s/he can bring their significant other, mother or a random stranger.