Commons:Uplaid Wizard

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Upload Wizard and the translation is 69% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Upload Wizard and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Shortcut: COM:WIZ

The Uplaid Wizard is the default method for uploadin files tae Wikimedia Commons. The ablo screenshot illustrates a typical uplaidin process. In the first step, a licensing tutorial is displayed tae the uiser. In the seicont step, the uiser can select ane or multiple files (up tae 50 files at the time) an begin uplaidin. In the third step, the uiser haes tae clarify the licensing status o the file or files. In the fowert step, the uiser is required tae add basic descriptive information for each file. If the files are uplaidit successfully, the results are summarized in the final step tae mak it easy tae copy an paste file information for the intendit uise.

Screenshot o Upload Wizard uploadin multiple files
Screenshot o Upload Wizard uploadin multiple files

Key resoorces relatit tae the Upload Wizard

 See also category: UploadWizard.