Commons:Batch uploading/Geograph/Sandbox

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What is going on?


Multichill is preparing a batch upload (Commons:Batch uploading/Geograph)

We need to tell the bot which categories should go where on commons. So the task is to translate categories from

The first one is the name on so do not change what is in the first 'xxx' brlow - only fix the second one. Please use '_' instead of blanks.

You can also check at Commons:Batch_uploading/Geograph/matches

Minor fixes


Mostly just because of redirects:

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Traffic_island', 'Traffic_islands');    is probably ok - our cat is just rather empty...
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Combe_or_coomb', 'Cirques');              ????????????????

Minor problems

  1. Combe_or_coomb -> Category:Cirques is wrong, better Category:Valleys of England. The majority of images in this class are of combes of Southern England as in Dorset Devon and Wiltshire. Southern England never suffered glaciation, a few images are of combes in the Lake District (Northern England) which are glacial and are what I would call a corrie or cwm (which we do classify as a cirque) both are interpretations of the Celtic root 'cwm'- meaning valley.
  2. Clough,_cleuch_or_cleugh -> Category:Streams is wrong, better Category:Valleys of England.It is a Northern English word- the clough is the valley and usually the stream in the bottom is a brook or can be unnamed, so the name of the valley appears on the maps Boggart Hole Clough is one I know.
  3. Long_Distance_Footpath -> Category:Roads surely Category:Hiking or Category:Trails
  4. Loch -> Category:Bodies_of_water and Lough -> Category:Lakes are different. This and Lough Foyle is a bay on the Atlantic safer to use Category:Bodies_of_water
  5. Mansion -> Category:Mansions & # Mansions -> Category:Historic_houses inconsistent
  6. Peat_hagg -> Category:Peat- probably better in Category:Moorlands
  7. Railway_(narrow_gauge) -> Category:Miniature_rail_transport is wrong, better Category:Narrow gauge railways. Miniatures are a subcat of Narrow gauge , usually toys. Most narrow gauge railways are industrial in origin.
  8. Sandbanks -> Category:Beaches but there is a Category:Sandbanks
I have scanned all the cats at 23:00 Sun 13- and these are all the difficulties I have found- the rest look clean. I have reported them them here for a decision.

You could work on these


Group B checked


INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Recycling_site', 'Waste management');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Coire', 'Cirques'); /* enWP and frWP: the text is wrong */
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Coastguard_Station', 'Her Majesty's Coastguard');/* Category:Coast Guards is a mess */
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Lichens_and_mosses', 'Bryophyta');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Thatched_buildings', 'Thatched_roofs');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Reed_beds', 'Common_reed_reedbeds);

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Animal_husbandry', 'Animal_husbandry');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Works', 'Factories');/* Very broad 60% seem to be factories but it includes drainage works etc which are not */
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Country_estate', 'Country_estates');/* Cat now made and linked*/
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Kissing_gate', 'Kissing_gates'); /* Cat now made and linked*/
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Crofting_community', 'Hamlets'); 
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Bypass', 'Roads in the United Kingdom ');/* No nearer category - but seems to fit */

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Waymark', 'Hiking and footpath signs in the United Kingdom');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Rock_strata', 'Geomorphology');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Blue_Plaque', 'Signs');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Burial_chamber', 'Burials');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Outbuilding', 'Huts');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Hedgerow', 'Hedges');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Bowls_club', 'Sports_clubs');

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Flytip', ' Waste management ');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Bealach', 'Roads');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Land_fill_site', ' Waste management ');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Village_scene', 'Villages');

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Chemical_works', 'Chemical plants');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Working_Men's_Club', 'Working_men's_clubs'); /* Made the cat */
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Navigation_beacon', 'Beacon');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Machinery', 'Machinery');

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Woods', 'Woodlands');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Water_meadows', 'Fields');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Motte', 'Motte and bailey');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Estate_agents', 'Real_estate_companies');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Fellside', 'Moorlands');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Landing_stage', 'Piers');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Gallops', 'Gallops in the United Kingdom'); /* made cat- other images already needing it */
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Wall_(ruined)', 'Stone walls'); /* maybe better*/

Group B Still to do


These are classes are mainly very wide, they need to be done and checked carefully- they are starting points

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Estate_houses', 'Houses');/* [ This class]] contains four meanings: Workers houses on a country estate, The Big House, the House of the office of the estate. In the British empire: The Estate House was the resident of the manager- image illustrate each one of these meanings */
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Farm_implement', 'Agriculture');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('MOD_land', 'Military');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Military_installation_(disused)', 'Military');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Military_installation', 'Military');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Inclosure', 'Fields');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Enclosure', 'Fields');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Showground', 'Exhibitions in the United Kingdom');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Farm_entrance', 'Entrances');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Property_(derelict)', 'Buildings');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Dockland_redevelopment', 'Docklands');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Pig_farm', 'Farms'); ???? New cat Pig_farms @Pigs & @Farming by product <br/>;

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Marker', 'Signs');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Fishery', 'Fish');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Suburban_road', 'Roads');/* Confused with Category:Streets-- you have a Urban Street and a Suburban Road- but this conflicts with the idea that Roads connect settlements- and streets are in a settlement- stick with roads ?????? */
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Army_training_area', 'Military');

Still not done

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Vehicle_(abandoned)', 'Vehicle_(abandoned)s');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Business_units', 'Business_buildings');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Water_trough', 'Water_troughs');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Access_land', 'Access_lands');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Yard', 'Yards');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Mossland', 'Mosslands');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Amusements', 'Amusement arcades');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Redevelopment', 'Redevelopments');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Hide', 'Hides');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Date_stone', 'Date_stones');

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Open_land', 'Open_lands');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Vegetation', 'Vegetation');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Weather_feature', 'Weather_events');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Scrubland', 'Scrub');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Firebreak', 'Fire_breaks');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Care_home', 'Care_homes');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Open_countryside', 'Open_countrysides');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Development_site', 'Development_sites');



Maybe these should not  be mapped.

INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Attraction', 'Attractions');????- just kill this one
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Wreck', 'Wrecks');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Activity_centre', 'Activity_centres');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Supplemental_for_explanation', 'Supplemental_for_explanations');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Mill_house', 'Mills');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Curiosity', 'Curiosities');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Beacon', 'Beacons');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Countryside_feature', 'Countryside_features');
INSERT INTO categories VALUES('Historical_item', 'Historical_items');