Category:Publications mentioning the Green River Formation
English: Selection
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Media in category "Publications mentioning the Green River Formation"
The following 55 files are in this category, out of 55 total.
America's priceless heritage - cultural and fossil resources on public lands, Colorado. (IA americaspriceles00unit 3).pdf 1,629 × 2,183, 20 pages; 11.07 MB
Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (IA annualreportofbo00smit 0).pdf 887 × 1,375, 268 pages; 22.47 MB
Assessment of fossil management on Federal and Indian lands (IA assessmentoffoss27unit).pdf 1,235 × 1,625, 56 pages; 13.27 MB
Atti della Societ Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano (IA attidellasocieti1371unse).pdf 1,143 × 1,685, 168 pages; 8.46 MB
BLM in Wyoming (IA blminwyoming0733unit).pdf 1,316 × 1,345, 48 pages; 8.78 MB
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (IA bulletinofgeol271916geol).pdf 902 × 1,460, 868 pages; 67.07 MB
Bulletins of American paleontology (IA bulletinsofameri219224pale).pdf 827 × 1,329, 808 pages; 45.74 MB
Bulletins of American paleontology (IA bulletinsofameri278281pale).pdf 858 × 1,322, 428 pages; 18.67 MB
Bulletins of American paleontology (IA bulletinsofameri651975paleont).pdf 779 × 1,275, 762 pages; 35.41 MB
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program - federal accomplishments report for fiscal year 2018 (IA coloradoriverbas00unse 0).pdf 1,650 × 2,195, 86 pages; 33.91 MB
Draft environmental statement for the proposed prototype oil-shale leasing program v.1 (IA draftenvironment09689unit).pdf 591 × 768, 508 pages; 75.35 MB
Draft Roan Plateau resource management plan amendment and environmental impact statement (IA draftroanplateau00unit).pdf 1,697 × 2,200, 618 pages; 192.66 MB
Emery power plant units 3 & 4 - final environmental statement (IA emerypowerplantu5232unit).pdf 1,322 × 1,647, 420 pages; 57.69 MB
Environmental analysis of an oil shale industry in the upper Colorado region (IA environmentalana00hend).pdf 1,685 × 2,210, 46 pages; 7.07 MB
An Evaluation of the soils of tract C-a and adjacent areas (IA evaluationofsoil00riob).pdf 1,195 × 1,693, 278 pages; 7.8 MB
Faults, fossils, and canyons - significant geologic features on public lands in Colorado (IA faultsfossilscan00kunt).pdf 1,647 × 2,193, 84 pages; 18.45 MB
Faults, fossils, and canyons - significant geologic features on public lands in Colorado (IA faultsfossilscan00unse).pdf 1,706 × 2,135, 228 pages; 12.33 MB
Final environmental statement for the prototype oil shale leasing program v. 1 (IA finalenvironment09691unit).pdf 579 × 775, 758 pages; 114.6 MB
Fourth Notice of Extinct Vertebrata From the Bridger and the Green River Tertiaries.pdf 772 × 1,304, 4 pages; 248 KB
Geotechnical base study from coreholes of the Sand Wash project site (IA geotechnicalbase4509agap).pdf 635 × 829, 26 pages; 5.58 MB
Horse Draw oil shale research tract - draft environmental impact statement (IA horsedrawoilshal01unit).pdf 1,658 × 2,129, 414 pages; 58.62 MB
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (IA journalofwashing09wash).pdf 887 × 1,377, 788 pages; 38.05 MB
Oil shale development in the Piceance Basin and the Uinta Basin (IA oilshaledevelopm00unse 0).pdf 1,656 × 2,181, 192 pages; 14.09 MB
Paleontological Bulletin Volume 8.pdf 772 × 1,304; 42 KB
Paleontological overview of oil shale and tar sands areas in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming (IA paleontologicalo18murp).pdf 1,252 × 1,650, 485 pages; 100.26 MB
Piceance Basin resource management plan management situation analysis (IA piceancebasinres5467unit).pdf 635 × 827, 154 pages; 24.93 MB
Resource assessment for Region 4, Colorado Plateau - West Cold Springs - Diamond Breaks area GRA 1 (IA resourceassessm00msme).pdf 1,306 × 1,666, 55 pages; 3.65 MB
Resource assessment for Region 4, Colorado Plateau - Little Book Cliffs-Wildhorse area (IA resourceassessme00msme).pdf 1,268 × 1,660, 92 pages; 3.23 MB
Review of Kanawha County.pdf 975 × 1,404, 2 pages; 189 KB
RL33359 (IA RL33359-crs).pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 31 pages; 967 KB
RL34748 (IA RL34748-crs).pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 35 pages; 1.27 MB
Selected oil shale bibliography - 1895 - 1961, inclusive (IA selectedoilshaleunit).pdf 600 × 793, 146 pages; 21.68 MB
Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (IA smithsonianmisc15341968sm).pdf 872 × 1,337, 116 pages; 5.64 MB
Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (IA smithsonianmisce1311958smit).pdf 800 × 1,314, 602 pages; 31.78 MB
Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (IA smithsonianmisce1361959smit).pdf 868 × 1,275, 446 pages; 22.35 MB
Soil inventory of the Salt Wells area, Wyoming (IA soilinventoryofs00knox).pdf 1,489 × 2,175, 426 pages; 31.45 MB
Threatened and endangered plants of the Willow Creek Drainage, Uinta Basin, Utah v.1 (IA threatenedendang03shul).pdf 900 × 1,185, 240 pages; 37.37 MB
U.S.B.M. Pilot Hole 'X', Horse Draw, Rio Blanco County, Colorado - final report (IA usbmpilotholexho01gold).pdf 1,614 × 2,183, 136 pages; 25.19 MB
White River Shale Project welcomes you to oil shale tracts U-a and U-b, Uintah County, Utah (IA whiteriversha68300whit).pdf 1,206 × 1,618, 12 pages; 647 KB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA wyominggreatersa02unse).pdf 1,675 × 2,177, 586 pages; 174.62 MB