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Category:Harmony (ISS module)

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Images of Harmony or Node 2 of the International Space Station

<nowiki>Harmony; Node-2; Harmony; Harmony; Хармъни; Harmony; Harmony; ハーモニー; Harmony; הארמוני; 和諧號節點艙; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony (moodul); Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; Harmony; 和諧號節點艙; 和谐号节点舱; Módulo Harmony; Гармония; Harmony; Гармоні; 和谐号节点舱; 하모니 모듈; modul Mednarodne vesoljske postaje; 国際宇宙ステーションのモジュール; module pressurisé de la Station spatiale internationale; trycksatt modul på den internationella rymdstationen (ISS); ISS-module; ISS-Modul; modulo pressurizzato di servizio della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale; module of the International Space Station; modul Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional; 国际空间站的一个组件; módulo de la estación espacial internacional; Nodo 2; ISS node 2; Node 2; ハーモニーモジュール; ノード2; ISS node 2; Harmony Module; Nodo 2; Node 2; Node 2; 節點艙2; 節點艙 2; 和谐号连接舱; 和谐号; 节点舱二; Node 2; Възел 2; ISS Node 2; Node 2; Node 2; Node 2; Harmony modulis; Node-2; Node 2; Node 2; Node 2</nowiki>
module of the International Space Station
The Harmony module in 2007
Graphic showing docking ports of Harmony.
Interior of the Harmony module
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Instance of
Part of
Country of origin
Connects with
Start point
Space launch vehicle
UTC date of spacecraft launch
  • 23 October 2007 (15:38:19)
Significant event
  • 15,300 kg (gross weight)
  • 4.48 m
  • 6.706 m
Authority file
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This category has only the following subcategory.

Media in category "Harmony (ISS module)"

The following 43 files are in this category, out of 43 total.