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Category:Destiny (ISS module)

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<nowiki>Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; دستینی (ایستگاه فضایی بین‌المللی); Дестини; 命運號實驗艙; Destiny; דסטיני (מודול); 命運號實驗艙; 命运号实验舱; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny (moodul); Laboratório Destiny; 데스티니 모듈; Destiny; Дестини; Дестини; Destiny; เดสตินี; Laboratório Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; Destiny; 命运号实验舱; Destiny; デスティニー; Destiny; ديستني; 命运号实验舱; Дестіні; módulo de la estación espacial internacional; a Nemzetközi Űrállomás első kutatómodulja; trycksatt modul på den internationella rymdstationen (ISS); modulo della stazione spaziale internazionale; 实验室; quart mòdul col·locat a l'Estació Espacial Internacional; modul Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional; Modul der ISS; Kansainvälisen avaruusaseman moduuli; module of the International Space Station; modul Mednarodne vesoljske postaje; modul Mezinárodní vesmírné stanice; station spatiale internationale; Destiny Laboratory Module; デスティニー実験モジュール; Destiny Laboratory Module; Module ISS Laboratoire Destiny; Module Destiny; Destiny-ISS module; Mô-đun phòng thí nghiệm Destiny; Módulo Laboratório Destiny; U.S. Destiny; 데스티니 연구소 모듈; US Lab; U.S. Lab; Destiny module; دستيني; Laboratorijas modulis; Destiny modulis; US Lab; U.S. Lab; modul Destiny</nowiki>
module of the International Space Station
El mòdul Destiny acoblat a la ISS
El laboratori Destiny just després de la instal·lació el 2001
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Instance of
Part of
Country of origin
Connects with
Start point
Space launch vehicle
UTC date of spacecraft launch
  • 7 February 2001 (23:13:02)
Significant event
  • 14,515 kg
  • 4.27 m
  • 8.53 m
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This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.

Media in category "Destiny (ISS module)"

The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total.