English: Earthenware is a common ceramic material, which is used extensively for pottery tableware and decorative objects. Although body formulations vary between countries and even between individual makers, a generic composition is 25% ball clay, 28% kaolin, 32% quartz, and 15% feldspar. Earthenware is one of the oldest materials used in pottery. While red earthenware made from red clays is very familiar and recognizable, white and buff colored earthenware clays are also commercially available and commonly used.
Earthenware is glazed or unglazed nonvitreous pottery[2] that has normally been fired below 1200 °C.
Earthenware |
العربية: تم اشتقاق التسمية الأجنبية لهذه المواد من التسمية اليونانية κεραμικός (تلفظ keramikos) وهي تشمل المواد اللاعضوية اللامعدنية والمتشكلة بفعل الحرارة. أهم التطبيقات القديمة هي المواد الغضارية وأعمال الجص والفخار والقرميد والآجر المستخدم في البناء، لا ننسى أيضاً المواد الزجاجية والاسمنت. تندرج حميع المواد ذات الأصل أو الطبيعة الغضارية أو الترابية أو الكلسية ضمن المواد السيراميكية
Български: Керамиката (грц. κεραμική) е изкуството да се изработват изделия, пана и плочки за стенна украса и др. от порцелан, печена глина и фаянс. В по-общ смисъл термина се използва от 19 в., обхващайки като значение всички грънчарски (груба керамика) и порцеланови (фина керамика) изделия. Думата идва от названието на рог за пиене на вода, от където впоследствие така се именуват всички глинени съдове. Същото име носи и квартал в древна Атина населен предимно с грънчари. Керамичното производство е първото овладяно от човека химично производство.
Bosanski: Keramika ( grčki: κεραμικός keramos) se odnosi na anorganske nemetalne materijale, koji nastaju pod uticajem toplote. Najvažniji materijali koji spadaju u keramiku su gline (od kojih su se tradicionalno pravile cigle, posuđe), cement i staklo. Često se u keramike ubrajaju neki materijali koji tu ne spadaju: grafit, talk i azbest. Česti hemijski elementi koji ulaze u sastav keramike su aluminijum, silicijum, magnezijum, berilijum, titanijum i bor. Ovi elementi se kombinuju sa oksigenom, ugljikom i dušikom.
Čeština: Kamenina je ideálním materiálem pro výrobu užitkové keramiky i pro venkovní použití, díky svým unikátním vlastnostem (trvanlivosti, pevnosti a malé nasákavosti). Je vhodný i pro keramické plastiky.
Dansk: Stentøj er en kategori af ler og en keramiktype som kendes primært ved dets brændetemperatur og brændemodning (fra omkring 1200°C til 1315 °C). Det er bogstaveligt menneskelavet sten.
Deutsch: Steingut ist eine Gattung der porösen Tonkeramik (Tongut) mit häufig bleihaltiger Glasur. Die Farbe variiert zwischen weiß und rotbraun. Steingut besteht aus Ton sowie Quarz und Feldspat. Darüber hinaus kann Steingut noch andere Minerale wie zum Beispiel Calcit enthalten. Die Brenntemperatur ist niedriger als bei Porzellan (900–1100 °C). Aufgrund der geringen Brenntemperatur wird Steingut im Gegensatz zu Steinzeug beim Brennen nicht wasserdicht und wird daher in der Regel glasiert; erst diese Glasur sorgt für die notwendige Abdichtung.
Ελληνικά: Η κεραμική είναι η τέχνη κατασκευής κεραμικών.
Esperanto: Ceramikaĵo estas solida, nemetala aĵo farita de ceramiko. Ofte, cermikaĵoj havas kristala aŭ parte kristala strukturo. La plej fruaj ceramikaĵoj estis faritaj de argilo, kaj estis potoj, kaj artaĵoj kiel statuetoj.
Español: Loza, en España y América Latina, son el conjunto de objetos que conforman la vajilla doméstica, cuyo material original es el barro cocido. Pueden distinguirse dos tipos genéricos: la loza monocroma (por lo general blanca), y la loza decorada. Partiendo de su origen alfarero y a lo largo de la historia de los procedimientos cerámicos, la loza ha ido dando nombre a diferentes técnicas artísticas y procedimientos decorativos: loza verde y morado, loza dorada, loza de cuerda seca, loza pintada con paleta de gran fuego, loza pintada con paleta de pequeño fuego y loza fina. En los países de habla castellana, el concepto de loza se hace extensivo a objetos domésticos fabricados con procesos cerámicos como la Fayenza, la Mayólica y en muchos contextos también a las vajillas de porcelana.
Eesti: Keraamika ( kreeka keramos 'savi') on üldtermin, millega tähistatakse põletatud savitooteid ja portselani.
Euskara: Gresa ( frantsesezko grès hitzetik datorren hitza eta hareharria esan nahi duena) zeramikazko produktu konpaktu bat da, erresistentzia mekaniko ona duena eta argia pasatzen uzten ez duena. Gainera, koloreztatua ere egon daiteke 1200 °C baino gehiagoko tenperaturan egosten da, eta urtugarrietan aberatsa den pasta zeramiko batetik lortzen da.
فارسی: به مواد (معمولاً جامد)ی که بخش عمدهٔ تشکیل دهندهٔ آنها غیرفلزی و غیرآلی باشد، سرامیک گفته میشود.
Suomi: Keraamit ovat epäorgaanisia, ei-metallisia aineita, joiden raaka-aineita ovat useimmiten metallioksidit, nitridit tai karbidit. Keraameja valmistetaan korkeissa lämpötiloissa. Keramiikassa tehdään keraamisia esineitä savesta.
Galego: A cerámica é a arte que fabrica obxectos como olas, xerras, tellas, etc. en terracota que sufriron unha transformación fisicoquímica irreversible no curso dunha cocción a temperaturas máis ou menos elevadas (de 700ºC a 1100ºC) despois de lles dar a forma mediante un moldeo. Na historia da humanidade é a primeira arte do lume e atópase antes da metalurxia e do vidro. A palabra abarca tanto a tecnoloxía como os obxectos feitos con ela. Certos tipos de cerámicas son representativas dunha época e dunha cultura.
Hrvatski: mini|250px|Crijepovi iz Dubrovnika
Interlingua: Le parola ceramica es derivate del parola grec κεραμικός (keramikos). Illo es un material inorganic non-metallic que debe su formation al action del calor. Frequentemente, illo es argilla cocite, usate pro le industria o le arte. Etiam, on nomina ceramica al arte de transformation del argilla.
Bahasa Indonesia: Keramik pada awalnya berasal dari bahasa Yunani keramikos yang artinya suatu bentuk dari tanah liat yang telah mengalami proses pembakaran.
Ido: Ceramiko es arto ed industrio di la fabriko di objekti (ceramikajo) ek neorganala materio kom terakoto, fayenco, porcelano, emalio.
Italiano: La ceramica è un materiale composto inorganico, non metallico, rigido e fragile (dopo la fase di cottura), molto duttile allo stato naturale, con cui si producono diversi oggetti, quali vasellame e statuine decorative. È inoltre usato nei rivestimenti ad alta resistenza al calore per le sue proprietà chimico-fisiche e il suo alto punto di fusione. Solitamente di colore bianco, può venire variamente colorata e smaltata.
Latina: Fictile (-is, n. Graece: ) est substantia figlinarum. Fictile est terra (saepe argilla) cocta. Et similis, fictile (ceramicus) hodie substantia ulla rigida et polycrystallina, facta est fere eodem ratione.
Lietuvių: Keramika - degti gaminiai iš molio ar kitų mineralinių nemetalinių medžiagų.
Latviešu: Keramika (no sengrieķu valodas: κέραμος/keramos – māli, podniecība) ir neorganiski un nemetāliski materiāli, kas apdedzināti augstās temperatūrās, lai piešķirtu tiem mehānisko izturību un palielinātu blīvumu. Termins keramika vēl nesenā pagātnē tika lietots vienīgi attiecībā uz priekšmetiem, kas tika izgatavoti, apdedzinot materiālus, ko iegūst no zemes. Arheologi ir atraduši pierādījumus šāda veida keramikas izgatavošanai jau pirms daudziem tūkstošiem gadu. Šajā materiālu klasē ietilpst gan tradicionālie keramikas materiāli - māla trauki, stikls, ķieģeļi, porcelāns, cements un citi, gan modernās speciālās (tehniskās) keramikas - dažādu elementu karbīdi, borīdi, oksīdi un nitrīdi (alumīnija nitrīds, bora karbīds, bora nitrīds, silīcija karbīds, cirkonija dioksīds u.c.).
Македонски: Керамиката е една од најстарите и најраспространетите уметности за украсување, која се состои од предмети (најчесто од оние за употреба, како садови,чинии и вази) направени од глина и зацврстени со печење.
Bahasa Melayu: Perkataan seramik diambil dari perkataan bahasa Inggeris ( ceramic ) berasal dari Yunani, dan secara harafiahnya merujuk kepada kepada semua bentuk tanah liat. Bagaimanapun, penggunaan istilah moden meluaskan penggunaannya untuk merangkumi bahan bukan logam bukan organik. Sehingga tahun 1950an, yang paling penting adalah tanah liat traditional, yang dijadikan barangan tembikar ( pottery ), batu bata, tile, dan seumpamanya, bersama dengan simen dan kaca. Kraf tradisional dijelaskan dalam rencana tembikar.
Napulitano: 'A ceramica (do grieco κεραμικός (keramikos)) è nu materiale cumposto 'norganico, nun metalleco, tiseco e fraggile, cu ca se pruducono deverze oggette, quali vasellame e statuelle pe' bbellezza. Soletamente 'e culure janco, pô venì deverzemente culorata e smaltata.
Nedersaksies: Diggelwark is een verzamelnaam veur potten, schaolen, drinkbekers en kruken, bedoeld as vaotwark en tegels, ebakken uut klei.
Nederlands: Aardewerk is een verzamelnaam voor potten, schalen, drinkbekers en kruiken, bedoeld als vaatwerk en tegels, gebakken uit klei.
Norsk nynorsk: mini|Keramikkrukke frå 3000-talet f.Kr.
Norsk bokmål: Keramikk er en fellesbetegnelse på en type keramisk materiale produsert ved at leirgods er herdet ved brenning. Eksempler på keramikk er terrakotta, tegl, raku, leirtøy, fajanse, majolika, steintøy og porselen.
Occitan : Primièra «art du feu » à apparaître (avant la metallurgia et le travail du verre), la céramique désigne l’ensemble des objets fabriqués en terre cuite qui ont subi une transformation physico-chimique irréversible au cours d’une cuisson à température plus ou moins élevée.
Polski: Ceramika – w rozumieniu tradycyjnym, tworzywa i wyroby otrzymywane w wyniku wypalenia odpowiednio uformowanej gliny. Nazwa tych wyrobów wywodzi się z greckiego określenia κεραμικος (keramikos), które pochodzi z kolei od słowa κεραμος (keramos – ziemia, glina).
Português: A cerâmica (do grego κέραμος — "matéria-prima queimada" ) é a atividade ou a arte de produção de artefatos cerâmicos. Qualquer classe de material sólido inorgânico, não-metálico (não confundir com termo ametal) que seja submetido a altas temperaturas (aproximadamente 540°C) na manufatura. Geralmente uma cerâmica é um óxido metálico, boreto, carbeto, ou nitreto, ou uma mistura, vendo que já viu podendo incluir aníons.
Runa Simi: K'apra icha Raqch'i nisqaqa ( grigu simipi Κεραμική [keramikí], chaymanta kastilla simipi: cerámica) nisqaqa t'urumanta icha ch'aqumanta rurasqa, kañasqa imakunam, mikhunata waqachanapaq, hukkunapaq.
Русский: Керамика ( — глина) — изделия из неорганических, неметаллических материалов (например, глины) и их смесей с минеральными добавками, изготовляемые под воздействием высокой температуры с последующим охлаждением.
Simple English: The word ceramic is derived from the Greek word κεραμικός (keramikos). The term covers inorganic non-metallic materials which are formed by the action of heat. Up until the 1950s or so, the most important of these were the traditional clays, made into pottery, bricks, tiles and the like, along with cements and glass. Clay-based ceramics are described in the article on pottery. A composite material of ceramic and metal is known as cermet. The word ceramic can be an adjective, and can also be used as a noun to refer to a ceramic material, or a product of ceramic manufacture. Ceramics may also be used as a singular noun referring to the art of making things out of ceramic materials. The technology of manufacturing and usage of ceramic materials is part of the field of ceramic engineering.
Slovenčina: Keramika sú výrobky vyrábané zo sušenej a pálenej hliny, známe od neolitu. Pôvodne sa vyrábali ručným lepením, neskôr na hrnčiarskom kruhu. Podľa povrchovej úpravy sa delí na terakotu, kameninu, fajansu,
Slovenščina: Med keramične materiale spadajo vse nekovinske in anorganske snovi. Od kovin se ločijo po predznaku temperaturnega koeficienta električne upornosti - pri kovinah je pozitiven, pri keramiki negativen. Umetne snovi ali polimeri so sestavljene iz ločenih molekul, ki so med seboj povezane s šibkimi van der Waalsovimi vezmi. V keramičnih snoveh ni diskretnih molekul, temveč prostorske skupine, ki so sestavljene iz ene ali več vrst atomov. Te skupine so lahko urejene - tvorijo kristalno mrežo, ali neurejene - amorfne snovi ali stekla.
Svenska: Stengodslera håller en högre halt av kvarts (SiO2) än lergodslera. Bränntemperaturen är ca. 1200-1300°. Stengodsleror brukar brännas så att de sintrar (glasar) och skärven (den brända leran) blir så gott som vattentätt. Sintringsintervallet, den period under bränningen när detta sker strax innan leran deformeras, är längre hos stengodsleror än lergodsleror. Lergodsleror innehåller en högre halt av aluminium. Även dessa går att sintra men det kräver en större kontroll av bränningen.
తెలుగు: సిరామిక్ అనగా ఇది ఒక ఈజిప్టు పదము కెరామోస్ నుండి వచ్చినది. కెరామోస్ అనగా "బాగా కాల్చిన బoక మన్నుమిశ్రమము(burnt stuff)". ఇది అలోహము మరియు నిర్జీవ పదార్ధము. ప్రాచీన కాలంలో ఈ సిరామిక్ పాత్రలు నీరు మరియు పాలు భద్ర పరుచుకొవడానికి ఉపయోగించే వారు. తరువాతి కాలంలో దాని యొక్క ధర్మాలు గమనించి వివిధరకములైన పనులకు ఉపయోగించారు.
ไทย: เซรามิก ( อังกฤษ: ceramic) เซรามิกมีรากศัพท์มาจากภาษากรีก keramos มีความหมายว่า สิ่งที่ถูกเผา ในอดีตวัสดุเซรามิกที่มีการใช้งานมากที่สุดคือ เซรามิกดั้งเดิม ทำมาจากวัสดุหลักคือดินเหนียว โดยในช่วงแรกเรียกผลิตภัณฑ์ประเภทนี้ว่า ไชน่าแวร์ เพื่อเป็นเกียรติให้กับคนจีนซึ่งเป็นผู้บุกเบิกการผลิตเครื่องปั้นดินเผารุ่นแรก ๆ
Türkçe: Seramik bir veya birden fazla metalin, metal olmayan element ile birleşmesi ve sinterlenmesi sonucu oluşan inorganik bileşik.
اردو: خزف (ceramic)، خزافت کے عملیہ سے تیار کی جانے والی اشیاء. ٰ
nonvitreous pottery fired below 1,200 °C | |||||
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This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total.
- Bolesławiec pottery (32 F)
- Hafner ware (1 F)
- Jug, MET (2 F)
- Labu sayong (14 F)
- Pearlware (39 F)
Media in category "Earthenware"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 316 total.
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'Lovers', Earthenware, Harris Museum.JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 2.77 MB
1595 Haushaltsware anagoria.JPG 3,738 × 4,752; 9.88 MB
1595 Household vessel anagoria.JPG 3,485 × 4,752; 9.16 MB
1595 Schale anagoria.JPG 4,752 × 3,168; 9.29 MB
1750 Haushaltskeramik anagoria.JPG 3,228 × 3,036; 7.85 MB
1750 Haushaltskeramik-anagoria.JPG 3,944 × 2,763; 7.98 MB
18th century Puebla dish (UBC-2010).jpg 2,056 × 2,032; 604 KB
1986.18.16.1 (3) casa grande pot.JPG 640 × 480; 44 KB
201904161434b Leer Museum Schloss Leerort 17. Jh. Irdenware.jpg 5,448 × 4,000; 22.21 MB
201904161434c Leer Museum Schloss Leerort 17. Jh. Irdenware.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 21.82 MB
201904161435b Leer Museum Schloss Leerort 17. Jh. Irdenware.jpg 5,604 × 4,000; 22.14 MB
201904161435d Leer Museum Schloss Leerort spätes 16.-frühes 17. Jh. Irdenware Werragebiet.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 18.99 MB
201904161436a Leer Museum Schloss Leerort spätes 16.-frühes 17. Jh. Irdenware Werragebiet.jpg 5,256 × 3,886; 19.45 MB
201904161436b Leer Museum Schloss Leerort spätes 16.-frühes 17. Jh. Irdenware Werragebiet.jpg 5,910 × 4,000; 23.15 MB
25610746334 462e61a3ce z-640x355.jpg 640 × 355; 37 KB
A depiction of mud pane.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.07 MB
A depiction of mud pot 1.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.31 MB
A depiction of mud pot 3.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.21 MB
A depiction of mud pot 5.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.02 MB
A depiction of mud pot 6.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.78 MB
A depiction of mud pot for whorship.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.99 MB
A depiction of mud pot stall.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.23 MB
A depiction of mud pot with lid.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4 MB
A depiction of mud pot.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.01 MB
A mud stove.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 4.05 MB
Aardenwerken gedenkbord Verdun, item 1.jpg 1,600 × 1,063; 500 KB
Aardewerk.jpg 1,920 × 2,576; 706 KB
Aboa Vetus Ars Nova artifact KM95032 5379.jpg 4,841 × 3,227; 1.02 MB
Albarello drug jar for Golden Ointment, Italy, 1571-1630 Wellcome L0058720.jpg 4,020 × 2,800; 1.23 MB
Amulet-pendant Louvre Sb2955.jpg 650 × 590; 281 KB
An Earthen Pot Used In Assamese Marriage Ritual.jpg 4,032 × 1,932; 619 KB
Andretta pottery at Dastkar Bazaar, Delhi.jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 6.38 MB
Apulische Miniaturlekanis, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,250 × 2,542; 3.08 MB
Apulischer Greifenkopf-Rhyton, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 1,950 × 2,480; 2.17 MB
Apulischer Tierkopf-Rhyton, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,906 × 2,212; 4.09 MB
Archaeological investigations on the island of La Plata, Ecuador BHL6702492.jpg 2,285 × 3,569; 947 KB
Armorial lusterware dish from Spain, 16th century.JPG 2,296 × 2,332; 998 KB
Armorial lusterware dish from Spain, c. 1500.JPG 2,492 × 2,480; 1.31 MB
Athara.jpg 4,576 × 4,096; 4.54 MB
Attisch-rotfigurige Amphora. Seite 1, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,306 × 3,281; 3.43 MB
Attisch-rotfigurige Amphora. Seite 2, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,394 × 3,468; 4.32 MB
Attisch-schwarzfigurige Schale. Rückseite, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,563 × 1,887; 2.61 MB
Attisch-schwarzfigurige Schale. Spiegel, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,994 × 2,281; 3.58 MB
Attische Pyxis, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,456 × 2,407; 3.06 MB
Baksida av skål från Persien, 1200-tal - Hallwylska museet - 99470.tif 5,616 × 3,744, 2 pages; 60.18 MB
Baksida av tallrik från Persien, 1700-tal - Hallwylska museet - 99458.tif 5,616 × 3,744, 2 pages; 60.18 MB
Baksida av tallrik från Persien, 1700-tal - Hallwylska museet - 99460.tif 5,616 × 3,744, 2 pages; 60.18 MB
Bank in Form of a Cat.jpg 1,192 × 1,536; 209 KB
Bengali women fetching water from the well in earthenware pots, 1944.jpg 1,039 × 1,098; 539 KB
Blackfriars, Cambridge IMG 2833 (28927880906).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 8.68 MB
Britishmuseumrichardandsaladintiles.jpg 1,567 × 881; 486 KB
Brotkasten.JPG 1,839 × 1,176; 1.37 MB
Burk i lergods med grön glasyr, 1800-tal - Hallwylska museet - 107703.tif 3,744 × 5,452; 58.43 MB
CeramicDishes1960s.jpg 2,448 × 2,448; 1.33 MB
Chancay - Vessel - Walters 20092035 - Back.jpg 1,397 × 1,800; 311 KB
Chinese white ware and Iraqi earthenware bowls 9th 10th century both found in Iraq.jpg 2,366 × 1,607; 470 KB
Clay Kadai.jpg 4,080 × 2,296; 1.73 MB
Clay pots and Kadai.jpg 2,296 × 4,080; 2.78 MB
Clay vessel.jpg 4,080 × 2,296; 1.46 MB
Clevelandart 1965.20 (cropped).jpg 1,508 × 598; 954 KB
Clevelandart 1965.20.jpg 3,400 × 2,255; 4.7 MB
Clevelandart 2007.276.jpg 3,400 × 3,060; 5.93 MB
Bacchic Scene LACMA M.80.127.jpg 937 × 850; 225 KB
Colorful ceramics of Lisbon (40884224133).jpg 3,633 × 3,024; 3.9 MB
Colorful decorative stones in Israel 01.jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 3.17 MB
Colorful decorative stones in Israel 02.jpg 3,567 × 2,010; 2.67 MB
Colorful decorative stones in Israel 03.jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 3.05 MB
Colorful decorative stones in Israel 04.jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 3.18 MB
Colorful decorative stones in Israel 05.jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 3.05 MB
Cow creamjug, Walker Art Gallery.jpg 578 × 547; 76 KB
Cyprus eathenware 1200 1350.jpg 2,610 × 2,304; 1.2 MB
Daunisch-subgeometrischer Doppelhenkeltopf, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf.JPG 3,525 × 2,801; 5 MB
Daunisch-subgeometrischer Krug 1, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,423 × 3,168; 3.26 MB
Daunisch-subgeometrischer Krug 2, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,492 × 3,563; 3.93 MB
Daunisch-subgeometrischer Kyathos 1, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,692 × 3,056; 3.72 MB
Daunisch-subgeometrischer Kyathos 2, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,385 × 2,993; 2.86 MB
Daunisch-subgeometrischer Kyathos 3, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,666 × 3,731; 4.71 MB
Deksel.jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 5.42 MB
Dhupauro.jpg 2,592 × 1,456; 1.48 MB
Dish from 9th century Iraq.jpg 1,079 × 1,001; 1.13 MB
Dishes with ape leaf design, Hawaiian Potters Guild, Honolulu Museum of Art.jpg 1,815 × 2,371; 540 KB
Drug jar for Conserve of Alexandrian Roses, Venice, Italy, 1 Wellcome L0057416.jpg 2,832 × 3,969; 1.38 MB
Drug jar for mercury pills, Italy, 1731-1770 Wellcome L0057163.jpg 4,048 × 2,884; 1.45 MB
Earthen Hearth.JPG 1,500 × 1,257; 1.46 MB
Earthen pot 01.jpg 2,592 × 1,456; 1.48 MB
Earthen pot 02.jpg 2,592 × 1,456; 1.37 MB
Earthen pot.jpg 3,659 × 4,197; 3.52 MB
Earthen pots and Kadai.jpg 2,296 × 4,080; 3.73 MB
Earthen pots from Odisha.jpg 750 × 1,000; 656 KB
Earthen Pots.JPG 1,500 × 790; 943 KB
Earthen pottery.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 6.52 MB
Earthenware art roof.jpg 384 × 512; 40 KB
Earthenware artistic.jpg 300 × 400; 36 KB
Earthenware at Kanhangad in Kasaragod Kerala 01.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 3.16 MB
Earthenware at Kanhangad in Kasaragod Kerala 02.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 2.83 MB
Earthenware at Kanhangad in Kasaragod Kerala 03.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 3 MB
Earthenware at Kanhangad in Kasaragod Kerala 04.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 3.17 MB
Earthenware at Kanhangad in Kasaragod Kerala 05.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 3.12 MB
Earthenware bleeding bowl, England, 1701-1900 Wellcome L0058195.jpg 2,832 × 4,054; 1.15 MB
Earthenware bottles Sagalassos Tongeren.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 5.5 MB
Earthenware coffee pot BM 2009 8024 1.jpg 2,730 × 2,554; 2.41 MB
Earthenware cooking pot.jpg 3,648 × 2,432; 3.89 MB
Earthenware cup, Afghanistan, Gandhara, 2nd century CE, HAA.JPG 1,698 × 2,742; 609 KB
Earthenware drug jar, Syria, 1101-1200 Wellcome L0057169.jpg 2,832 × 4,256; 1.24 MB
Earthenware Essaar.jpg 2,124 × 1,643; 855 KB
Earthenware inhaler, London, England, 1866-1905 Wellcome L0058177.jpg 2,832 × 4,256; 868 KB
Earthenware jar for terra sigillata, Spain, 1601-1700 Wellcome L0058456.jpg 2,832 × 4,256; 1.59 MB
Earthenware Jar.jpg 901 × 1,200; 69 KB
Earthenware jug, Walker Art Gallery (1).png 600 × 800; 580 KB
Earthenware jug, Walker Art Gallery (2).png 600 × 800; 631 KB
Earthenware juglet, Cyprus, 1600-1400 BCE Wellcome L0058861.jpg 2,832 × 4,256; 631 KB
Earthenware kitchen.jpg 512 × 384; 41 KB
Earthenware lamp shades.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 4.57 MB
Earthenware maternity scene, Djenné, inland Niger River Delta, 1100-1400.JPG 1,275 × 2,715; 519 KB
Earthenware of Nizwa Souq I.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 6.87 MB
Earthenware of Nizwa Souq II.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 7.46 MB
Earthenware of Nizwa Souq III.jpg 4,624 × 3,468; 9.99 MB
Earthenware plate showing breast feeding, Italy, 1601-1800 Wellcome L0058739.jpg 3,504 × 2,479; 1.49 MB
Earthenware pots.jpg 798 × 963; 576 KB
Earthenware Pots.jpg 872 × 847; 59 KB
Earthenware retort, Europe, 1801-1930 Wellcome L0058365.jpg 5,336 × 4,000; 4.05 MB
Earthenware table, Walker Art Gallery.jpg 800 × 600; 143 KB
Earthenware vase by Théodore Deck, 1889, High Museum.JPG 2,884 × 2,660; 1.13 MB
Earthenware vessel (Accra, Ghana), World Museum Liverpool (1).png 2,160 × 1,620; 6.11 MB
Earthenware vessel (Accra, Ghana), World Museum Liverpool (3).png 1,620 × 2,160; 6.49 MB
Earthenware watchtower - Cleveland Museum of Art (27866955204).jpg 1,667 × 2,500; 1.14 MB
Earthenware.jpg 384 × 512; 54 KB
Etiopia - omo river valley DSC 2835 (5).jpg 1,920 × 1,278; 2.6 MB
Etruskische Aschenurne, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,475 × 2,773; 5.83 MB
Etruskische henkellose Schale, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 1,629 × 1,200; 875 KB
Etruskischer Kolonettenkrater, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,721 × 2,781; 3.65 MB
Etruskischer Pithos mit Reliefstegen, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,641 × 3,977; 4.7 MB
Etruskischer Pithos, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,848 × 4,288; 8.82 MB
Farkasházy-Fischer. Fajanszpillér. Zsidó temető. Műemlék ID 11166. - Tata.JPG 1,704 × 2,272; 1,007 KB
Feeding bottle in the shape of a swan, Roman, 199 BCE-500 CE Wellcome L0058941.jpg 2,832 × 4,058; 1.37 MB
Figs for lunch (7952615030).jpg 1,056 × 1,056; 968 KB
Flower bowl - Tin-glazed earthenware, c1690 (2879252755).jpg 2,816 × 1,584; 2.41 MB
Früherer böotischer Skyphos, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,750 × 2,487; 4.7 MB
Fuddling Cup LACMA M.86.218.jpg 2,023 × 2,100; 555 KB
Fuddling Cup, London, dated 1639 - Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - DSC08803.JPG 2,125 × 2,128; 1.45 MB
G.T. Rollason and Co, Birmingham.jpg 774 × 1,302; 376 KB
Gemberpot met kurkstop - F60OFL - 60006596 - RCE.jpg 3,744 × 5,616; 2.02 MB
Geometrisch-attische Amphora, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,156 × 3,543; 4.41 MB
Geometrisch-attische Pyxis, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,875 × 2,573; 4.6 MB
Geometrisch-attischer Kantharos, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,082 × 2,305; 3.44 MB
Geometrisch-attischer zweihenkliger Napf, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,469 × 2,257; 3.58 MB
Geometrische Doppelhenkelschale, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,901 × 2,173; 3.4 MB
Grog - Ground potsherds.jpg 3,648 × 2,432; 3.26 MB
Gross Neuendorf 2016-03 083.JPG 4,912 × 3,264; 4.47 MB
Gross Neuendorf 2016-03 084.JPG 4,912 × 3,264; 4.53 MB
Gross Neuendorf 2016-03 085.JPG 4,912 × 3,264; 5.16 MB
Gryta - Vasamuseet - 14365.jpg 4,760 × 3,192; 1,014 KB
Grön skål från Persien - Hallwylska museet - 99468.tif 5,616 × 3,744, 2 pages; 60.18 MB
Gröna tempelvaser gjorda i Kina - Hallwylska museet - 96135.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 47.07 MB
Henriot Trevoux.jpg 2,292 × 2,334; 3.74 MB
Horse and rider Djenne.jpg 180 × 250; 33 KB
Inselgriechischer Krug, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,507 × 3,156; 3.74 MB
Iraqi earthen jar 9th century derived from Tang export wares.jpg 1,876 × 2,278; 597 KB
Joffre.JPG 2,000 × 3,008; 1.24 MB
John Bull teapot, Walker Art Gallery.jpg 600 × 800; 118 KB
Joseph-Théodore Deck - Gallic Rooster - Walters 482537.jpg 1,451 × 1,800; 1.1 MB
Jug animals Louvre MAO390.jpg 2,450 × 3,266; 3.18 MB
Jules-Auguste Habert-Dys - One of a Pair of Vases - Walters 482743 - Three Quarter.jpg 1,192 × 1,800; 2.05 MB
Kampanische bauchige Lekythos, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,493 × 4,025; 5.51 MB
Kampanische Flasche, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,641 × 3,977; 3.86 MB
Kampanischer Schalenskyphos, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,718 × 1,844; 2.92 MB
Kan in slibversierd rood aardewerk.jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 2.69 MB
Kanna - Hallwylska museet - 87794.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 120.34 MB
Kemmelwaar MOS 8339o.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 4.86 MB
Kinesisk figur från 618-906 - Hallwylska museet - 96173.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 38.76 MB
Kinesisk figur från cirka 700 - Hallwylska museet - 96174.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 39.25 MB
Kinesisk figur med konisk mössa av Pekingmodell - Hallwylska museet - 95989.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 41.06 MB
Kinesisk Fohund med huvudet som lock - Hallwylska museet - 95446.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 34.77 MB
Kleiner korinthischer Aryballos, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,013 × 1,900; 1.64 MB
Korinthische Pyxis, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,663 × 2,491; 3.33 MB
Ler- och stengods. Mortel - Hallwylska museet - 89281.tif 1,102 × 1,416; 4.51 MB
Maghrebin earthenware.jpg 384 × 512; 40 KB
Maghrebin pillow.jpg 300 × 400; 46 KB
Male urinal, Netherlands, 1740-1760 Wellcome L0058174.jpg 2,778 × 4,160; 1.14 MB
Manganam.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 1.65 MB
Manganam2.jpg 2,304 × 4,096; 1.92 MB
Manganam3.jpg 4,096 × 2,304; 1.31 MB
Marriage cup (1688), Harris Museum.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.85 MB
Megarischer Becher 1, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,106 × 2,512; 3.02 MB
Megarischer Becher 2, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 3,100 × 2,625; 4.29 MB
Megarischer Becher 3, Hetjens-Museum Düsseldorf (DerHexer).JPG 2,600 × 2,343; 2.25 MB
Moroccan art.jpg 400 × 300; 37 KB