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Category:Ancient Roman sculptures

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English: Sculptures of the Ancient Roman eras.
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<nowiki>scultura romana; 古羅馬雕塑; sculpture romaine; Antzinako Erromako eskultura; escultura romana; römische Skulptur; escultura da Roma Antiga; romiešu tēlniecība; 羅馬雕塑; rimsko kiparstvo; ローマ彫刻; seni pahat Romawi; rzeźba starożytnego Rzymu; פיסול רומי; Romeinse beeldhouwkunst; romia skulptarto; escultura da Roma Antiga; скульптура Древнего Рима; 로마 조각; Roman sculpture; النحت في روما القديمة; escultura de la Antigua Roma; скульптура Стародавнього Риму; scultura dell'Antica Roma; sculpture de l'époque de la Rome antique; sculpture of ancient Rome; סגנון פיסולי אופייני לרומא העתיקה; escultura del periodo histórico Antigua Roma; escultura romana; escultura de Roma; 로마의 조각; 고대 로마 조각; a escultura romana; escultura romana; escultura romana; Romiešu skulptūra; 羅馬的雕塑; 古羅馬雕塑; древнеримская скульптура</nowiki>
Roman sculpture 
sculpture of ancient Rome
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Instance of
  • sculpture of an area (–476)
  • art style
Subclass of
Facet of
  • Ancient Rome
Authority file
Wikidata Q1362251
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85119157
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11933247d
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 19834
NL CR AUT ID: ph128314
National Library of Spain ID: XX528180
J9U ID: 987007565857905171
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Media in category "Ancient Roman sculptures"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.