Category:Ancient Roman reliefs
This category has the following 33 subcategories, out of 33 total.
Media in category "Ancient Roman reliefs"
The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total.
Abbotsford House Roman Sculpture 01.JPG 2,893 × 3,701; 2.61 MB
Abbotsford House Roman Sculpture 02.JPG 2,250 × 3,091; 1.61 MB
Abbotsford House Roman Sculpture 03.JPG 2,497 × 3,300; 2.14 MB
Abbotsford House Roman Sculpture 04.JPG 2,448 × 3,481; 2.15 MB
Abbotsford House Roman Sculpture 05.JPG 2,332 × 3,460; 1.9 MB
Bronze pan with relief, 1st century AD, Altes Museum Berlin, 141282.jpg 3,269 × 4,904; 8.81 MB
Catalonia Mataró Vil·laRomanaDeCanLlauder CornisaMarbre MCMM1388.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 384 KB
Character of Renaissance Architecture 0208.jpg 1,556 × 2,236; 933 KB
Commerce du vin sur la Durance (époque gallo-romaine).png 753 × 299; 468 KB
D316- autel érigé en l’honneur de diane. - L1-Ch5.png 1,044 × 906; 203 KB
D473-birème romaine-Liv2-ch10.png 1,412 × 1,087; 642 KB
EB1911 Roman Art - Pilaster.jpg 171 × 543; 22 KB
Head of Silenus - Project Gutenberg eText 19115.png 271 × 270; 32 KB
Hoby skyphoi.jpg 229 × 187; 51 KB
Honorific base Aurelius Victor Terme.jpg 1,830 × 2,790; 3.93 MB
L'Enlèvement de Proserpine.jpg 750 × 347; 137 KB
Marble votive of memorial relief Wellcome L0013578.jpg 1,452 × 1,290; 663 KB
Moi, Auguste, Empereur de Rome exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris - 14464402638.jpg 3,264 × 4,928; 5.1 MB
MUHBA - fragment of a sarcophagus - head of Jesus.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 16.44 MB
MUHBA - fragment of a sarcophagus cover - 'Summer' with sickle 01.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 17.95 MB
MUHBA - fragment of a sarcophagus cover - 'Summer' with sickle 02.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 15.59 MB
MUHBA - fragment of a sarcophagus with two lions 01.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 17.73 MB
MUHBA - fragment of a sarcophagus with two lions 02.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 15.27 MB
Museo archeologico La Civitella-altorilievo.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 1.8 MB
Musée d’Aquitaine - Stele eines Künstlers.jpg 3,146 × 4,372; 2.86 MB
Plaque From Roman Forum of Pinhel - Apr 2011.jpg 4,120 × 2,737; 9.02 MB
Procession of the Compitalia, bas-relief, Lateran Museum.png 485 × 630; 144 KB
Relief wit Hero, Asia Minor, 2nd-3rt c AD, marble, Prague , NM-H10 6297, 151161.jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 4.34 MB
S03 06 01 020 image 2538.jpg 978 × 1,200; 928 KB
Storia delle arti del disegno II (page 168 crop).jpg 1,033 × 759; 196 KB
Storia delle arti del disegno III (page 532 crop).jpg 645 × 1,166; 261 KB
Storia delle arti del disegno p0597.png 2,590 × 1,424; 2.44 MB
Tébessa.1.jpg 533 × 1,346; 189 KB
Vienna relief sheep.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 6.66 MB