Category:A Set of Fifty New and Correct Maps of England and Wales

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A Set of Fifty New and Correct MAPS
The GREAT ROADS and Principal CROSS-ROADS, &c.
Shewing the Computed Miles from Town to Town.
A Work long wanted, and very useful for all Gentlemen that Travel to any Part of ENGLAND.
All, except two, composed and done by HERMAN MOLL, Geographer.
1. The Map entituled,
    In gratiam Itineran-
    tium curiosum AN-
    TONINI AUG. Iti-
    nerarium per Britan-
    niam tentavit WIL.
    STUKELEY, 1723.
4. Devonshire. 14. Glocestershire. 24. Huntingdonshire. 34. Shropshire. 43. — East Riding.
5. Dorsetshire. 15. Oxfordshire. 25. Northamptonshire. 35. Cheshire. 44. — North Riding.
6. Somerset. 16. Buckinghamshire. 26. Leicestershire. 36. Herefordshire. 45. Durham.
7. Wiltshire. 17. Bedfordshire. 27. Rutlandshire. 37. South-Wales. 46. Lancashire.
8. Hantshire. 18. Hartfordshire. 28. Lincolnshire. 38. Monmouthshire. 47. Westmorland.
9. Isle of Wight. 19. Middlesex. 29. Nottinghamshire. 39. North-Wales. 48. Cumberland.
10. Berkshire. 20. Essex. 30. Derbyshire. 40. Denbigh and Flint-
49. Northumberland.
2. A general Map of
11. Surrey. 21. Suffolk. 31. Warwickshire. 50. The Isle of Man,
      Guernsey, and Jersey.
12. Sussex. 22. Norfolk. 32. Worcestershire. 41. Yorkshire.
3. Cornwal. 13. Kent. 23. Cambridgeshire. 33. Staffordshire. 42. — West Riding.

And, to render this Work more acceptable to the Curious, the Margins of each Map are adorn'd with great Variety of very remarkable Antiquities.

LONDON: Sold by H. MOLL over-against Devereux-Court in the Strand; THO. BOWLES, Print and Map-Seller near the Chapter-House in St. Paul's
Church-Yard, and J. BOWLES Print and Map-Seller over-against Stocks-Market. 1724.

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