Category:1921 books from New York City
Most populous urban areas of the world: Barcelona [ES] · Boston [US] · Chicago [US] · London [GB] · New York City [US] · Paris [FR] · Philadelphia [US] · San Francisco [US] · Washington, D.C. [US]
Independent cities in the United States: – Sui generis: New York [NY] · Washington [DC]
English: Please verify that the book in question was published in New York City in that year (via source-links or image descriptions). Books may be republished in new editions and in other cities, so several categories may apply.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
- Comus (Rackham, 1921) (74 F)
Media in category "1921 books from New York City"
The following 28 files are in this category, out of 28 total.
Allied shipping control; an experiment in international administration (IA alliedshippingco00salt).pdf 868 × 1,341, 410 pages; 24.96 MB
American apprenticeship and industrial education (IA americanapprenti00doug).pdf 760 × 1,250, 362 pages; 17.14 MB
California Digital Library (IA analysisofelectr00wilcrich).pdf 881 × 1,445, 818 pages; 41.27 MB
A Book of old embroidery (IA bookofoldembroid00kend).pdf 1,062 × 1,616, 154 pages; 18.56 MB
Teaching children to read (IA childrenteaching00klaprich).pdf 652 × 1,066, 264 pages; 12.43 MB
Circuits of victory (IA circuitsofvictor00lavirich).pdf 706 × 1,168, 732 pages; 48.35 MB
The crystal heart (IA crystalheart00bottrich).pdf 685 × 1,047, 246 pages; 16.51 MB
The teaching of arithmetic; a manual for teachers (IA cu31924002966046).pdf 656 × 1,014, 412 pages; 8.6 MB
Teaching children to read (IA cu31924013381227).pdf 727 × 1,102, 264 pages; 4.81 MB
Opening a highway to the Pacific, 1838-1846 (IA cu31924014054849).pdf 693 × 1,129, 247 pages; 7.18 MB
Perspective; the old and the new method .. (IA cu31924020548479).pdf 706 × 1,137, 59 pages; 978 KB
Perspective; an elementary text book (IA cu31924020559344).pdf 625 × 985, 154 pages; 2.26 MB
The sisters of the spinning wheel, and other Sikh poems (IA cu31924022944049).pdf 656 × 1,010, 232 pages; 3.25 MB
History of the Seventy-eighth division in the World War, 1917-18-19 (IA historyofseventy00meeh).pdf 1,033 × 1,543, 256 pages; 16.68 MB
A journal of the great war (IA journalofgreatwa01daweiala).pdf 608 × 914, 516 pages; 19.44 MB
Miss Lulu Bett (play 1921).djvu 2,350 × 3,713, 212 pages; 3.19 MB
British policy and opinion during the Franco-Prussian war (IA policyopi00raymbritishrich).pdf 820 × 1,252, 446 pages; 22.03 MB
Principles of teaching in secondary education (IA principlesofteac00fost).pdf 652 × 1,095, 394 pages; 23.48 MB
Railroad securities; a course of study with references (IA railroadsecurities00sako).pdf 650 × 1,066, 138 pages; 3.68 MB
The sisters of the spinning wheel, and other Sikh poems (IA sistersofspinnin00singiala).pdf 743 × 1,108, 232 pages; 6.36 MB
The story of Chautauqua (IA storyofchautauqu00hurlrich).pdf 822 × 1,239, 528 pages; 26.01 MB
Teaching children to read (IA teachingchildren00klaprich).pdf 664 × 1,060, 256 pages; 12.93 MB
Wright aircraft engines; complete instructions for their installation, operation and maintenance; (IA wrightaircraften00wrig).pdf 1,525 × 2,402, 106 pages; 10.47 MB
Ypres to Verdun; a collection of photographs of the war areas in France & Flanders (IA yprestoverduncol00kenn).pdf 1,097 × 1,606, 174 pages; 7.91 MB