Category:1920 books from New York City
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Independent cities in the United States: Baltimore [MD] · St. Louis [MO] – Sui generis: New York [NY] · Washington [DC]
English: Please verify that the book in question was published in New York City in that year (via source-links or image descriptions). Books may be republished in new editions and in other cities, so several categories may apply.
This category has the following 47 subcategories, out of 47 total.
- Animal Husbandry (1920) (9 F)
- The Children of Odin (48 F)
- Czechoslovak Stories (4 F)
- Greece (1920) (19 F)
- Homing with the birds (18 F)
- In Morocco (1920) (33 F)
Media in category "1920 books from New York City"
The following 57 files are in this category, out of 57 total.
150 rugs from Chinese Turkestan and from China proper, in small, medium and large sizes (IA 150rugsfromchine00ande).pdf 779 × 1,260, 64 pages; 5.83 MB
A year as a government agent (1920) (14784702383).jpg 1,446 × 2,216; 321 KB
Aeronautics, a class text (IA aeronauticsclass00wilsrich).pdf 754 × 1,285, 286 pages; 43 MB
Aeroplane structural design; a book for designers, draughtsmen & students (IA aeroplanestructu00jone).pdf 762 × 1,225, 330 pages; 18.27 MB
Agricultural meteorology (1920) (17759108639).jpg 2,800 × 1,976; 2.66 MB
The airplane, a practical discussion of the principles of airplane flight (IA airplanepractica00bederich).pdf 870 × 1,345, 282 pages; 57.78 MB
The American colleges and universities in the great war, 1914-1919; a history (IA americancolleges00thwi).pdf 766 × 1,179, 296 pages; 11.26 MB
The American credo; a contribution toward the interpretation of the national mind (IA americancredo00nathrich).pdf 702 × 1,085, 202 pages; 7.95 MB
The American engineers in France (IA americanengineer00pars).pdf 783 × 1,245, 476 pages; 25.23 MB
Annual report (IA annualreport1920colu).pdf 864 × 1,318, 476 pages; 18.68 MB
Applied aerodynamics (IA appliedaerodynam00bairrich).pdf 864 × 1,327, 628 pages; 46.65 MB
Base hospital no. 9 (IA basehospitalno900brow).pdf 862 × 1,450, 234 pages; 18.02 MB
Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu 2,010 × 2,944, 188 pages; 3.47 MB
Bohemia An Historical Sketch.djvu 1,921 × 3,234, 388 pages; 19.81 MB
Borough of Richmond's solution of housing problem (IA boroughofrichmon00rich).pdf 958 × 1,425, 36 pages; 2.55 MB
Canteening overseas, 1917-1919 (IA canteeningoverse00bald).pdf 702 × 1,085, 238 pages; 8.3 MB
Canteening overseas, 1917-1919 (IA canteeningoverse00baldiala).pdf 689 × 1,066, 238 pages; 8.73 MB
Chaos and order in industry (IA chaosorderinindu00cole).pdf 675 × 1,087, 312 pages; 11.91 MB
The conquest of the old Southwest; (IA conquestofoldsou02hend).pdf 712 × 1,102, 464 pages; 15.11 MB
The contrast; a comedy in five acts (IA contrastcomedyin00tyle).pdf 804 × 1,256, 176 pages; 8.24 MB
A short life of Mark Twain (IA cu31924022022465).pdf 725 × 1,114, 376 pages; 7.77 MB
An outline of the religious literature of India (IA cu31924023004629).pdf 727 × 1,202, 488 pages; 11.99 MB
Korea's fight for freedom (IA cu31924023276326).pdf 695 × 1,108, 326 pages; 6.02 MB
Canteening overseas, 1917-1919 (IA cu31924027820269).pdf 650 × 1,066, 238 pages; 4.43 MB
Diplomatic reminiscences before and during the World War, 1911-1917 (IA cu31924027885965).pdf 727 × 1,227, 568 pages; 12.11 MB
Evolution of the budget in Massachusetts (IA cu31924032550000).pdf 675 × 1,072, 268 pages; 5.14 MB
Social theory (IA cu31924070695436).pdf 616 × 1,033, 232 pages; 4.2 MB
Czechoslovak stories.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 352 pages; 43.79 MB
Diplomatic reminiscences before and during the World War, 1911-1917 (IA diplomaticremini00nekl).pdf 841 × 1,291, 568 pages; 25.99 MB
Dreams and voices (1920).png 453 × 745; 664 KB
Farrow's manual of military training (IA farrowsmanualofm00farr).pdf 631 × 1,029, 1,046 pages; 50.89 MB
Foden's Grand Method for Guitar Book 1, 1920.jpg 5,821 × 7,504; 16.52 MB
A history of the 313th field artillery U.S.A. (IA historyof313thfi00crow).pdf 1,045 × 1,502, 398 pages; 21.27 MB
Index to St. Nicholas- Volumes I-XLV, 1873–1918 (Wilson, 1920) (IA stnicholasserial1451dodg).pdf 675 × 1,025, 492 pages; 29.68 MB
India's Nation Builders.djvu 2,852 × 4,354, 246 pages; 9.16 MB
Irish impressions (IA irishimpressions01ches).pdf 685 × 1,045, 234 pages; 10.1 MB
Jewish Fairy Book (Gerald Friedlander).djvu 2,075 × 3,221, 222 pages; 3.38 MB
Lemkovsky spivanky (V.Zapeka).pdf 600 × 866, 164 pages; 8.21 MB
The maid of Mirabelle - a romance of Lorraine (IA maidofmirabeller00robiiala).pdf 720 × 1,091, 330 pages; 18.59 MB
Master Eustace (1920).djvu 2,372 × 3,692, 298 pages; 4.74 MB
Opportunities in aviation (IA opportunitiesina00sweerich).pdf 689 × 1,102, 138 pages; 14.15 MB
An outline of the religious literature of India (IA outlineofreligio00farqrich).pdf 833 × 1,300, 494 pages; 25.17 MB
Sandals and other fabrics from Kentucky caves (IA sandalsandotherf00orchiala).pdf 475 × 747, 36 pages; 1.02 MB
Some letters of Augustus Peabody Gardner (1920) (14596289290).jpg 1,410 × 2,198; 381 KB
The squadroon (IA squadroon00beam).pdf 704 × 1,058, 336 pages; 14.64 MB
The trade and administration of China by Hosea Ballou Morse (1920).pdf 697 × 1,143, 571 pages; 11.52 MB
War poems, and other verses (IA warpoemsotherver00vern).pdf 722 × 1,102, 90 pages; 2.92 MB