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Narrow lines

  ex u uex
ndSTR         half width
nLSTR         Interruption
nSTR-L         left half
nSTR-R         right half
nKSTRa         Start
nKSTRa-L         Start left half
nKSTRa-R         Start right half
nKSTRe         End
nSTRq         Across
tnSTRq         Across in tunnel
nKSTRaq         Start across
nKSTReq         End across
nSTR2+4         Diagonal to corner 2 from corner 4
nSTR3+1         Diagonal to corner 3 from corner 1
nSTRl         Curve to left
nSTRr         Curve to right
nSTR+l         Curve from left
nSTR+r         Curve from right
nSTR+1         Curve from corner 1
nSTR2         Curve to corner 2
nSTR3         Curve to corner 3
nSTR+4         Curve from corner 4
nSTRr+1         Curve to right from corner 1
nSTR2+r         Curve to corner 2 from right
nSTR3+l         Curve to corner 3 from left
nSTRl+4         Curve to left from corner 4
nSTR1+4         Curve to corner 1 from corner 4
nSTR2+1         Curve to corner 2 from corner 1
nSTR2+3         Curve to corner 2 from corner 3
nSTR3+4         Curve to corner 3 from corner 4
ndSTR+1         Curve half-width, from corner 1
ndSTR2         Curve half-width, to corner 2
ndSTR3         Curve half-width, to corner 3
ndSTR+4         Curve half-width, from corner 4
nSTRc1         Corner 1
nSTRc2         Corner 2
nSTRc3         Corner 3
nSTRc4         Corner 4
nSTR2h+4         Curve to edge of corner 2 from corner 4
nSHI4c3         Corner for 4/4 shift
nKRWl         4/4 shift to left
nKRWr         4/4 shift to right
nKRW+l         4/4 shift from left
nKRW+r         4/4 shift from right
ndSHI2l         2/4 shift half-width, to left
ndSHI2r         2/4 shift half-width, to right
ndSHI2+l         2/4 shift half-width, from left
ndSHI2+r         2/4 shift half-width, from right
Line ends
nENDEa         Start
ndENDEa         Start half-width
nENDEe         End
ndENDEe         End half-width
nENDEaq         Start across
nENDEeq         End across
nCONTf         Continuation forward
nCONTg         Continuation back
nCONTfq         Continuation forward across
tnCONTfq         Continuation forward across, in tunnel
nCONTgq         Continuation back across
tnCONTgq         Continuation back across, in tunnel
nCONT2         Continuation from corner 2
nlCONTfq         Continuation arrow forward across
nlCONTf@Fq         Continuation arrow forward across, moved forward
nlCONTgq         Continuation arrow back across
nlCONTg@Gq         Continuation arrow back across, moved back
hnSTRae         Bridge
nSTRo         Medium bridge
nBRÜCKE2         Short bridge (culvert)
nv-STRo         Bridge on left parallel line
nSTRu         Medium bridge under
  ex u uex


nKWASSERe   Feeder end
cnKWASSERe   Feeder end, quarter width
nvKWASSERe   Feeder end, parallel
WFEEDERqlg   Feeder to left, moved back
WFEEDERqrg   Feeder to right, moved back

Stops and facilities

  ex u uex
nHSTq         across
nKHSTa         Line start
nKHSTe         Line end
nKHSTaq         Line start across
nKHSTeq         Line end across
nBSTq         across
nKBSTa         Line start
nKBSTe         Line end
nKBSTaq         Line start across
nKBSTaq-exnKBSTaq         Line start
parallel across & unused
facility Line start across
nKBSTeq         Line end across
KDSTena         Transition line start
KDSTexna         Transition line start
exKDSTne         Transition line start
  ex u uex


  e x ex u ue ux uex
nABZgl                 To left
nABZgr                 To right
nABZg+l                 From left
nABZg+r                 From right
nABZql                 Across & to left
nABZqr                 Across & to right
nABZq+l                 Across & from left
nABZq+r                 Across & from right
nABZlr                 To left and right
nABZ+lr                 From left and right
nABZl+l                 To and from left
nABZr+r                 To and from right
nABZgr+r                 Through and to and from right
nABZqlr                 Across, to left and right
ndABZgl                 To left
ndABZgr                 To right
ndABZg+l                 From left
ndABZg+r                 From right
ndABZg+1                 From corner 1
ndABZg2                 To corner 2
ndABZg3                 To corner 3
ndABZg+4                 From corner 4
ndSHI2gl                 2/4 shift through and to left
ndSHI2gr                 2/4 shift through and to right
ndSHI2g+l                 2/4 shift through and from left
ndSHI2g+r                 2/4 shift through and from right
Mixed regular & narrow
ABZgnl                 Regular through, narrow to left
ABZgnr                 Regular through, narrow to right
ABZgnlr                 Regular through, narrow from left & right
ABZg+nl                 Regular through, narrow from left
ABZg+nr                 Regular through, narrow from right
ABZg+nlr                 Regular through, narrow from left & right
ABZxnlr                 Regular through, narrow from left & right
ABZgnl+nl                 Regular through, narrow to & from left
ABZgnr+nr                 Regular through, narrow to & from right
ABZqnl                 Regular across, narrow to left
ABZqnr                 Regular across, narrow to right
ABZq+nl                 Regular across, narrow from left
ABZq+nr                 Regular across, narrow from right
nABZgd+1                 To regular, from narrow through & corner 1
nABZdg2                 From regular, to narrow through & corner 2
nABZdg3                 From regular, to narrow through & corner 3
nABZgd+4                 To regular, from narrow through & corner 4
vSHI2gnl-                 Crossover to left
vSHI2g+nl-                 Crossover from left
v-SHI2gnr                 Crossover to right
v-SHI2g+nr                 Crossover from right
ehbnvÜSTl                 Crossover to left on parallel lines, double width
ehbnvÜSTxl                 Crossover to left on parallel lines, double width
hbvv--SHI4ngnr                 Crossover to right at start of parallel lines, double width
hbvv--SHI4ng+nr                 Crossover from right at end of parallel lines, double width
dABZgnl                 Regular through, narrow to left
dABZgnr                 Regular through, narrow to right
dABZg+nl                 Regular through, narrow from left
dABZg+nr                 Regular through, narrow from right
dABZg+n1                 Regular through, narrow from corner 1
dABZgn2                 Regular through, narrow to corner 2
dABZgn3                 Regular through, narrow to corner 3
dABZg+n4                 Regular through, narrow from corner 4
With parallel lines
vABZgnr-STR                 Right line narrow to right
vABZg+nr-STR                 Right line narrow from right
veABZg+nr-STR                 Right line unused narrow from right
vSTR-ABZgnl                 Right line narrow to left
vABZgnr-ABZgnl                 Both lines narrow to right and left
vABZgnrg+nrf-STR                 Right line narrow to upper right & from lower right
vABZgnrg+xnrf-STR                 Right line narrow to upper right & unused from lower right
TEEna                 Regular across, narrow start
TEEne                 Regular across, narrow end
TEEnl                 Regular through, narrow to left
TEEnr                 Regular through, narrow to right
  e x ex u ue ux uex

Black lines and borders


Black lines

Example 1
Example 2
end of
third rail

These icons can be used to represent connections between adjacent stations, or electrification. They are the same width as GRZ (border) icons.

BL     dBL half width
start BLa     dBLa start half width
end BLe     dBLe end half width
BLq     dBLq half width
start BLaq     BLeq end
to right BLr     BLl to left
from right BL+r     BL+l from left
from corner 4 BL+4     BL+1 from corner 1
to corner 3 BL3     BL2 to corner 2
to left from corner 4 BLl+4     BLr+1 to right from corner 1
from left to corner 3 BL3+l     BL2+r from right to corner 2
to corner 3 right parallel line v-BL3     vBL+1- from corner 1 left parallel line
to corner 2
from corner 4
BL2+4     BL3+1
to corner 3
from corner 1
to corner 2
from corner 4
dBL2+4-     dBL3+1-
to corner 3
from corner 1
to corner 2
from corner 4
d-BL2+4     d-BL3+1
to corner 3
from corner 1
From centre
to corner 4 KBL4     KBL1 to corner 1
to corner 3 KBL3     KBL2 to corner 2
From edge
across corner 4 BLr+g     BLl+g across corner 1
across corner 3 BLf+r     BLf+l across corner 2
corner 4 BLc4     BLc1 corner 1
corner 3 BLc3     BLc2 corner 2
start exBLa     exdBLa start half width
end exBLe     exdBLe end half width
exBLq     exdBLq half width
start exBLaq     exBLeq end
to right exBLr     exBLl to left
from right exBL+r     exBL+l from left
from corner 4 exBL+4     exBL+1 from corner 1
to corner 3 exBL3     exBL2 to corner 2
to left from corner 4 exBLl+4     exBLr+1 to right from corner 1
from left to corner 3 exBL3+l     exBL2+r from right to corner 2
to corner 2
from corner 4
exBL2+4     exBL3+1
to corner 3
from corner 1
From centre
to corner 4 exKBL4     exKBL1 to corner 1
to corner 3 exKBL3     exKBL2 to corner 2
From edge
across corner 4 exBLr+g     exBLl+g across corner 1
across corner 3 exBLf+r     exBLf+l across corner 2
corner 4 exBLc4     exBLc1 corner 1
corner 3 exBLc3     exBLc2 corner 2

Border overlays

Besides borders, these icons can also be used to denote connections, etc. The lGRZ (legende) series have a background in order to provide greater contrast, such as when placed over water features. Examples
Temporary service
Walking connection
Along river
GRZ - no background
quarter width cGRZ     dGRZ half width
right parallel line vGRZ-     v-GRZ left parallel line
start GRZa     dGRZa start half width
end GRZe     dGRZe end half width
GRZq     cdGRZq three-quarter width
quarter width cGRZq     dGRZq half width
upper parallel line GRZq-     -GRZq lower parallel line
start GRZaq     GRZeq end
moved forward GRZq~F     GRZq~G moved back
double width bGRZq
to back & right GRZer     GRZel to back & left
forward & right GRZar     GRZal forward & left
forward GRZTa     GRZTe to back
to right GRZTr     GRZTl to left
to right GRZs1r     GRZs1l to left
from right GRZs1+r     GRZs1+l from left
to right GRZr     GRZl to left
from right GRZ+r     GRZ+l from left
to right half-width dGRZr     dGRZl to left half-width
from right half-width dGRZ+r     dGRZ+l from left half-width
from corner 4 GRZ+4     GRZ+1 from corner 1
to corner 3 GRZ3     GRZ2 to corner 2
from corner 4 half-width dGRZ+4     dGRZ+1 from corner 1 half-width
to corner 3 half-width dGRZ3     dGRZ2 to corner 2 half-width
to corner 3
from corner 4
GRZ3+4     GRZ2+1
to corner 2
from corner 1
to left
from corner 4
GRZl+4     GRZr+1
to right
from corner 1
from left
to corner 3
GRZ3+l     GRZ2+r
from right
to corner 2
between corner 1
and corner 4
GRZ14     GRZ23
between corner 2
and corner 3
to corner 2
from corner 4
GRZ2+4     GRZ3+1
to corner 3
from corner 1
From centre
to corner 4 KGRZ4     KGRZ1 to corner 1
to corner 3 KGRZ3     KGRZ2 to corner 2
to corners 3 & 4 GRZ3m4     GRZ1m2 to corners 1 & 2
to corners 1 & 4 GRZ4m1     GRZ2m3 to corners 2 & 3
From edge
across corner 4 GRZr+g     GRZl+g across corner 1
across corner 3 GRZf+r     GRZf+l across corner 2
bypass right side PORTAGEr     PORTAGEl bypass left side
quarter width excGRZ     exdGRZ half width
right parallel line exvGRZ-     exv-GRZ left parallel line
start exGRZa     exdGRZa start half width
end exGRZe     exdGRZe end half width
exGRZq     excdGRZq three-quarter width
quarter width excGRZq     exdGRZq half width
upper parallel line exGRZq-     ex-GRZq lower parallel line
start exGRZaq     exGRZeq end
to back & right exGRZer     exGRZel to back & left
forward & right exGRZar     exGRZal forward & left
forward exGRZTa     exGRZTe to back
to right exGRZTr     exGRZTl to left
to right exGRZs1r     exGRZs1l to left
from right exGRZs1+r     exGRZs1+l from left
to right exGRZr     exGRZl to left
from right exGRZ+r     exGRZ+l from left
to right half-width exdGRZr     exdGRZl to left half-width
from right half-width exdGRZ+r     exdGRZ+l from left half-width
from corner 4 exGRZ+4     exGRZ+1 from corner 1
to corner 3 exGRZ3     exGRZ2 to corner 2
from corner 4 half-width exdGRZ+4     exdGRZ+1 from corner 1 half-width
to corner 3 half-width exdGRZ3     exdGRZ2 to corner 2 half-width
to corner 3
from corner 4
exGRZ3+4     exGRZ2+1
to corner 2
from corner 1
to left
from corner 4
exGRZl+4     exGRZr+1
to right
from corner 1
from left
to corner 3
exGRZ3+l     exGRZ2+r
from right
to corner 2
between corner 1
and corner 4
exGRZ14     exGRZ23
between corner 2
and corner 3
to corner 2
from corner 4
exGRZ2+4     exGRZ3+1
to corner 3
from corner 1
From centre
to corner 4 exKGRZ4     exKGRZ1 to corner 1
to corner 3 exKGRZ3     exKGRZ2 to corner 2
to corners 3 & 4 exGRZ3m4     exGRZ1m2 to corners 1 & 2
to corners 1 & 4 exGRZ4m1     exGRZ2m3 to corners 2 & 3
From edge
across corner 4 exGRZr+g     exGRZl+g across corner 1
across corner 3 exGRZf+r     exGRZf+l across corner 2
lGRZ - white background
quarter width lcGRZ     ldGRZ half width
right parallel line lvGRZ-     lv-GRZ left parallel line
start lGRZa     ldGRZa start half width
end lGRZe     ldGRZe end half width
lGRZq     lcdGRZq three-quarter width
quarter width lcGRZq     ldGRZq half width
upper parallel line lGRZq-     l-GRZq lower parallel line
start lGRZaq     lGRZeq end
double width lbGRZq
to back & right lGRZer     lGRZel to back & left
forward & right lGRZar     lGRZal forward & left
forward lGRZTa     lGRZTe to back
to right lGRZTr     lGRZTl to left
to right lGRZr     lGRZl to left
from right lGRZ+r     lGRZ+l from left
to right half-width ldGRZr     ldGRZl to left half-width
from right half-width ldGRZ+r     ldGRZ+l from left half-width
from corner 4 lGRZ+4     lGRZ+1 from corner 1
to corner 3 lGRZ3     lGRZ2 to corner 2
from corner 4 half-width ldGRZ+4     ldGRZ+1 from corner 1 half-width
to corner 3 half-width ldGRZ3     ldGRZ2 to corner 2 half-width
to corner 3
from corner 4
lGRZ3+4     lGRZ2+1
to corner 2
from corner 2
to left
from corner 4
lGRZl+4     lGRZr+1
to right
from corner 1
from left
to corner 3
lGRZ3+l     lGRZ2+r
from right
to corner 2
between corner 1
and corner 4
lGRZ14     lGRZ23
between corner 2
and corner 3
to corner 2
from corner 4
lGRZ2+4     lGRZ3+1
to corner 3
from corner 1
From centre
to corner 4 lKGRZ4     lKGRZ1 to corner 1
to corner 3 lKGRZ3     lKGRZ2 to corner 2
to corners 3 & 4 lGRZ3m4     lGRZ1m2 to corners 1 & 2
to corners 1 & 4 lGRZ4m1     lGRZ2m3 to corners 2 & 3
From edge
across corner 4 lGRZr+g     lGRZl+g across corner 1
across corner 3 lGRZf+r     lGRZf+l across corner 2
corner 4 lGRZc4     lGRZc1 corner 1
corner 3 lGRZc3     lGRZc2 corner 2
quarter width exlcGRZ     exldGRZ half width
right parallel line exlvGRZ-     exlv-GRZ left parallel line
start exlGRZa     exldGRZa start half width
end exlGRZe     exldGRZe end half width
exlGRZq     exlcdGRZq three-quarter width
quarter width exlcGRZq     exldGRZq half width
upper parallel line exlGRZq-     exl-GRZq lower parallel line
start exlGRZaq     exlGRZeq end
to back & right exlGRZer     exlGRZel to back & left
forward & right exlGRZar     exlGRZal forward & left
forward exlGRZTa     exlGRZTe to back
to right exlGRZTr     exlGRZTl to left
to right exlGRZr     exlGRZl to left
from right exlGRZ+r     exlGRZ+l from left
to right half-width exldGRZr     exldGRZl to left half-width
from right half-width exldGRZ+r     exldGRZ+l from left half-width
from corner 4 exlGRZ+4     exlGRZ+1 from corner 1
to corner 3 exlGRZ3     exlGRZ2 to corner 2
from corner 4 half-width exldGRZ+4     exldGRZ+1 from corner 1 half-width
to corner 3 half-width exldGRZ3     exldGRZ2 to corner 2 half-width
to corner 3
from corner 4
exlGRZ3+4     exlGRZ2+1
to corner 2
from corner 1
to left
from corner 4
exlGRZl+4     exlGRZr+1
to right
from corner 1
from left
to corner 3
exlGRZ3+l     exlGRZ2+r
from right
to corner 2
between corner 1
and corner 4
exlGRZ14     exlGRZ23
between corner 2
and corner 3
to corner 2
from corner 4
exlGRZ2+4     exlGRZ3+1
to corner 3
from corner 1
From centre
to corner 4 exlKGRZ4     exlKGRZ1 to corner 1
to corner 3 exlKGRZ3     exlKGRZ2 to corner 2
to corners 3 & 4 exlGRZ3m4     exlGRZ1m2 to corners 1 & 2
to corners 1 & 4 exlGRZ4m1     exlGRZ2m3 to corners 2 & 3
From edge
across corner 4 exlGRZr+g     exlGRZl+g across corner 1
across corner 3 exlGRZf+r     exlGRZf+l across corner 2
corner 4 exlGRZc4     exlGRZc1 corner 1
corner 3 exlGRZc3     exlGRZc2 corner 2
Watershed borders
  WGRZ     WGRZq across
to back & right WGRZer     WGRZel to back & left
forward & right WGRZar     WGRZal forward & left
forward WGRZTa     WGRZTe to back
to right WGRZTr     WGRZTl to left