BSicon/Catalogue/parallel stations

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See #Elevated formations below for details about additional icons needed for elevated stations.


  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
vBHF                                                 both through
tvBHFae                                                 tunnel, start and end
tvBHFea                                                 tunnel, end and start
tvBHFa@f                                                 tunnel, start, at front
tvBHFa@g                                                 tunnel, start, at back
tvBHFe@f                                                 tunnel, end, at front
tvBHFe@g                                                 tunnel, end, at back
vBHF-pBHF                                                 right in use, left station partial service only
vpBHF-BHF                                                 right station partial service only, left in use
vKBHFxa                                                 terminus start with continuation
vKBHFxe                                                 terminus end with continuation
vBHF-eBHF                                                 right in use, left station out of use
vBHF-xBHF                                                 right in use, left line out of use
vBHF-exBHF                                                 right in use, left out of use
vBHF-KBHFxa                                                 right in use, left start in use
vBHF-KBHFxe                                                 right in use, left end in use
veBHF-BHF                                                 right station out of use, left in use
vxBHF-BHF                                                 right line out of use, left in use
vexBHF-BHF                                                 right out of use, left in use
vKBHFxa-BHF                                                 right start in use, left in use
vKBHFxe-BHF                                                 right end in use, left in use
vBHF-KBHFa                                                 right in use, left start
vBHF-KBHFe                                                 right in use, left end
vBHF-exKBHFa                                                 right in use, left out of use start
vBHF-exKBHFe                                                 right in use, left out of use end
vKBHFxe-KBHFe                                                 right in use, line beyond out of use, left end
vKBHFa-BHF                                                 right start, left in use
vKBHFe-BHF                                                 right end, left in use
vexKBHFa-BHF                                                 right out of use start, left in use
vexKBHFe-BHF                                                 right out of use end, left in use
BHFSPLa                                                 single to double
BHFSPLe                                                 double to single
vKBHFa                                                 terminus start
vKBHFe                                                 terminus end
vBHFq                                                 Across
BHFSPLaq                                                 Across single to double, across
BHFSPLeq                                                 Across double to single, across
vKBHFaq                                                 Across terminus start, across
vKBHFeq                                                 Across terminus end, across
dvBHF~Fq                                                 Station left half
dKBHFaq-BHFq~L                                                 Terminus and through station left half
dBHFq-KBHFaq~L                                                 Through station and terminus left half
dvBHF~Gq                                                 Station right half
dKBHFeq-BHFq~R                                                 Terminus and through station right half
dBHFq-KBHFeq~R                                                 Through station and terminus right half
vBHF3+1                                                 Diagonal to corner 3 from corner 1
vBHF2+4                                                 Diagonal to corner 2 from corner 4
Separate lines
vBHF(R)f-BHF(L)g                                                 right forward, left back
vBHF(R)g-BHF(L)f                                                 right back, left forward
One side only
vBHF-STR                                                 right station, left straight
vBHF-exSTR                                                 right station, left out of use
vexBHF-STR                                                 right station out of use, left straight
vBHF(R)f-STR                                                 right forward, left through
vBHF(R)g-STR                                                 right back, left through
vKBHFa-STR                                                 right station start, left straight
vKBHFxa-STR                                                 right station start, beyond out of use; left straight
vKBHFxe-STR                                                 right station end, beyond out of use; left straight
vKBHFe-STR                                                 right station end, left straight
vSTR-BHF                                                 right straight, left station
vexSTR-BHF                                                 right out of use, left station
vSTR-BHF                                                 right straight, left station out of use
vSTR-BHF(L)g                                                 right through, left back
vSTR-BHF(L)f                                                 right through, left forward
vSTR-KBHFa                                                 right straight, left station start
vSTR-KBHFxa                                                 right straight, beyond out of use; left station start
vSTR-KBHFxe                                                 right straight, beyond out of use; left station end
vSTR-KBHFe                                                 right straight, left station end

Single line

vKBHFa-                                                 Station at start, right line
vBHF-                                                 Station right line
vSBHF-                                                 S-bahn station right line
hvBHF-                                                 Station right line, elevated
hvBHF-(l)                                                 Station right line, elevated
vKBHFe-                                                 Station at end, right line
v-KBHFa                                                 Station at start, left line
v-BHF                                                 Station left line
hv-BHF                                                 Station left line, elevated
hv-BHF(r)                                                 Station left line, elevated
v-KBHFe                                                 Station at end, left line
KBHFaq-                                                 Across at start, upper line
BHFq-                                                 Across upper line
KBHFeq-                                                 Across at end, upper line
-KBHFaq                                                 Across at start, lower line
-BHFq                                                 Across lower line
-KBHFeq                                                 Across at end, lower line
  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh

Connection to adjacent

  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
Connection to left
vBHF-L                                                 both through
vKBHFa-L                                                 terminus start
vKBHFe-L                                                 terminus end
vexKBHFe-KBHFe-L                                                 terminus end, right end out of use
vexKBHFa-BHF-L                                                 right terminus start out of use, left through
vKBHFa-BHF-L                                                 right start, left through
BHFSPLa-L                                                 single to double
vKBHFe-BHF-L                                                 right end, left through
BHFSPLe-L                                                 double to single
v-BHF-L                                                 left line only
v-KBHFa-L                                                 terminus start, left line only
v-KBHFe-L                                                 terminus end, left line only
Connection to left and right
vBHF-M                                                 both through
vKBHFa-M                                                 terminus start
vKBHFe-M                                                 terminus end
vKBHFe-R-KBHFa-L                                                 left start, right end
vKBHFa-R-KBHFe-L                                                 left end, right start
BHFSPLa-M                                                 single to double
BHFSPLe-M                                                 double to single
Connection to right
vBHF-R                                                 both through
vKBHFa-R                                                 terminus start
vKBHFe-R                                                 terminus end
vBHF-KBHFa-R                                                 right through, left start
BHFSPLa-R                                                 single to double
vBHF-KBHFe-R                                                 right through, left end
BHFSPLe-R                                                 double to single
vBHF-R-                                                 right line only
vKBHFa-R-                                                 terminus start, right line only
vKBHFe-R-                                                 terminus end, right line only
  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh


  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
HSTSPLa                                                 single to double
HSTSPLe                                                 double to single
vHST-KHSTxa                                                 right in use, left start in use
vHST-KHSTxe                                                 right in use, left end in use
vKHSTxa-HST                                                 right start in use, left in use
vKHSTxe-HST                                                 right end in use, left in use
vHST-KHSTa                                                 right in use, left start
vHST-KHSTe                                                 right in use, left end
vKHSTa-HST                                                 right start, left in use
vKHSTe-HST                                                 right end, left in use
vKHSTa                                                 terminus start
vKHSTe                                                 terminus end
vHSTq                                                 Across
HSTSPLaq                                                 Across single to double, across
HSTSPLeq                                                 Across double to single, across
vHST3+1                                                 Diagonal to corner 3 from corner 1
vHST2+4                                                 Diagonal to corner 2 from corner 4
Separate lines
One side only
vHST-STR                                                 right station, left straight
vHST-exSTR                                                 right station, left out of use
vexHST-STR                                                 right station out of use, left straight
vKHSTa-STR                                                 right station start, left straight
vKHSTxa-STR                                                 right station start, beyond out of use; left straight
vKHSTxe-STR                                                 right station end, beyond out of use; left straight
vKHSTe-STR                                                 right station end, left straight
vSTR-HST                                                 right straight, left station
vexSTR-HST                                                 right out of use, left station
vSTR-HST                                                 right straight, left station out of use
vSTR-KHSTa                                                 right straight, left station start
vSTR-KHSTxa                                                 right straight, beyond out of use; left station start
vSTR-KHSTxe                                                 right straight, beyond out of use; left station end
vSTR-KHSTe                                                 right straight, left station end

Single line

vKHSTa-                                                 at start, right line
vKHSTxa-                                                 at start with unused continuation, right line
vHST-                                                 right line
vKHSTxe-                                                 at end with unused continuation, right line
vKHSTe-                                                 at end, right line
v-KHSTa                                                 at start, left line
v-KHSTxa                                                 at start with unused continuation, left line
v-HST                                                 right line
v-KHSTxe                                                 at end with unused continuation, left line
v-KHSTe                                                 at end, left line
KHSTaq-                                                 at start, upper line
HSTq-                                                 upper line
KHSTeq-                                                 at end, upper line
-KHSTaq                                                 at start, lower line
-HSTq                                                 lower line
-KHSTeq                                                 at end, lower line
  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh



Other combinations can also be created using overlay symbols.

BHF-DST                                         station through + facility through
DST-BHF                                         facility through + station through
INT-BHF                                         interchange through + station through
HST-HST                                         halt through + halt through
KBHFa-KDSTa                                         station start + facility start
KHSTe-KHSTxe                                         halt end + halt end, disused line continues
DST-KBHFa                                         facility through + station start
KDSTa-BHF                                         facility start + station through
KDSTe-BHF                                         facility end + station through
KINTxe-KBHFe                                         interchange end, disused line continues + station end


Both lines through
BHF-BHF                 Station + Station
t…BHF-BHF                 Station in tunnel + Station in tunnel
eBHF-BHF                 Station unused + Station
BHF-eBHF                 Station + Station unused
HST-HST                 Stop + Stop
eHST-HST                 Stop unused + Stop
HST-eHST                 Stop + Stop unused
e…HST-HST                 Stop unused + Stop unused
Line(s) starts/ends
KBHFa-BHF                 Terminal station start + Station
KBHFe-BHF                 Terminal station end + Station
BHF-KBHFa                 Station + Terminal station start
BHF-KBHFe                 Station + Terminal station end
KBHFa-KBHFa                 Terminal station start + Terminal station start
KBHFe-KBHFe                 Terminal station end + Terminal station end
KBHFa-eBHF                 Terminal station start + Station unused
KBHFe-eBHF                 Terminal station end + Station unused
t…KBHFa-KBHFa                 Terminal station start, in tunnel + Terminal station start, in tunnel
t…KBHFe-KBHFe                 Terminal station end, in tunnel + Terminal station end, in tunnel

One side only

BHF-STR                 Station + Track
STR-BHF                 Track + Station
HST-STR                 Stop + Track
STR-HST                 Track + Stop
vTBHFu station across above, parallel lines below
mvTBHFo Parallel stations above Light rail line across below
vTBHFo+mTBHFo Station & light rail station above Line across below
mvTBHFu Light rail station across above Parallel lines below

Elevated formations


vBHF-size and dBHF-size formations


BHF-size formations


It is sometimes necessary to use additional formation icons in adjacent cells or overlays for elevated stations.

There are four different sets of elevated formations, matching the different sizes of station symbols:

Icons Radius
  (lBHF)   (lINT)   (lDST) 150 px
  (lvBHF)   (lvINT)   (lvDST) 150 px; shortened by 25 px on each side to fit into the frame
  (ldBHF)   (ldINT)   (ldDST) 125 px
  (lHST)   (lBST) 100 px
  (ldHST)   (ldBST)
lhBHF(r)   lhBHF(l)   Through
lhdBHF~L   lhdBHF~R   Through
lhdKBHFa~L   lhdKBHFa~R   Start
lhdKBHFe~L   lhdKBHFe~R   End
lhdvKBHFa   lhdvKBHFe   Terminus both lines
lhvv-KBHFa-BHF   lhvvBHF-KBHFa-   Start connection to through line
lhvv-KBHFe-BHF   lhvvBHF-KBHFe-   End connection to through line
lhdvBHF-KBHFa   lhdvKBHFa-BHF   Through connection to terminus start
lhdvBHF-KBHFe   lhdvKBHFe-BHF   Through connection to terminus end
for vBHF/vINT/vDST
lhvBHF-L   hdvBHF~RRR   Through left side
hdvBHF~LLL   lhvBHF-R   Through right side
lhvBHF-KBHFa   hdvKBHFa~RRR   Start use with hdvBHF~LLL
hdvKBHFa~LLL   lhvKBHFa-BHF   Start use with hdvBHF~RRR
lhvBHF-KBHFe   hdvKBHFe~RRR   End use with hdvBHF~LLL
hdvKBHFe~LLL   lhvKBHFe-BHF   End use with hdvBHF~RRR
for dBHF/dINT/dDST
lhdBHF(l)   hdBHF~RR   Through left side
hdBHF~LL   lhdBHF(r)   Through right side
lhvSTR-KBHFa   hdKBHFa~RR   Start use with lhdSTR(r)
hdKBHFa~LL   lhvKBHFa-STR   Start use with lhdSTR(l)
lhvSTR-KBHFe   hdKBHFe~RR   End use with lhdSTR(r)
hdKBHFe~LL   lhvKBHFe-STR   End use with lhdSTR(l)
for HST & BST
lhSTR(r)   lhSTR(l)   Through
lhdSTR(r)   lhdSTR(l)   Through formation at icon edge
lhdKHSTa~L   lhdKHSTa~R   Start
lhdKHSTe~L   lhdKHSTe~R   End
lhdvKHSTa   lhdvKHSTe   Terminus both lines
lhvv-KHSTa-HST   lhvvHST-KHSTa-   Start connection to through line
lhvv-KHSTe-HST   lhvvHST-KHSTe-   End connection to through line
lhdvHST-KHSTa   lhdvKHSTa-HST   Through connection to terminus start
lhdvHST-KHSTe   lhdvKHSTe-HST   Through connection to terminus end

Station symbols for overlays

  ex u uex   ex u uex
With passenger service
lBHF         lHST        
lcdBHF         lcdHST         three-quarter-width icon
ldBHF         ldHST         half-width icon
ldBHF-         ldHST-         half-width icon moved backward
ld-BHF         ld-HST         half-width icon moved forward
lvBHF-         lvHST-         On right line
lv-BHF         lv-HST         On left line
lBHF-         lHST-         On upper line
l-BHF         l-HST         On lower line
lv-BHF@G         lv-HST@G         On left line moved backward
lv-BHF@F         lv-HST@F         On left line moved forward
lvBHF@F-         lvHST@F-         On right line moved forward
lvBHF@G-         lvHST@G-         On right line moved backward
lpBHF         lpHST         partial service
lpMBHF         lpMHST         partial service, with mask
lvBHF~F         lvHST~F         Parallel lines moved forward to edge
lvBHF@F         lvHST@F         Parallel lines moved forward
lvBHF         lvHST         Parallel lines
lvBHF@G         lvHST@G         Parallel lines moved backward
lvBHF~G         lvHST~G         Parallel lines moved backward to edge
lBHF~L         lHST~L         Left half
ldBHF~L         ldHST~L         Left half half-width icon
lvBHF~L         Left half single parallel line
lv-HST-L         Connects to left single parallel line
lBHF-L         lHST-L         Connects to left
ldBHF-L         ldHST-L         Connects to left half-width icon
lvBHF-L         lvHST-L         Connects to left parallel lines
lBHF-M         lHST-M         Middle section
ldBHF-M         ldHST-M         Middle section half-width icon
lBHF~R         lHST~R         Right half
ldBHF~R         ldHST~R         Right half half-width icon
lBHF-R         lHST-R         Connects to right
ldBHF-R         ldHST-R         Connects to right half-width icon
lvBHF~R         Right half single parallel line
lvHST-R-         Connects to right single parallel line
lvBHF-R         lvHST-R         Connects to right parallel lines
lvBHFq         lvHSTq         Parallel lines across
lBHF~F         lHST~F         Top half
ldBHF~F         ldHST~F         Top half half-width icon
lvBHF~Rq         Right half single parallel line, across
l-HST-Rq         Connects to right single parallel line, across
lBHF-Rq         lHST-Rq         Connects to right across
lvBHF-Rq         lvHST-Rq         Connects to right parallel lines, across
lBHF-Mq         lHST-Mq         Middle section across
lBHF~G         lHST~G         Bottom half
ldBHF~G         ldHST~G         Bottom half half-width icon
lvBHF~Lq         Left half single parallel line, across
lHST-Lq-         Connects to left single parallel line, across
lBHF-Lq         lHST-Lq         Connects to left across
lvBHF-Lq         lvHST-Lq         Connects to left parallel lines, across
lBHF2         lHST2         line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lBHF3         lHST3         line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lBHF2-L         lHST2-L         Connects to left line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lBHF3-L         lHST3-L         Connects to left line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lBHF2-R         lHST2-R         Connects to right line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lBHF3-R         lHST3-R         Connects to right line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lBHFr+1         lHSTr+1         line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lBHF2+r         lHST2+r         line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lBHFr+1-F         lHSTr+1-F         Connects forward line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lBHF2+r-F         lHST2+r-F         Connects forward line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lBHFr+1-G         lHSTr+1-G         Connects backward line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lBHF2+r-G         lHST2+r-G         Connects backward line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lvBHF3+1         lvHST3+1         Parallel lines to corner 3 from corner 1
lvBHF3+1~l         lvHST3+1~l         Left parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lvBHF3+1~r         lvHST3+1~r         Right parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lvBHF2+4         lvHST2+4         Parallel lines to corner 2 from corner 4
lvBHF2+4~l         lvHST2+4~l         Left parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lvBHF2+4~r         lvHST2+4~r         Right parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lkBHF2         lkHST2         k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lkBHF3         lkHST3         k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkBHF2-L         lkHST2-L         Connects to left k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lkBHF3-L         lkHST3-L         Connects to left k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkBHF2-R         lkHST2-R         Connects to right k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lkBHF3-R         lkHST3-R         Connects to right k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkBHFr+1         lkHSTr+1         k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lkBHF2+r         lkHST2+r         k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lkBHFr+1-F         lkHSTr+1-F         Connects forward k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lkBHF2+r-F         lkHST2+r-F         Connects forward k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lkBHFr+1-G         lkHSTr+1-G         Connects backward k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lkBHF2+r-G         lkHST2+r-G         Connects backward k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lBHF-1         lHST-1         Connects to corner 1
lBHF-1~FF         lHST-1~FF         moved forward
lBHF-1~RR         lHST-1~RR         moved rightward
lBHF-2         lHST-2         Connects to corner 2
lBHF-2~GG         lHST-2~GG         moved backward
lBHF-2~RR         lHST-2~RR         moved rightward
lBHF-3         lHST-3         Connects to corner 3
lvBHF@F--3         lvHST@F--3         Connects to corner 3 on single parallel line
lBHF-3~GG         lHST-3~GG         moved backward
lBHF-3~LL         lHST-3~LL         moved leftward
lBHF-4         lHST-4         Connects to corner 4
lvBHF@G--4         lvHST@G--4         Connects to corner 4 on single parallel line
lBHF-4~FF         lHST-4~FF         moved forward
lBHF-4~LL         lHST-4~LL         moved leftward
lBHF-13         lHST-13         Connects to corners 1 and 3
lBHF-24         lHST-24         Connects to corners 2 and 4
lBHF-c1         lHST-c1         Connection at corner 1
lBHF-c2         lHST-c2         Connection at corner 2
lBHF-c3         lHST-c3         Connection at corner 3
lBHF-c4         lHST-c4         Connection at corner 4
lBHFc1         lHSTc1         At corner 1
lBHFc2         lHSTc2         At corner 2
lBHFc3         lHSTc3         At corner 3
lBHFc4         lHSTc4         At corner 4
Without passenger service
lDST         lBST        
lcdDST         lcdBST         three-quarter-width icon
ldDST         ldBST         half-width icon
lvDST-         lvBST-         On right line
lv-DST         lv-BST         On left line
lDST-         lBST-         On upper line
l-DST         l-BST         On lower line
lv-DST@G         lv-BST@G         On left line moved backward
lv-DST@F         lv-BST@F         On left line moved forward
lvDST@F-         lvBST@F-         On right line moved forward
lvDST@G-         lvBST@G-         On right line moved backward
lvDST         lvBST         Parallel lines
lDST~L         lBST~L         Left half
ldDST~L         ldBST~L         Left half half-width icon
lvDST~L         Left half single parallel line
lv-BST-L         Connects to left single parallel line
lDST-L         lBST-L         Connects to left
ldDST-L         ldBST-L         Connects to left half-width icon
lvDST-L         lvBST-L         Connects to left parallel lines
lDST-M         lBST-M         Middle section
ldDST-M         ldBST-M         Middle section half-width icon
lDST~R         lBST~R         Right half
ldDST~R         ldBST~R         Right half half-width icon
lDST-R         lBST-R         Connects to right
ldDST-R         ldBST-R         Connects to right half-width icon
lvDST~R         Right half single parallel line
lvBST-R-         Connects to right single parallel line
lvDST-R         lvBST-R         Connects to right parallel lines
lvDSTq         lvBSTq         Parallel lines across
lDST~F         lBST~F         Top half
ldDST~F         ldBST~F         Top half half-width icon
lDST-Rq         lBST-Rq         Connects to right across
lvDST~Rq         Right half single parallel line, across
l-BST-Rq         Connects to right single parallel line, across
lDST-Mq         lBST-Mq         Middle section across
lDST~G         lBST~G         Bottom half
ldDST~G         ldBST~G         Bottom half half-width icon
lDST-Lq         lBST-Lq         Connects to left across
lvDST~Lq         Left half single parallel line, across
lBST-Lq-         Connects to left single parallel line, across
lDST2         lBST2         line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lDST3         lBST3         line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lDST2-L         lBST2-L         Connects to left line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lDST3-L         lBST3-L         Connects to left line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lDST2-R         lBST2-R         Connects to right line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lDST3-R         lBST3-R         Connects to right line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lDSTr+1         lBSTr+1         line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lDST2+r         lBST2+r         line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lDSTr+1-F         lBSTr+1-F         Connects forward line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lDST2+r-F         lBST2+r-F         Connects forward line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lDSTr+1-G         lBSTr+1-G         Connects backward line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lDST2+r-G         lBST2+r-G         Connects backward line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lvDST3+1         lvBST3+1         Parallel lines to corner 3 from corner 1
lvDST3+1~l         lvBST3+1~l         Left parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lvDST3+1~r         lvBST3+1~r         Right parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lvDST2+4         lvBST2+4         Parallel lines to corner 2 from corner 4
lvDST2+4~l         lvBST2+4~l         Left parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lvDST2+4~r         lvBST2+4~r         Right parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lkDST2         lkBST2         k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lkDST3         lkBST3         k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkDST2-L         lkBST2-L         Connects to left k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lkDST3-L         lkBST3-L         Connects to left k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkDST2-R         lkBST2-R         Connects to right k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lkDST3-R         lkBST3-R         Connects to right k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkDSTr+1         lkBSTr+1         k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lkDST2+r         lkBST2+r         k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lkDSTr+1-F         lkBSTr+1-F         Connects forward k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lkDST2+r-F         lkBST2+r-F         Connects forward k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lkDSTr+1-G         lkBSTr+1-G         Connects backward k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lkDST2+r-G         lkBST2+r-G         Connects backward k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lDSTc1         lBSTc1         At corner 1
lDSTc2         lBSTc2         At corner 2
lDSTc3         lBSTc3         At corner 3
lDSTc4         lBSTc4         At corner 4
  ex u uex   ex u uex
lcd                         three-quarter-width icon
ld                         half-width icon
lv-                         On right line
lv-                         On left line
l-                         On upper line
l-                         On lower line
lv-@G                         On left line moved backward
lv-@F                         On left line moved forward
lv@F-                         On right line moved forward
lv@G-                         On right line moved backward
lv                         On both lines
elv                         On both lines right out of use
xlv                         On both lines left out of use
l~L                         Left half
ld~L                         Left half half-width icon
lv~L                         Left half single parallel line, across
l-L                         Connects to left
ld-L                         Connects to left half-width icon
lv-L                         Connects to left both parallel lines
l-M                         Middle
ld-M                         Middle half-width icon
lc-M                         Middle quarter-width icon
l-M@l                         Middle wheelchair connects to left
l-M@r                         Middle wheelchair connects to right
l~R                         Right half
ld~R                         Right half half-width icon
lv~R                         Right half single parallel line, across
l-R                         Connects to right
ld-R                         Connects to right half-width icon
lv-R                         Connects to right both parallel lines
lvq                         On both lines across
lv~Fq                         On both lines across left half
ldv~Fq                         On both lines across left half; half-width icon
lv~Gq                         On both lines across right half
l~F                         Forward half
lv~Rq                         Right half single parallel line, across
l-Rq                         Connects forward
lv-Rq                         Connects forward both parallel lines
l-Mq                         Middle
l-M@rq                         Middle wheelchair connects forward
l-M@lq                         Middle wheelchair connects backward
lv-Lq                         Connects backward both parallel lines
l-Lq                         Connects backward
lv~Lq                         Left half single parallel line, across
l~G                         Back half
l2                         line to corner 2 or from corner 1
l3                         line to corner 3 or from corner 4
l2-L                         Connects to left line to corner 2 or from corner 1
l3-L                         Connects to left line to corner 3 or from corner 4
l2-R                         Connects to right line to corner 2 or from corner 1
l3-R                         Connects to right line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lr+1                         line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
l2+r                         line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lr+1-F                         Connects forward line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
l2+r-F                         Connects forward line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lr+1-G                         Connects backward line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
l2+r-G                         Connects backward line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lv3+1                         Parallel lines to corner 3 from corner 1
lv3+1~l                         Left parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lv3+1~r                         Right parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lv2+4                         Parallel lines to corner 2 from corner 4
lv2+4~l                         Left parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lv2+4~r                         Right parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lk2                         k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lk3                         k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lk2-L                         Connects to left k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lk3-L                         Connects to left k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lk2-R                         Connects to right k-curve; line to corner 2 or from corner 1
lk3-R                         Connects to right k-curve; line to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkr+1                         k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lk2+r                         k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lkr+1-F                         Connects forward k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lk2+r-F                         Connects forward k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lkr+1-G                         Connects backward k-curve; line to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lk2+r-G                         Connects backward k-curve; line to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
l-1                         Connects to corner 1
lv2+4-L                         for parallel lines
l-1~FF                         moved forward
l-1~RR                         moved rightward
l-2                         Connects to corner 2
l-2~GG                         moved backward
l-2~RR                         moved rightward
l-3                         Connects to corner 3
lv2+4-R                         for parallel lines
lv@F--3                         for single parallel line
l-3~GG                         moved backward
l-3~LL                         moved leftward
l-4                         Connects to corner 4
l-4~FF                         moved forward
l-4~LL                         moved leftward
l-24                         Connects to corners 2 & 4
l-13                         Connects to corners 1 & 3
l-c1                         Filler for corner 1
l-c2                         Filler for corner 2
l-c3                         Filler for corner 3
l-c4                         Filler for corner 4
lc1                         Moved to corner 1
lc2                         Moved to corner 2
lc3                         Moved to corner 3
lc4                         Moved to corner 4
  ex   ex
Germany (S-Bahn)
lSBHF     lSHST    
ldSBHF     ldSHST     half width
lvSBHF     lvSHST-     On right line
lv-SBHF     lv-SHST     On left line
lSBHF-     lSHST-     On upper line
l-SBHF     l-SHST     On lower line
lv-SBHF@G     lv-SHST@G     On left line moved backward
lv-SBHF@F     lv-SHST@F     On left line moved forward
lvSBHF@F-     lvSHST@F-     On right line moved forward
lvSBHF@G-     lvSHST@G-     On right line moved backward
lvSBHF     lvSHST     Parallel lines
lvSBHF3+1     lvSHST3+1     Parallel lines to corner 3 from corner 1
lvSBHF3+1~l     lvSHST3+1~l     Left parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lvSBHF3+1~r     lvSHST3+1~r     Right parallel line to corner 3 from corner 1
lvSBHF2+4     lvSHST2+4     Parallel lines to corner 2 from corner 4
lvSBHF2+4~l     lvSHST2+4~l     Left parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lvSBHF2+4~r     lvSHST2+4~r     Right parallel line to corner 2 from corner 4
lSBHF2     lSHST2     On curve to corner 2 or from corner 1
lSBHF3     lSHST3     On curve to corner 3 or from corner 4
lSBHFr+1     lSHSTr+1     On curve to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lSBHF2+r     lSHST2+r     On curve to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
lkSBHF2     lkSHST2     On k-curve to corner 2 or from corner 1
lkSBHF3     lkSHST3     On k-curve to corner 3 or from corner 4
lkSBHFr+1     lkSHSTr+1     On k-curve to right from corner 1 or to left from corner 4
lkSBHF2+r     lkSHST2+r     On k-curve to corner 2 from right or to corner 3 from left
Combined with railway station
lS+BHF     lS+HST    
xlS+BHF     xlS+HST     S-Bahn out of use
lS+BHF2     lS+HST2     On curve to corner 2
lS+BHF3     lS+HST3     On curve to corner 3
lS+BHFr+1     lS+HSTr+1     On curve to right from corner 1
lS+BHF2+r     lS+HST2+r     On curve to corner 2 from right
lkS+BHF2     lkS+HST2     On k-curve to corner 2
lkS+BHF3     lkS+HST3     On k-curve to corner 3
lkS+BHFr+1     lkS+HSTr+1     On k-curve to right from corner 1
lkS+BHF2+r     lkS+HST2+r     On k-curve to corner 2 from right
Denmark (S-tog)
lSBHF-DK     lSHST-DK    
lvSBHF--DK     lvSHST--DK     On right line
lv-SBHF-DK     lv-SHST-DK     On left line
Madrid (Cercanías)
lSBHF-ES     lSHST-ES    
l-SBHF-ES     l-SHST-ES     On lower line
Toronto (GO Transit)
lBHF-GO     lHST-GO    
  ex   ex