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Abbreviation is from the German words Mischbetrieb (mixed mode) and Kreuzung (crossing).

Diagonal crossings match with the ÜW set of icons.

Same level

  m em xm exm um uem uxm uexm
tKRZt                 Crossing mixed, both in tunnel
KRZ                 Flat crossing mixed
hKRZh                 Crossing mixed, elevated


tKRXt                 Diagonal right to left & left to right mixed, same level, both in tunnel
tKRZ3+1t                 Tunnel diagonal crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, same level
tKRZ2+4t                 Tunnel diagonal crossing mixed, corner 2 to 4 & straight, same level
KRX                 Diagonal right to left & left to right mixed, same level
KRZ3+1                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, same level
KRZ2+4                 Crossing mixed, corner 2 to 4 & straight, same level
hKRXh                 Diagonal right to left & left to right mixed, same level, elevated
hKRZ3+1h                 Elevated diagonal crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, same level
hKRZ2+4h                 Elevated diagonal crossing mixed, corner 2 to 4 & straight, same level
tKRZq3+1t                 Tunnel diagonal crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, same level
tKRZq2+4t                 Tunnel diagonal crossing mixed, corner 2 to 4 & across, same level
KRZq3+1                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, same level
KRZq2+4                 Crossing mixed, corner 2 to 4 & across, same level
hKRZq3+1h                 Elevated diagonal crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, same level
hKRZq2+4h                 Elevated diagonal crossing mixed, corner 2 to 4 & across, same level
  m em xm exm um uem uxm uexm

Grade separated


Through line over

  m em xm exm um uem uxm uexm
tKRZto                 Crossing both in tunnel overhead
KRZt                 Crossing mixed, other line in tunnel
hKRZt                 Crossing mixed, elevated other line in tunnel
KRZo                 Crossing mixed, overhead
KRZo(Rr)                 Crossing mixed, overhead, (secondary+auxiliary shown on right only)
KRZo(Ll)                 Crossing mixed, overhead, (secondary+auxiliary shown on left only)
hKRZa                 Crossing mixed, elevated starting
hKRZ                 Crossing mixed, elevated
hKRZe                 Crossing mixed, elevated ending
hKRZhao                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line overhead starting
hKRZho                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line overhead
hKRZheo                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line overhead ending
hKRZhaeo                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line overhead starting+ending


tKRXto                 Crossing mixed, both diagonal, corner 4 to 2 over, both in tunnel
tKRZ3+1to                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, both in tunnel
tKRZ2+4to                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, both in tunnel
KRXt                 Crossing mixed, both diagonal, corner 4 to 2 over, other line in tunnel
KRZ3+1t                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, other line in tunnel
KRZ2+4t                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, other line in tunnel
hKRXt                 Crossing mixed, both diagonal, corner 4 to 2 over, elevated over tunnel
hKRZ3+1t                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, elevated over tunnel
hKRZ2+4t                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, elevated over tunnel
KRXo                 Crossing mixed, both diagonal, corner 4 to 2 over
KRZ3+1o                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight
KRZ2+4o                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight
hKRX                 Crossing mixed, both diagonal, corner 4 to 2 over, elevated
hKRZ3+1                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, elevated
hKRZ2+4                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, elevated
hKRXho                 Crossing mixed, both diagonal, corner 4 to 2 over, both elevated overhead
hKRZ3+1ho                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, both elevated
hKRZ2+4ho                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, both elevated
tKRZq3+1to                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, both in tunnel
tKRZq2+4to                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, both in tunnel
KRZq3+1t                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, other line in tunnel
KRZq2+4t                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, other line in tunnel
hKRZq3+1t                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, elevated over tunnel
hKRZq2+4t                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, elevated over tunnel
KRZq3+1o                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across
KRZq2+4o                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across
hKRZq3+1                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, elevated
hKRZq2+4                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, elevated
hKRZq3+1ho                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, both elevated
hKRZq2+4ho                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, both elevated


KRZr+1o                 Crossing corner 1 to right & straight
KRZ2+ro                 Crossing right to corner 2 & straight
KRZ3+lo                 Crossing left to corner 3 & straight
KRZl+4o                 Crossing corner 4 to left & straight
KRZq+1o                 Crossing across & from corner 1
KRZq2o                 Crossing across & to corner 2
KRZq3o                 Crossing across & to corner 3
KRZq+4o                 Crossing across & from corner 4
Compound curves
kKRZr+1o                 Crossing mixed, compound curve from corner 1
kKRZ2+ro                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 2
kKRZ3+lo                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 3
kKRZl+4o                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to left (top/bottom viewed) & from corner 4
kKRZq+1o                 Crossing mixed, compound curve from corner 1
kKRZq2o                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 2
kKRZq3o                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 3
kKRZq+4o                 Crossing mixed, compound curve across & from corner 4


KRZ3h+1ho                 Crossing mixed, over left-to-right shift
KRZ2h+4ho                 Crossing mixed, over right-to-left shift
  m em xm exm um uem uxm uexm

Through line under

  m em xm exm um uem uxm uexm
tKRZtu                 Crossing mixed, both in tunnel under
tKRZ                 Crossing mixed, line in tunnel
tKRZh                 Crossing mixed, tunnel, other line elevated
KRZu                 Crossing mixed, underneath
KRZu~g(g)                 Crossing mixed, underneath (through+auxiliary shown pre secondary ("upper half") only)
KRZu~f(f)                 Crossing mixed, underneath (through+auxiliary shown past secondary ("bottom half") only)
KRZhl                 Crossing mixed, other line elevated to the left
KRZh                 Crossing other line elevated
KRZhr                 Crossing mixed, other line elevated to the right
hKRZhlu                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line underneath, other line elevated to the left
hKRZhu                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line underneath
hKRZhru                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line underneath, other line elevated to the right
hKRZhlru                 Crossing mixed, both elevated through line underneath, other line elevated to left and right


tKRXtu                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 under, both in tunnel under
tKRZ3+1tu                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, both in tunnel under
tKRZ2+4tu                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, both in tunnel under
tKRXt                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 under, through line in tunnel
tKRZ3+1                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, through line in tunnel
tKRZ2+4                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, through line in tunnel
tKRXh                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 under, elevated over tunnel
tKRZ3+1h                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, elevated over tunnel
tKRZ2+4h                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, elevated over tunnel
KRXu                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 under
KRZ3+1u                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, under
KRZ2+4u                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, under
KRXh                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 under, elevated
KRZ3+1h                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, under elevated
KRZ2+4h                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, under elevated
hKRXhu                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 under, both elevated underneath
hKRZ3+1hu                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & straight, under, both elevated
hKRZ2+4hu                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & straight, under, both elevated
tKRZq3+1tu                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, under, both in tunnel
tKRZq2+4tu                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, under, both in tunnel
tKRZq3+1                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, under, through line in tunnel
tKRZq2+4                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, under, through line in tunnel
tKRZq3+1h                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, under, elevated over tunnel
tKRZq2+4h                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, under, elevated over tunnel
KRZq3+1u                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, under
KRZq2+4u                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, under
KRZq3+1h                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, under, other line elevated
KRZq2+4h                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, under, other line elevated
hKRZq3+1hu                 Crossing mixed, corner 3 to 1 & across, under, both elevated
hKRZq2+4hu                 Crossing mixed, corner 4 to 2 & across, under, both elevated


KRZr+1u                 Crossing corner 1 to right & straight
tKRZr+1tu                 Crossing corner 1 to right & straight, both in tunnel under
KRZ2+ru                 Crossing right to corner 2 & straight
tKRZ2+rtu                 Crossing right to corner 2 & straight, both in tunnel under
KRZ3+lu                 Crossing left to corner 3 & straight
KRZl+4u                 Crossing corner 4 to left & straight
tKRZl+4tu                 Crossing corner 4 to left & straight, both in tunnel under
KRZq+1u                 Crossing across & from corner 1
KRZq2u                 Crossing across & to corner 2
KRZq3u                 Crossing across & to corner 3
KRZq+4u                 Crossing across & from corner 4
Compound curves
kKRZr+1u                 Crossing mixed, compound curve from corner 1 to right
kKRZ2+ru                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 2
kKRZ3+lu                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 3
kKRZl+4u                 Crossing mixed, compound curve from corner 4 to left
kKRZq+1u                 Crossing mixed, compound curve from corner 1
kKRZq2u                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 2
kKRZq3u                 Crossing mixed, compound curve to corner 3
kKRZq+4u                 Crossing mixed, compound curve across & from corner 4


KRZ3h+1hu                 Crossing mixed, under left-to-right shift
KRZ2h+4hu                 Crossing mixed, under right-to-left shift
150                 note=*needs fixing
  m em xm exm um uem uxm uexm

Crossings with junctions


Same level

  e x ex u ue ux uex
1 curve
mKRZl                 Junction to left
mKRZxl                 Junction to left out of use
mKRZr                 Junction to right
mKRZxr                 Junction to right out of use
mKRZ+l                 Junction from left
mKRZ+xl                 Junction from left out of use
mKRZ+r                 Junction from right
mKRZ+xr                 Junction from right out of use
2 curves
mKRZl+l                 Junctions to & from left
mKRZxl+l                 Junction to & from left to left out of use
mKRZl+xl                 Junction to & from left from left out of use
mKRZxl+xl                 Junction to & from left both out of use
mKRZr+r                 Junctions to & from right
KRZxr+r                 Junction to & from right to right out of use
mKRZr+xr                 Junction to & from right from right out of use
mKRZxr+xr                 Junction to & from right both out of use
mKRZlr                 Junction to left & right
mKRZrxl                 Junction to left & right to left out of use
mKRZlxr                 Junction to left & right to right out of use
mKRZxlr                 Junction to left & right both out of use
mKRZ+lr                 Junctions from left & right
mKRZ+rxl                 Junction from left & right from left out of use
mKRZ+lxr                 Junction from left & right from right out of use
mKRZ+xlr                 Junction from left & right both out of use
mKRZr+l                 Junctions to right & from left
mKRZr+xl                 Junction to right & from left from left out of use
mKRZxr+l                 Junction to right & from left to right out of use
mKRZxr+xl                 Junction to right & from left both out of use
mKRZl+r                 Junctions to left & from right
mKRZxl+r                 Junction to left & from right to left out of use
mKRZl+xr                 Junction to left & from right from right out of use
mKRZxl+xr                 Junction to left & from right both out of use
3 curves
mKRZl+lr                 Junctions to left & from left & right
mKRZr+lr                 Junctions to right & from left & right
mKRZlr+l                 Junctions to left & right & from left
mKRZlr+xl                 Junctions to left & right & from left from left out of use
mKRZlr+r                 Junction to left & right & from from right
mKRZxlr+l                 Junction to left & right & from left to left and right out of use
mKRZxlr+xr                 Junction to left & right & from from right out of use
mKRZlr+r                 Junctions to left & right & from right
4 curves
mKRZlr+lr                 4-way junction
mKRZlxr+rl                 4-way junction to left out of use
mKRZlr+rxl                 4-way junction from left out of use
mKRZlr+xrl                 4-way junction from right out of use
mKRZxlr+rl                 4-way junction to right out of use
mKRZxlr+rxl                 4-way junction to left & right & from left out of use
Diagonal ("other line") crossing …
through line
mKRZ2+4l                 Junction from corner 2 to (corner 4 and opposite through 'g')
mKRZ2+4xl                 Junction ex junction from corner 2 to opposite through
mKRZ2+4+r                 Junction from corner 4 to (corner 2 and straight through 'f')
mKRZ2+4+xr                 Junction ex junction from corner 4 to straight through
mKRZ2+4l+r                 Junctions from 2 to (4 and 'g') & from 4 to (2 and 'f')
mKRZ2+4+lr                 Junctions from 2 to (4 and 'g') & from 4 to (2 and 'f')
mKRZ2xf+4g                 Junctions from 2 to (4 and 'g') & ex from 4 to (2 and 'f')
mKRZ2f+4xg                 Junctions from 4 to (2 and 'f') & ex from 2 to (4 and 'g')
mKRZ2+4xl+xr                 Junction ex junctions from 4 to (2 and 'f') & from 2 to (4 and 'g')
mKRZ3+1g                 Junction from corner 3 to (corner 1 and opposite through 'g')
mKRZ3+1xg                 Junction ex junction from corner 3 to opposite through
mKRZ3f+1                 Junction from corner 1 to (corner 3 and straight through 'f')
mKRZ3xf+1                 Junction ex junction from corner 1 to straight through
mKRZ3+1r+l                 Junctions from 3 to (1 and 'g') & from 1 to (3 and 'f')
mKRZ3xf+1g                 Junctions from 3 to (1 and 'g') & ex from 1 to (3 and 'f')
mKRZ3f+1xg                 Junctions from 1 to (3 and 'f') & ex from 3 to (1 and 'g')
mKRZ3xf+1xg                 Junction ex junctions from 1 to (3 and 'f') & from 3 to (1 and 'g')
mhKRZh3f+1g                 Elevated crossing, same level junctions from 1 to (3 and 'f') & from 3 to (1 and 'g')
across line
mKRZq3+1l                 Junction from corner 3 to (corner 1 and left)
mKRZq3+1xl                 Junction ex junction from corner 3 to left
mKRZq3r+1                 Junction from corner 1 to (corner 3 and right)
mKRZq3xr+1                 Junction ex junction from corner 1 to right
mKRZq3r+1l                 Junctions from 3 to (1 and left) & from 1 to (3 and right)
mKRZq3xr+1l                 Junctions from 3 to (1 and left) & ex from 1 to (3 and right)
mKRZq3r+1xl                 Junctions from 1 to (3 and right) & ex from 3 to (1 and left)
mKRZq3xr+1xl                 Junction ex junctions from 1 to (3 and right) & from 3 to (1 and left)
  e x ex u ue ux uex

Through line over

  e x ex u ue ux uex
mKRZol                 Line above junction to the left
mKRZoxl                 Line above junction to the left, curve out of use
mKRZor                 Line above junction to the right
mKRZoxr                 Line above junction to the right, curve out of use
mKRZo+l                 Line above junction from the left
mKRZo+xl                 Line above junction from the left, curve out of use
mKRZo+r                 Line above junction from the right
mKRZo+xr                 Line above junction from the right, curve out of use
mKRZolr                 Line above junction to the left and right
mKRZoxlr                 Line above junction to the left and right, both curves out of use
mKRZo+lr                 Line above junction from the left and right
mKRZo+xlr                 Line above junction from the left and right, both curves out of use
mKRZor+r                 Line above junction to and from the right
mKRZoxr+xr                 Line above junction to and from the right, both curves out of use
mKRZol+l                 Line above junction to and from the left
mKRZoxl+xl                 Line above junction to and from the left, both curves out of use
mKRZolxr+l                 Line above junction to and from the left, line to the right out of use
mKRZol+r                 Line above junction to left and from the right
mKRZoxl+xr                 Line above junction to left and from the right, both curves out of use
mKRZor+l                 Line above junction to right and from the left
mKRZoxr+xl                 Line above junction to right and from the left, both curves out of use
mKRZor+lr                 Line above junctionfrom and to right as from the left
mKRZolr+r                 Line above junction to left and right and from the right
mKRZolr+l                 Line above junction to left and right and from the left
mKRZoxlr+xl                 Line above junction to left and right and from left, all curves out of use
mKRZoxlr+xr                 Line above junction to left and right and from right, all curves out of use
mKRZoxl+xlr                 Line above junction to left and from left and right, all curves out of use
mKRZoxr+xlr                 Line above junction to right and from left and right, all curves out of use
Diagonal to corner 2 from corner 4
mKRZ2+4ol                 Line above junction to the left
mKRZ2+4oxl                 Line above out of use junction to the left
mKRZ2+4o+r                 Line above junction from the right
mKRZ2+4o+xr                 Line above out of use junction from the right
mKRZ2+4ol+r                 Line above junctions to the left & from the right
mKRZ2+4ol+xr                 Line above junction to the left & out of use junction from the right
mKRZ2+4oxl+xr                 Line above out of use junctions to the left & from the right
Diagonal to corner 3 from corner 1
mKRZ3+1or                 Line above junction to the right
mKRZ3+1oxr                 Line above out of use junction to the right
mKRZ3+1o+l                 Line above junction from the left
mKRZ3+1o+xl                 Line above out of use junction from the left
mKRZ3+1or+l                 Line above junctions to the right & from the left
mKRZ3+1oxr+l                 Line above out of use junction to the right & junction from the left
mKRZ3+1oxr+xl                 Line above out of use junctions to the right & from the left
  e x ex u ue ux uex

Through line under

  e x ex u ue ux uex
mKRZul                 Line below junction to the left
mKRZuxl                 Line below junction to the left, curve out of use
mKRZur                 Line below junction to the right
mKRZuxr                 Line below junction to the right, curve out of use
mKRZu+l                 Line below junction from the left
mKRZu+xl                 Line below junction from the left, curve out of use
mKRZu+r                 Line below junction from the right
mKRZu+xr                 Line below junction from the right, curve out of use
mKRZulr                 Line below junction to the left and right
mKRZuxlr                 Line below junction
mKRZuxl+xr                 Line below junction
mKRZulxr                 Line below junction from the left and right, right curve out of use
mKRZurxl                 Line below junction from the left and right, left curve out of use
mKRZu+lr                 Line below junction from the left and right
mKRZur+r                 Line below junction to and from the right
mKRZul+l                 Line below junction to and from the left
mKRZul+r                 Line below junction to left and from the right
mKRZur+l                 Line below junction to right and from the left
mKRZulr+r                 Line below junction to left and right and from the right
mKRZulr+l                 Line below junction to left and right and from the left
mKRZul+lr                 Line below junction to left and from the left and right
mKRZur+lr                 Line below junction to right and from the left and right
mKRZu+xlr                 Line below junction
mKRZur+xl                 Line below junction
Diagonal to corner 2 from corner 4
mKRZ2+4ul                 Line below junction to the left
mKRZ2+4uxl                 Line below out of use junction to the left
mKRZ2+4u+r                 Line below junction from the right
mKRZ2+4u+xr                 Line below out of use junction from the right
mKRZ2+4ul+r                 Line below junctions to the left & from the right
mKRZ2+4ul+xr                 Line below junction to the left & out of use junction from the right
mKRZ2+4uxl+xr                 Line below out of use junctions to the left & from the right
Diagonal to corner 3 from corner 1
mKRZ3+1ur                 Line below junction to the right
mKRZ3+1uxr                 Line below out of use junction to the right
mKRZ3+1u+l                 Line below junction from the left
mKRZ3+1u+xl                 Line below out of use junction from the left
mKRZ3+1ur+l                 Line below junctions to the right & from the left
mKRZ3+1uxr+l                 Line below out of use junction to the right & junction from the left
mKRZ3+1uxr+xl                 Line below out of use junctions to the right & from the left
  e x ex u ue ux uex

Crossover components




grade separated

  e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
mKRWlo+l                                 Shift to left over from left, mixed
mKRWl+lo                                 Shift from left over to left, mixed
mKRWro+r                                 Shift to right over from right, mixed
mKRWr+ro                                 Shift from right over to right, mixed
  e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext