User talk:Mxolisi Ncube

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Tawanda Chenana. Born 6 March 1983 in Mrewa district, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe, in a village called Mugomeza. His first language is Shona. He is the third born and first son in a family of six. He attended Jekwa School, in the same village, from pre-school to secondary level. Popularly known as Chikopokopo due to his routine of travelling in a helicopter whenever he is back home, Chenana is a businessman operating in various African countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe and Swaziland. He has interests in the construction industry, agriculture and information technology. He is a member of Zimbabwe's Zanu (PF) party. He draws his inspiration from President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

He is also a writer of the columnt "Brick by Brick, Stone By Stone" in the magazine, The Patriot.

Growing up in Mugomeza, Chenana navigated the challenges of a rural education which in the Zimbabwean main has produced more school dropouts than inspirational citizens. He developed the foundations of his character, shaped by the values instilled in him by his single mother, who toiled to single-handedly provide for her children after her husband had disappeared in city of Harare, the Zimbabwean capital.

In a household facing financial challenges, Chenana and his siblings learned the art of survival in their early lives, through embarking in small entrepreneurial ventures which complemented what their only parent brought home, thereby learning family responsibility at an early age.

Their mother took on part-time jobs in Macheke village aaround their rural Mrewa district. She also ventured into selling sweets and sugarcane, especially on occasions like sports days when their sales would spike.

"I'm a village boy at heart," Chenana saya as he reflects on his humble beginnings, adding it was those early experiences which became the seeds of his entrepreneurial spirit, laying the groundwork for the success and benevolence that would mark his later years.

Chenana's journey into philanthropy began in 2020, a pivotal year that saw him give back to the very community that raised him by donating the boreholes. For him, philanthropy is not an act driven solely by financial capacity but by a belief that every Zimbabwean has a role to play in the nation's development.