User talk:Editor5807/Archive 2

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Adding to your list

I have worked out a great way of adding big amount of files to the list of files you've uploaded (i.e. User:Editor5807/2010 images.) As you seem to be doing it bit by bit at the moment, I wondered if it might be of help if I told you? Arriva436talk/contribs 20:32, 21 June 2010 (UTC)

It's taking ages, so would be a great help! Thanks :) Editor5807speak 20:34, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
OK, right, let's see if I can remember.
  • Go to Special:Log, and select the Upload Log and put your user name in.
  • Then open Microsoft Excel
  • Copy all the images that you need to from the upload log, and paste them onto Excel.
  • You then need to separate it into columns. To do this, select the text, go to the Data tab (this is in Office 2007), and click text to columns. Then fiddle about to set it up.
  • For me, I chose delimited, then next, and for the 'other box' put a speech mark " in. This means the "File:....." gets put into a new column. Then finish.
  • Then create a new column between the column with the dates in it, and the column with the File names in it.
  • Then do the same text into columns bit, this time to get the dates on their own. Putting the first letter of you username in the 'other' box this time should work.
  • The you can delete the bits you don't want.
  • ...and move the dates over to the correct side.
  • Obviously the list is upside down, so in a column to the left of the data, number it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc all the way down to the bottom.
  • Then select everything, and sort the data (by the appropriate column, the one with the numbers in it), so it goes from largest to smallest.
  • Then copy the two useful columns, and put them in a Word Document. (you might need to put it into web view)
  • Then, using the find and replace function, you can add the bits you need.
  • i.e. Find "File:" and replace with "#[[:File:", will set up a numbered list in Wiki code.
  • Same with ".JPG" and putting a dash next to the date, and putting the end brackets in.
  • Then, once done, you can copy and past it into Wikimedia, and it should be done. There will be gaps between words in the date etc, but this doesn't seem to matter.

I doubt this will work first time for you, because something is bound to be different on your PC!. But hopefully you get the idea. Excel can separate it into columns, and Word can sort the coding out. While there are quite a few steps, its much quicker, I've just added 145 to my list in one go! Hope that helps. Arriva436talk/contribs 21:33, 21 June 2010 (UTC)

OK thanks for that, I'll give it a go. It's bound to be faster than going through all my contributions anyway! Editor5807speak 21:04, 22 June 2010 (UTC)


I assume you've heard the news... There various things:

That's the three-and-a-half-pronged attack of bus events. The County Press mentions some cuts (i.e route 6, route 7), so the same again, trying to photograph it before it goes? Getting the rural Wightbus services will be difficult. And sadly getting photos of Wightbus vehicles on school bus routes is going to be rather difficult seeing as the school term ends in two weeks! Arriva436talk/contribs 22:00, 9 July 2010 (UTC)

Thanks, the IWCP today made it sound like route 6 would last until next year when the real cuts start but the more photos of it the better I suppose. You don't think the service will disppear completely do you? I know an awful lot of people who heavily rely on it. I'll try my best with photos, next week I won't be very busy so i'll try to get some decent coverage then. I was thinking somewhere like Carisbrooke Road on the raised pavement at the junction with Wellington Road might be a good point to get the school services from Christ the King and Carisbrooke High School. I'll try to get Wightbus services photographed if I have time to wait around in the rural areas between services. Routes 16, 20, 22, possibly 23, 24, 32 and 39 shouldn't be too bad as SV run frequent services to most of the key areas anyway which are easily within walking distance for me. You may also have noticed I've been trying to get some decent photos of the road trains before they get withdrawn at the end of the year, I have a few more to upload in Shanklin now as well. Editor5807speak 00:28, 10 July 2010 (UTC)
Ooops, I was meant to post that Village buses & Student Rider link in my first message but I forgot! I have been looking at your recent photos (inc the roadtrains) and they're all great. It will be interesting to see what happens to the 6, especially with the article only says, Whitwell-Niton-Newport, what about Ventnor? I can't see it going completely, but walking away from it would seem a rather Southern Vectis-esque thing to do (i.e. increase service from 2 hourly to hourly, more service improvements, then bang - withdrawn). I'm having visions of the 32/27 and 22. Perhaps it will end up another Wightbus service. Anyway, if you could get some school services, that would be great. Apparently some SV vehicles park outside Carrisbrooke (somewhere...) during the day, but they're SV so not as important as clearly they're staying. It's a shame that Wightbus sutff will be missed, they've got a number of interesting coaches which obviously aren't used on normal bus services, I suppose the only way of seeing them (without being lucky) is finding out their regular school run, or visiting the depot...
The Wightbus school bus times are shown on the council bus timtable [1], which might help? When it says "Carrisbrooke Schools", do you have any idea where they stop? Arriva436talk/contribs 09:07, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
About the Metrobus photos: Coming to a school service near you are (I've uploaded them all now) 1, 2 and 3. Stroke of luck I had photos of these (nearly as good as when I came across 3081 with its new owner!) Arriva436talk/contribs 09:16, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
Luckily I managed a coach photo the other day in Newport but even if all the school's work is transferred to Southern Vectis will all the Wightbus vehicles be sold off to other operators, or will at least a few stay for private hire purposes? I know when I was at school, most school trips around the island used Wightbus vehicles, as I'm guessing it's cheaper, both the school and Wightbus being part of the Isle of Wight Council. Anyway, I'll still try to get as much covered as I can, it will be a lot easier knowing they will be on certain routes. I know the way the Carisbrooke school bus services work pretty well, being a former Trinity Middle School student so that will make things easier. Basically they serve Christ the King lower campus (ABK) first, then move up to the upper campus (Trinity) before picking up Carisbrooke High School students and turning round to come back down Wellington Road to Carisbrooke Road. With three schools to pick students up from I'm guessing it will have the most buses going there, and it will be easy to get to. Editor5807speak 23:47, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

OK that's sound good. I'm thinking of coming over as I've got some free time and I want to. Do you know whether the buses to Medina High stop inside to school car park or just outside on Fairlee Road. The other thing is, I've just been on the VOSA bus registration search ( ), and today there's various SV changes. Apart from school buses being withdrawn, changed etc (obviously) and the seasonal services being stopped for the winter, there are:


  • Variation Accepted: Operating between NEWPORT BUS STATION and NEWPORT BUS STATION given service number 38/39 effective from 05-Sep-2010. To amend Timetable.
  • Variation Accepted: Operating between Newport and Ryde given service number 2/3 effective from 05-Sep-2010. To amend Timetable.
  • Variation Accepted: Operating between Newport and Ryde given service number 4/5/9 effective from 05-Sep-2010. To amend Timetable.
  • Variation Accepted: Operating between Newport and Newport given service number 7/11 effective from 05-Sep-2010. To amend Route and Timetable. - probably per County Press
  • Variation Accepted: Operating between Newport and Ryde given service number 8 effective from 05-Sep-2010. To amend Route and Timetable. - probably per County Press
  • Cancellation Accepted: Operating between Ryde and Ryde given service number 37 effective from 05-Sep-2010. - not good!
  • Cancellation Accepted: Operating between Newport and Ventnor given service number 6 effective from 05-Sep-2010. - even more not good!

Oh dear. Arriva436talk/contribs 09:55, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

Oh dear. The network map is going to look very empty... Buses to Medina High School use the school's car park, although if your walking to the Medina Leisure Centre or the Arboretum they are still visible from the path. Most of the Wightbus ones get there ridiculously early as well, sometimes about 14:00 when the school day finishes at 15:10! Anyway, you might be able to get them as they come out of the school site standing on the other side of Fairlee Road. They leave at about 15:15.
I've got some route 6 photos to upload and I'll try to get some more as well. Hopefully it will go to Wightbus, but even then I'm guessing it will operate at a 2 hour frequency so only one bus needs to be used and it will be a struggle getting everyone onto a single-decker! I'll also try to get some 37 photos as well. Thanks for the update, Editor5807speak 10:14, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
It seems we are rapidly returning to the days of "the old" Southern Vectis. These have just appeared as well...


  • Cancellation Accepted: Operating between Newport and Cowes given service number 30/34 effective from 05-Sep-2010.
  • Cancellation Accepted: Operating between SHANKLIN RAILWAY STATION and ST LAWRENCE given service number 16 effective from 05-Sep-2010. Arriva436talk/contribs 10:18, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
It will probably be reported in the County Press at some point, but VentnorBlog have just given some details on the service cuts, and the future of route 6 under Wightbus. Editor5807speak 23:11, 13 July 2010 (UTC)

School buses

So, just to recap, the buses to Medina High go into the school car park, but you can photograph them all as they come out onto Fairlee Road (and also visible from the footpath). And buses to Carisbrooke turn from Carisbrooke Road into Wellington Road, stop once, stop twice, and then a third time at Carsbrooke High (presumably in that brown concrete bit I can see on Google Earth), and then turn around and go back down Wellingington Road to Carisbrooke Road. So in theory, you can stand anywhere along there and see everything. Thanks for any help, I'm going tomorrow and won't have the internet until I see the school buses. Arriva436talk/contribs 15:54, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

Yes that's right, so I'd say the best vantage points would be opposite the entrance to Medina High School and on the raised pavement opposite Wellington Road, where the mini-roundabout is. With Medina High School, the way the buses park may make it difficult to see all the school buses as there's a lot of trees that will get in the way, but you should still be able to see a bit, and as you said opposite the entrance you will see everything going out. I don't think anything's changed, but vehicles from Medina High School Wightbus-wise you can expect to see:
  • 121 - one like this - sorry I don't know the name!
  • 123 - HW04 DDJ (from memory, I can't find another photo of it..)
  • 124 - One of the step entrance darts.
  • 126 - P125 TDL
That is of course assuming there are no breakdowns. Hope that's been helpful, good luck! I've got a few and hopefully will have time to get some more done as well. Editor5807speak 16:53, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
OK, excellent. Thanks for that. I'll also try and get the 4 and 9 on the diversion that I've just read about. Arriva436talk/contribs 20:29, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
Actually, no I won't. It's from 12 - 16 July so I'm too late. I read it as 12 - 19 July last night, clearly was too tired! Arriva436talk/contribs 06:22, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

A query

I'm afraid there will probably be numerous questions coming your way over the next couple of weeks - sorry!

  • Would you call the Wight Dragon thing at Coppins Bridge a sculpture? I have, and put it in Category:Sculptures on the Isle of Wight, the only trouble is it hasn't actually been sculpted. The problem is I can't think of anything else to describe it.
  • I've just noticed this on the SV website, about the Newport carnival: It seems that services will be unable to get to the bus station for that short half hour period, so could be interesting to see if you're in the area. Routes 7 and 38 are apparently going through Sylvan Drive estate (ironic given route 11's demise), and the way I read it they will go through the Morrisons/M&S car park which is very unusual!
  • Cowes, Northwood and Newport: I walked from Place Road to Stag Lane (in order to go past the county showground), but as I was doing so I took the opportunity to photograph bus stops on the main road for route 1 (as I'm not likely to walk along the main road for a good while!). I think "Chawton Lane" would be in Northwood, but what about the County Showground bus stop? And also, I'm not sure about Crocker's Farm or Stag Lane (bus stop's "Stag Inn"). You can't say Cowes, as Northwood is in between, but you can't say Newport, as Parkhurst is in between! The bus drivers change the fare stage on the ticket machine from Northwood to Parkhurst somewhere between the two, but I'm not sure where. What about calling it "Horsebridge Hill Stag Inn bus stop..."? Arriva436talk/contribs 17:24, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
Ask away, I'm happy to answer! I would say putting it in Category:Sculptures on the Isle of Wight would be fine. I hear people refering to it all the time as a sculpture and is probably the best and easiest way to describe it. I think "Horsebridge Hill Stag Inn bus stop" would be fine. I think its closer to Parkhurst than Northwood so an alternative could be "Parkhurst Stag Inn bus stop" but then its not really in Parkhurst either... I'll try to get to Newport for the right time for the bus re-routings. Route 6 is diverted away from Whitepit Lane coming from Newport along its old route of Carisbrooke Road for a long time until 2012! I don't know if that's an error on SV's website as I can't see what they are doing (improving the pedestrian link at the bottom) possibly taking that long! Editor5807speak 18:09, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

OK thanks. A few more bits...

  • File:Southern Vectis 479 HF06 FUA rear 4.JPG. Would you put it in the route 5 category. I know it not in service in the photo, but it was on route 5, and I think it was just going to East Cowes out of service to get away from the other bus it was bunched with. I included it in the category as I though it was all part of the operation and control of the route.
  • Medina High Wightbus.
    • This was the 121 File:Wightbus 5818 P83 VDL.JPG - which was as you said.
    • This was the 123 File:Wightbus 5841 P124 TDL 3.JPG - which unfortunately seemed to be covering for what you said. Is HW04 DDJ a really little Optare Alero? I think it may be used on route 20 when it's not on schools, so it might be worth a photo if in Ryde at the right time, in case they get rid of it or something.
    • File:Wightbus 5844 P138 TDL.JPG. This is a step Dart so would you say it was on the 124? It was either displaying "130" or "30" at the time, which is inexplicable as the driver should have been able to changed the blinds (unless they were broken). I can't remember seeing any bits of paper in the windscreen showing the correct route number or anything, thought it did turn left and zoom off very quickly as there was a gap in the traffic.
    • And the worst one of all File:Wightbus 5867 KX08 OMT.JPG, the only thing it showed in the windcreen was "Dial-a-Bus" which is clearly wasn't! By process of elimination, is has to be the 126 (but it's turning left when the timetable says it goes through Godshill...?)

Do you know anything that will help work out what on earth everything was doing...? When all the buses had left, I walked back into the school to make sure there weren't any left, so of the four Wightbuses, one each HAD to be a 121, 123, 124 or 126. It's just which is which that's the problem! Why oh why Wightbus can't use destination displays properly I don't know...

Also, an update, you may or may not know. The OmniDekas will become coach fleet to cover the coach fleet run journeys on normal routes (so they're still low floor). 3 MPDs, 2 Citaros will leave. First Olympians coming from Metrobus next week. Bluestar 507 will be painted into SV bus livery (for route 25. Similar role as OmniDekka, it's in the coach fleet but keeps normal bus duties low floor.) Arriva436talk/contribs 21:42, 23 July 2010 (UTC)

I would agree, putting the photo of 479 in the route 5 category is probably best. As for the Wightbus school buses, it all seems a bit confusing! The 121 is definitely right, bus, driver and number all match up. As for the 123, I may have got the registration wrong, but unfortunately I can't find another image of the bus on the internet to show you! I can only really describe it. I'm pretty sure its registration is HW04 ???, and it must be Plaxton bodied (or at least it says that on the back), and inside it has blue interior seats, on the drivers side with two seats, the other side has 3 seats. It seems, though that P124 TDL was covering for it as that's what it was displaying. With route 124, although it had the wrong route number it was heading into the right direction and I recognise some of the passengers who would be travelling to East Cowes, so that must be right as well. The 126 is a complete mystery to me. I see no reason how it could possibly be bus 5867 as it is almost always operated by P125 TDL, a much much larger bus which only just fits all the passengers on anyway, there's no way everyone would fit onto such a small bus, and it's heading in the wrong direction as well. Although if you say you went into the school and it wasn't there I'm guessing it must have broken down and either was very late or students were transfered onto other routes? I'm sorry that's not been much help in some cases, but I honestly don't know what was going on there!
Thanks for the info about the vehicles, do you know which MPDs are leaving? I'm guessing as last time it will be vehicles not re-painted into Best Impressions green? At least we've got them all photographed in some way or another. Editor5807speak 22:22, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
Just found this [2] which is the vehicle that normally operates the 123, obviously out of action on that day. Editor5807speak 22:23, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
OK, thanks for that. The minibus must have been on the 126 then... HW04 DDJ is the Optare Alero I've checked. As for the coach HW04 DFN being on the 123, that's put a spanner in the works! I photographed it on Monday morning on the 52 to Carrisbrooke. The next day, I photographed it outside Cowes High on the 112 to Camp Hill. I'd presumed therefore that it does the 112 and 52, as the two schools finish at different times. However, it cannot do, as in the morning to timetable do actually overlap. And the 123 timetable overlaps both of them. It must usually be on the 123 if you say it is, and I've seen a photo of it showing "123", so things are very strange considering it was off the 123 on two consecutive days! Perhaps as it was the last week they had a go with anything!!
As for MPDs, I don't know, but your idea sounds good. 309 of course was meant to go last time but got saved at the last minutes. There's always the possibility of 319/20 I suppose, but given the amount of painting they'll be doing over the next few months, I'd imagine they'll avoid any more. Apparently, all the vehicles that are coming over will be painted into the Go South Coast coach livery (this one), with Moss Motors fleet names. The Metrobus livery the Olympians are wearing is similar in colour, meaning there's no rush to get them painted. Arriva436talk/contribs 13:31, 24 July 2010 (UTC)


Sorry to bombard you, but a couple of things have come up I wouldn't mind to iron out before I upload.

  • "Cowes Road Stag Lane road works.JPG" is for the roadworks as you come down that road.
  • "Stag Lane Isle of Wight road works" is for the main works themselves. Do you think including 'Isle of Wight' is a good idea? Clearly, I can't just call it "Stag Lane road works" as that could be anywhere, but do you think I should put 'Isle of Wight' in the other name?
  • What about the name "Northwood Isle of Wight County Showground"?
  • Does "Horsebridge Hill Stag Inn" sound good?

And about the Stag Inn bus stop. The Cowes bound on is actually in Cowes Road, not Horsebridge Hill. I was just going to ignore it and call it HB Hill anyway (as it's so close and would go with the Newport bound stop that is on Horsebridge Hill). The only trouble is..., the Cowes bound stop is "Stag inn", whereas the Newport bound one is called "Stag Lane". Therefore, I think I should just call the files names "Cowes Road Stag Inn bus stop" and "Horsebridge Hill Stag Lane bus stop"?

Hopefully, the next lot of photos are more obvious so I won't have to keep asking you! Arriva436talk/contribs 19:34, 24 July 2010 (UTC)

It's nice to get asked for an opinion, so don't worry, ask me anything as it crops up. :)
  • There must be many Stag Lanes around, but as far as I'm aware only one on the Isle of Wight so that sounds fine to me.
  • "Northwood Isle of Wight County Showground" also sounds good to me. It instantly shows where it is on the island and would distinguish it from somewhere I believe in America is called Isle of Wight County.
  • With Horsebridge Hill I'd agree that it's probably better to use "Cowes Road Stag Inn bus stop" and "Horsebridge Hill Stag Lane bus stop" as it helps to show exactly where and which roads they are on. They may not have been the easiest files to name but at least they clearly show what's there and do still fit alongside other file names. Horsebridge Hill Stag Inn sounds fine as well. It sounds like an interesting set of photos and I look forward to seeing them! Editor5807speak 20:59, 24 July 2010 (UTC)
OK thanks. I've started uploading about a third of the ones in my "Day 2, Part 1" folder. It's in alphabetical order though (obviously being Commonist), so it's all a bit jumbled up. (Hence I'm separating the whole trip into various folders.) Arriva436talk/contribs 21:52, 24 July 2010 (UTC) Arriva436talk/contribs 21:55, 24 July 2010 (UTC)
Totally unrelated, but could you have a look at this please? Arriva436talk/contribs 20:39, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
OK thanks for letting me know. I've placed my vote over on the page. Editor5807speak 20:49, 26 July 2010 (UTC)


A few things. Thanks for correcting some of my mistakes, it is really easy to make mistakes on Commonist as you can't see what you're doing very well! The obvious big news is about Ryde depot being closed. Also, the coincidence - 1 & 2 lol. Mind you, I've got a photo from holiday of the same bus in the same place as Quackdave's File:Arriva NWW VDL Wright Commander 1.jpg which is just remarkable. Anyway, I noticed you have a file named File:Southern Vectis 611 R851 LDF rear and Ryde Esplanade 2.JPG. This is obviously a mistake, being the front. There is already File:Southern Vectis 611 R851 LDF and Ryde Esplanade.JPG, and I have left a gap and uploaded my image at File:Southern Vectis 611 R851 LDF and Ryde Esplanade 3.JPG, so there's a space if you want to move the image into "611 and Ryde Esp 2.JPG" etc... Arriva436talk/contribs 21:32, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for pointing that out, or I might never have noticed! Thanks for leaving a space and it's now been corrected. Also, I wasn't aware of Ryde depot closing. Is it being re-located elsewhere or closing completely? And will all services then operate out of Newport? Editor5807speak 21:39, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
Ryde depot is the big news at the moment, the County Press reported it today though I found out on Tuesday. All services will run out of Newport, and they will also use the yard next to the Wightbus yard in Whitcombe Road in Carisbrooke to store vehicles in. All the other bits that Newport depot do will be stopped, so they can fit in and look after all their own buses. Ryde of course has the paint and body shop, and while the bus drivers will be OK as they've taken on all the school routes, there will be some job losses. See
I have replied to your message re Cowes on my talk page. Also, I have created this... User:Arriva436/Bus changes 1. It is to keep up do date with what things need to be photographed before September. Please do edit it if and when you cover an area that will be changing. Also, I think there's some gaps. i.e. route 7, I added everything shown on the SV network map that will no longer be covered, but I'm not sure if any could be struck out yet. I did photograph 720 in Brighstone, but that is obviously a bit out of date now! Arriva436talk/contribs 19:16, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Also, would you put the photos of route 7 in Pixley Hill in "Buses in Freshwater" or "Buses in Yarmouth". I did Freshwater as that (Copse Lane area etc) is where all the people complaining about it are, but it is just as close to Yarmouth. I loved the photos at Blackgang Chine by the way - good to get that before it falls into the sea! Arriva436talk/contribs 19:18, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
OK thank you, that will be very useful. I was in Brading today and managed to get some photos of buses in the area, so that can now be struck off. I'll upload them soon. Unfortunately although they were taken on a Sunday evening, there was still a lot of traffic passing through but I still managed some decent shots.
I think it sounds sensible to put the Pixley Hill photos in "Buses in Freshwater". They could go in either, but since that's where all the fuss is coming from it seems more linked to Freshwater. Editor5807speak 19:58, 1 August 2010 (UTC)

SV Wikipedia

I'd mean meaning to do it earlier, but I noticed that on Wikipedia, en:User:Whistler has been adding some stuff to the article. I also noticed that he added en:File:Vectisgange.png to the article. I wondered if they might have some Route Rouge/Island Explorer photos etc which would be good if they could upload. I was going to ask them when I got back, but I've just suddenly thought that prior to 27 July 2010, their last edit was 20 September 2008 - so I don't want to miss the boat and have to wait two years! I'd ask them now but I'm about to leave, and can't really leave a message and then not reply for a week, so I was wondering if you could ask. :-) If that's OK...? Arriva436talk/contribs 14:05, 2 August 2010 (UTC)

Not a problem, it would be great to get some older photos on here. I've left them a message and will be around to get back to them if needs be. Have fun at Cowes Week! Editor5807speak 17:58, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for doing that. As you may have noticed by now - I'm back. I got about a bit and managed a few things, so these are off the to-do list.
  • A few photos in Shanklin, including Wightbus 16, 22 and 23 around Somerfield, as well as the SBT. Probably would have been better if I'd not had to have got off the 2 at the library and walked there, after someone was sick on the bus!
  • Shanklin fire station
  • A few Hovercraft photos
  • Bunching on 2/3
  • All of 402/625/706/711/721 on the 1, as well as 1053 during the evening. It seem that the evening service was run by low floor deckers (presumably as they came off other routes). Annoyingly, I saw loads from the car one eveving, so went out the next evening and didn't see any buses at all for 20 minitues (despite arriving when one was due in either direction...). Then, the next day, it was 1053 and a Dart. Typical.
  • The circus up at Racecourse from a passing bus.
  • Wightbus route 20, this time it was HW04 DDJ! I hadn't seen the Optare Alero before.
  • Traffic on Staplers. (I got stuck on the no. 9, same as last year - this time I got off right at the top of Staplers and walked into Newport. Much quicker than the bus!)
  • Some Military Road/Afton Down photos.
  • Route 29 at Medina Park. It turns out buses don't actually go right down to the Folly any more, instead turning at Medina Park (where the reversing manoeverue is a nighmare).
  • That thing they're building at Stag Lane. What is it, I need to know for the image name?!
  • Route 29 round the estate at Wootton, inc bus stops.
  • Ryde Pier all closed off etc.
  • As much as I could think off to photograph at Cowes Week, though annoyingly the day I chose to do it was terrible weather. This includes the Fireworks (but not the Red Arrows...!)
  • Route 30 and bus stops of route 30 around Gurnard. I noticed there's a stop showing 30 in Northwood, but it was too late by then as I was going home! Wightbus timetables are now update on Traveline. Turns out the 35 and 36 are extended to Yarmouth via Calbourne.
  • A barbecue that Red Funnel were having on the Red Eagle. What a great idea! Arriva436talk/contribs 16:13, 8 August 2010 (UTC)
OK that all sounds great. Wednesday evening was terrible for buses on route 1, I was waiting for over 40 minutes in Newport! It could possibly be the Biomass Plant they are building at Stag Lane? ([3]) Although I'm not certain. I've got a photo of a sign up in East Cowes petitioning against its construction as well. The camera I'm using temporarily at the moment isn't as good as my other one in low light, so unfortunately I couldn't even get photos of buses when they were stopped in the evening. I've got a few photos of Wilts & Dorset buses on route 1 as well. At around 2:00 i saw one of the Metrobus Olympians and a Fountain Coaches coach on route 1! Didn't get a fleet number, so its a shame it was too dark for my camera... Editor5807speak 19:06, 8 August 2010 (UTC)
The traffic was bad, I got stuck on the 9, right at the top of Staplers, this time I got off and walked. I thought the thing at Stag Lane was Vestas related, I'll have to find out more. My camera is OKish in low light, but obviously fails at the slightest hint of a bus moving! Unfortuantely, I think my camera might be on its way out, it seems to not be as sharp sometimes, and doing burst mode the last photo or do seems to blur. Also, it does this thing were it takes ages to adjust to the light levels. It was 834 that went on the 1. Apparently 835 was at East Cowes. Do you think File:Southern Vectis 718.JPG is good enough for a photo of the 7 in Mottistone (bearing in mind it could be anywhere!). One stood on the green opposite Mottistone Manor, with the Manor in the background as the bus passes would be ideal lol!! I did get some better photos of the 7 on the Military Road when I was down, as well as it "bunched" in Freshwater (one was half an hour late so the one going the other way caught up, and they double parked outside the Royal Standard). Arriva436talk/contribs 21:59, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
Oh dear that's a shame, my usual camera just completely failed to focus when the zoom was used although fortunately is still under guarantee and I'll hopefully have it back soon. The two cameras I've been using temporarily don't seem to be as good at avoiding the blur caused by a moving bus and there's a few photos I've taken which, if I've got time, I'll try to improve and take again as they have blurred. I'll try to get a shot of the bus outside Mottistone Manner as 718 is obviously as out of date as the one at Brighstone, which incidentally I visited today and got some photos of. And yes, of course! It probably is the Vestas research centre that you've got a photo of: Editor5807speak 22:20, 11 August 2010 (UTC)


I have made a new Category:Christmas on the Isle of Wight category, mainly because I saw a number of Christmas-related things on my watchlist, and as you've uploaded some Christmas trees etc. I would like your opinion on the categories. Would you have it in both Isle of Wight and Culture on the Isle of Wight cats. I know it's technically over-categorisation, but if you are looking for Christmas pictures you'd never think of looking under "Culture" would you? Similarly, while I've taken all the SV Xmas lights tour pics out of the Christmas in the UK cat (as Cat:SV Xmas lights tour is now in Xmas on IOW). However, I have put File:Godshill Old World Tea Rooms Christmas Lights 2.JPG in Xmas on Isle of Wight - because I think it is the best one. I've discovered it's even being used on the Christmas portal on Wikipedia! Arriva436talk/contribs 18:11, 18 September 2010 (UTC)

That sounds great, I've been thinking about a Christmas on the Isle of Wight category for a while now. I have a number of other files floating around somewhere with Christmas trees etc around the island that could be added, and I'm sure we'll have more this year too. Editor5807speak 20:31, 19 September 2010 (UTC)

Coastliner 700

I was just wondering whether you had any photos of the Enviro300 single deckers used on the 700 and have route branding for it. I found out the other day that surprise, surprise, the Government have cut the Kick Start funding to the route (it's happened to the Guildford - Cranleigh bid too, guess our N-reg Darts will have to stay for a while longer), so the route will return to every half an hour instead of running every 15 minutes.

This means the Enviro300s will move to the odd legs off the main routes, and will no longer do the main Brighton-Portsmouth bits. Basically, I was wondering if you'd got any photos of the single-deckers in Portsmouth, should they disappear. Arriva436talk/contribs 19:33, 6 October 2010 (UTC)

Unfortunately no photos at the moment. I have seen them around but just haven't had the opportunity to photograph them yet. Do you know the date the timetable is set to be reverted back to every 30 minutes? I'm assuming they will stay in operation on the route until this happens? I'll keep an eye out now and try to get some shots. Editor5807speak 23:01, 7 October 2010 (UTC)
14 November apparently. I just thought I'd tell you in case you happen to be passing and see one. Arriva436talk/contribs 19:30, 8 October 2010 (UTC)

And one the subject of just happening to be passing and seeing something, I've got another one lol! I doubt you are in Portsmouth much on the weekend(...?), but I thought if you ever happen to be at Hard Interchange at the rather specific times of 1439 or 1710, on a Saturday, and happen to have your camera to hand - then it would be good to photograph the Saturday shopper's journey on Countryliner route X92! ( I know the chances are rather slim, but I thought I'd tell you in case you saw a Countryliner vehicle in Portsmouth.

P.S. just seen a photo of Citaro 480 on route 8, a first time for that route? Arriva436talk/contribs 17:29, 13 October 2010 (UTC)

Already taken care of! I'm hardly ever in Portsmouth over the weekend but I must have just got lucky with times when I was over there a few months ago on Saturday. As I'd never seen it in Portsmouth before I took a photo at The Hard Interchange and it's now in a 'queue' to upload in the near future. Additionally I saw Citaro 480 in Newport today and I got a photo of it in the bus station. Now all we need is a photo of a Citaro on the 7! Editor5807speak 18:01, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
Wow - excellent. Obviously the chance wasn't that slim then, even if it does only run one day a week! Which bus was it out of interest? A 7 photo would be good, might be slightly easier for it to be allowed now it's the end of the summer. Apparently there was one working that would often be an odd bus (not necessarily a Citaro), but the timetables have changes now!
We need a photo of one on the 7, SV need to put one on route 6! (and 12 thinking about it!) Arriva436talk/contribs 19:31, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
Apologies for getting back to you so late, but it's L719 OMV, any ideas what fleet number that is? I've looked and can't see one anywhere on the photo and tried to do a Google search to find it but had no luck there either... Editor5807speak 18:55, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
From experience Countryliner buses only have the fleet number on the front nearside corner, if at all, and is often quite small. Anyway, L719 OMV is fleet number DS15. Hope that helps. For the future, a Fotopic search (when it's actually working) often helps, such as . It's always worth searching the reg with and without a space in it, as different enthusiasts do different things. Arriva436talk/contribs 21:51, 1 November 2010 (UTC)

The Citaros


Tomorrow is due to be their last day - so be on the lookout! Arriva436talk/contribs 18:17, 27 October 2010 (UTC)

OK that's a shame. I had heard they were staying for a while to help route 9 keep to time with the Binstead roadworks, but I'll keep a look out. Thanks! Editor5807speak 18:46, 29 October 2010 (UTC)
They were, but there was always the chance they would need to be moved away early. They are going to Go North East, apparently in return for something Bluestar wants. I have photos of both 79 and 80 (as they were then) with Uni-link in Southampton, and with SV - but it would be a big task to get a photo of them up North lol! They will be replaced temporaily at SV for the duration of the roadwords by two Optare Solos surplus to requirements at Wilts. Ironcially they are from Salisbury depot, guess what's replaced them... none other than SV MPDs 314, 319 and 320! It's a small world! The Citaros are due to move on Tuesday apparently, but were withdrawn on Thursday. Arriva436talk/contribs 22:21, 30 October 2010 (UTC)
File:Island_Line_track_renewal_work_notice.JPG has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

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Dcoetzee (talk) 23:43, 2 November 2010 (UTC)