User talk:DAJF

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Hello. Why did you remove it the from Category:2016 photographs by photographer? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Christian Ferrer (talk • contribs) 12:23, 2 January 2017‎ (UTC) (UTC)[reply]

@Christian Ferrer: Hi. The hierarchy of categories contained in Category:Photographs by photographer is actually intended for photographs by non-Wikimedian authors. As you appear to be a Wikimedia user/contributor, Category:Images by User:Christian Ferrer taken in 2016 shouldn't really be included in that hierarchy. --DAJF (talk) 12:27, 2 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
In that case I suggest you to remove too the other categories or to let mine because the other are non-Wikimedian authors too. Christian Ferrer (talk) 12:32, 2 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
However I'm sorry to have been a bit hard, you acted in good faith, and you likely don't deserve a bad reaction from me... though a solution should be searched. Thanks you to have pointed that. Christian Ferrer (talk) 12:50, 2 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
That's OK. It is not very clear, as only the parent category (Category:Photographs by photographer) mentions this. I'll add a similar note to the year categories (such as Category:2016 photographs by photographer) to make it clearer. --DAJF (talk) 13:22, 2 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, after an afternoon of reflection, I decided to remove all my own categories since 2012 from this main category because you're very likely right. Furthermore this is not so much important for me, I did it because I saw some of my colleagues to do it, that's all. But don't be surprised if when you remove the user categories of some other users, that they have a reaction a bit strong, some Wikimedia photographers are a bit (too much) proud. If you do so, good luck. But in all cases best wishes! Christian Ferrer (talk) 16:46, 2 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your understanding. I hope 2017 is a good year for you! --DAJF (talk) 02:52, 3 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Valued Image Promotion[edit]

Your nomination has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Tobu 8000 series in green and white livery.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
Your nomination has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Tobu 8000 series in "Flying Tojo" blue and yellow livery.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.

Pictures deleted[edit]

You are wrong, these images are under license public domain from this site (talk) 10:58, 10 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Canbel: OK, my apologies. It wasn't obvious, because you had for some reason uploaded much lower resolution versions. Can you therefore upload the original high-resolution images and also remember to add the {{LicenseReview}} tag to these and all other images you upload from external sources in future please? That way, a review or admin can check the license promptly and prevent any future problems. Thanks. --DAJF (talk) 11:08, 10 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Done!:).--Canbel (talk) 11:53, 10 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]





の画像で、元々のカテゴリー「Category:Containers of JR Freight」から、 2017年2月15日 (水) 09:44付けで「Category:Shipping containers in Japan」へと変更されています。


乱文にて失礼します。--画像整理屋 (talk) 00:19, 18 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@画像整理屋: こんにちは。昨日の「過剰な分類について」の件で、枚数が多くて大変な作業だった作業かもしれませんが、ありがとうございます。 ただ、同様にCategory:Shipping containers in Japanに分類されている画像は、上位カテゴリであるCategory:Containerizationにも入れるべきでないです。それも二重カテゴリ化になり、なるべく避けなければならないことです。
また、上記のFile:UC5-5079 【日本通運】.jpgの画像についてのけんですが、日通が所有するコンテナだと思って、当初のCategory:Containers of JR Freight(JR貨物所有コンテナ用のカテゴリ)が適切ではないと考えてCategory:Shipping containers in Japanへと変更させていただきました。もしJR貨物が所有するコンテナでしたら、Category:Containers of JR Freightに入れるべきですが、日通が所有する物のようで、さらに正確だるCategory:Nippon Express (NITTSU) containersへ変更させていただきます。これで間違いないでしょうか? --DAJF (talk) 07:16, 18 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
知ったか論で長くなりましたが、何れにしましてもこの度の日通コンテナに関してはもし貴方様が十分に納得して頂きましたならば、処理して頂ければ幸いです。--画像整理屋 (talk) 09:06, 18 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@画像整理屋: 返事が遅くなってすみません。画像整理屋さんがアップしていただいたコンテナの画像はとても歓迎されるようで貴重な資料になりますので、Commonsから消える必要はありませんが、画像の振り分けについて、まだわからない部分がありましたら、その辺の振り分け編集だけは控えた方がよろしいかと思います。
また、先程のFile:UC5-5079 【日本通運】.jpgの画像についての件で、Category:Nippon Express (NITTSU) containersの方へ振り分けましたので、問題ないと思いますが、「Shipping containers」とは英語で海上輸送用の物に限らないですので、そういった「日本国内での鉄道専用」のコンテナもCategory:Shipping containers in Japanの中に振り分けられても問題ないです。 --DAJF (talk) 01:43, 21 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]


お疲れ様です。さて、自分が作成したCategory:Piole HIMEJICategory:Piole Himejiに変更されていることを確認しました。これは公式サイトや日本語版の表記に従って「HIMEJI」と大文字表記にしたのですが、これをカテゴリ名で使うことは間違ってることなのでしょうか。そのようなルールであるならば従うつもりですが、よく分からないのでご指導いただければと思います。よろしくお願い致します。--Phronimoi (talk) 18:07, 28 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

はじめまして。コメントありがとうございます。正式なルールは確かに見当たりませんが、なるべく英語のルールに従いますと,日本でよく見かける「すべて大文字」の表記は叫びのようにも見えますし、頭文字と捉えられますので、「ピオレ・エイチ・アイ・エム・イイ・ジェイ・アイ」ではなく「ピオレ・ヒメジ」であることをわかりやすくするために、普通に「Piole Himeji」にした方がよいと判断しました。Category:SonyCategory:Seiyuなどもご参照いただければと思います。 --DAJF (talk) 02:09, 29 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
ご丁寧な説明をありがとうございました。今後は気をつけます。--Phronimoi (talk) 08:40, 29 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Please help me, copyright issues[edit]

Hello, Please help reviewed the picture, thanks you.

File:Black Pink on Seoul Music Awards 2017.jpg and File:Black Pink on Golden Disc Awards 2017.jpg

Appreciate your help.--TEI-BA 留言 06:48, 30 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done: Hi. I have reviewed and confirmed the licenses for the two images you mentioned. In future, please add {{LicenseReview}} after the license information to alert any admin or reviewer that the files need reviewing. Thanks. --DAJF (talk) 11:25, 30 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Your VFC installation method is deprecated[edit]

Hello DAJF, we are aware that using the old installation method of VFC (via common.js, which you are using) may not work reliably anymore and can break other scripts as well. A detailed explanation can be found here. Important: To prevent problems please remove the old VFC installation code from your common.js and instead enable the VFC gadget in your preferences. Thanks! --VFC devs (q) 16:23, 22 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Tagging copyvios[edit]

Hi, When tagging copyright violations, please inform the uploader. This is best done using the gagdet. See in your preferences to enable them, tab "Gadget", section "Maintenance tools" : "AjaxQuickDelete" and "Quick delete". These add links in the left column (or right column for Hebrew, Arabic, etc., language interface). Regards, Yann (talk) 16:59, 28 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

OK, thanks for the comment. I was using the License Review tool, which automatically tags copyright violations for speedy deletion, but it looks like it doesn't also inform the file uploader, so I'll be more careful about this in future. Thanks for the heads-up. --DAJF (talk) 23:24, 28 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

File:Tadotsu Fisheries High School.jpgについて[edit]

File:Tadotsu Fisheries High School.jpgについて、上書きをした2010年時点でCommons:Overwriting existing filesは存在していません。あなたはこのガイドラインを遡及して適応しており、このファイルについてあなたが行ったことは一切根拠がありません。こちらにとってみればあなたによって上書きを「された」意識です。余計なことをしないで元に戻してください。--ラハール (talk) 13:13, 6 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]




最後に、何かを行動する前に、いま述べたことをあなたに伝えるためにトークページは存在します。それが全く生かされていません。こちらに全く準備・検討させる時間を与えないであなたが差し戻し行ったことで(おそらくあなたに悪意はなかったと信じますが)、不要な労力がかかるんですよ。そのことを忘れないでください。これはあなたに対して私が感じたことですが、ボットじゃないんだから機械的な編集はやめて、少し考えたらどうですか。その過半数が有意義な編集だったとしても、時としてはた迷惑な行為になるかもしれないと深く考えてください。私の真意がわかったところで、この一連の差し戻しについて、私が上書きしたファイルをすべて元に戻してください。分割するにしても、新しいものはアップし直すにしてもそこから始めます。--ラハール (talk) 15:48, 6 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@ラハールさん、こんにちは。お返事ありがとうございます。 気分を悪くしたようで申し訳ありません。確認しましたら、確かにファイルの上書きについての方針は2010年頃にまだ確定できていませんでしたが、その以前に上書きされたファイルについても、分割できたらよいと考えています。
先日のFile:Tadotsu Fisheries High School.jpgで行われた分割の作業は、管理人さんしかできませんので、他のファイルについては、できればラハールさんか誰か(私)に新しい方の画像を別のファイル名で再アップロードした方が早いと思います。ラハールさんがコモンズで現役ですので、ご自身でしていただくのが望ましいと思いますが、もしご面倒でしたら、私の手でもしてあげますよ。 (File:EF200-14 20090520.jpgのような感じになります)
もし私の手で作業を進めてほしいのであれば、気軽に仰ってください。--DAJF (talk) 03:03, 7 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Valued Image Promotion[edit]

Your nomination has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
JNR Class ED15 electric locomotives.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.

Valued Image Promotion[edit]

Your nomination has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Seibu Railway 9000 series EMU in "Red Lucky Train" livery.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.

Your reviews of some Pixabay sourced images[edit]

Hello DAJF, you reviewed some images copied to Commons from Pixabay. Unfortunately you did use the wrong license tag template. Please fix this. I am not a license reviewer, so I couldn’t repair this on my own. What you have to do is: Remove {{cc-zero}} and {{LicenseReview|…}} and insert {{Pixabay}} with the necessary params by using {{subst:PBLR|<ID>}} with <ID> being the file ID which is the last, numerical part of the source URL. As far as I see these files are affected:

As side effect the explicit addition of [[Category:Images from Pixabay]] should be removed. — Speravir – 00:35, 1 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done. Thanks for letting me know. I didn't know about the specialized {{Pixabay}} template, but I have now updated all of the eight files above to use this template. Thanks once again. --DAJF (talk) 00:49, 1 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
No problem, you’re welcome. — Speravir – 01:17, 1 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Stop changing only one language[edit]

Not trying to start an argument, but you keep changing the descriptions of the English on my images without changing the Japanese. That makes me look insane for those of us who can read both. It seems you can use both, so why only mess with the English? If you are unable to change both, please refrain from changing just one. Cheers, Nesnad (talk) 01:54, 1 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Nesnad: Hi. I don't normally alter the Japanese descriptions unless there are any obvious errors that need fixing, but apologies if I have accidentally messed up something along the way on any your images. Are you saying that the English and Japanese descriptions are out of sync after I edited them? If you can post a link to a particular image where I made a mistake, it would be easier to comment more specifically, and I'll be happy to go back and fix any errors if necessary. --DAJF (talk) 00:54, 2 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Every single one you've edited the English but not the Japanese, every time making them inconsistent. Every time. File:TanashiStation-NorthExit-a-Aug14-2015.jpg Here's an example from 2015. You have a long history of making my uploads inconsistent and I doubt you can or will go back and fix them all. So at least please stop that now... Thanks, Nesnad (talk) 01:13, 2 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Nesnad: Hi. I had a look at the image you mention, but I'm confused now. The English and Japanese both look OK to me (the station name is correct, and they both say it's the north entrance), so I'm not sure what the inconsistency you mention is. If you're saying that the English description is longer than the Japanese description, then that's surely OK too, as I don't think it's written anywhere in the guidelines that descriptions in different languages have to be of identical length. When I upload images I've taken myself, I usually include only a brief Japanese description alongside the more detailed English description, and other (Japanese) editors might come along later and pad out the Japanese description. That's fine and that's how Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia works, with everyone chipping in to make small improvements where they can. Sorry if I'm missing something, but I still don't see what the problem is here. --DAJF (talk) 01:30, 2 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
That was only one example. If you think they convey the same level of information, you are lying to me or yourself. Lets not pretend they are equal, just say "oops" and go about fixing it or refraining from doing that. If you need a more obvious example, look at File:TanashiStation-platforms-Aug14-2015.jpg from the same time period. Your edit makes me look illiterate. You have done this countless times. If you have the skills go back and fix them all please. Otherwise, just stop making them unbalanced from now. Cheers, Nesnad (talk) 15:21, 4 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Nesnad: If you could point me in the direction of any official guidelines that state or recommend that descriptions in different languages have to be 100% identical, I'll be happy to comply with them. If no rule yet exists, maybe you could start a thread at the Commons:Village pump and see what other people think about setting up such guidelines. --DAJF (talk) 02:19, 5 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
That is rude. Do I have to point out: Would you like me to follow your uploads and shorten all your English descriptions? Those are my uploads, please don't be a jerk about it. Gosh. Nesnad (talk) 14:23, 5 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Nesnad: If you were to add or expand descriptions on images I have uploaded (as I believe I have been doing with some of your images), that would be greatly appreciated, and I'll be happy to click the "Thank" button, as I often do when other editors make improvements. --DAJF (talk) 22:49, 5 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
If you could point me in the direction of any official guidelines that state edits must only add or expand, I'll be happy to comply with them. If no rule yet exists, maybe you could start a thread at the Commons:Village pump and see what other people think about setting up such guidelines. Really mean it. I hope instead of sounding snarky this helps you feel a bit of what I'm feeling in my interaction with you. It feels like you see yourself as the ultimate authority and disregard my feelings even though Wiki is a collaboration not a dictatorship. Nesnad (talk) 14:25, 6 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you![edit]

The Barnstar of Diligence
Thanks D for your continued work in checking YouTube licenses. You have assisted me a great deal. I was getting to think that it was unrequired but you just spotted some where I had failed to check enough. So Thanks. Ooops and thanks again Victuallers (talk) 06:48, 3 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Victuallers: That's OK. Sorry some of your uploads had to be deleted, but you just need to check that the YouTube videos are published under a Creative Commons license. If it's just the standard YouTube license, unfortunately, they can't be uploaded to Commons. Anyway, thanks for uploading. --DAJF (talk) 09:18, 3 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Help for some stuff[edit]

Hey, I noticed that you kindly let me know of some copyrighted pictures that were unavailable for Wikimedia. I could really use some help for this criteria-especially knowing if a photo has a copyright or not. Thanks!!!!!! Have a great day!! DoctorSpeed (talk) 20:56, 9 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@DoctorSpeed: Hi. The guidelines covering copyright and licensing on Commons can be read at Commons:Licensing, but to summarize, pictures found on the web (i.e. not take by yourself) can only be used on Commons if they are explicitly published under a free license. Even if the web page does mention that the images on it are copyright, we always have to assume that they are unless it is explicitly indicated otherwise. If you are uncertain about the copyright status of an image you find on the web, you can always ask for advice at Commons:Village pump/Copyright before uploading it to Commons. The copyright rules can be a bit confusing at first, but I hope this makes more sense now. --DAJF (talk) 00:04, 10 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hiroo Station[edit]

Sorry, that's the first time I ever saw a disambiguation page on Commons. I didn't even know these existed here. --Voyager (talk) 09:34, 16 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Voyager: Hi. That's OK. Disambiguation pages are handy when there are categories for stations with the same name in different locations like that. No problem! --DAJF (talk) 12:43, 17 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]


個々の写真に対する削除依頼などの中で、具体的で客観的な理由を、削除依頼ページ内で日本語を用いて説明されないのは非常に不愉快です。 どの部分にどのような問題があって削除したのかが説明されておらず、とても気分が悪いです。以前にも同じような投稿がありましたので拝見しました。 また、説明がある場合にもその説明(理由)がそれの削除や差し戻しの理由に当てはまらないものがあり、非常に気持ちが悪いです。 削除依頼が出ているものについては、理由が明示されていない以上、またどの画像に対しての理由かも明示されていない以上、とても不愉快です。 明示しないまま差し戻すのであれば、トークページやWikiメールなどでこちらに直接明示して頂きたかったです。 そちらの言い分もあるでしょうが、単に英語で典型的な文章を張り付けて依頼を出されただけではそちらの意図や言い分を理解できず、こちらの言い分も聞かないままあれこれされるのは、とても不愉快です。 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rebirth10 (talk • contribs) 14:44, 18 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Rebirth10: こんにちは。 File:Riversaikun Rapping Bus.jpgの話でしょうか? Rebirth10さんのトークページに「File:Riversaikun Rapping Bus.jpg」が削除依頼されているとはっきり書いてありますから、わかりにくいはずはないと思いますが。また、削除依頼は基本的に英語で書くのが普通ですが、Rebirth10さんにとって不便がありましたら申し訳ありません。簡単に言いますと、その画像は著作権のあるイラストの写真ですので、コモンズにアップすることはNGです。今後、気をつけてください。--DAJF (talk) 04:21, 19 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
とありましたが、その旨があの表示では理解できませんでした。今後は先にその説明をWikiメールでお知らせ頂くか、英文に続けて説明を加えて頂きますよう、お願い致します。 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rebirth10 (talk • contribs) 16:04, 19 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Notification about possible deletion[edit]

Some contents have been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether they should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at their entry.

If you created these pages, please note that the fact that they have been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with them, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!


And also:

Yours sincerely, DAJF (talk) 08:06, 14 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I am confused by the License Review on this image: File:Fedwa Misk.jpg. I don't see the CC permission on the website. Has the website changed that significantly since April 12? —አቤል ዳዊት?(Janweh64) (talk) 01:11, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Janweh64: Hi, thanks for the heads-up. I checked the original source site using, and while the last available archived copy dates from July 2015 (before the date the file was transferred to Commons and reviewed), it does at least verify that the page was originally published under the "cc-by-sa-4.0" license. Normally in such circumstances, I would simply add the template {{Change-of-license}} to the file, but it appears to have been permanently protected for some strange reason. I will request unprotection and add the template in due course. In the meantime, I have added a note about the situation to the file's discussion page. Thanks once again for raising the issue here. --DAJF (talk) 01:30, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@DAJF: Don't bother with a unprotection. It is protected because it is currently on the English Wiki main page.
BTW, I just happened to read User_talk:DAJF#Stop_changing_only_one_language and I just want to say I am sorry your had to deal with that. That is some serious COM:OWN issues. You handled it like a pro and it made me laugh. The more polite you were the angrier they got.—አቤል ዳዊት?(Janweh64) (talk)
@Janweh64: OK, thanks for that. I'll revisit the file a week or so later, when it is no longer in use on the English Wikipedia main page, and try once again to add the {{Change-of-license}} template. --DAJF (talk) 01:40, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]


こんにちは、DAJFさん。初めまして、Hyper maniac manであります。
そこで、質問なんですが、今回問題となった、EF15 168、EF58 154、EF60 47、EF63 13のそれぞれの画像と、2007年の4台並んだ画像、EF58 154のモニュメントの画像の適正なカテゴリーについてですが、

  1. これらのファイルは、一般公開(JRおおみや 鉄道ふれあいフェア(現・鉄道のまち大宮 鉄道ふれあいフェア))で撮影されたりしたファイル。
  2. これらのファイルは、大宮総合車両センター関係のもので既に公表されており、一部は公道から随時見れるところにあるファイル。

であり、撮影された時期などを重視するとカテゴリーは「Category:Tetsudo Fureai Fair」になり、そのものの存在する場所を重視するとカテゴリーは「Category:Omiya General Rolling Stock Center」になります。この場合は、どちらが適正カテゴリーとなるのでしょうか?自身は、貴方のご注意を受けるまでは、両方に当てはまると思い、そうしたのであります。また、自身の今現在の思いとしては、「Category:Omiya General Rolling Stock Center」の方が適性かとも思います。もし、よろしかったら貴方の見解をお聞きしたいと思います。
あと、「Category:Tetsudo Fureai Fair」の改名変更作業ありがとうございました。お手数とは思いますが、どうか1つよろしくお願い致します。--Hyper Maniac Man (talk) 03:38, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Hyper Maniac Man: こんにちは。メッセージありがとうございます。カテゴリーの使い方は確かに最初の方はちょっとわかりにくい点があるかもしれませんが、今回の場合は、割とわかりやすい例です。
一般公開公開日(鉄道ふれあいフェアなど)で撮られた画像はCategory:Tetsudo Fureai Fairに入れるべきです。Category:Tetsudo Fureai Fairに入っている画像の全ては自動的に親カテゴリの一つであるCategory:Omiya General Rolling Stock Centerに入っているようになりますので、わざわざ個別に入れる必要はありません(2重カテゴリ化になりますので入れてはいけません)。一般公開公開日以外の時に大宮総合車両センターで撮られた画像はCategory:Omiya General Rolling Stock Centerに入れるべきです。まだ不明な点がありましたら、どうぞメッセージください。 --DAJF (talk) 04:31, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
なるほど!良くわかりました!自身、サブカテゴリーと親カテゴリーとの関連性の理解が不足していました。今後は、「鉄道ふれあいフェア」で撮った画像はCategory:Omiya General Rolling Stock Centerへ入れないようにします。今回は、色々とありがとうございました。-Hyper Maniac Man (talk) 15:17, 24 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]


お忙しいところ恐縮ですが、この前に駅名標や案内板の表記と異なるカテゴリ名を採用する西鉄駅のカテゴリ名変更の提案及び西小山駅のカテゴリ名変更提案を提出しました。コモンズで鉄道分野に多くの貢献をしていたDAJFさまのご意見を伺いたいと思いますので、よろしくお願いいたします。--そらみみ (talk) 12:30, 2 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@そらみみさん、 こんにちは。ご連絡ありがとうございます。確認したところ、ハイフン無しの形が看板などで多く使われているようで、私もコモンズでそれに統一した方がよいと思います。カテゴリ名変更提案の所でも意見を書かせていただきました。 --DAJF (talk) 03:32, 3 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
ありがとうございます。--そらみみ (talk) 04:40, 3 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Please help me about ctegory names[edit]

DAJFさんすみません。Commonsにコメントしたつもりだったのですが、なぜかen.wikiをブックマークしていて。気づかずにあちらに投稿してしまいました。とりあえずあまりご意見は持たれておられないとは理解できました。このたびは突然の質問を失礼いたしました。--Batholith (talk) 10:07, 12 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Batholithさん、 こんばんは。画像のついてのご質問でしたらから、確かにCommonsのお話になりますね。
さて、日本の山などのカテゴリの扱いについて、あまり触れたことありませんので、アドバイスをする立場ではないかもしれません。他の国の山のカテゴリの扱いに統一させた方がよろしいかと思いますが、それぐらいのアドバイスしかできなくて、申し訳ございません。--DAJF (talk) 11:23, 12 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Batholithさん 日本の山の画像を、ピーク画像とその他山中や道中の画像に分けたい時、その他の画像をForest trails in JapanかTrails in Japanか、また完全に整備された登山道はHiking trails in Japanの、各下位カテゴリに被写体に沿ったカテゴリを選んでいただければ分けやすい、斯様な話ではと愚考します。富士山のように有名な登山道があればその登山道ごとに分けられそうですが、Panoramio経由のファイルは山林のみが被写体のカテゴリ分けしにくい画像が多いですね。--Categorizing (talk) 12:07, 13 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@DAJFさん、お返事が遅れてしまいすみません。山のカテゴリについては、Category:Mount Fuji だけファイル数が突出しているので特別なんですが、他の日本にある個別の山カテゴリでは、Views from Mount XXX と Remote view of Mount XXX ぐらいしかカテゴリは習慣的に使われていませんね。みなさんカテゴリ名に迷っていらっしゃるのかもしれません。後者のRemote viewもかなり少ないです。あとはまれに Flora of Mount XXX があるぐらいです。Remote view は感覚が人によって異なるので、麓から撮ったものと、ものすごく遠いところから撮ったものが混在してまして、結局あんまり役に立っていないのが現状かと。以前にある山カテゴリで、実験的に外国のいくつかのカテゴリ(山ではない)をまねて、こんな感じで分類したことがあります→ Category:Mount Kaikoma


  • Views from Mount XXX
  • Remote views of Mount XXX
  • Extra Remote views of Mount XXX ←いまのとことおそらく無いけどあってよいと思う (英語的に最適かはわかりません)
  • Trails of Mount XXX ←登山道の写真
  • Summits of Mount XXX ←頂上または頂上部、山頂標とか三角点なども
  • Mountain huts of Mount XXX ←山小屋
  • Flora of Mount XXX ←植生
  • Culture of Mount XXX ←お祭りやイベントなどの写真
  • Landforms of Mount XXX ←山中の滝とか崖とかの小さな地形
  • Volcanic landforms of Mount XXX ←火山の場合 (側火山(flank volcano)とか、火口や溶岩流とか)

あと、他にもDAJFさんにお願いしたいことがあるので以下の節に書かせていただきます。--Batholith (talk) 06:31, 16 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]


DAJFさんは日本のカテゴリを触ることもあると思うのでご存知だと思いますが、日本の基礎自治体 (市町村のこと) カテゴリは、「基礎自治体名, 都道府県名」 になっています。しかしこれを壊し、都道府県名を削るユーザーがいて困っています。Gryffindorさんという英語圏の方でenwikiの管理者のようなんですが、まったくこの行動の意味がわかりません。今年これに気づいて戻したところ今週になって再び都道府県名を削るという行為を行っています。これについて、DAJFさんから苦言を呈していただけないでしょうか、私の英語レベルですと、恥ずかしながら通じないのです。以下に判明しているカテゴリを書いておきます。都道府県名と役所が所在する市名が同一名で、繰り返し表記になってしまうものだけならまだ理解できますが、そうでないので本当に理解不能です。

なお、Category:Nagasaki もありますが、これは2009年に Gryffindorさんで無い方々が話し合って決めたもののようです。--Batholith (talk) 06:31, 16 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]


先日、自分の写真でないファイルをFlickrに投稿しているユーザーがおり、CCBYライセンスでアップしているためコモンズに著作権侵害の写真がたくさん転載されていることに気づき、Mass deletion requestを提出したのですが、私の低い英語力(Google Translateもかなり使用)によって、趣旨が伝わっていない可能性があるのでCommons:Deletion requests/Flickr user: Takeshi KOUNOをチェックしていただきたいのです。1名だけ通じた方(なぜかこれのだけしか編集してないない)がいらっしゃったんですが、正確に伝わっていないようで…… 以上、いろいろ一度にお願いしてしまいましてすみませんでした。気が向かれましたらご助言いただければ幸いです。--Batholith (talk) 06:31, 16 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Batholithさん、 こんにちは、メッセージありがとうございます。Commons:Deletion requests/Flickr user: Takeshi KOUNOの所を拝見してコメントをさせていただきました。確かに問題があるようですね。なお、英語が得意でない場合、Google翻訳を使わず、主張はまず母国語(日本語)で書いた方がよいと思います。(日本語の後にGoogle翻訳で訳した英語も書くと親切かもしれません。)
山関係や地名などのカテゴリについてのご質問に関しては、申し訳ないですが、あまり問題がある様に感じませんので、名前変更のご希望があれば、それぞれのTalkページに要請してもよいと思います。その際も、まず日本語で主張を書いた方がよいと思います。関心のある日本人の一般ユーザーや管理者の方が多いはずですから「井戸端」で意見を集めるのも正解だと思います。--DAJF (talk) 02:52, 17 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@DAJFさん、ご意見ありがとうございました。 先述の、自治体カテゴリについてはこちら、Flickrの問題ユーザの件は、こちらの日本語版の井戸端にも連絡してあります。Gryffindorさんからも英文で反応がありました。もしよろしければこちらにご意見ください。--Batholith (talk) 06:05, 17 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]


前略 私は現在、諸般の事情によりあえてIPアドレスの状態で参加しております。またIPアドレスは時々、変更になります。その為に一管理者のDAJF氏よりその都度、アカウント登録を強く勧める案内をもらいます。しかし、その案内内容にはIPアドレスコードの他に、わざわざその該当するプロバイダー社名を誇示しています。これは私にとって何か個人のプライバシーの一部を暴露され且つ、「ログインしないとこんな事になりますよ」的に非常に威圧的に感じる日々で、非常に不愉快です。



私は揉め事は好みませんので、できる限りの回避行動を取ってきたつもりですが、もはや限界に達しています。 数々の立派な功績や、卓越した語学力とウイキィ関連のスーパーマン的な豊富な深い知識を持ち合わせているDAJF氏を重々承知していますが、何卒今一度ご再考のほどをお願いします。

このままでは、加筆する意欲をそがれてしまいます。まだまだ言い足りない事はたくさんありますが、お互いに大人の対応をしたいと思います。失礼しました。-- 05:10, 5 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

簡単に説明させていただきますと、例えば、Category:ISO 22P3 20-ft flat folding end wall containerのようなカテゴリを新たに作りますと、まずそのカテゴリはCategory:Shipping containers by sizeではなくCategory:20-foot containersに入れるべきです。また、Category:ISO 22G4 20-ft dry containersのようなカテゴリを作る時、Category:Dry containersにも入れるべきです。
さらに、子カテゴリを新たに作った訳ですから、その中に入っている画像を全て親カテゴリになったCategory:Dry containersCategory:20-foot containersから外さなければならないのです。(親子カテゴリーでつながっている複数のカテゴリーに同時に含めてはいけませんから)
最初はちょっとわかりにくいかもしれませんが、お分かりになりましたでしょうか? これをご理解しないまま新しいカテゴリをさらに作っていきますと、他の編集者に後片付けの負担が増える一方ですから、もう一度Commons:カテゴリご確認していただけますか? 別のIPからでも結構ですから、これをご理解していることをここで書いていただけますでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。--DAJF (talk) 09:18, 5 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
次にカテゴリーの仕分けの件ですが、言い訳になりますが例えば新規でカテゴリーを立ち上げる場合は、一例としてDAJF氏と同じような立場の管理人氏が最初に起したCategory:ISO 22G1 20-ft dry containersを含む10数例で、既に同様のスタイルで立ち上がっていましたのでこれに習って、その都度必要な新規カテゴリーを作っていきました。
で、DAJF氏から指摘されたこの度のカテゴリー仕分け方法が正解だとの指摘がありましたので、これに習って新たにCategory:ISO 22P0 20-ft Flatbed containersを立てました。これで良いのでしたら、このスタイルで続けたいと思いますが、よろしいでしょうか? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)
こんばんは。ご返事ありがとうございます。新しく作っていただいたCategory:ISO 22P0 20-ft Flatbed containersを早速拝見させていただきました。「Flatbed」とは会社名などの固有名詞ではないため、Category:ISO 22P0 20-ft flatbed containersに改名させていただきましたが、仕分けは完璧です。今後も、その形で仕分け作業を続けていただければ、すごく助かりますので、ありがとうございます。--DAJF (talk) 10:47, 6 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

File:Odakyu 70000 series Romance Car GSE unveiling 2017-12-05.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Cfktj1596 (talk) 05:26, 6 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the notification. I've commented at the Deletion request page and nominated a few more images from the same source. --DAJF (talk) 05:54, 6 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I'm curious. What is mean by "School entrances by coiuntry"?--Kai3952 (talk) 16:30, 4 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Do you see what I am saying?--Kai3952 (talk) 12:57, 12 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

License review needed[edit]

Hello, DAJF. Category:License review needed is a bit crowded; would you mind giving me a hand in emptying it? Thank you. --Chiyako92 (talk) 18:22, 17 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]

File:Tobu refurb 10030 LED display 20120216.JPG has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Yuraily Lic (talk) 03:50, 21 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Important message for file movers[edit]

A community discussion has been closed where the consensus was to grant all file movers the suppressredirect user right. This will allow file movers to not leave behind a redirect when moving files and instead automatically have the original file name deleted. Policy never requires you to suppress the redirect, suppression of redirects is entirely optional.

Possible acceptable uses of this ability:

  • To move recently uploaded files with an obvious error in the file name where that error would not be a reasonable redirect. For example: moving "Sheep in a tree.jpg" to "Squirrel in a tree.jpg" when the image does in fact depict a squirrel.
  • To perform file name swaps.
  • When the original file name contains vandalism. (File renaming criterion #5)

Please note, this ability should be used only in certain circumstances and only if you are absolutely sure that it is not going to break the display of the file on any project. Redirects should never be suppressed if the file is in use on any project. When in doubt, leave a redirect. If you forget to suppress the redirect in case of file name vandalism or you are not fully certain if the original file name is actually vandalism, leave a redirect and tag the redirect for speedy deletion per G2.

The malicious or reckless breaking of file links via the suppressredirect user right is considered an abuse of the file mover right and is grounds for immediate revocation of that right. This message serves as both a notice that you have this right and as an official warning. Questions regarding this right should be directed to administrators. --Majora (talk) 21:35, 7 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]

File:Gyodashi Station south entrance 20121012.jpg has been marked for speedy deletion. (Reason: File:Gyodashi Station South Entrance 1.JPGと重複。履歴転記が不十分のこちらを削除依頼)

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File:Ueno Station Track 13 1992-10.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

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Evan0512 (talk) 03:47, 1 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

File:Ken Okuyama at TEDxTokyo 2010.jpg has been marked for speedy deletion. Wikimedia Commons doesn't permit uploading personal files unless you are using them for personal use or an educational purpose.

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I'm a computer program; please don't ask me questions but ask the user who nominated your file(s) for deletion or at our Help Desk. //Deletion Notification Bot (talk) 07:41, 29 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]