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NeuroMat team


Antonio Galves is a Brazilian mathematician, professor of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo and member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. His field of studies is related to statistician issues models, in particular models that have stochasticity and variable range of memory. In 2007 he won the National Order of Scientific Merit. Professor Galves is also the leader of NeuroMat, a research center established in 2013 at the University of São Paulo that is dedicated to integrating mathematical modeling and theoretical neuroscience.

Scientific research


The mission of the Center is to develop the new mathematics needed to construct a Theory of the Brain accounting for the full experimental data gathered by neuroscience research. This calls for the development of a new approach —neuromathematics— conjoining probability theory, combinatorics, statistics, computer science and neuroscience. In this approach, a new class of mathematical models must be introduced to describe and explain in a parsimonious way the different scales of neural activity and their relationship. The construction of these models, however, should marry the simultaneous development of suitable statistical and computational methods, including model selection principles and results.

Scientific dissemination


The NeuroMat scientific dissemination team has been involved in media production in wiki frameworks —those related to the Wikimedia Foundation— and social media, especially through a NeuroMat page on Facebook. These media venues are part of what has been called “Web 2.0 services,” a set of sites that allow and encourage interaction and collaboration, thus potentially fostering the emergence of an active community around Neuromathematics and pertaining topics.

Technology transfer


NeuroMat’s technology-transfer activities have occurred in two fronts, according to the third report of activities: Neuro-rehabilitation and diagnosis, and Computational tools. The former is split into three main initiatives: Plasticity in brachial plexus avulsion (BPA), Psychosis and psychiatric illnesses and Plasticity in Parkinson’s disease (PD), respectively coordinated by Claudia D. Vargas, Sidarta Ribeiro, and Maria Elisa Piemonte. Computational tools included in the report: the Neuroscience Experiments System (NES), the Goalkeeper Game and the NeuroMat Open Database for neuroscientific data.