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Hello, my name is Sebastian and I'm from Canada. I've been a long time reader of Wikipedia articles, occasional anonymous editor, and now a new member with a username. I joined because as I read through many herpetology-related articles on snakes, toxins, and drugs I cringed at some of the misinformation and all kinds of other problems. Of course not all articles were bad, many were excellent but many were also horrible. So I joined to try and help change some of the short or badly written articles into good articles with real information.

I was born in July 1980, which makes me 31 years old and I am a Laboratory Technologist (3 year degree in Medical Laboratory Science) but I have a great deal of knowledge in many subjects other than laboratory work and the sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics). I have a great deal of knowledge in zoology (some hands on experience with big cats, more hands on experience with pythons, boas, and various venomous snakes), I've studied toxicology and pharmacology at length as part of my laboratory science degree, I also have a good understanding and knowledge of history (especially 20th century history and World War II), and psychology. I will contribute to Wikipedia as best as I can.