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As a local news agency in Afghanistan, the Panjshir Province social page has faced many challenges in covering the ongoing conflict and instability in the country. One of the major challenges we faced was covering the war news in the Helmand province on April 30th, 2021 when the Taliban controlled the main road and were engaged in heavy fighting with government forces. Despite the danger, our team was able to report on the situation and provide accurate information to our followers.

On May 2nd, 2021, we traveled to the Panjwaee district of Kandahar, where we interviewed army commander Noor Mohammadi, who was leading the fight against the Taliban in one of the strongest holds in Kandahar. This was a dangerous assignment, as the Taliban was making significant advances in the area.

As the war continued to escalate, our team moved to the north of the country. In June 27th, 2021, we were in Kishm district of Badakhshan to cover the news, but soon after the Taliban took over the area and we had to move to Takhar province to cover the war news in first hand. On June 30th, 2021, the Taliban reached the Farkhar district of Takhar, and we were forced to leave the area as the Taliban advanced. We continued to cover the news from a safe location, as the National resistance front was the last strong hold in Afghanistan, which they operate in panjshir province.

It is worth mentioning that the life of journalists, media workers and those active on social media who report on the Taliban and the war in Afghanistan are in constant danger. The Taliban has targeted journalists and media workers in the past, and many have lost their lives while trying to report on the conflict. Despite the risks, we at the Panjshir Province social page remain committed to providing accurate and unbiased news to our followers, even in the face of danger.