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Pachomius was an early monk of the Eastern Church. He wrote a rule for monks living in community (cenobites) rather than those who battled demons alone (eremites / hermits.)

I am a cenobite in the Western Church living according to the Rule of Saint Benedict (480-547 AD). My monastery is in central Minnesota since 1856. I entered the abbey as a novice in 1969, The Sixties would soon be over.

I earned the MA in the School of Library Science, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 1974. I worked for a year under Dr. David Rogers, Head of Special Collections, Bodleian Library, Oxford University, UK, 1979-1980.

1991 Frankfurter Buchmesse Dauerkarte

At the time of the Dauerkarte for the Frankfurt Book Fair 1991, I was Field Director for European Operations. My abbey's library, HMML, was microfilming pre-1600 manuscripts in German libraries. Earlier in life I had studied Latin, German, and French at the Catholic prep school I attended in Philadelphia.

Late in life, I managed data for the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM), 2009-2016. I now live in the retirement wing of Saint John's Abbey. I serve as precentor for our St. Raphael Hall Chapel.

Dean Oliver Arms

Bro. Richard Oliver OSB MA

Collegeville MN 56321-2015