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Babel user information
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About me

I am a software architect at propeller GmbH and i am studying computer science at Trier University of Applied Sciences on the side. In my spare time, i use to write code, mainly in the languages PHP, Python, C++ and Javascript. I also work on old mopeds with two-stroke engines and oldtimer cars, play music and am interested in languages.

My nick

MikO has been derivated from my common name Michael Ochmann at some point in the past. "Mike Ochmann" has been abbreviated to MikO. The pronunciation is english [mɑiko], but as i have met superiors that do not know any english all over the place, the name more often is crudely pronounced in german, like [miko]. The "007" used on the wikipedia pages comes from "MikO" already be taken and those numbers first came to mind to differentiate my account from the existing one.
