User:Christian Ferrer/Deletion

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The deletion was done in order to protect the rights of the copyright holder(s).

Read Commons:Licensing and Commons:Project scope.

In case an artwork (poster, photo, logo, book cover, disc cover, painting, screenshot, etc. ...) has already been published we require that this publication was done with an explicit free license, in that case you must provide a web link to this publication, or we require that the copyright holder(s), even if it is you, send a permission to OTRS where you can read how to do it. Note that if you personally have permission(s) from the copyright holder(s), this is not sufficient, all permissions must be sent directly by the legitimate holders to the permissions system.

Note also that the permissions system (OTRS) is run by volunteers and there is a queue, if your image has been deleted, and you have sent a permission (before or after deletion), do not re-upload again the erased image yourself, it's forbidden. If the permission is valid and the image meets the criteria of our project scope, then it will be automatically restored.