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I live in a small city in Holland part of the Netherlands called Enkhuizen. I was born in 1954 and since my earliest school time I am interested in carillon music and everything what has to do with bells and carillon towers. My first articles from the local papers about carillon date back from the end of the sixties of last century. I also am very interested in organ music, organ history and playing organs. I don't play myself but what is a musician without an audience? I collected a collection of books and recordings about these subjects. See my sound files on . (same nick) I visited lots of concerts in churches for the organ or outside for the carillon on the tower of the churches. That's also why I know so much about these subjects. Some people call me a walking encyclopedia about these subjects. With my work for wiki I like to share my knowledge. On my latest Soundcloud page "Westerkerk orgel" you can listen to the new organ in the antique case of the Westerkerk (Enkhuizen) Carillonnl (talk) 13:52, 17 April 2012 (UTC)