Talk:John Gould

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Corrections are necessary for this page:

1) There are 14 pictures shown under Gould's "A Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains (1830-1832)" The first 7 of these pictures are actually from his "Birds of Asia". The rest are correct in their source designation.

2) 7 pictures are shown under the "Unclassified" category. The first of these pictures (Lerwa lerwa) is from Gould's "Birds of Asia." The remaining 6 are all from his "Birds of Europe."

I have made the suggested modifications. I hope this is correct, as I have no way to check. Frédéric 09:09, 8 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hi! The info I gave you is exactly correct.

If you ever need to check which of Gould's works belong to what, check it on this link:

The above site is in Japanese, but the page that URL will take you to is a direct link to pages containing thumbnail-size repros of every plate from ALL of Gould's major works on birds. It even has his Monograph of the Odontophorinae (American Partridges)! It is, however, missing the second editions of both his Toucans and his Trogans, as well neglecting his incomplete work on Pittas. Likewise, it doesn't show any of the 72 plates from his Icones Avium.
