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stockPhoto.i18n = {
	reuse: '二次使用该文件',
	download: '下载', 
	download_this_file: "下载该文件", 
	use_this_file_web: "在网页上使用该文件",
	use_this_file_web_short: "使用该文件",
	use_this_file_wiki: "在wiki上使用该文件",
	use_this_file_wiki_short: "使用该文件",
	email_link_short: "发链接到邮件",
	information: "信息",
	remove_icons: "移除这些图标",
	all_sizes: "完整尺寸",
	on_a_website: "在网页",
	on_a_wiki: "在wiki",
	to_this_file: "到该文件",
	about_reusing: "关于二次使用",
	look_what_i_found: "我在维基共享资源找到的:",
	from_wikimedia_commons: "来自维基共享资源",
	via_wikimedia_commons: "通过维基共享资源",
	by: "由",
	by_u: "由",
	see_page_for_author: "见作者页",
	see_page_for_license: "见授权页",
	page_url: "页面URL",
	file_url: "文件URL",
	attribution: "署名",
	no_attr: "署名并无法律要求",
	or: "或",
	gfdl_warning: "使用该文件可能需要附上<a href='//自由文档许可证'>GFDL</a>的完整副本。",
	download_image_file: "下载文件",
	full_resolution: "完整分辨率",
	not_available: "不可用",
	share_this_file: "分享该文件",
	html: "HTML",
	bbcode: "BBCode",
	px_wide_icon: "像素宽(符号)",
	px_wide: "像素宽",
	wikipedia_instant_commons: "Wikimedia/InstantCommons",
	thumbnail: "缩略图",
	image: "图像",
	reusing_content_url: "Commons:维基媒体外的内容二次使用"