Commons:National Archives and Records Administration/Categorize/US National Archives series: Papers of President Kennedy: President's Office Files: Subjects, compiled 01/20/1961 - 11/22/1963

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Category:US National Archives series: Papers of President Kennedy: President's Office Files: Subjects, compiled 01/20/1961 - 11/22/1963
No. File Categorized?
1 Memorandum For The President Notes on Meeting with Civil Rights Leaders June 22, 1963 - NARA - 193807.tif
2 Points to be Covered in Conversation with Governor Barnett - NARA - 193812.tif
3 FifthTelephone Conversation Between President Kennedy and Governor Barnett - NARA - 193818.tif ✓ Done
4 Note on Hotel Departure - NARA - 193823.tif
5 Ceremonies for the Departure of President Kennedy Vienna Airport, June 4, 1961 - NARA - 193825.tif
6 Thank You Letter From John F. Kennedy June 4, 1961 - NARA - 193827.tif
7 Thank You Letter From John F. Kennedy June 10, 1961 - NARA - 193828.tif
8 Thank You Letter For Evelyn Lincoln July 3, 1961 - NARA - 193829.tif
9 Note for President re, Scott Carpenter - NARA - 193781.tif
10 Telephone Conversation of the President with Lieut. Camdr. Scott Carpenter on the Aircraft Carrier Intrepid. - NARA - 193783.tif ✓ Done
11 Remarks of the President and LT. CDR. Malcolm Scott Carpenter The Fish Room June 4, 1962 - NARA - 193782.tif ✓ Done
12 Message, Khruschev to Kennedy Congratulations on flight of Scott Cooper May 17, 1963 - NARA - 193785.tif
13 Translation of telegram from Chancellor Conrad Adenauer to President John F. Kennedy. - NARA - 193790.tif
14 Text of Citation Awarded Lieutenant Colonel John H. Glenn, Jr., United States Marine Corps February 23, 1962 - NARA - 193794.tif ✓ Done
15 Department of State Memorandum for Mr. McGeorge Bundy The White House Subject, Suggested Telegraphic Reply from the... - NARA - 193789.tif
16 Note to President John F. Kennedy from Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn March 19, 1962 - NARA - 193792.tif
17 Space Chimps Note - NARA - 193788.tif
18 Telegram, President Mateos to President Kennedy October 3, 1962 - NARA - 193796.tif
19 Telegram, President Mateos to President Kennedy October 3, 1962 - NARA - 193797.tif
20 Telegram, Khrushchev to Kennedy re, Yuri Gagarin April 30, 1961 - NARA - 193799.tif
21 Letter to President Kennedy from Alan Shepard's parents. June 12, 1961 - NARA - 193800.tif
22 Note on Hotel Departure - NARA - 193823.jpg
23 Ceremonies for the Departure of President Kennedy Vienna Airport, June 4, 1961 - NARA - 193825.jpg
24 Thank You Letter From John F. Kennedy June 4, 1961 - NARA - 193827.jpg
25 Thank You Letter From John F. Kennedy June 10, 1961 - NARA - 193828.jpg
26 Thank You Letter For Evelyn Lincoln July 3, 1961 - NARA - 193829.jpg