Commons:National Archives and Records Administration/Categorize/US National Archives series: Johnson White House Photographs, compiled 11/22/1963 - 01/20/1969

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Category:US National Archives series: Johnson White House Photographs, compiled 11/22/1963 - 01/20/1969
No. File Categorized?
1 New President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with National Security advisors - NARA - 192481.tif ✓ Done
2 Photograph of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Midnight Address on Second Gulf of Tonkin Incident - NARA - 192482.tif ✓ Done
3 President Lyndon B. Johnson signs "Gulf of Tonkin" resolution - NARA - 192483.tif ✓ Done
4 President Lyndon B. Johnson signs "Gulf of Tonkin" resolution - NARA - 192484.tif ✓ Done
5 Senator J. William Fulbright and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192485.tif
6 Senators J. William Fulbright and Eugene McCarthy - NARA - 192486.tif ✓ Done
7 Senator Robert F. Kennedy and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192487.tif ✓ Done
8 Photograph of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192488.tif
9 Senators Mike Mansfield and Everett Dirksen - NARA - 192489.tif
10 Senator Eugene McCarthy and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192490.tif
11 House Speaker John McCormack - NARA - 192491.tif ✓ Done
12 Senator Wayne Morse and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192492.tif ✓ Done
13 Honolulu Conference, The long table - NARA - 192494.tif
14 Honolulu Conference, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and President Lyndon B. Johnson at the table - NARA - 192495.tif ✓ Done
15 Honolulu Conference, Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky (South Vietnam) and Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thieu (South... - NARA - 192496.tif ✓ Done
16 Honolulu Conference, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky (South Vietnam), President... - NARA - 192497.tif
17 Manila Conference, SEATO nations leaders group portrait - NARA - 192498.tif
18 Manila Conference, Leaders at the meeting table - NARA - 192499.tif
19 Manila Conference, U.S. & Vietnamese in private meeting - NARA - 192500.tif ✓ Done
20 Manila Conference, President and Mrs. Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines) with President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192501.tif
21 President Nguyen Van Thieu (South Vietnam) and world map - NARA - 192502.tif ✓ Done
22 President Nguyen Van Thieu (South Vietnam) and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192503.tif ✓ Done
23 Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky (South Vietnam) and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192504.tif ✓ Done
24 Prime Minister Harold Holt (Australia) and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192505.tif ✓ Done
25 United Nations Secretary General U Thant - NARA - 192506.tif ✓ Done
26 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, With General William Westmoreland, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thieu, Prime... - NARA - 192508.tif ✓ Done
27 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, With General William Westmoreland in a jeep - NARA - 192509.tif ✓ Done
28 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, With General William Westmoreland and the fighting men - NARA - 192510.tif ✓ Done
29 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, With General William Westmoreland decorating a soldier - NARA - 192511.tif ✓ Done
30 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, Decorating a soldier - NARA - 192512.tif ✓ Done
31 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, Handshakes in a crowd of troops - NARA - 192513.tif ✓ Done
32 Photograph of President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam with Nurses - NARA - 192514.tif ✓ Done
33 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, With General William Westmoreland - NARA - 192515.tif ✓ Done
34 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, Decorating a soldier - NARA - 192516.tif ✓ Done
35 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, Handshakes in a crowd of troops - NARA - 192517.tif ✓ Done
36 President Lyndon B. Johnson in Vietnam, Decorating a soldier in a hospital - NARA - 192518.tif ✓ Done
37 Bethesda Naval Hospital, President Lyndon B. Johnson visits ward with wounded troops - NARA - 192519.tif
38 Fort Campbell, Kentucky, President Lyndon B. Johnson and Major General Ben Sternberg in jeep during a rainstorm - NARA - 192520.tif ✓ Done
39 Fort Campbell, Kentucky, President Lyndon B. Johnson views helicopters in flight - NARA - 192521.tif ✓ Done
40 Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Airborne troops - NARA - 192522.tif ✓ Done
41 Fort Bragg, North Carolina, President Lyndon B. Johnson greeting airborne troops - NARA - 192523.tif
42 President Lyndon B. Johnson presents Medal of Honor to Major Merlyn Dethlefsen, United States Air Force - NARA - 192524.tif ✓ Done
43 President Lyndon B. Johnson presents Medal of Honor to Captain Angelo Liteky, USA - NARA - 192525.tif ✓ Done
44 President Lyndon B. Johnson presents Medal of Honor to Specialist-5 Dwight Johnson, USA - NARA - 192526.tif ✓ Done
45 Advisors, Under Secretary of State George Ball and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192527.tif ✓ Done
46 Advisors, Under Secretary of State George Ball - NARA - 192528.tif ✓ Done
47 Advisors, McGeorge Bundy - NARA - 192529.tif ✓ Done
48 Advisors, McGeorge Bundy - NARA - 192530.tif ✓ Done
49 Advisors, Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker - NARA - 192531.tif ✓ Done
50 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford - NARA - 192532.tif ✓ Done
51 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford and General Earle Wheeler - NARA - 192533.tif ✓ Done
52 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford and Secretary of State Dean Rusk - NARA - 192534.tif ✓ Done
53 Advisors, Deputy Director of the CIA Richard Helms and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192535.tif ✓ Done
54 Advisors, CIA Director Richard Helms - NARA - 192536.tif ✓ Done
55 Advisors, Robert Komer and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192537.tif ✓ Done
56 Advisors, Robert Komer and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192538.tif ✓ Done
57 Advisors, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge - NARA - 192539.tif ✓ Done
58 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara - NARA - 192540.tif ✓ Done
59 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara alone in meeting room - NARA - 192541.tif ✓ Done
60 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and President Lyndon B. Johnson at the LBJ Ranch - NARA - 192542.tif ✓ Done
61 Advisors, Walt Rostow - NARA - 192543.tif ✓ Done
62 Advisors, Walt Rostow and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192544.tif ✓ Done
63 Advisors, Walt Rostow and President Lyndon B. Johnson at the Guam Conference - NARA - 192545.tif ✓ Done
64 Advisors, Secretary of State Dean Rusk - NARA - 192546.tif ✓ Done
65 Advisors, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192547.tif ✓ Done
66 Advisors, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, President Lyndon B. Johnson, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara - NARA - 192548.tif ✓ Done
67 Advisors, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and President Lyndon B. Johnson at a briefing - NARA - 192549.tif ✓ Done
68 Advisors, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara - NARA - 192550.tif ✓ Done
69 Advisors, General Maxwell Taylor and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192551.tif ✓ Done
70 Advisors, General Maxwell Taylor - NARA - 192552.tif ✓ Done
71 Advisors, General Maxwell Taylor - NARA - 192553.tif ✓ Done
72 Advisors, Cyrus Vance and George Ball - NARA - 192554.tif ✓ Done
73 General William Westmoreland - NARA - 192555.tif ✓ Done
74 General William Westmoreland and President Lyndon B. Johnson at Cam Ranh Bay - NARA - 192556.tif ✓ Done
75 General William Westmoreland and President Lyndon B. Johnson in the Oval Office - NARA - 192557.tif ✓ Done
76 General William Westmoreland Press Conference Outside the White House - NARA - 192558.tif ✓ Done
77 General William Westmoreland and President Lyndon B. Johnson at the Honolulu Conference - NARA - 192559.tif ✓ Done
78 General William Westmoreland and President Lyndon B. Johnson at the LBJ Ranch - NARA - 192560.tif ✓ Done
79 General William Westmoreland and President Lyndon B. Johnson at the White House - NARA - 192561.tif ✓ Done
80 General Earle Wheeler, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff - NARA - 192562.tif ✓ Done
81 General Earle Wheeler and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192563.tif
82 General Earle Wheeler and General Creighton Abrams with President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192564.tif ✓ Done
83 General Earle Wheeler and General Creighton Abrams - NARA - 192565.tif ✓ Done
84 Joint Chiefs of Staff meet at the LBJ Ranch - NARA - 192566.tif
85 Joint Chiefs of Staff and President Lyndon B. Johnson on White House lawn - NARA - 192567.tif
86 Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and President Lyndon B. Johnson at National Security Council meeting - NARA - 192568.tif ✓ Done
87 Advisors meeting at Camp David - NARA - 192569.tif ✓ Done
88 Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, Ambassador W. Averell Harriman and President Lyndon B. Johnson outside cabin at Camp David - NARA - 192570.tif ✓ Done
89 Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, Ambassador W. Averell Harriman and President Lyndon B. Johnson by pond at Camp David - NARA - 192571.tif ✓ Done
90 Tuesday Luncheon - NARA - 192572.tif
91 Tuesday Luncheon - NARA - 192573.tif
92 Tuesday Luncheon - NARA - 192574.tif
93 Tuesday Luncheon - NARA - 192575.tif
94 Tuesday Luncheon - NARA - 192576.tif
95 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, President Lyndon B. Johnson in Oval Office - NARA - 192577.tif ✓ Done
96 Advisors, Assistant Press Secretary Tom Johnson,Under Secretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach, Walt Rostow, Secretary... - NARA - 192578.tif ✓ Done
97 Advisors, Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Jerri Rudolph, President Lyndon B.... - NARA - 192579.tif ✓ Done
98 General William Westmoreland briefs President Lyndon B. Johnson, advisors in the Cabinet Room - NARA - 192580.tif ✓ Done
99 Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford speaks to President Lyndon B. Johnson in Cabinet Room meeting with Senator... - NARA - 192581.tif ✓ Done
100 Secretary of State Dean Rusk, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192582.tif
101 President Lyndon B. Johnson speaks to Secretary of State Dean Rusk in Cabinet Room meeting with Under Secretary of... - NARA - 192583.tif ✓ Done
102 Situation Room, Walt Rostow shows President Lyndon B. Johnson a model of the Khe Sanh area - NARA - 192584.tif
103 The Wise Men, Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192585.tif ✓ Done
104 The Wise Men, Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192586.tif ✓ Done
105 The Wise Men, Luncheon meeting - NARA - 192587.tif ✓ Done
106 The Wise Men, Luncheon meeting - NARA - 192588.tif ✓ Done
107 The Wise Men, Reviewing documents at Luncheon meeting - NARA - 192589.tif ✓ Done
108 The Wise Men, Luncheon meeting - NARA - 192590.tif ✓ Done
109 The Wise Men, Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192591.tif ✓ Done
110 The Wise Men, Dean Acheson - NARA - 192592.tif ✓ Done
111 The Wise Men, Dean Acheson with President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192593.tif ✓ Done
112 The Wise Men, General Omar Bradley - NARA - 192594.tif ✓ Done
113 The Wise Men, General Omar Bradley with President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192595.tif ✓ Done
114 The Wise Men, General Omar Bradley with President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192596.tif ✓ Done
115 The Wise Men, Arthur Dean - NARA - 192597.tif ✓ Done
116 The Wise Men, Ambassador Averell Harriman - NARA - 192598.tif ✓ Done
117 The Wise Men, Ambassador Averell Harriman and Dean Acheson - NARA - 192599.tif ✓ Done
118 The Wise Men, John McCloy - NARA - 192600.tif ✓ Done
119 The Wise Men, McGeorge Bundy and John McCloy with President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192601.tif ✓ Done
120 Public Reactions, The March on the Pentagon - NARA - 192602.tif ✓ Done
121 Public Reactions, The March on the Pentagon - NARA - 192603.tif
122 Public Reactions, The March on the Pentagon - NARA - 192604.tif ✓ Done
123 Public Reactions, The March on the Pentagon - NARA - 192605.tif
124 Public Reactions, Signs of support - NARA - 192606.tif
125 Public Reactions, Signs of support - NARA - 192607.tif
126 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, McGeorge Bundy in the Oval Office - NARA - 192608.tif ✓ Done
127 Moods, Ambassador William Foster, Under Secretary of State George Ball, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of... - NARA - 192609.tif ✓ Done
128 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson in Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192610.tif
129 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson reads a document as General William Westmoreland waits - NARA - 192611.tif ✓ Done
130 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192612.tif ✓ Done
131 Moods, Dean Rusk, President Lyndon B. Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192613.tif ✓ Done
132 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of State Dean Rusk in Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192614.tif ✓ Done
133 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson making notes in a Cabinet Room meeting - NARA - 192615.tif
134 Moods, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, President Lyndon B. Johnson, General Creighton Abrams in a Cabinet Room... - NARA - 192616.tif ✓ Done
135 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson listens to tape sent by Captain Charles Robb from Vietnam - NARA - 192617.tif ✓ Done
136 Moods, President Lyndon B. Johnson reads newspaper headline re bombing halt - NARA - 192618.tif ✓ Done
137 President Lyndon B. Johnson speech re bombing halt and decision not to run for re-election - NARA - 192619.tif ✓ Done
138 President Lyndon B. Johnson speech re bombing halt and decision not to run for re-election - NARA - 192620.tif ✓ Done
139 Senator Richard Russell and President Lyndon B. Johnson - NARA - 192493.tif ✓ Done
140 President Lyndon B. Johnson at the Vatican with Pope Paul VI, 12-23-1967 - NARA - 192507.tif ✓ Done