Category talk:Media contributed by EAGLE

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There are for those interested several tasks to carry on in order to try and gather all photos of ancient inscriptions.

  • upload new photos
  • fix categories (many need to be fixed here and here)
  • help with sorting non recognized inscriptions

there are now templates to enter links to Epigraphic Database Rome, Epigraphic Database Heidelberg and Trismegistos.

You can enter this {{EDH|HD002066}}, {{EDCS|05700137}}, {{EDR|135294}} or {{Trismegistos ID|135294}}instead of a direct link and obtain, the link and the related categories. See Template:EDH, Template:EDR, Template:AE, Template:EDCS, Template:CIL and Template:Trismegistos ID for details.

more templates for Hispania Epigraphica Online, and EDB might be useful if any user requires them, and also something to go back and change links entered by hand with the templates.

There is a lot to do! And of course: any suggestion is always more then welcome!

You can also find translations of ancient inscriptions in a the EAGLE Mediawiki

If you want you can also insert the template for the EAGLE project, especially if you collaborate with that project as well. {{EAGLE project}}



In Category:Media Contributed by ELTE:

  • the EAGLE project template should be added sistematically
  • links to EDH should be replaced by the appropriate template



All the photos of inscriptions in this category have a Trismegistos identifiers. Using the Trismegistos ID template this ID should be added everywhere: there is a full comparison list based on EDH and EDR identifiers which could be used.