Category talk:Events at the United States Naval Academy

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Events? Give us a break! As space-time is a dynamic and everything in the cosmos is in it, then everything in the cosmos is an event. I'm an event. You're an event. There is apparently nothing but events.To exist is to be an event. For more practical purposes, can we climb down the metaphysical heights for a minute to classify these pictures? I don't like this use of event. It tells us nothing. I suppose we have to ferret out the core of the USNA meaning and stick to that. As I recall, the event was a ceremonial something-or-other of required attendance that jerked you away from what you really ought to be doing so you could fill out the seats or the standing space playing little tin midshipman. Did I say that? No, I couldn't have. You never heard it. I never said it. It seems to me we have to quit dumping pictures of every possible activity in here as events. If they are of major ceremonial import and we know the time and place and know that it was planned and there is already a model category for the type then I will set up the pics according to the model. Most of them, however, are just visits by important people coming over to check on something or other, who knows what? As I recall we called them visiting dignitaries. We WP editors can't be expected to investigate the motives and details of every visit of every dignitary, that's impossible. And, we are not running any sort of journal of visite, like the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Considering the rank of most of the dignitaries I am sure that would soon attract too much attention from the most inconvenient quarter. We don't want to be confused with Wikileakers. We're just encyclopedists and the ins and outs of the daily life of any people dignitary or not are not of encyclopedic interest. However we have the pictures ("we got this") so something has to be done with them. I'll be setting most of them up under visiting dignitaries if I'm on here that long this time.Botteville (talk) 01:56, 14 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]